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CRC Press is an imprint of theTaylor & Francis Group, an informa business

Boca Raton London New York

Ferat SahinRochester Institute of Technology, New York, USA

Pushkin KachrooVirginia Tech, Blacksburg, USA


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CRC PressTaylor & Francis Group6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300Boca Raton, FL 33487‑2742

© 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC CRC Press is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business

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International Standard Book Number‑13: 978‑1‑4200‑5909‑0 (Hardcover)

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Library of Congress Cataloging‑in‑Publication Data

Sahin, Ferat.Practical and experimental robotics / Ferat Sahin and Pushkin Kachroo.

p. cm.Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN‑13: 978‑1‑4200‑5909‑0 (hardcover : alk. paper)ISBN‑10: 1‑4200‑5909‑2 (hardcover : alk. paper) 1. Robotics. I. Kachroo, Pushkin. II. Title.

TJ211.S33 2007629.8’92‑‑dc22 2007014718

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To the joy of books and learning

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For our parents

Aslan Sahin and Zehra Sahin


Dr. P. L. Kachroo and Sadhna Kachroo

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I have benefited enormously from the love, support, and editorial advice ofmy family and friends in the course of writing the book. Particularly, I amthankful to my wife, Selhan Garip Sahin, for her editorial help, suggestions,and limitless patience. I am thankful to my co-author, Pushkin Kachroo, forhis encouragement and perseverance in publishing this book. The critical re-views of Dr. Wayne Walter and Dr. Mo Jamshidi were tremendously helpfulin shaping the technical content of the book. I am also thankful to my stu-dents Dr. Ajay Pasupuleti, Archana Devasia, Nathan Pendleton, and JoshuaKarpoff for their help in various chapters.

Dr. Ferat Sahin

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About the Authors

Ferat Sahin received his B.Sc. in Electronics and Communications Engineer-ing from Istanbul Technical University, Turkey, in 1992 and M.Sc. and Ph.D.degrees from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in 1997 and2000, respectively. In September 2000, he joined Rochester Institute of Tech-nology, where he is an Associate Professor. He is also the director of MultiAgent Bio-Robotics Laboratory at RIT. He is currently on sabbatical at theUniversity of Texas San Antonio. His current research interests are System ofSystems, Robotics, MEMS Materials Modeling, Distributed Computing, andStructural Bayesian Network Learning. He has about seventy publications in-cluding journals. He is a member of the IEEE Systems, Man, and CyberneticsSociety, Robotics and Automation Society, and Computational IntelligenceSociety. Locally, he has served as Secretary (2003), section Vice-chair (2004and 2005) in the IEEE Rochester Section, and the faculty adviser for IEEEStudent Chapter at RIT in 2001 and 2002. He has served as the StudentActivities chair (2001 - 2003) and the Secretary of the IEEE SMC societysince 2003. He has received an “Outstanding Contribution Award” for hisservice as the SMC Society Secretary. He was the publications Co-Chair forthe IEEE International Conference on System of Systems Engineering (SOSE2007). He is an Associate Editor of IEEE Systems Journal and the Deputy Ed-itor in Chief of International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Pushkin Kachroo received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering fromUniversity of California at Berkeley in 1993, his M.S. in Mechanical Engi-neering from Rice University in 1990, and his B.Tech. in Civil Engineeringfrom I.I.T Bombay in 1988. He obtained the P.E. license from the State ofOhio in Electrical Engineering in 1995. He obtained M.S. in Mathematicsfrom Virginia Tech in 2004. He is currently an Associate Professor in theBradley Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech.He was a research engineer in the Robotics R&D Laboratory of the Lin-coln Electric Co. from 1992 to 1994, after which he was a research scientistat the Center for Transportation Research at Virginia Tech for about threeyears. He has written four books (Feedback Control Theory for DynamicTraffic Assignment, Springer-Verlag, 1999, Incident Management in Intelli-gent Transportation Systems, Artech House, 1999, Feedback Control Theoryfor Ramp Metering in Intelligent Transportation Systems, Kluwer, 2003, Mo-bile Robotics Car Design, McGraw Hill, (August 2004)), three edited volumes,and overall more than eighty publications including journal papers. He hasbeen the chairman of ITS and Mobile Robotics sessions of SPIE conferencemultiple times. He received the award of “The Most Outstanding New Pro-fessor” from the College of Engineering at Virginia Tech in 2001, and DeansTeaching Award in 2005.

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x Practical and Experimental Robotics

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In recent years, the robotics market has grown dramatically with the newfamily of robots which are simple and easy to use. These robots can beused/ explored by a large variety of people ranging from hobbyists to collegestudents. In addition, they can also be used to introduce robotics to K-12students and increase their attention and interest in engineering and science.The book has chapters on basic fundamentals of electrical and mechanical sys-tems as well as some advanced topics such as forward and inverse kinematicsof an arm robot, dynamics of a mobile robot, and vision control for robots.Each chapter starts with basic understanding of the topic covered. Later inthe chapters, the advanced topics are explored so that hobbyists and K-12students can still assimilate the topic covered in the chapter.

The book also presents a variety of robots from arm robots to roboticsubmarines most of which are available as kits in the market. In the chapters,we first describe basic mechanical construction and electrical control of therobot. Then, we give at least one example on how to use and operate therobot using microcontrollers or software. We present two arm robots, a two-wheel robot, a four wheel robot, a legged robot, flying robots, submarines, androbotic boats. In addition, we present topics which are commonly utilized inrobotics.

The following is an overview of what can be found in each chapter, pointingthe goal of the chapters.

Fundamentals of Electronics and Mechanics

In this chapter, we present fundamentals of electrical and mechanical systemsand components. We first start with basic electrical components: Resistor,Capacitor, and Inductor. Then, we explore semiconductor devices such asdiodes, transistors, operational amplifiers, logic components, and circuitries.In diodes, we present different kinds of diodes mostly used in robotics suchas zener diodes, light emitting diodes (LED), photodiodes, and their appli-cations. Then, we introduce transistor theory and transistor types mostlyused in robotics and their applications. We discuss bipolar transistors (BJT)and field effect transistors (FET). Discussion continues on special electrical


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components, namely operational amplifiers (OPAMPs). Most common appli-cations of OPAMPS are also discussed. Finally, we discuss digital systemsand their basic components such as logic gates, flip-flops, registers, and somecircuitry designed with these components.

In the Mechanical systems section we discuss common mechanical compo-nents such as gears, pulleys, chains, cams, ratchets and pawl, bearings, beltand chain drives. These components are introduced and examples of roboticsrelated applications are given for each component.

Basic Stamp Microcontroller

In this chapter, we introduce a commonly used microcontroller in robotickits. It is called Basic Stamp Microcontroller and used in later chapters.It is a microprocessor which can be programmed with BASIC programminglanguage. Basic Stamp Microcontroller has a PIC microcontroller as a coremicrocontroller and related electronics. These electronics let users programthe PIC microcontroller with a BASIC programming language. We presentseveral Basic Stamp microcontrollers: BASIC Stamp I, BASIC Stamp II,BASIC Stamp IIsx, BASIC Stamp IIp, and BASIC Stamp IIe. In additionsome evaluation boards used for BASIC Stamp IIe: BASIC Stamp II CarrierBoard (Rev. B), BASIC Stamp Super Carrier Board (Rev. A), Board ofEducation (Rev. B), and BASIC Stamp Activity Board (Rev. C). Then, wediscuss the BASIC Stamp Editor and how to connect evaluation boards to PCand program them. Finally, we present PBASIC programming fundamentalsand give example programs on the topics. In this discussion, we also discussBASIC Stamp math functionality and format. At the end of the discussion,we present commands needed to control a Hexapod robot which has six two-degrees-of-freedom legs.

PC Interfacing

In order to be able to program a robot for repetitive tasks or to integratewith sensors like cameras, we need to be able to connect the robot to a con-troller. We will use a PC as the robot controller for some robots in this book.Therefore, we need to interface the robot with a PC. There are many waysthe robot can be connected to a PC. We can control the robot using relays bydeveloping a sensor board that connects to some computer port, such as theparallel port or a USB port or a serial port. This chapter first discusses paral-

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Preface xiii

lel port interface. How to setup a parallel port for a windows operating systemusing Microsoft Visual Studio C++ libraries is presented. In addition, a par-allel interfacing using a Borland C++ compiler is also discussed with exampleprograms. Hardware signals related to parallel port interfacing are presentedwith example circuitries such as active-low switch, active-high switch, LEDdriving with transistors, and driving relays with transistors. A PC interfacingboard is introduced and design and construction of the board are discussed.In addition to C++, a Visual Basic access to parallel port is presented withexample programs and setup directions. In addition to parallel port interfac-ing, serial port interfacing and USB interfacing are discussed. In the serialport interfacing, PC-to-PC, and PC-to-microcontroller and PC-to-Device se-rial communication are discussed and explained with example circuitry andcode. Finally, a board for USB interfacing is introduced and related setupand programming information is provided.

Robotic Arm

In this chapter we will study a robotic arm that is built using DC motors and iscontrolled by switches. The robotic arm we will study is the OWI-007 roboticarm trainer. First, mechanical construction, properties, and components ofthe arm robot are studied. Electrical control of the arm robot is studied withthe example programs to control the robot. Parallel port interface circuitryusing relays is explained and a sample C code is provided for the readers.In addition to the parallel port, USB interface using relays is studied andnecessary circuitry and sample code are provided. In addition to relays, therobot can be controlled by transistors. Parallel port interface circuit usingtransistor is presented with sample C code.

Robotic Arm Control

In this chapter, we explore ways to control two arm robots: OWI-007 andanother 6 degrees-of-freedom (DOF) arm robot by MCII Robot. In Chapter4, the arm robot is controlled in a open loop fashion where the programmerturns on a joint motor for a specific time so that the desired angle can bereached. In this chapter, we present some control techniques in a closedloop fashion using encoders and camera. Related hardware components andsoftware code are provided for the user. For the advanced reader, we alsopresent kinematics equation of the OWI-007 and related analysis for more

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xiv Practical and Experimental Robotics

precise control of the robot. The second half of the chapter focuses on the 6-DOF arm robot. The kinematics analysis of the robot is extended to forwardand inverse kinematics equations and calculations. Finally, sample programsin MATLAB are provided for the user to explore the inverse and forwardkinematics formulations. Using the inverse kinematics equations, the readerscan give the desired location of the gripper of the robot to the MATLABprograms and obtain respective angles for the joints. This part of the chapteris intended for the advance readers.

Differential Drive Robot

In this chapter, we present a two-wheel differential drive mobile robot. First,construction and mechanics of the mobile robot are presented in detail. Pulleysystems, drive belt, and DC motor dynamics are also revisited. Then, basicrobot movements are presented with detailed breadboard connection explana-tions. Forward, backward, and various turns are explored. In addition, timedmovements using R-S flip-flops are presented with a discussion of famous 555timer IC. Infrared vision based robot design is explored with IR receiver andtransmitter circuitries. Some other ways of controlling the robot are exploredsuch as obstacle avoidance, robot ears, robotic pet, sound based robot, musicdancer robot, and robot speed control. Finally, robot kinematics is studiedwith velocity equations.

Four Wheel Drive Robot

In this chapter, we study a four wheel robot with differential drive by Rigel.Construction and mechanics of the robot are presented. The robot is con-trolled by an OOPIC R microcontroller. Each wheel is independently con-trolled by the microcontroller. In the electrical control, we discuss how toconnect the OOPIC R with Rigel 4WD robot. A short review of OOPIC withobjects used for the Rigel robot is presented with sample codes. Objects usedfor this robot are oButton, oServo, oSonarPL, oIRPD1, and OOPIC object.In the oServo object discussed, a basic operational theory of a servo motoris also presented. Finally, a sample code to drive the Rigel 4WD robot ispresented.

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Preface xv

Hexapod Robot

In this chapter, we study a six-legged robot, named hexapod. This is oneof the legged robots we cover in this book. We study two types of Hexapodusing 2-DOF legs or 3-DOF legs. The control of the servos is done by aservo controller and a BASIC Stamp microcontroller. The chapter exploresthe construction and mechanics of the hexapods in detail. Each leg and thebody construction are described studied with figures. Then, electrical controlof the hexapods is done with Next Step Carrier Board with BASIC StampIIe (BS2e). The control commands of the BASIC Stamp go through a servocontroller which actually drives the servos. Basic intro to servo operation,calibration of the servo controllers, and connecting BS2e to the Hexapod arealso presented. Finally, programming BS2e for the hexapod is presented withwalking schemes and corresponding sample codes.


In this chapter, we study three biped robots: Bigfoot by Milford InstrumentsLimited, England, Biped Lynxmotion Inc, and Robosapien. The construc-tion and mechanics of the robots are studied and presented with figures andcorresponding equations. Bigfoot is controlled by a BASIC Stamp controller.Example code for symbol definitions and shuffling movements are presented.Repeated shuffling is what makes the robot walk. Lynxmotion Biped robotis controlled by a PIC based servo controller. Setup and connections of theservo controller are explained. The Robosapien mechanical construction isnot covered because the robot is sold as a preassembled robot. The robotcan be controlled by a special remote control in four modes. Three modesare sensor programs. One is a master program. Chapter also describes howto control the Robosapien by a PC and a camera using USB port of the PC.Finally, chapter presents autonomous Robosapien robots which have bettercontrollers and programmers. A discussion on how to convert a Robosapieninto an autonomous Robosapien is also given.

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xvi Practical and Experimental Robotics

Propeller Based Robots

In this chapter, we study propeller based robots: flying robotic planes, robotichelicopters, robotic boats, and submarines. In these systems, our approach istaking remote controlled systems (RC planes and helicopters) and using a mi-crocontroller to control the actuators of the robots instead of the RC receiversdoing the control. In addition to giving information about the robots and theircontroller, we present theories for wings and propellers. The chapter exploresRC planes and gas powered RC planes. To make the RC planes autonomous,reader needs to add a controller to the system such as Micro Pilot (MP) con-troller. Micro Pilot controller is studied and details on how to integrate withan RC plane is also presented. A controller for an RC helicopter is also studiedto convert RC helicopters into an autonomous helicopter. Kinematics analysisfor RC planes, RC helicopters, robotic boats, and submarines are provided inthe chapter. Some experiments are also provided for the readers.

Ferat Sahin and Pushkin Kachroo

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1 Fundamentals of Electronics and Mechanics 11.1 Fundamentals of Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.1.1 Electrical Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1.2 Semiconductor Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81.1.3 Digital Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251.1.4 Sequential logic circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271.1.5 Common Logic IC Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

1.2 Practical Electronic Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321.2.1 Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321.2.2 Fixed Voltage Power Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351.2.3 Adjustable Power Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371.2.4 Infrared Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401.2.5 Motor Control Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

1.3 Fundamentals of Machines and Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . 451.3.1 Simple Machines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

1.4 Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511.4.1 Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511.4.2 Chains and Belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561.4.3 Linkages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561.4.4 Cam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571.4.5 Ratchet Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571.4.6 Quick Return Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601.4.7 Intermittent Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601.4.8 Springs and Dampers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601.4.9 Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 621.4.10 Clutches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 621.4.11 Couplers, Bearings, and Other Miscellaneous Items . . 62

2 BASIC Stamp Microcontroller 672.1 Different Versions of BASIC Stamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

2.1.1 BASIC Stamp 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 672.1.2 BASIC Stamp 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 672.1.3 BASIC Stamp 2sx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 692.1.4 BASIC Stamp 2p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 692.1.5 BASIC Stamp 2e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

2.2 Development Boards for BS2e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74


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2.2.1 BASIC Stamp 2 Carrier Board (Rev. B) . . . . . . . . 742.2.2 BASIC Stamp Super Carrier (Rev. A) . . . . . . . . . 752.2.3 Board of Education (Rev. B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 752.2.4 BASIC Stamp Activity Board (Rev. C) . . . . . . . . 75

2.3 BASIC Stamp Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 762.3.1 Connecting BS2e to the PC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 762.3.2 Installing the BASIC Stamp Editor . . . . . . . . . . . 762.3.3 Software Interface for Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . 792.3.4 Software Interface for DOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

2.4 PBASIC Programming Fundamentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . 842.4.1 Declaring Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 842.4.2 Defining Arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 852.4.3 Alias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 852.4.4 Modifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 862.4.5 Constants and Expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 872.4.6 BASIC Stamp Math . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 882.4.7 Important PBASIC Commands Used while Interfac-

ing the BS2e with the Lynxmotion 12 Servo Hexapod 902.4.8 DEBUG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 922.4.9 FOR...NEXT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 932.4.10 END . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 942.4.11 RETURN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 942.4.12 PAUSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 942.4.13 GOSUB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 952.4.14 SEROUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 952.4.15 SERIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

3 PC Interfacing 1033.1 Parallel Port Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

3.1.1 Port Access Library for Windows XP . . . . . . . . . . 1063.1.2 Hardware Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1093.1.3 PC Interfacing Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1153.1.4 Visual Basic Access to Parallel Port . . . . . . . . . . 1233.1.5 Breadboarded Output Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

3.2 Serial Port Interfacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1303.2.1 PC to PC Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1303.2.2 PC to Microcontroller Serial Communication . . . . . 133

3.3 USB Interfacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

4 Robotic Arm 1394.1 Construction and Mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

4.1.1 DC Motor and Gear Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1414.1.2 Gear Torques and Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1434.1.3 Gripper Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1454.1.4 Wrist Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

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Contents xix

4.1.5 Elbow and Shoulder Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . 1494.1.6 Robot Base Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153

4.2 Electrical Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1534.2.1 Robot Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155

4.3 Parallel Port Interface Circuit using Relays . . . . . . . . . . 1584.3.1 Code for PC Robotic Arm Control . . . . . . . . . . . 161

4.4 USB Interface using Relays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1634.5 Parallel Port Interface Circuit using Transistors . . . . . . . . 165

4.5.1 Code for PC Robotic Arm Control . . . . . . . . . . . 171

5 Robotic Arm Control 1735.1 Programmed Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173

5.1.1 Encoder Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1745.1.2 Potentiometer Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1825.1.3 Joint Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182

5.2 Automatic Control Using a Camera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1835.3 Robot Kinematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187

5.3.1 Velocity Kinematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1925.4 Dynamics and Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1935.5 Some Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1935.6 Control of a Six-Degrees-of-Freedom Arm Robot . . . . . . . 194

5.6.1 Mechanical Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1945.6.2 JM-SSC16 Mini Servomotor Controller Board . . . . . 1985.6.3 Control Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1985.6.4 Forward and Inverse Kinematics . . . . . . . . . . . . 199

5.7 Examples and MATLAB Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2095.7.1 DH.m: M-File for a hom*ogenous Transformation of a

Row of a DH Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2095.7.2 RobotTF.m: M-File for Calculating the Transforma-

tion Matrix of the Robot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2115.7.3 RobotSym.m: M-File for Symbolic Analysis of Inverse

and Forward Kinematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2125.7.4 InverseKin.m: M-File for Inverse Kinematics Equa-

tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2145.7.5 Angle2Servo.m: M-File for Converting Joint Angles

to Servomotor Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2155.7.6 Path.m: M-File for Generating Joint Angles to Move

the Robot Linearly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2165.7.7 A Sample RB File Created by path.m for Mini Servo

Explorer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217

6 Differential Drive Robot 2196.1 Construction and Mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221

6.1.1 Robot Base with Breadboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2216.1.2 Traction System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222

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6.1.3 Power System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2276.1.4 Relay Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2296.1.5 Basic Robot Movements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2296.1.6 Timed Movements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2346.1.7 Robot Timed Movements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2396.1.8 Infrared Vision-Based Robot (Robot Eyes) . . . . . . 2496.1.9 Audio Detection and Response (Robot Ears) . . . . . 2526.1.10 Sound-Based Robot Movements . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260

6.2 Robot Speed Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2626.2.1 PC Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2656.2.2 Feedback Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266

6.3 Robot Kinematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266

7 Four Wheel Drive Robot 2697.1 Construction and Mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2697.2 Electrical Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278

7.2.1 Connecting the OOPic-R with the Rigel 4WD Robot . 2787.2.2 A Review of OOP in Reference to the OOPic-R . . . . 2827.2.3 Important Objects Used While Interfacing the OOPic-

R with the Rigel 4WD Robot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2857.2.4 Sample Code to Drive the Rigel 4WD Robot Using

the OOPic-R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295

8 Hexapod Robot 3018.1 Construction and Mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301

8.1.1 Servomotors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3038.1.2 Mechanical Construction of Extreme Hexapod II . . . 3038.1.3 Mechanical Construction of Extreme Hexapod III . . . 322

8.2 Electrical Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3398.2.1 Lynxmotion 12-Servo Hexapod with BS2e . . . . . . . 3398.2.2 Programming the Hexapod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3468.2.3 Adjusting Servomotors to Mid Position . . . . . . . . 353

9 Biped Robots 3599.1 Bigfoot: The Walker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359

9.1.1 Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3599.1.2 Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3659.1.3 Robot Kinematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369

9.2 The Lynxmotion Biped . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3709.2.1 Leg Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3709.2.2 Arm Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3729.2.3 Torso Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3729.2.4 Hand Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3759.2.5 Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375

9.3 The Robosapien Biped . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378

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9.3.1 Robosapien Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3829.3.2 Walking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3829.3.3 PC Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3829.3.4 Autonomous Robosapien . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384

10 Propeller Based Robots 38910.1 Wings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38910.2 Propellers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39110.3 Robotic Planes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394

10.3.1 RC Planes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39410.3.2 Manual Control for RC Planes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40410.3.3 Automatic Controllers for RC Planes . . . . . . . . . . 40410.3.4 Kinematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40610.3.5 Robotic Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414

10.4 Robotic Helicopter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41510.4.1 Controlling Movements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41510.4.2 Automatic Controllers for RC Helicopters . . . . . . . 423

10.5 Robotic Boats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42310.5.1 Propulsion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424

10.6 Robotic Submarines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427

References 431

Index 434

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Fundamentals of Electronics and Mechanics

In this chapter we will explore the fundamentals of Electronics and Mechanics.The example applications related to electrical and mechanical components arealso presented.

1.1 Fundamentals of Electronics

In this section, we explore electrical components, semiconductor devices, Op-erational Amplifiers (OPAMPs) and their applications, and digital systemscomponents. There are some very good books that cover analysis of electriccircuits such as [10] and [2]. There are also some good books on hands onrobotics such as [7].

1.1.1 Electrical Components

Resistors, capacitors, and inductors are basic electrical components used inelectronic circuits. Some of the electrical components and their symbols aregiven in Figure 1.1. Resistors

Resistors are components which resist the flow of electronic current. Theresistors are mainly used to reduce the voltage applied to other componentsand to limit the current flowing through other components. The higher thevalue of the resistance, the lower the current will be. Resistance of a resistoris measured in terms of Ohms (Ω) since the relationship between voltage (V,volts), current (I, Ampere), and resistance (R) is explained by Ohm’s lawgiven in 1.1.

V = IR (1.1)

The most common resistors are made using a carbon rod core with end capsand wire leads. We can categorize resistors into two basic types: fixed andvariable resistors (or potentiometers). A fixed resistor is the one which has afixed resistance value. Variable resistors have variable resistance values. The


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Common electrical components and their symbols

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Fundamentals of Electronics and Mechanics 3

value of the resistor is often changed by a user by turning a knob or a dial.There are some special resistors designed to change in resistance when heated.They are called Thermistors and are used in temperature measuring circuits.The same idea is also used to design pressure sensors where a membraneis designed to be a resistor. The membrane resistance changes when it isdeformed by the pressure in a chamber.

Resistors generate heat and have a wattage rating relating the power levelthey can handle. The higher the wattage rating the more heat they can dis-sipate. There are standard wattage ratings such as 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1, morewatts. In addition to the value and wattage, each resistor has a toleranceregarding their resistance. Standard resistors have 10-20% tolerance but spe-cial resistors can have tolerances around 1%. Depending on the application,the proper tolerance rate is chosen. These properties are often marked on theresistors using a color code. Sometimes, they are written on the resistor. Resistor Color Code and Standard Resistor Values Fixedvalue resistors are color coded to indicate their value and tolerance. Some havetheir value written on them. There are three color coding systems: a 4 Bandcode, a 5 Band code, and 6 Band code.

The standard color coding method for resistors has 10 colors to representnumbers from 0 to 9: black, brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple,grey, and white. The first two bands always represent the significant digitson a 4 band resistor. On a 5 and 6 band, the significant digits are the firstthree bands. The third band is the multiplier or decade which is multipliedby the resulting value of the significant digit color bands. For example, if thefirst two bands are brown (1) and orange (3) and the third band is red (2),this means 102 or 100. Then, this gives a value of 13 × 100, or 1300 Ohms.

For the decade band, the gold and silver colors are used to divide by apower of 10 and 100 respectively, allowing for values below 10 Ohms. Thetolerance of the resistor is represented by the next band. Four colors are usedfor the tolerance band: brown (+/-1%), red (+/-2%), gold (+/-5%), andsilver (+/-10%). For example, if the tolerance band is silver, the true valueof the resistor can be 10% more or less than 1300 Ohms. Thus, the actualvalue of the resistor can be from 1170 to 1430 Ohms. The sixth band on a6 band resistor reveals the temperature coefficient of the resistor, measuredparts per million per degree Centigrade (PPM/C). Seven colors are used forthe temperature coefficient: white (1), purple (5), blue (10), orange (15),yellow (25), red (50), and brown (100). The most popular color is brown (100PPM/C) and will work for normal temperature conditions. The other colorsare used for temperature critical applications. Table 1.1 represents all thecolors and their meaning depending on their location on resistors.

Figure 1.2 is a 6 band resistor with 27 KOhms, 10% tolerance, and thetemperature coefficient of 50 PPM/C.

Since the sizes of the electronic components are shrinking or changing in

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Resistor color codes

Color Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Decade Tolerance Temp.Coeffi-cient

Black 0 0 0 100

Brown 1 1 1 101 +/- 1% 100Red 2 2 2 102 +/- 2% 50

Orange 3 3 3 103 15Yellow 4 4 4 104 25Green 5 5 5 105 +/- 0.5%Blue 6 6 6 106 +/- 0.25% 10

Purple 7 7 7 107 +/- 0.1% 5Grey 8 8 8 +/- 0.05% 1White 9 9 9Gold 0.1 +/- 5%Silver 0.01 +/- 10%


An example of a resistor with color codes

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Fundamentals of Electronics and Mechanics 5

shape, it becomes very difficult to put color bands on a resistor. Instead, asimpler alphanumeric coding system is used. This coding system uses threenumbers, sometimes followed by a single letter. The numbers play the samerole as the first three bands on a 4 band resistor. First two numbers is thesignificant digits. The third number is the decade. There are five possibleletters: M=20%, K=10%, J=5%, G=2%, F=1%. For example, if 473K iswritten on a resistor array, the 4 and 7 are the significant digits and the 3 isthe decade, giving 47 x 1000 or 47000 Ohms. Since the letter is K, the resistorhas 10%. The same coding system is also used on the surface mount resistorswith SMD package.

Since it could be difficult to see text on some components, the letters K,Mand R are used in place of the decimal point. The letter K represents 1000,the letter M represents 1000000, and the letter R represents 0. For example,a 3900 Ohm resistor will have 3K9 on the package and a 7.2 Ohm resistor isrepresented as 7R2. There are seven standards for resistor values: E3, E6,E12, E24, E48, E96, and E192 based on their tolerance levels 50%, 20%, 10%,5%, 2%, 1%, and less than 0.5% respectively. E3 standard is no longer used.E6 standard is used very seldom. The most used standards are E12 and E24.In the E12 standard, the resistors take all decades of the following values: 1.0,1.2, 1.5, 1.8, 2.2, 2.7, 3.3, 3.9, 4.7, 5.6, 6.8 and 8.2 In the E24 standard, theresistors take all decades of the following values: 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 1.6,1.8, 2.0, 2.2, 2.4, 2.7, 3.0, 3.3, 3.6, 3.9, 4.3, 4.7, 5.1, 5.6, 6.2, 6.8, 7.5, 8.2 and9.1 Inductors

An inductor is an electronic component composed of a coil of wire. Themagnetic properties of a coil come into effect. When a voltage is applied,a current starts flowing in the coil and a magnetic field is created as shownin Figure 1.3. While the field is building, the coil resists the flow of thecurrent. Once the field is built, current flows normally. When the voltage isremoved, the magnetic field around the coil keeps the current flowing untilthe field collapses. Thus, the inductor can store energy in its magnetic field,and resist any change in the amount of current flowing through it. The unitof inductance is the Henry (H). In order to increase the inductance, we canuse core materials like Soft iron, Silicon iron, etc. The most common typeof inductor is the Bar Coil type. The others are surface mount inductors,Toroids (ring-shaped core), thin film inductors, and transformers. The choiceof inductor depends on the space availability, frequency range of operation,and certainly power requirements. Capacitors

A capacitor is an energy storing device, made up of two parallel conductiveplates separated by an insulating material. This insulating material is calleda dielectric. It stores a charge because electrons crowd onto the negative

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An inductor and its magnetic field

plate and repel electrons on the positive plate, thereby inducing an equal andopposite charge. The unit of the capacitance is Farad (F). However, practicalvalues of a capacitor are in micro and nano Farad ranges. Figure 1.4 presentsan electrolytic capacitor and its symbols.

There are two different types of capacitors: Electrolytic and Non-electrolytic.Non-electrolytic capacitors use mica or polyester as dielectric. Electrolytic ca-pacitors use aluminum metal plates on either side of a sheet of paper soakedin aluminum borate. Ceramic capacitors are used in high frequency applica-tions. These are stable at high frequencies. Tantalum bead capacitors arevery small in size, thus commonly used as surface mount components.

Large capacitors have the value printed plainly on them but smaller onesoften have just 2 or three numbers on them. It is similar to the resistor codes.The first two are the 1st and 2nd significant digits and the third is a multipliercode. Sometimes, one or two letters are added for tolerance and temperaturecoefficient. Table 1.2 presents the meaning of the numbers and letters oncapacitors.

The values calculated using the digits on a capacitor is in pF (pico Farad).For example, if a capacitor has 105F on it, the capacitor has 10× 100,000 =1000000 pF = 1000 nF (nano Farad) = 1 µ F (micro Farad) value and 1% tol-erance. There are two letters used for temperature coefficient: P (+100) andZ (+80). There are other standards such as EIA (Electronic Industrial Asso-ciation) where there are more letters for a detailed tolerance and temperaturecoefficients.

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Fundamentals of Electronics and Mechanics 7


An electrolytic capacitor and its symbols


Meaning of the third digit and ketters on capacitors

3rd Digit Multiplier Letter 2 Tolerance0 1 D 0.5 pF1 10 F 1%2 100 G 2%3 1000 H 3%4 10000 J 5%5 100000 K 10%

6,7 M 20%8 0.01 P +100, -0%9 0.1 Z +80, -20%

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Standard diode markings

1.1.2 Semiconductor Devices

In this section, we will explore commonly used semiconductor devices: diodes,transistors, and their derivatives. Diodes

Diode is an electrical device allowing current to move through it in one di-rection with far greater ease than in the other direction. The most commontype of diode in modern circuit design is the semiconductor diode. Diodesare polarized, which means that they must be inserted in the correct way.Diodes have two connections: an anode (positive) and a cathode (negative).The cathode is always identified by a dot, ring, or some other mark, shown inFigure 1.5.

Diodes are said to be biased, based on the voltages applied to it. To forwardbias a diode, the anode must be more positive than the cathode. To reversebias a diode, the anode must be less positive than the cathode. When forwardbiased, the device conducts current, but when reverse biased, it prevents theflow of current. Figure 1.6 shows a circuitry to characterize a standard diodeand the corresponding current-voltage (I-V) graph.

Note that diode starts to conduct when the voltage on the diode reachesa certain level (in practice this is about 0.7 Volt). Voltages above this valueincrease the current going through the diode linearly. On the other hand, ifthe voltage on the diode is reversed, the diode does not let any current passthrough itself. However, if the reverse voltage is increased up to a certainlevel, the diode can be broken and lets a high current pass through itself.This voltage is called breakdown voltage.

The most common application for diodes is voltage rectification. Rectifiersare devices that convert alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC).There are many specialized diodes like the zener diode for certain applications.A diode designed to emit light is called a light-emitting diode, or LED. Figure1.7 shows the symbols for commonly diode types used in electronics.

Next, we explore commonly used diodes: Zener diode, LED, Laser Diode,and Photo Diode.

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Fundamentals of Electronics and Mechanics 9


Standard diode I-V curves and characterization circuitry


Symbols for commonly used diodes Zener Diode The zener diode is operated in reverse bias mode(positive on its cathode). It relies on the reverse breakdown voltage occur-ring at a specified value. With the application of sufficient reverse voltage,the diode junction will experience a rapid avalanche breakdown and conductcurrent in the reverse direction. When this process takes place, very smallchanges in voltage can cause very large changes in current. Zener diodes areavailable for a wide variety of break down voltages from about 4 volts toseveral hundred volts. Figure 1.8 is a more accurate I-V curve of a zenerdiode.

As mentioned before, when the reverse voltage reaches a certain value, acurrent in reverse direction starts flowing. The small increase on the voltageafter this threshold value causes significant current increase. Thus, the voltageon the zener diode is assumed to be constant as long as a healthy current isbeing passed through the diode. The following applications use this propertysuccessfully.

1. As a reference source, where the voltage across itself is compared withanother voltage.

2. As a voltage regulator, smoothing out any voltage variations occurringin the supply voltage across the load.

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The V-I curve of a zener diode


Voltage regulators with a zener diode

This operation is very useful in the construction of power supplies, voltageregulators, and voltage limiters. Figure 1.9 presents a simple circuitry of azener diode based voltage regulator. In the circuitry, RL is the load whichneeds constant voltage source with a maximum power (W = VZ × IL). Thevoltage VZ is the breakdown voltage of the zener diode. The current IL is thecurrent passing through the diode. As mentioned above, if the voltage acrossthe zener diode is not controlled, the diode will draw higher currents to keepthe voltage constant across itself. This could be harmful for the diode and canburn it. Thus, a resistor R is used to limit the current which passes throughthe zener diode.

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Fundamentals of Electronics and Mechanics 11


An example of an LED Light Emitting Diode (LED) A light-emitting diode (LED),shown in Figure 1.10, is a semiconductor device that emits incoherent narrow-spectrum light when electrically biased in the forward direction. The longerleg in the figure is the anode, and the shorter one is the cathode. This effectis a form of electro-luminescence. The color of the emitted light depends onthe chemical composition of the material used, and can be near-ultraviolet,visible, or infrared.

An LED is a special type of semiconductor diode. Like a standard normaldiode, it consists of a chip of semiconductor material impregnated (doped)with impurities to create a structure called a p-n junction. Current flows easilyfrom the p-side (anode) to the n-side (cathode). Charge-carriers (electrons andholes) flow into the junction from electrodes with different voltages. When anelectron meets a hole, it falls into a lower energy level, and releases energy inthe form of a photon as it does so. The light we see from an LED is createdby these photons.

Since there are many LEDs with different packaging and leg types, it maynot be easy to determine the anode and the cathode of an LED. The bestsolution is to test the LED with a resistor and a voltage source. However, theTable 1.3 can help finding the anode and cathode of most of the LED types.

The LEDs are commonly used in electronics circuitry as well as robotics inorder to report the operational status of the devices. For example, an LEDcan be used to show the successful operation of the device or the existenceof the voltage source. If you look at your computer, you can see an LED for

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How to determine the anodeand cathode of an LED

sign + -polarity: positive negativeterminal: anode cathodewiring: red blackpinout: long shortinterior: small largeshape: round flat

marking: none stripe

your power status and an LED for the harddrive operation. Whenever yousave something to the harddrive you should see a blinking LED showing theharddrive activity. Laser Diode The laser diode is a further development uponthe regular light-emitting diode. All semiconductor devices are governed bythe principles described in quantum physics. One of these principles is theemission of light energy whenever electrons fall from a higher energy level toa lower energy level as mentioned in the LED discussion. Figure 1.11 is asketch of a p-n junction of a laser diode showing the light source and otherphysical properties of the LED.

Laser action can be achieved in a p-n junction formed by two doped gal-lium arsenide layers. The two ends of the structure need to be optically flatand parallel with one end mirrored and one partially reflective. The lengthof the junction must be precisely related to the wavelength of the light to beemitted. The junction is forward biased and the recombination process pro-duces light as in the LED (incoherent). Above a certain current threshold thephotons moving parallel to the junction can stimulate emission and initiatelaser action. Laser Diodes are used in a wide variety of applications. Lowpower applications are in CD Players (840 nm). Higher power applicationsare in Laser printers (760 nm). Another important application is in Fibercommunications (1300 nm). Photodiode A photodiode, shown in Figure 1.12, is specialdiode which operates when a light in certain frequency is reflected throughit. It is also a type of photodetector. Their p-n junction is designed to be re-sponsive to light. In order to pass the light to the sensitive part, photodiodesare provided with either a window or optical fiber connection. If there is nowindow, they can be used to detect vacuum UV or X-rays.

Photodiodes can be used in two ways: zero bias and reverse bias. In zerobias, a voltage across the device is generated when the light falls on the diode.This leads to a current in the forward bias direction. This is also called the

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Fundamentals of Electronics and Mechanics 13


Components of a laser diode and generation of light


A photodiode

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photovoltaic effect and is the basis for solar cells. In fact, a solar cell is justa large number of big and cheap photodiodes.

When a diode is reverse biased, they usually have extremely high resistance.When light of a proper frequency reaches the junction, this resistance is re-duced. Thus, a reverse biased diode can be used as a detector by monitoringthe current running through it. Circuits based on this effect are more sensitiveto light than ones based on the photovoltaic effect.

Photodiodes are mostly used as switches in robotics applications. In ad-dition, they are used as a communication device when the photodiodes aremade infrared sensitive. For example, your TV remote control device has anLED which emits light wave in infrared frequency. Respectively, your TV hasa photodiode which is activated by this infrared light. In this kind of set up,the transmitter LED sends 0s and 1s as light on and light offs and the receiverdetects these 0s and 1s and acts accordingly. Transistors

A transistor can be initially thought of as an “electronically-controlled re-sistor.” Two of the pins act like a normal resistor. The other “control” pincontrols the resistance “seen” between the other 2 pins. The “control” pin iscalled the gate in a Field Effect Transistor (FET) (the other 2 pins are thesource and drain). The “control” pin is called the base in a Bipolar JunctionTransistor (BJT) (the other 2 pins are the emitter and the collector).

Two electrical quantities can be used to control the resistance between thetwo terminals - current and voltage. In a FET, the voltage at the gate controlsthe resistance between source and drain, while in the BJT, the current flowinginto the base controls the resistance between the emitter and collector. Whileoften referred to as an amplifier, a transistor does not create a higher voltageor current of its own accord. Like any other device, it obeys the Kirchoff’slaws. The resistance of a transistor dynamically changes, hence the termtransistor.

One of its popular uses is in building a signal amplifier, but it can alsobe used as a switch. Today’s transistors are mostly found inside ICs. Stand-alone transistors are used mostly only in high power applications or for power-regulation.

Both the BJT and the FET are popular today (among the FETs, the MOS-FET being the most popular form of transistor), each one having certainadvantages over the other. BJTs are much faster and high current devices,while FETs are small-sized low-power devices. Understanding the function ofa transistor is a key to understanding electronics. Bipolar Junction Transistor The current through the collec-tor and emitter terminals of a BJT is controlled by the current through thebase terminal. This effect can be used to amplify the input current. BJTscan be thought of as voltage-controlled current sources but are usually char-

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Fundamentals of Electronics and Mechanics 15


Cross-section of BJT

acterized as current amplifiers due to the low impedance at the base. Earlytransistors were made from germanium but most modern BJTs are made fromsilicon. If one applies the Kirchoff’s current law on the device, the currententering the device through all the terminals must add up to zero. Hence ICis not the same as IE. BJT Construction A lightly doped region called base is sand-wiched between two regions called the emitter and collector respectively. Thecollector handles large quantities of current; hence its dopant concentration isthe highest. The emitter’s dopant concentration is slightly lesser, but its areais larger to provide for more current than the collector. The collector regionshould be heavily doped because electron-hole pair recombines in that region,while the emitter is not such a region. Figure 1.13 is the cross-section of aBJT and its electronic symbol.

We can have two varieties in this kind of transistor based on the type ofjunctions created: NPN and PNP transistors. Here a lightly doped p-typesemiconductor (semiconductor with more holes than electrons) is sandwichedbetween two well-doped n-type regions. It is like two P-N junctions facingaway. An IEEE symbol for the NPN transistor is shown in Figure 1.14. Thearrow between the base and emitter is in the same direction as current flowingbetween the base-emitter junctions. Power dissipated in the transistor is P= VCE × IC , where VCE is the voltage between the collector and the emitterand IC is the collector current.

For a PNP transistor, everything is opposite that of NPN. This one is morelike two P-N junctions facing each other. Its symbol is shown in Figure 1.15.Again, note the direction of the arrow.

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IEEE symbol for an NPN transistor


IEEE symbol for a PNP transistor Operation An NPN bipolar transistor can be considered astwo diodes connected anode to anode. In normal operation, the emitter-basejunction is forward biased and the base-collector junction is reverse biased.In an NPN type transistor, electrons from the emitter “diffuse” into the base.These electrons in the base are in the minority and there are plenty of holeswith which to recombine. The base is always made very thin so that most ofthe electrons diffuse over to the collector before they recombine with holes.The collector-base junction is reverse biased to prevent the flow of holes, butelectrons are swept into the collector by the electric field around the junction.The proportion of electrons able to penetrate the base and reach the collectoris approximately constant in most conditions. However, the heavy doping (lowresistivity) of the emitter region and light doping (high resistivity) of the baseregion mean that many more electrons are injected into the base, and thereforereach the collector, than there are holes injected into the emitter. The basecurrent is the sum of the holes injected into the emitter and the electrons thatrecombine in the base - both small proportions of the total current. Hence,a small change of the base current can translate to a large change in electronflow between emitter and collector. It is important to keep the base region asthin and as free from defects as possible, in order to minimize recombinationlosses of the minority carriers. Field Effect Transistor The FET is simpler in concept thanthe BJT and can be constructed from a wide range of materials. The mostcommon transistors today are FETs.

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Cross-section of a FET and its symbol FET Construction The terminals in FET are called gate,drain, and source. Figure 1.16 shows a cross-section of a FET and its sym-bol. The voltage applied between the gate and source terminals modulatesthe current between source and drain. These transistors are characterizedas having a conductance between source and drain dependent on the voltageapplied between the gate and the source terminals. The dependence is linearif the gate to drain voltage is also high along with the gate to source voltage.

One of the issues that come up in circuit design is that as chips get smallerthe insulator gets thinner and as a result the insulator starts acting like aconductor. This is known as leakage current. One solution is to replace theinsulator by a material with a higher dielectric coefficient. FET Operation The shape of the conducting channel in a FETis altered when a potential is applied to the Gate terminal (potential relativeto either Source or Drain.) In an N-channel device, a negative Gate potentialcauses an insulating depletion zone to expand in size and encroach on thechannel from the side, narrowing the channel. If the Depletion Zone pinchesthe channel closed, the resistance of the channel becomes very large, and theFET is turned off entirely. At low voltages, the channel width remains large,and small changes to the Gate potential will alter the channel resistance. Thisis the “Variable Resistance” mode of FET operation. This mode has uses butis not employed in conventional amplifier circuits.

If a larger potential difference is applied between the Source and Drain ter-minals, this creates a significant current in the channel and produces a smoothgradient in potential distributed along the channel. This also causes the shapeof the Depletion Zone to become asymmetrical, and one part of the channelbecomes narrow while another part widens. If the voltage is large enough,

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the Depletion Zone begins to close the channel entirely. Something unusualthen happens: negative feedback arises, since a closed channel would lead toflat potential gradient and a symmetrical Depletion Zone, which would openthe channel. Rather than closing entirely, the Depletion Zone shapes itselfto produce an extremely narrow channel of variable length. Any attemptedincreases to the channel current will change the shape of the Depletion Zone,lengthening the channel. This increases the channel resistance and preventsthe value of current from increasing. This mode of operation is called “Pinchoffmode.” In this mode of operation, the channel behaves as a constant-currentsource rather than as a resistor. The value of channel current is relativelyindependent of the voltage applied between Source and Drain. The value ofGate voltage determines the value of the constant current in the channel. Thedifferent types of field-effect transistors can be distinguished by the methodof isolation between channel and gate:

• MOSFET (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor FET): standard FET

• JFET (Junction Fet): When voltage is applied between the source anddrain current flows. Current only stops flowing when a voltage is appliedto the gate.

• MESFET (MEtal-Semiconductor FET): p-n junction is replaced withSchottky junction. Not made with Silicon.

• HEMT (High Electron Mobility Transfer): A MESFET

• PHEMT (Pseudomorphic HEMT). Applications

1. The most common use of MOSFET transistors today is the CMOS (com-plementary metallic oxide semiconductor) integrated circuit, which isthe basis for most digital electronic devices.

2. FETs can switch signals of either polarity, if their amplitude is signifi-cantly less than the gate swing, as the devices are basically symmetrical.This means that FETs are the most suitable type for analog multiplex-ing. Phototransistor The Phototransistor, shown in Figure 1.17,works in a similar manner as a usual transistor but it is controlled by light.In this case the light striking the base is amplified instead of the voltageapplied to the base. Commonly used phototransistor is the NPN type withan exposed base. In the symbol of the photo transistor, there is no base.Thus, it may be possible to confuse the photo transistors with some photodiodes. The main difference between the photodiode and photo transistoris the amplification property of the transistors. Thus, photo transistors aremore suitable for high current applications and switching applications.

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A phototransistor


CMOS inverter circuit Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) CMOSis not a type of transistor. It is a logic family, based on MOS transistors. Fig-ure 1.18 shows a CMOS inverter. Construction and Operation These use a totem-pole ar-rangement where one transistor (either the pull-up or the pull-down) is onwhile the other is off. Hence, there is no DC drain, except during the tran-sition from one state to the other, which is very short. As mentioned, thegates are capacitive, and the charging and discharging of the gates each timea transistor switches states is the primary cause of power drain.

The C in CMOS stands for “complementary.” The pull-up is a P-channeldevice and the pull-down is N-channel. This allows busing of control terminals,but limits the speed of the circuit to that of the slower P device (in silicondevices).

Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) is made of two FETsblocking the positive and negative voltages. Since only one FET can be on ata time, CMOS consumes negligible power during any of the logic states. Butwhen a transition between states occurs, power is consumed by the device.This power consumed is of two types.

Short-circuit power : For a very short duration, both transistors are on anda very huge current flows through the device for that duration. This currentaccounts for about 10% of the total power consumed by the CMOS.

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Dynamic power : This is due to charge stored on the parasitic capacitanceof the output node of the device. This parasitic capacitance depends on thewire’s area, and closeness to other layers of metal in the IC, besides the relativepermittivity of the quartz layer separating consecutive metal layers. It alsodepends (to a much smaller extent) upon the input capacitance of the nextlogic gate. This capacitance delays the rise in the output voltage and hencethe rise or fall in the output of a gate is more like that of a resistor-capacitor(RC) network. Operational Amplifiers One can clearly generalize and saythat the field of electronics largely depends upon manipulating with the inputsignals such as voltage or current to produce desired output. These manip-ulations include (not limited to) mathematical operations, such as addition,subtraction, integration, and differentiation. In the analog domain, the mostcommon device that is used to perform the above listed operations is the oper-ational amplifiers or op amps. Current applications of operational amplifiersgo far beyond simple mathematical operations. Op-amps are used in manycontrol and instrumentation systems to perform various tasks such as volt-age regulators, oscillators, logarithmic amplifiers, peak detectors, and voltagecomparators.

Operational amplifiers have special characteristics due to which they arewidely used as predictable building blocks in many circuit designs. Some ofthese characteristics are as follows: very high gain (10,000 to million), highinput resistance (103 to 1015 ohms), small size, low power consumption, goodreliability and stability, and last but not the least, low cost of manufacturing.Figure 1.19 illustrates the standard symbol of an operational amplifier. Itconsists of two input terminals and one output terminal. The input terminalindicated with minus sign is called the inverting terminal and the other inputterminal is called the non-inverting terminal. A signal applied at the invertingterminal and ground appears at the output with a 180o phase shift. Likewise asignal applied at the non-inverting terminal and ground appears at the outputwith a 0o phase shift.

In the analysis and design of circuits employing op-amps, a simplified circuitmodel known as ideal op-amp is often used that has the following character-istics.

• Infinite open loop voltage

• Infinite input resistance

• The amplifier draws zero current

• Output resistance is negligible

• The gain is constant and independent of frequency

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Standard representation of operational amplifier

As described above, the applications of Op-amps are almost endless andnumerous books deal with this subject in detail. However, in the followingsection some of the applications such as integrators, differentiators, instru-mentation amplifiers, and inverting and non-inverting amplifiers shall be il-lustrated. Integrator circuit As the name suggests, op-amps in thisapplication produce an output voltage that is the integral of the input voltage.Figure 1.20 illustrates the circuit that operates as an integrator. The workingof this device is based on the impedance of the capacitor Cf and the resistanceRin. The output of the circuitry is expressed with equation 1.2.

Vout = −1


Vin dt (1.2)

For the case of a DC voltage input, equation 1.3 represents the outputvoltage, where Vco is initial voltage of the output.

Vout = −Vin


t+ Vco (1.3) Differentiator circuit The schematic circuit that producesan output that represents a differentiation of the input is illustrated in Figure1.21.

The output voltage of this circuit in the time domain is given in equation1.4.

Vout = −RfCin



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Integrator circuit


Differentiator using an inverting Opamp

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Instrumentation amplifier Instrumentation Amplifier These amplifiers are often usedas signal conditioning of low-level dc signals buried in large amounts of noise.The circuitry for this feature is very similar to the differential amplifier withextremely high input impedance. Figure 1.22 illustrates the circuit diagramof an instrument amplifier. As shown in this figure, the circuit consists of twostages. The input stage is the differential amplifier and the output stage is adifference amplifier. The output voltage of this amplifier is given in equation1.5 assuming R4 = R5.

Vout = −(V1 − V2)


1 +2R2


) (




(1.5) Unity Gain In this circuit any change in the input voltagereflects an equal amount of change in the output voltage. As a result thiscircuit is also known as the voltage follower circuit. Advantage of such circuitis that it provides high input impedance, low output impedance, and unitygain. Figure 1.23 illustrates the circuit diagram of this amplifier. Inverse Gain As the name suggests, this amplifier is capableof inverting and amplifying the input signal. It consists of two resistors thatare arranged as shown in Figure 1.24. Using Kirchoff’s law and Ohm’s lawthe input-output relationship can be obtained and is given in equation 1.6.



= −R2



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Circuit diagram of a unity gain amplifier


Inverter amplifier circuit

From the above equation it is clear that the output voltage is always theinverse of the input voltage and the amplification is purely obtained by in-creasing the ratio of the resistors. Summing Amplifier Operational amplifiers are also used tosum/mix signals in practical circuits. A summing amplifier is given in Figure1.25. The output voltage is proportional to the sum of the signals and givenin equation 1.7.

Vout = −R3


V1 −R3


V2 (1.7)

If R1 and R2 are equal to each other, the output voltage can be expressedas in equation 1.8.

Vout = −R3


(V1 + V2) (1.8)

More detailed discussions on operational amplifiers and circuitry designedby operational amplifiers can be found in many mechatronics books [20] [21].

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Summing amplifier

1.1.3 Digital Systems

Physical data obtained via sensors is often analog in nature. This data isconverted to digital information which is later analyzed by electronic circuits.Circuits that perform these functions are often called digital logic circuits orlogic gates.

In digital systems, three main views are followed to realize a product from aconceptual idea to design and development. These views describe the behaviormodels, structural models, and physical models. In the behavior models, thegeneral behavior of the circuit is described without any details on the actualimplementation. On the other hand, in the structural and physical models theactual implementations as well as the physical connections are realized. Theviews are complemented with four levels of abstraction that include the tran-sistors, gates, registers, and processors. Table 1.4 illustrates the interactionbetween the components and their corresponding representations in variousdomains.

Table 1.4 clearly illustrates the general functions of the four main com-ponents of digital systems. In the following section gates and registers aredescribed in detail. Logic states

Digital circuits primarily perform binary logic functions. They use two binaryvariables or states: zero (low) or one (high). In the circuit level, these twostates are often represented by two distinct voltages with VH for high and VL

for low state. However, in practical circuits, it is very difficult to obtain acrisp signal that matches the VH or VL levels. This is due to the presence ofnoise, temperature sensitive components, and other factors. As a result eachof the states are defined in a range of voltages.

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Representation and levels of abstraction [22]

Levels BehaviorForms


Physical Ob-jects

Transistor Differentialequations,current-voltagediagrams

Transistors, re-sistors, capaci-tors

Analog and digi-tal cells

Gate Boolean equa-tions, finite-state machines

Gates, flip-flops Modules or units

Register Algorithms,flowcharts, in-struction sets,generalized FSM

Adders, com-parators, regis-ters, counters,register files,queues


Processor Executablespecification,programs

Processors, con-trollers, memo-ries, ASICs

Printer-circuitboards or multi-chip modules


Truth tables for common logic gates







0 0 0 0 1 1 0 10 1 0 1 1 0 1 11 0 0 1 1 0 1 01 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Logic gates

As described in the previous section, logic gates describe the behavior andstructural aspects in the design of digital systems. These gates usually com-bine one or more inputs and produce an output. The logic gates that compriseof the fundamental building blocks are NOT, AND, OR, NAND, NOR, andXOR gates. Table 1.5 illustrates the truth table of these gates.

Figure 1.26 describes the symbols of these gates.

Boolean expressions that describe the behavior of digital systems can be rep-resented using these fundamental gates. Complex systems can be representedusing these expressions, as there is no restriction on the number of variablesand gates used in the design process. Various techniques are available to min-imize the number of states in a representation. Among the shopping list oftechniques, Karnaugh maps (K-maps) technique is the most popular. This

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Symbols for common logic gates

process of minimization is important as it eliminates redundant and unneces-sary states thereby reducing the number of physical components used in thedesign.

1.1.4 Sequential logic circuits

The above described gates are very widely used in digital systems that arestatic and do not depend upon past responses. However, in applications thatrequire the output to depend upon the history of the inputs and the presentinputs, sequential circuits are needed. The history dependence is typicallyobtained by introducing a memory element in the Boolean expression as wellas feeding a part of the output into the input. As a result, the future stateof the system is represented as a function of past state and the present state.When the possible number of states is finite then the system is called a FiniteState Machine (FSM). Simplest memory units that can introduce a time delayare flip-flops. Flip-Flops

These units are memory units that remember the most recent input by in-troducing a time delay caused by the process speed limitations of logic de-vices. The most common flip-flop is the set-reset. Figure 1.27 illustrates theschematic of this flip-flop. The set-reset flip-flop is a sequential circuit thatcontains two input lines, S and R, connected to two NOR gates and the Qand QP states the outputs of the gates. Although an extensive analysis onthe working of this flip-flop can be performed with the help of truth tables,

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Schematic diagram, symbol, and truth table of a set-reset flip-flop

an intuitive analysis is that the new states of QP and Q toggle only when thecorresponding input states S and R toggle between 0 and 1.

In practical circuits, these flip-flops also find their applications in controlelements to the external circuits in order to perform sequential operations. Acombination of these flip-flops is called a register and these can be used inthe design of general processors. These are discussed below. Flip-flops canbe used to create simple and useful circuits. Figure 1.28 presents an alarmcircuitry designed by a flip-flop and a phototransistor [23].

In the alarm circuitry given in Figure 1.28, the alarm is activated when alight beam is interrupted. The alarm continues even if the beam is no longerinterrupted. When there is light, the transistor is on, thus S and R inputsof the SR flip-flop are both zero. When R and S are zeros, the output of anSR flip-flop stays the same. Since initially, the Q output of the SR flip-flopis zero, the alarm is not activated. When the light beam is interrupted, thetransistor turns off. Thus, the S input becomes logic 1 (5 volts). When S islogic 1 and R is logic zero, the output of the flip-flop is flopped. Thus, the Qoutput becomes logic 1 and activates the alarm. After this moment, if lightbeam comes back again, the Q output stays the same because R and S becomezeros.

Flip-flops are generally clocked so that they can be used synchronously.Figure 1.29 is a clocked SR flip-flop.

There are other types of flip-flops such as D and JK flip-flops. Figure 1.30shows their symbols and their truth tables.

Clocked flip-flops are triggered either during the rising and falling edge ofthe clock cycle. The rising edge triggered flip-flops are also called positive edgetriggered flip-flops. Similarly, falling edge triggered flip-flops are also callednegative edge triggered flip-flops. Figure 1.31 shows positive and negativeedge triggered D flip-flops and their corresponding timing diagrams.

Using edge triggered D flip-flop and some logic gates we can design an alarm

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Alarm circuitry designed by a flip-flop and a phototransistor [23].


Clocked SR flip-flop design and its symbol


D and JK flip-flop symbols and their truth tables

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Positive and negative edge triggered flip-flops and their timing diagrams


Alarm circuitry designed by a D flip-flop and logic gates [23].

circuitry shown in Figure 1.32. The system shows a green light when thesensor input is low. When it becomes high, the system shows a red light andan alarm is activated. The red light stays on as long as sensor input is high butthe alarm can be switched off by triggering the D flip-flop through its clock.This system can be a monitoring system where the sensor input representsthe activity being monitored. This could be a temperature, pressure, or thelevel of a liquid in a container.

Flip-flops can also be used to design synchronous logic circuits. We willcover one of these circuits, registers, next.

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A register designed with D flip-flops Registers

These components are used to store and/or manipulate information. Figure1.33 illustrates the schematic of a register designed by D flip-flops. They canalso be designed by other flip-flops. The main purpose of this component isto record and release stored information on demand so that the value can beused by other parts of the system. As described in the figure, the record phaseis controlled by the Load voltage and the output is controlled by the Outputenable signal.

A collection of such registers forms the core of the central processing unitin the computers when they are connected using data buses to the processoralong with clock generation systems.

Extensive discussion on logic design and their usage in mechatronics androbotics can be found in [23], [21], [20], and [22].

1.1.5 Common Logic IC Devices

In this section we will introduce commonly used IC devices containing logicgates and components. There are two main IC families for logic gates: 40xxand 74xx series. 40xx series ICs are CMOS and suitable for high voltagesystems. They can work with supply voltage of up to 15 volts. They are older

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AC to DC voltage converter using diodes and a capacitor

ICs and can work in low frequencies, 1 MHz. 74xx series have both CMOS(74HC and 74 HCT) and TTL (74LS) low power versions. HCT and LS seriesrequire 5 volts but HC series can work with very low supply voltage, 2 volts.Except 74LS, other series are low power ICs (a few Watt) and require driversto control devices. 74LS series are relatively high power (a few mW). Table1.6 gives a summary of the ICs and their components.

1.2 Practical Electronic Circuits

In this section, we will explore some practical and fun circuits commonlyused in robotics related projects. We present circuits in power, control, IRcommunication, motors, and digital systems.

1.2.1 Power

Most electronic circuits need a Direct Current (DC) power supply in order tooperate successfully. Before a regulated voltage can be obtained, AlternateCurrent (AC) voltage is reduced to a desired level by a transformer. Then,the reduced AC voltage is converted to DC voltage by the help of four diodesand a capacitor, as shown in Figure 1.34.

In Figure 1.34, diodes take the absolute value of the AC signal. In thepositive cycle of the AC signal D1 and D3 are on. Alternatively, in thenegative cycle of the AC signal, D2 and D4 are on. As a result, only positivecomponents go through D1 and D4 resulting in positive signals at the output.This positive changing signal is then smoothened by the capacitor so thatit becomes a positive signal with small ripples. These signals are shown inFigure 1.35.

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Common ICs used in digital systems


Common Type ICs

Quad 2-input gates 7400 quad 2-input NAND7402 quad 2-input NOR7403 quad 2-input NAND with open col-lector outputs7408 quad 2-input AND7409 quad 2-input AND with open collec-tor outputs7432 quad 2-input OR7486 quad 2-input EX-OR74132 quad 2-input NAND with Schmitttrigger inputs

Triple 3-input gates 7410 triple 3-input NANDGates 7411 triple 3-input AND

7412 triple 3-input NAND with open col-lector outputs7427 triple 3-input NOR

Dual 4-input gates 7420 dual 4-input NAND7421 dual 4-input AND

8-input NAND gate 7430 8-input NAND gateHex NOT gates 7404 hex NOT

7405 hex NOT with open collector out-puts7414 hex NOT with Schmitt trigger in-puts

Ripple Counters 7490 decade (0-9) ripple counter7493 4-bit (0-15) ripple counter74390 dual decade (0-9) ripple counter74393 dual 4-bit (0-15) ripple counter

Synchronous Coun-ters

74160 synchronous decade counter (stan-dard reset)

Counters 74161 synchronous 4-bit counter (stan-dard reset)74162 synchronous decade counter (syn-chronous reset)74163 synchronous 4-bit counter (syn-chronous reset)

Up/down Counters 74192 up/down decade (0-9) counter74193 up/down 4-bit (0-15) counter

Decoders 7442 BCD to decimal (1 of 10) decoder

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Converting AC voltage to DC voltage using diodes and a capacitor

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A fixed voltage power supply design with a zener diode

After creating DC voltage using the circuitry shown in Figure 1.34, we nowcan do the voltage regulation so that we can have a true DC voltage supply.We can either design a fixed voltage power supply or adjustable voltage powersupply.

1.2.2 Fixed Voltage Power Supplies

Two most common ways to design fixed voltage power supplies are using azener diode and using a regulator IC such as 78xx series. Figure 1.36 presentsa fixed voltage power supply designed by a zener diode.

In Figure 1.36, the resistor RL represents a load, i.e. circuitry or componentyou are powering. The resistor R protects the zener diode when there is noload. Unregulated voltage needs to be larger than the zener diode voltage sothat enough amount of current can be supplied to the load. However, if theunregulated voltage is too large, then the voltage on resistor R (unregulatedvoltage - zener voltage) becomes so large that the efficiency of the regulatorgoes down and we waste power on the resistor R. If this voltage is so largeand we want larger currents from our regulator, then the resistor R needs tobe high power resistor. In practice, the resistor R needs to be as small aspossible. In addition, the unregulated voltage (Vun) needs to be close to thezener (regulated) voltage so that the efficiency of the power supply can beimproved. There are several resources online and offline on how to choose theresistor R, RL, and VZ values for required IZ and IL. For example, if youhave an unregulated voltage of 11 DC +/- 1 volt and you would like to have 5V output with a current range 0 to 200 mA, then you need to choose resistorR to be 24 Ohms for the safety of the regulator. The equation to calculatethe resistor R is given in equation 1.9.

R =min(Vun − VZ)

min(IZ) +max(IL)(1.9)

If you have load resistance of 100 Ohms, your power supply will provide50 mA successfully. However, you need to be careful about not allowing load

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Usage of a regulator IC


Fixed voltage regulator using LM78XX series regulator ICs

resistances which will require higher current values than the maximum loadcurrent. If you exceed the maximum current limit, the circuitry will notfunction currently.

Another way of designing fixed voltage power supplies is to use integratedcircuits (ICs) designed as regulators such as 78XX series. In these types ofregulators, all we need to provide is an unregulated voltage larger than theoutput voltage of the regulator IC. Figure 1.37 shows how these regulator ICscan be used. In the Figure 1.37, VIN represents the unregulated input voltage;IIN represents the input current; VOUT represents the output voltage, whichis specified by the IC’s name, i.e., 7805 outputs 5 volts; IL is the load currentwhich is drawn by the device that you are powering. Finally, IG representsthe current that goes to the ground from the IC. This current needs to beas small as possible. Generally, it is related to the voltage difference betweenVIN and VOUT .

Figure 1.38 shows a regulator circuitry using an unregulated DC supply wehave discussed before.

The values of the capacitors C1 and C2 are 0.22 micro Farad (F) and 0.1micro F, respectively. Capacitor C1 is needed to help reduce the ripple in theunregulated DC voltage. They are especially needed if the regulator IC is far

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Adjustable regulator design with a regulator IC

from the unregulated voltage. Capacitor C2 is needed for optimum stabilityand transient response. Both capacitors should be located as close as possibleto the regulator IC.

1.2.3 Adjustable Power Supplies

Most common designs of adjustable regulators are done by using 3-terminaladjustable regulator ICs such as LM117/LM317A/LM317 and LM138/338 (5Ampere adjustable regulator). The typical adjustable regulator design withthese ICs is shown in Figure 1.39.

In regular operation, the LM338 develops a nominal 1.25 reference voltage,VREF, between the output and the adjustment terminals. This voltage isimpressed across the resistor R1, thus I1 is constant based on the Ohm’sLaw. The current IADJ and I1 together flows through the output set resistorR2. Based on this circuitry, the output voltage is dependent on the values ofresistors R1 and R2, reference voltage VREF , and current IADJ . Thus, theoutput voltage can be calculated by equation 1.10.



1 +R2



+ IADJR2 (1.10)

In equation 1.10, IADJ term represents an error term. Thus, the LM338is designed to minimize this current and make it very constant with line andload changes. A 0.1 micro F disc or solid tantalum capacitor is recommendedas an input bypass capacitor. In addition, the adjustment terminal can alsobe bypassed to ground so that the ripple in the output voltage is minimized.

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An LM338 regulator with protection diodes

A 10 micro F capacitor can create enough amount (75 dB) of ripple rejection.

When external capacitors are used with any IC regulator, it is necessary toadd protection diodes to prevent the capacitors from discharging through lowcurrent points into the regulator. Most 20 micro F capacitors can deliver 20Ampere spikes when shorted. This amount of current can damage the IC eventhough it happens in a short period of time. However, for voltages less than25 volts, the LM 338 has enough internal resistance so that no protectionis needed for the capacitors. Figure 1.40 shows an LM338 regulator withprotection diodes.

In Figure 1.40, diode D1 protects against C1. Similarly, diode D2 protectsagainst C2. The capacitors discharge through the diodes instead of discharg-ing through the regulator.

Now, we will design an adjustable regulator which can generate voltagesfrom 1.2 volts to 25 volts. Figure 1.41 presents the adjustable voltage regulatorwithout diodes since the maximum output voltage is 25 volts.

In the design shown in Figure 1.41, capacitor C2 is optional and used forimproving transient response. It can be in the range of 1 micro F to 1000 microF aluminum or tantalum electrolytic capacitors. Capacitor C1 is needed if theLM338 is more than 6 inches from the filter capacitor (C in Figure 1.34).

The adjustable voltage regulators can also be used for other applicationswhere you need an adjustable voltage. For example, we can design a lightcontroller using an LM338 adjustable voltage regulator by replacing outputresponse resistor (R2 in Figure 1.41) with a phototransistor. The light con-troller circuitry is shown in Figure 1.42.

In Figure 1.42, the resistance of the phototransistor is very high when thereis no light. In this case, the output voltage will be maximum, thus the lamp

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Adjustable voltage regulator design (1.2 volt to 25 volt)


Light controller design with an LM338 adjustable voltage regulator

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12 volt battery charger design with an LM338 adjustable voltage regulator

will be on. When there is light, the resistance of the phototransistor becomesvery small, thus the output voltage goes down and lamp is not on. So, de-pending on the outside light condition, the lamp is powered up or down sothat there is enough light in the area.

Another useful circuitry you can design with an LM338 is a battery charger.Figure 1.43 presents an example battery charger for a 12 volt battery. Inthe design, resistor RS allows low charging rates with fully charged battery.The capacitor C1 is required to filter out transients in the unregulated inputvoltage. The output impedance of the charger is determined by RS , as shownin equation 1.11.



1 +R2




1.2.4 Infrared Circuits

In this section, we will explore two circuits regarding infrared communicationand/or control: Infrared transmitter and infrared receiver. Infrared Transmitter

In order to send data using IR LEDs, you need to modulate the data withabout 40 kHz carrier. Using a modulated signal improves the distance thesignal can be transmitted successfully. Figure 1.44 presents a simple exampleof an IR transmitter designed by a 555 Timer.

In the circuitry shown in Figure 1.44, the 555 Timer generates the 30 Hzcarrier frequency to modulate the data being sent. When the pin 4 of 555

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IR Transmitter designed by 555 Timer

Timer is +Vcc, the 30 Hz signal is transmitted by the infrared LED. Whenthe pin 4 is 555, the 555 Timer does not create any signal, thus the infraredis not on and not sending any light. Therefore, you can send simple 1 and 0signal by just changing the Ref input of the 555 Timer. Infrared Receiver

In order to receive the signal sent by the transmitter, you need to have anIR detector and a 30 Hz bandpass filter. If the transmitter is sending the30 Hz modulated signal (Ref is 1), then the receiver needs to detect thissignal and the filter converts it to logic 1 (Vcc). If the receiver does not getthe modulated IR signal, then the receiver should output logic zero (0 volt).Figure 1.45 presents the IR receiver designed to receive signals sent by thetransmitter shown in Figure 1.44.

In the circuitry shown in Figure 1.45, the IR signals sent by the transmittershown in Figure 11 are detected by the IR detector. When the IR detectordetects the IR light, it turns on and the voltage at the input of the filter(before 39 K Ohm resistor) becomes close to zero (0.7 volt - remember thatIR detectors are essentially diodes). When there is not light detected, the IRdetector is not on, thus the voltage at the input of the filter is almost equalto +Vcc. So, if the transmitter sends the IR signals at 30 Hz, the detectorwill provide the same frequency signal to the filter. Since the filter is designedto detect the 30 Hz signals, whenever the IR detector detects this signal,the output of the receiver will be logic 1 (about +V cc). Alternatively, if thesignal is not detected, the output of the receiver will be zero. The LM 3900 is

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IR receiver

a quad unipolar Opamp IC. The 0.1 micro F capacitors are used to eliminatethe direct light such as sunlight or any other infrared light source.

If you need to have the IR communication in larger distances, you can use anIR remote control receiver such as GP1UD26XK made by HARP electronic.These units have an IR detector and filter to detect the carrier frequenciesranging from 40 kHz to 56.8 kHz. All you need to provide is power. At thetransmitter end you use the similar circuitry with higher frequencies. This ispossible by changing the resistor values in Figure 1.44. In addition, you canuse a Timer of a microcontroller to create the same carrier signal.

1.2.5 Motor Control Circuits

In this section we will cover the circuits used to control DC motors. Thesecircuits are called H-Bridges. You can either design an H-Bridge or buy an ICwhich has an H-Bridge. We will give example circuits for both cases. Figure1.46 presents the H-Bridge circuitry designed by switches. Depending on howthese switches are implemented your H-Bridge will have different propertiesbut the theory of operation is the same.

In Figure 1.46, there are four switches and a DC motor connected togetheras a letter H. Depending on which switches are turned on, the DC motoris driven forward or backward and stalled. As can be seen from the figure,when switches Q1 and Q4 are turned on (closed), the positive motor power isconnected to positive input of the DC motor and the negative motor poweris connected to the negative input of the motor. Thus, the motor is poweredcorrectly and rotates in forward direction. When Q2 and Q3 are closed, thenthe DC motor is powered reverse. Thus, the DC motor rotates in backward

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An H-Bridge and driving a DC motor forward and backward

direction. If Q1 and A3 are closed, both inputs of the motor get positive motorpower. This forces the DC motor to stall. If none of the switches are turnedon, the motor breaks slowly. As we mentioned above, we can implement theseswitches in various ways. We will cover only two of them: using transistorsand using an H-Bridge IC. H-Bridge Design by Transistors In order to design an H-Bridge with bipolar transistors, we need to replace the switches with propertransistors. Depending on how these switches are controlled, we can choose touse PNP or NPN transistors. Figure 1.47 presents an example of an H-Bridgedesigned by bipolar transistors (TIP102 and TIP107). These transistors canhandle larger current levels. In order to control the transistors (switches), wecan use Opto-couplers (PS2501) so that control signals are separated from thesignals going through the motor. The Opto-couplers can be driven directlyby a TTL logic through a 470 Ohm resistor.

In the Figure 1.47, the diodes are used to protect the circuitry from theback emf voltage of the motor. This voltage is created by the DC motorwhen it is powered on and off. Based on the schematic in Figure 1.47, whenForward (FWD) pin is 1, the Opto-couplers corresponding to Q1 and Q4switches in Figure 1.46 are turned on. Thus, the DC motor rotates in theforward direction. When Reverse (REW) pin is 1, then the DC motor rotatesin reverse direction. In addition, we need to set EN to logic zero so that we canenable the Opto-couplers. If EN is 1, the motor can run only if PWM (PulseWidth Modulation) signal is applied to it. When both FWD and REW are1, then the DC motor is shorted thus it is stalled. This is also called braking.Finally, when FWD and REW are 0, the motor inputs get 0 volt causing themotor to coast. The motor will eventually stop after a while because of the

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H-Bridge designed by bipolar transistors

internal and external frictions. H-Bridge Design by ICs It is also possible to design H-Bridges using ICs designed specially for this kind of application. Generally,H-Bridge ICs have either high power semiconductor switches or high powerOpamps. Figure 1.48 presents an example H-Bridge to control a DC motorusing an IC called L298N. This IC has 4 high power controllable Opamps(drivers) enough to control two DC motors. Figure 1.48 also gives the truthtable for forward, backward, active braking (fast motor stop), and passivebraking (free running motor stop). Four diodes are used to protect the cir-cuitry from back emf voltage during active start and stop. This IC allowsyou to detect high currents and stop/slow the motor through sensing pins. Acurrent is drawn out of these pins (1, 15) when the motor is rotating. Youcan put a resistor at this pin (15) so that a voltage should appear on theresistor for the circuitry to notice. When the voltage reaches certain level, theIC shuts down and does not allow excessive current to damage the drivers.Typical value of the sense resistors is 0.5 Ohm. Finally, the diodes used inthis circuitry need to be fast diodes in order to react to the quick changes themotor may impose.

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H-Bridge designed by a specialized IC

1.3 Fundamentals of Machines and Mechanisms

Roboticists need to not only understand basic electronics, but also be able tounderstand the basic principles of machines and mechanisms. There are somevery good books that cover basic machines such as [5] and [15]. There are alsosome good books that show machine analysis and design from an engineeringperspective such as [19].

1.3.1 Simple Machines

Simple machines are the most common tools that can be combined to makecompound machines. These transform one motion into another, and make thework easier. In every simple machine, we have the effort force trying to movethe load. If the effort required is less than the load, then the movement ofthe effort is increased compared to that of the load. If the effort required ismore, then the movement of the effort required is less than that of the load.In an ideal simple machine, the product of the effort and its distance coveredis the same as the product of the load and its distance covered. This is basedon the energy conservation principle, since energy is the product of force anddistance. This principle can be written as:

Effort×Din = Load×Dout (1.12)

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Usefulness of inclined plane



Here Din is the distance traveled by the effort and Dout is the distancetraveled by the load. The mechanical advantage (M.A.) of a simple machineis defined as the ratio of the load to effort force.

M.A. =Load





There are six types of simple machines. These are: Inclined Plane

Inclined plane is a flat surface that is inclined. If the surface was not inclinedit would not be useful as a machine. Since it is inclined we can slide or rollobjects over the inclined surface. To understand the usefulness of the inclinedplane, study Figure 1.49 that shows how a wheel can not roll up a step, butcan roll up an inclined plane.

The next two simple machines are in fact derivatives of the inclined plane. Wedge

A wedge (see Figure 1.50) has both surfaces inclined, and the two surfaceshelp in producing motion that requires less effort for movement.

To understand the usefulness of the wedge, study Figure 1.51 that showsits various applications.

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Peg Nail Zipper


Usefulness of wedge


Inclined plane

Wrap inclined plane

Around the cylinder


Screw Screw

A screw 1.52 is an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder, in such a waythat when you turn the screw one time, it moves the amount of distance calledpitch.

Screws are used in car jacks (see Figure 1.53), jar lids, light bulbs, etc. Wheel and Axle

Wheel and axle (see 1.54) allows for one circular motion to be transferred toanother. Axle is the rod that goes through the wheel.

Wheel and axles can be seen as parts of many compound machines, shownin Figure 1.55. They are also seen in cars, bicycles, gears, doorknobs, pulleys,etc. Lever

A lever has three parts: a fulcrum, load, and effort. There are three types oflevers based on the relative positions of these three points. These three types

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Car jack screw




Wheel and axle


Some wheel and axle applications

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First-class levers



fulcrumWheel barrow Nut Cracker


Second-class levers

of levers are: First Class Lever First class levers have the fulcrum in be-tween the load and the effort. Examples of this type of lever are: seesaw,hammer (when used to pull out a nail), and scissors as shown in Figure 1.56. Second Class Lever Second class levers have the load in be-tween the fulcrum and the effort. Examples of this type of lever are wheel-barrow and nutcracker as shown in Figure 1.57. Third Class Lever Third class levers have the effort in be-tween the load and the fulcrum. Examples of this type of lever are tweezersand tongs as shown in 1.58. Pulley

A pulley consists of a wheel that rotates with a rope going around it. Thereare different kinds of pulleys: fixed, movable, and compound.

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Third-class levers






Wheel (rotates about the axle)



Fixed pulley Fixed Pulley A pulley consists of a wheel that rotates with arope going around it. There are different kinds of pulleys: fixed, movable, andcompound.

In a fixed pulley, the effort pulls on the rope on one side and the load moveson the other as shown in Figure 1.59. The wheel rotates about its axle butremains at the same vertical position. This pulley functions as a directionchanger in that the direction of motion of the effort is different than that ofthe load. The amount of force is the same as the weight of the load.

In a movable pulley, the effort pulls on the rope on one side and the loadmoves on the other as shown in Figure 1.60. The wheel rotates about its axleand with the load. The amount of force is half of the weight of the load, butthe effort has to move double the amount of the movement of the load.

We can change the direction of effort in the movable pulley by adding a

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Movable pulley

fixed pulley to it as shown in Figure 1.61.

1.4 Mechanisms

There are many different types of mechanisms that can be useful in buildingcomplex mechanical devices. We will study a few here.

1.4.1 Gears

Gears are essentially levers that work using rotational motion. They transferone rotational motion into another. The radii of the different gears dictate ifthe effort required will be greater or less than the load. There are differenttypes of gears, depending on what type of motion has to be transferred. Theseare: Spur Gears

Spur gears transfer rotational motion in the same plane. An example is shownin Figure 1.62.

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Compound pulley


Spur gear (Copyright Emerson Power Transmission Corporation)

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Hellical gear (Copyright Emerson Power Transmission Corporation)


Bevel gear (Copyright Emerson Power Transmission Corporation) Hellical Gears

Hellical gears also transfer rotational motion in the same plane; however, thegear teeth are designed to make the motion transfer smoother. An exampleis shown in Figure 1.63. Bevel Gears

Bevel gears help in changing the direction of the rotational motion. An ex-ample is shown in Figure 1.64. The shafts in bevel gears do not have to be atright angles. They can be at any other angle such as 45 degrees. Worm Gears

Worm gears also change the direction of the rotational motion, but also createlarge gear reductions. Worm gear produces motion at right angle to the inputgear. An example is shown in Figure 1.65.

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Worm gear (Copyright Emerson Power Transmission Corporation)


Rack and pinion gear Rack and Pinion Gears

Rack and pinion gears convert rotational motion into translational or viceversa. An example is shown in Figure 1.66. Planetary Gears

Planetary gears provide more complex control over rotational motion. Anexample is shown in Figure 1.67. It has a central gear (sun gear), planetgears, ring gear, and an arm. The input and output shafts can be connectedto the ring gear, the sun gear or the arm, giving different angular speeds. Onecan have different number of planet gears including one. Compound Gears

Gears can be connected to each other to produce very large mechanical ad-vantages. These are called compound gears. An example is shown in 1.68.

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Ring Gear

Planet Gear

Sun Gear


Planetary Gear


Compound gear

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Reverse motion belt

1.4.2 Chains and Belts

Instead of using gears, we can also use Chains to connect different gears. Oneexample is shown in Figure 1.69. In the figure, the big wheel is being drivenand that makes the chains move as shown, causing the smaller wheel to followthe shown motion.

The direction of motion can be changed by using the belt as shown in 1.70.

Belts can be used with wheels that have grooves on the rims. Chains needgears for their use.

1.4.3 Linkages

There are many different types of linkages that can be designed for the kindof mechanical movement transfer that is desired. We review a few here. Bell Crank

This linkage allows for motion direction to be changed by 90 degrees as shownin Figure 1.71. The motion direction can be changed by any other angle, alsoby designing the rotating piece to be of a specific sector of a circle.

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Bell crank linkage One Bar Linkage

This linkage is the simplest allowing a circular motion of a link about a pivot(see Figure 1.72). There is only one degree of freedom for this linkage. Two Bar Linkage

This linkage has the two links connected to each other and one is free to rotateabout a pivot, and the other is free to rotate about the first link (see Figure1.73). There are two degrees of freedom for this linkage. We can restrict onedegree of freedom to obtain a crank and slider linkage. Four Bar Linkage

This linkage allows for parallel motion to take place (see Figure 1.74). Reverse Motion Linkage

This linkage allows for motion direction to be reversed (see Figure 1.75).

1.4.4 Cam

Cams allow rotational motion to be converted into a reciprocating motion ofthe follower (see Figure 1.76). By changing the shape of the cam, we canachieve different types of oscillations.

1.4.5 Ratchet Mechanism

Ratchet mechanism allows for one directional rotation only (see Figure 1.77).In the figure only counter-clockwise rotation of the wheel is possible.

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One bar linkage



Two bar linkages

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Four bar linkages




Reverse motion linkage



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Spring loaded


Ratchet mechanism

1.4.6 Quick Return Mechanism

Quick return mechanism allows for one direction motion of oscillation to hap-pen slowly and then the other direction motion to happen quickly (see Figure1.78). This happens because of the time the rotating ball spends in the groovegoing up versus down. The vertical slide oscillates right and left. The circulardisk rotates clockwise in the figure.

1.4.7 Intermittent Motion

Intermittent motion can be provided by many ways. One way is to have gears,where the input wheel does not have all teeth (see Figure 1.79).

Another mechanism for this is called the Geneva stop (see Figure 1.80)which accomplishes the same thing without using gears. The wheel turnsconstantly and the ball on the disk makes the right hand mechanism to rotateintermittently (when it enters the groove, it makes it move till it exits thegrove).

1.4.8 Springs and Dampers

Springs and dampers also help in mechanical systems. Springs act againstthe motion providing a resistive force proportional to motion. Dampers fightmovement instead of displacement. They are usually designed by having fluidinside a cylinder so that the piston inside resists any motion against it pro-viding a force proportional to the speed of motion. Extended spring has aresistive force even if there is no motion (the force is independent of speed,and only depends on change in the length of the spring). Dampers produceresistive force only when there is motion (the force is independent of positionand only depends on the rate of change of piston position, i.e., speed). Thepiston head that is moving (Figure 1.81) inside the oil in the damper tubehas holes so that the oil can flow through. Many shock absorbers come with

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Quick return mechanism



Intermittent rotation

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Geneva stop mechanism

integrated spring and damper, as shown in Figure 1.81.

1.4.9 Brakes

Brakes allow us to stop moving devices, such as a wheel or a shaft. Brakes workbased on friction between moving surfaces. Figure 1.82 shows two differenttypes of bicycle brakes. The left one uses the first class lever principle tomake the brake pads press against the wheel, while the right one uses thesecond-class lever mechanism.

1.4.10 Clutches

To understand how clutches work and what they are, consider Figure 1.83that shows a motor shaft connected to a rack and pinion gear. Let us saythat we want to use the same motor to also move the wheel on the left. Wehave to switch the motor output gear from the rack on the right to the wheelgear on the left as it is moving. For this to happen, we cannot do this whilethe motor continues to give rotational power to the gear. Therefore, we needa way to disengage the motor gear from the motor shaft as the motor is stillrotating.

To accomplish this we use a clutch. A clutch is just a disk that rotateswith another disk due to friction when the two disks are pressed together,and when the two disks are disengaged, and then the motion of one disk doesnot cause the motion of the other disk. This is shown in Figure 1.84.

1.4.11 Couplers, Bearings, and Other Miscellaneous Items

When two shafts have to be connected together, they can be joined usingcouplers. If the joint between the shafts has to be flexible, then flexiblecouplers can be used as shown in Figure 1.85.

When a shaft is rotating and is in contact with another surface, we can

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Fundamentals of Electronics and Mechanics 63


Spring and damper

Input Input




Clutches and brakes

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Gear change

Motor Disengaged



Engaged Clutch


Clutch mechansim


Couplings (

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Fundamentals of Electronics and Mechanics 65

use ball bearings to reduce friction (see Figure 1.86). There are many othermechanical elements such as screws, nuts, bolts, sheet metal, etc. that we donot cover in this book.


Ball bearings (

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BASIC Stamp Microcontroller

The BASIC Stamp BASIC Stamp is a microcontroller developed by Parallax,Inc. It is programmable using a form of BASIC language called PBASIC(Parallax BASIC). It is called Stamp because of its small size. The PBASIClanguage is a hybrid of the BASIC programming language, and has beendesigned to exploit all the BASIC Stamp’s capabilities. In this chapter, we willexplore several kinds of BASIC Stamp controllers used in robotic kits. We willprovide an overview of these controllers rather than very detailed explanationsof how they are used in robotic kits; specific usage will be explored in laterchapters.

2.1 Different Versions of BASIC Stamp

The BASIC Stamp line consists of the BASIC Stamp 1, the BASIC Stamp 2,the BASIC Stamp 2e, BASIC Stamp 2p, and the BASIC Stamp 2sx. Thesefive functional versions of the BASIC Stamp (BS) and 11 physical versionsare discussed in the following sections.

2.1.1 BASIC Stamp 1

The BASIC Stamp 1 has three physical versions (package types). The BASICStamp 1 Rev. Dx, shown in Figure 2.1, is a through-hole socketed package.The BS1-IC, shown in Figure 2.2, is a 14-pin single inline package (SIP) withsurface-mounted components. The OEMBS1 is a 14-pin SIP and featuresan easier-to-trace layout meant to aid customers who wish to integrate theBASIC Stamp 1 circuit directly into their design (as a lower-cost solution).The OEMBS1 is available in either an assembled form or a kit form. All threepackages are functionally equivalent, with the exception that the Rev. Dxdoes not have a reset pin.

2.1.2 BASIC Stamp 2

The BASIC Stamp 2 is available in two physical versions. The first is theBS2-IC, which is a 24-pin dual inline package (DIP) with surface-mounted


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Commercially available BASIC Stamp 1 Rev. Dx (Copyright 2006 ParallaxInc.)


Commercially available BS1-IC (Copyright 2006 Parallax Inc.)

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Commercially available BS2-IC (Copyright 2006 Parallax Inc.)

components, as shown in Figure 2.3. The second is the OEMBS2, whichfeatures an easier-to-trace layout meant to aid customers who wish to integratethe BASIC Stamp 2 circuit directly into their design (as a lower-cost solution).The OEMBS2 is available in either an assembled form or a kit form. BS2-ICand OEMBS2 are functionally equivalent.

2.1.3 BASIC Stamp 2sx

The BASIC Stamp 2sx is available in two physical versions. The first isthe BS2sx-IC, which is a 24-pin (DIP) with surface-mounted components, asshown in Figure 2.4. The second is the OEMBS2sx, which, like the otherOEM versions, features an easier-to-trace layout for customers who wish tointegrate the BASIC Stamp 2 circuit directly into their design (as a lower-costsolution). The OEMBS2sx is available only in assembled form. BS2sx-IC andOEMBS2sx are functionally equivalent.

2.1.4 BASIC Stamp 2p

The BASIC Stamp 2p is available in two package types. The first is theBS2p24-IC, which is a 24-pin dual DIP with surface-mounted components, asshown in Figure 2.5. The second is the BS2p40-IC, which is a 40-pin DIPpackage, as shown in Figure 2.6. Both packages are functionally equivalentexcept that the BS2p40 has 32 I/O pins instead of 16 pins.

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Commercially available BS2sx-IC (Copyright 2006 Parallax Inc.)


Commercially available BS2p24-IC (Copyright 2006 Parallax Inc.)

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Commercially available BS2p40-IC, (Copyright 2006 Parallax Inc.)


Commercially available BS2e-IC, (Copyright 2006 Parallax Inc.)

2.1.5 BASIC Stamp 2e

The BASIC Stamp 2e is available in two physical versions. The first is theBS2e-IC, which is a 24-pin DIP with surface mounted components, and isshown in Figure 2.7. The second is the OEMBS2e, which features an easier-to-trace layout geared toward customers who want to integrate the BASICStamp 2 circuit directly into their design (as a lower-cost solution). TheOEMBS2e is available only in assembled form. BS2e-IC and OEMBS2e arefunctionally equivalent.

The pin configuration of BASIC Stamp 2e is shown in Figure 2.8.

Table 2.1 lists the BS2e-IC pins and their functionalities.

Figure 2.9 shows the pin descriptions of DB-25 and DB-9 serial ports.

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Pin configuration of BS2e-IC, (Copyright 2006 Parallax Inc.)


Pin configuration for serial port DB-25 (25-pin connector) and DB-9 (9-pinconnector

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Pin description of BS2e-IC

Pin Name Description1 SOUT Serial out: connects to the PC serial port Receive (RX)

pin (DB9 pin 2 / DB25 pin 3) for programming.2 SIN Serial in: connects to the PC serial port Transmit (TX )

pin (DB9 pin 3 / DB25 pin 2) for programming.3 ATN Attention: connects to the PC serial port Data Terminal

Ready ( DTR ) pin (DB9 pin 4 / DB25 pin 20) for pro-gramming.

4 VSS System ground (same as pin 23): connects to the PC serialport Ground (GND) pin (DB9 pin 5 / DB25 pin 7) forprogramming.

5-20 P0-P15 General-purpose I/O pins: each can source and sink 30milli-Ampere (mA). However, the total of all pins shouldnot exceed 75 mA (source or sink) if using the internal5-volt regulator. The total per 8-pin group (P0-P7 or P8-15) should not exceed 100 mA (source or sink) if using anexternal 5-volt regulator.

21 VDD 5-volt DC input/output: if an unregulated voltage is ap-plied to the input voltage (VIN) pin, then this pin willoutput 5 volts. If no voltage is applied to the VIN pin,then a regulated voltage between 4.5 volts and 5.5 voltsshould be applied to this pin.

22 RES Reset input/output: goes low when power supply is lessthan approximately 4.2 volts, causing the BASIC Stampto reset. Can be driven low to force a reset. This pin ispulled high internally and may be left disconnected if notneeded. Do not drive high.

23 VSS System ground (same as pin 4): connects to power supply’sground (GND) terminal.

24 VIN Unregulated power in: accepts 5.5-12 volts of direct cur-rent, or VDC (7.5 recommended), which is then internallyregulated to 5 volts. May be left unconnected if 5 volts areapplied to the VDD (+5 V) pin.

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BASIC Stamp 2 Carrier board (Rev. B) shown with BS2-IC inserted(Copyright 2006 Parallax Inc.)

2.2 Development Boards for BS2e

Several development boards are used for BS2e. We will discuss four majordevelopment boards: BASIC Stamp 2 Carrier Board (Rev. B), BASIC StampSuper Carrier (Rev. A), Board of Education (Rev. B), and BASIC StampActivity Board (Rev. C).

2.2.1 BASIC Stamp 2 Carrier Board (Rev. B)

The BASIC Stamp 2 Carrier Board (also called the BS2 Carrier Board) isdesigned to accommodate the BS2-IC, BS2e-IC, and BS2sx-IC modules. TheBASIC Stamp 2 Carrier Board, shown in Figure 2.10, provides ample proto-typing space for simple or moderate circuits. This space can be used to add(solder) any circuitry, depending on the application.

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BASIC Stamp Super Carrier (Rev. A) (Copyright 2006 Parallax Inc.)

2.2.2 BASIC Stamp Super Carrier (Rev. A)

The BASIC Stamp Super Carrier board, shown in Figure 2.11, is designedto accommodate the BS1-IC, BS2-IC, BS2e-IC, and BS2sx-IC modules. Thisboard provides ample prototyping space for simple or moderate circuits. Careshould be taken not to power up the board with a BS1-IC and a BS2-IC, BS2e-IC, or BS2sx-IC inserted at the same time.

2.2.3 Board of Education (Rev. B)

The Board of Education is designed to accommodate the BS2-IC, BS2e-IC,and BS2sx-IC modules. This board, shown in Figure 2.12, provides a smallbreadboard for quickly prototyping simple or moderate circuits.

2.2.4 BASIC Stamp Activity Board (Rev. C)

This BASIC Stamp Activity Board (BSAC), shown in Figure 2.13, is designedto accommodate the BS1-IC, BS2-IC, BS2e-IC, BS2sx-IC, and BS2p24-ICmodules. The BASIC Stamp Activity Board is excellent for projects requiringbuttons, LEDs, a speaker, etc. All the components are prewired, and labels

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Board of education (Rev. B) shown with BS2-IC inserted (Copyright 2006Parallax Inc.)

next to them indicate the I/O pin they are connected to.

2.3 BASIC Stamp Editor

In this section, we will explore the BASIC Stamp Editor. We’ll cover connect-ing BS2e to a PC, installing the editor, and software interfaces for WINDOWSand DOS.

2.3.1 Connecting BS2e to the PC

As shown in Figure 2.14, the female side of a 9-pin serial cable is connectedto one of the COM ports of a PC, and the male side is connected to the DB-9connector on the carrier board of the BS2e.

2.3.2 Installing the BASIC Stamp Editor

The BASIC Stamp Editor software is available for Windows, Macintosh, andDOS operating systems. Parallax does not support the BASIC Stamp Editor

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BASIC Stamp Activity Board (Rev.C) (Copyright 2006 Parallax Inc.)


Male side of the DB-9 connector connected to the carrier board of the BS2e

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software for the Macintosh operating system, but there is a PBASIC tokenizeravailable. Application software for the Mac OS was written by a customer ofParallax, Inc. Mac users can download this software from the Parallax Website. The following system requirements are a minimum for using the BASICStamp Editor.

System Requirements for Windows and DOS Operating System

• 80486 (80286 for DOS) (or higher) IBM or compatible PC

• Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP operating system (DOS 5.0 or higher forDOS versions)

• 32 Mb of RAM (1 Mb for DOS)

• 1 MByte of available hard drive space

• CD-ROM drive

• One available serial port

System Requirements for Macintosh Operating System

• G3 or higher PC

• Mac OS X 10.2.8 or newer

• 64 Mb of RAM (1 Mb for DOS)

• 1 MByte of available hard drive space

• CD-ROM drive

• One available serial port

To install the BASIC Stamp Editor on Windows or DOS:

• Insert the Parallax CD into the CD-ROM drive. The CD should au-tostart. If using DOS, explore it with the CD (change directory) andDIR (directory list) commands.

• Select the Software BASIC Stamp section.

• Select the DOS or Windows version you wish to use, and click the Installbutton. If exploring the CD through DOS, use the COPY command tocopy it to a desired directory on the hard drive.

• Close the CD and run the BASIC Stamp Editor program from the di-rectory it was copied to.

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The BASIC Stamp Editor


A zoomed-in view of the BASIC Stamp Editor toolbar

2.3.3 Software Interface for Windows

The editor consists of one main editor window, shown in Figure 2.15 and 2.16,which you can use to view and modify up to 16 source-code files at once.

A user can switch between source-code files by simply pointing and clickingon a file’s tab. After entering the desired source code in the editor window,select the Run menu and click the Run button or press Ctrl+R to tokenizeand download the code to the BASIC Stamp. However, check the syntax ofthe code before hitting Run-select the Check Syntax option in the Run menuor simply press Ctrl+T. If the program is free of syntactic errors and all theconnections to the BS2e are proper, a tab at the bottom right of the editorgoes green and displays the message “Tokenize successful,” and the code getsdownloaded into the BS2e.

The Windows editor supports more than one model of the BASIC Stamp;hence it is necessary to tell the editor which model is being programmed. Theeditor uses three methods to determine the model of the BASIC Stamp beingprogrammed:

• The STAMP directive. For a BS2e, the directive, ’$STAMP BS2E,should be entered as the first line of the code.

• The extension on the file name of the source code. For a BS2e it is .bse.

• The default Stamp mode (as set by preferences).

Whenever a file is loaded, tokenized, downloaded, or viewed in the memorymap, shown in Figure 2.17, the BASIC Stamp looks for the STAMP directivefirst. The STAMP memory map has three input-output registers (red) and 12

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Memory map

regular registers (green). If it cannot find the STAMP directive in the sourcecode, it looks at the extension on the file name (for a .bs2, .bse, .bsx, or .bsp).If it does not understand the extension, then it uses the default Stamp mode,as defined by preferences.

Each editor page can be a separate project or part of a single project.A project is a set of up to eight files that should all be downloaded to theBASIC Stamp for a single application. Each of the files within the project isdownloaded into a separate “program slot.” A program slot is a specific regionin the memory for the specified components (file) of the project. For BASICStamp projects (consisting of multiple programs), the STAMP directive hasan option to specify additional file names, as demonstrated in the followingsyntax:

’ $STAMP BS2e, file2, file3, , file8

This form of the STAMP directive is used if a project consisting of multiplefiles is desired. This directive must be entered into the first program (it getsdownloaded into program slot 0), and not into any of the other files in theproject. The file2, file3, etc. items should be the actual names (and optionallythe path) of the other files in the project. file2 refers to the program thatshould be downloaded into program slot 1, file3 is the program that should bedownloaded into program slot 2, etc. If no path is given, the path of program0 (the program in which the STAMP directive is entered) is used.

The editor has the ability to treat projects as one logical unit, and can down-load each of the associated source-code files to the BS2e, BS2sx, or BS2p atonce. The BASIC Stamp Windows Editor also features a memory map thatdisplays the layout of the current PBASIC program: DATA usage and RAMregister usage. Pressing Ctrl+M can activate this window. When the memorymap is activated, the editor will check the program for syntax errors and, if the

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Keyboard shortcuts for File functions

Shortcut DescriptionCtrl+O Open a source-code file into the Editor window.Ctrl+S Save the current source-code file to disk.Ctrl+P Print the current source code.


Keyboard shortcuts for Edit functions

Shortcut DescriptionCtrl+Z Undo the last action.Ctrl+X Cut selected text to the clipboard.Ctrl+C Copy selected text to the clipboard.Ctrl+V Paste text from the clipboard to the selected area.Ctrl+A Select all text in the current source code.Ctrl+F Find or replace text.

F3 Find text again.F5 Open the Preferences window.

program’s syntax is OK, a color-coded map of the read-only memory (ROM)and electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM) will bedisplayed.

Note: The map indicates only how the program will be downloaded to theBASIC Stamp; it does not “read” the BASIC Stamp’s memory. Also, fixedvariables and any aliases do not show up on the memory map as memoryused. The fixed variables are variables specific to the STAMP controller, suchas port names and register names. The editor ignores fixed variables when itarranges automatically allocated variables in memory.

Tables 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4 list the keyboard shortcuts used in the BASIC StampEditor for File functions, Edit functions, and Coding functions, respectively.

2.3.4 Software Interface for DOS

The DOS versions support only one BASIC Stamp module; a separate DOSeditor is available for each model of the BASIC Stamp. For BS2e the versionof the BASIC Stamp editor for DOS is Stamp2e.exe. The BASIC Stamp DOSEditor can load and edit only one source-code file at a time. Source code canbe loaded into the editor by pressing Alt+L and selecting a file from the menu.

Note: The Browse menu shows only files in the current directory, the di-rectory that the BASIC Stamp DOS Editor is run from.

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Keyboard shortcuts for Coding functions

Shortcut DescriptionF6 or Ctrl+I Identify BASIC Stamp firmware.F7 or Ctrl+T Perform a syntax check on the code and display

any error messages.F8 or Ctrl+M Open the Memory Map window.F9 or Ctrl+R Tokenize code, download to BASIC Stamp, and

open the Debug window if needed.F11 or Ctrl+D Open a new Debug window.

F12 Switch to the next window (Editor, Debug #1,Debug #2, Debug #3, or Debug #4)

Ctrl+1 ... Ctrl+9 Switch to Debug Terminal #1 ... Debug Terminal#9 if that terminal window is open.

Ctrl+ Switch to the Editor window.ESC Close the current window.

The BS2e, BS2sx, and BS2p models support up to eight programs to bedownloaded into separate program slots. From here on, any application forthese models of the BASIC Stamp will be called a project. Each of the fileswithin the project must be downloaded into a separate program slot. ForBASIC Stamp projects (consisting of multiple programs), the BASIC StampDOS Editor must be used to individually load and download each of the filesinto the appropriate slot. The DOS editor can load only one source-code fileat a time. The sequence of keystrokes to load and download two programsinto two separate program slots would be as follows:

1. Alt+L loads a program into the editor.

2. Alt+0 sets the editor to program ID 0.

3. Alt+R downloads this program into program slot 0 of the BASIC Stamp’sEEPROM. The shortcut Alt+R downloads only one program at a time.

4. Alt+L loads another program into the editor.

5. Alt+1 sets the editor to program ID 1.

6. Alt+R downloads this program into program slot 1 of the BASIC Stamp’sEEPROM.

Note: Each program must be loaded separately.

The BASIC Stamp DOS Editors for the BS2, BS2e, BS2sx, and BS2p alsofeature a memory map that displays the layout of the current PBASIC pro-gram, data usage, and RAM register usage. Typing Alt+M activates this

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Keyboard shortcuts for File functions

Shortcut DescriptionAlt+L Open a source-code file into the Editor window.Alt+S Save the current source-code file to disk.Alt+Q Close the editor.


Keyboard shortcuts for Edit functions

Shortcut DescriptionAlt+X Cut selected text to the clipboard.Alt+C Copy selected text to the clipboard.Alt+V Paste text from the clipboard to the selected area.Alt+F Find or replace text.Alt+N Find text again.

window. When the memory map is activated, the editor will check the pro-gram for syntax errors and, if the program’s syntax is OK, a color-coded mapof the RAM will appear.

Note: As with the Windows Stamp Editor media map, the map indicatesonly how the program will be downloaded to the BASIC Stamp; it does not“read” the BASIC Stamp’s memory. Also, fixed variables and any aliases donot show up on the memory map as memory used.

Tables 2.5, 2.6, and 2.7 list the keyboard shortcuts in the BASIC StampDOS Editor for DOS for File functions, Edit functions, and Coding functions,respectively.


Keyboard shortcuts for Coding functions

Shortcut DescriptionAlt+0 through Alt+7 Set program slot to download to.Alt+I Identify the BASIC Stamp firmware.Alt+M Open the Memory Map window.Alt+R Tokenize code, download it to the BASIC Stamp, and open

the Debug window if necessary.Alt+P Open the potentiometer calibration window.

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2.4 PBASIC Programming Fundamentals

In this section, we will discuss PBASIC programming fundamentals such ashow to declare variables, define arrays, create aliases and modifiers, declareconstants and expressions. We’ll also cover BASIC Stamp math and someimportant PBASIC commands to interface with the BS2e development board.

2.4.1 Declaring Variables

Before a variable can be used in a PBASIC program, it must be declared.The following is the syntax for declaring variables.

Name VAR Size

In the declaration, Name is the name of the variable, VAR is the BASICStamp directive to set up the variable, and Size is the number of bits of storagefor the variable. The rules for building variable names are as follows:

1. Variable names must begin with a letter and can be a mixture of letters,numbers, and underscores.

2. Variable names must not be the same as PBASIC keywords.

3. Variable names can be up to 32 characters in length.

You have the following four choices for the size argument:

1. BIT: Value can be 0 or 1.

2. NIB (i.e., Nibble): Value can be any number between 0 and 15.

3. BYTE: Value can be any number between 0 and 255.

4. WORD: Value can be any number between 0 and 65535.

Here are two examples:

myvar VAR BIT

new_name VAR NIB

Here myvar is a variable of size 1 bit, and can have a value of either 0 or1. Similarly, new name is a variable of size 1 nibble and can have any valuebetween 0 and 15.

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Note: If a value exceeds the size of its variable, the excess bits will belost. In the previous example, suppose new name were assigned a value of260 (binary = 100000100). new name will hold only the lowest 8 bits of 260(i.e., 0100), which means that actually new name = 4.

2.4.2 Defining Arrays

An array is a group of variables of the same size and sharing a single name,but broken up into numbered cells called elements. The syntax is as follows:

Name VAR Size(n)

Name is the name of the variable, and Size is the type of storage for thevariable. The letter n is the number of elements of the array. In this example,

my_arr VAR BYTE(5)

The variable my arr is an array of five elements and each element has a sizeof 1 byte.

The elements of an array can be accessed by index numbers. Numberingstarts from 0 and ends at n-1. In the preceding example, my arr(0) wouldgive the value of the first element of the array, and my arr(4) would give thevalue of the fifth (and last, in this instance) element of the array. The first ele-ment is referred to as the 0th element. Another way to access the 0th elementof the array is to simply give the name of the array without the index num-ber. This means that my arr will give the value of the 0th element of the array.

Note: If the index value exceeds the maximum value for the size of thearray, PBASIC will not respond with an error message. Instead, it will accessthe next RAM location past the end of the array, which can cause all sorts ofbugs in the program. There is no error message because the BASIC Stampdoes not always have a display device connected to it for displaying errormessages. This means that for the 5 byte array my arr described earlier, theallowable index numbers are 0 through 4.

2.4.3 Alias

An alias is an alternative name for an existing variable. The following is anexample:


Eclipse VAR Car

In this example, Eclipse is an alias to the variable Car. Anything stored inCar shows up in Eclipse and vice versa. Both names refer to the same physicalpiece of RAM. This kind of alias can be useful when a temporary variable isto be used in different places in the program, and when its function has to bereflected in each place.

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List of modifiers

Symbol DefinitionLOWBYTE Low byte of a wordHIGHBYTE High byte of a word

BYE0 Byte 0 (low byte) of a wordBYTE1 Byte 1 (high byte) of a word

LOWNIB Low nibble of a word or byteHIGHNIB High nibble of a word or byte

NIB0 Nib 0 of a word or byteNIB1 Nib 1 of a word or byteNIB2 Nib 2 of a wordNIB3 Nib 3 of a word

LOWBIT Low bit of a word, byte, or nibbleHIGHBIT High bit of a word, byte, or nibble

BIT0 Bit 0 of a word, byte, or nibbleBIT1 Bit 1 of a word, byte, or nibbleBIT2 Bit 2 of a word, byte, or nibbleBIT3 Bit 3 of a word, byte, or nibble

BIT4..BIT7 Bits 4 though 7 of a word or byteBIT8..BIT15 Bits 8 through 15 of a word

2.4.4 Modifiers

An alias can also allow access into a portion of another variable using modi-fiers. Table 2.8 lists all the available modifiers.

In this example,




If the variable Dog is given the value 10110000, then Head will contain 1011and Tail will contain 0000.

Here is another example:



Here if the variable Room is given the value 1001110101100001, then Doorwill contain the third bit of the lower nibble of the higher byte of the Roomvalue. This means that the Door value is 1. Lower byte or nibble means theleftmost byte or nibble of the value. So the higher byte of the value of Roomis 10011101. Similarly, the lower nibble of this byte is 1101. Finally, the thirdbit of this nibble is 1 since the 0th bit is the rightmost bit of the binary value.

The following example shows how a variable’s nibbles can be accessed andmanipulated.

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my_arr VAR BYTE(10)

my_first VAR my_arr.LOWNIB(0)

my_second VAR my_arr.LOWNIB(1)

Here my arr is an array of 10 bytes. Suppose the 0th element of my arr isgiven a value 10001100 (i.e., my arr = my arr(0) = 10001100). my first andmy second are aliases used to access the lower and higher nibbles of my arr(0).Modifier LOWNIB(0) is used to access the lower nibble of my arr(0) so thatmy first = 1100 and modifier LOWNIB(1) is used to access the higher nibbleof my arr(0) so that my second = 1000. Note that instead of HIGHNIB,LOWNIB(1) is used to access the higher nibble. This is because thoughmy arr() is a 10-byte array and has 10 byte-sized cells numbered 0 through9, when it is addressed as a nibble array using my arr.LOWNIB(), it has 20nibble-sized cells numbered 0 through 19. Hence, my arr.LOWNIB(1) willcorrespond to the higher nibble of the 0th element of my arr.

Now consider this example:

my_arr VAR BYTE(10)

my_first VAR my_arr.HIGHNIB(0)

my_second VAR my_arr.HIGHNIB(1)

Here again my arr is an array of 10 bytes. Suppose the 0th element of my arris given a value 10101100 (i.e., my arr = my arr(0) = 10001100) and the firstelement is given by my arr(1) = 11110001. my first and my second are aliasesused to access the lower and higher nibbles of my arr(0). Modifier HIGHNIB()works a bit differently from modifier LOWNIB(). my arr(0).HIGHNIB(0) willaccess the higher nibble of the 0th element of my arr so that my first = 1010and modifier HIGHNIB(1) will access the lower nibble of my arr(1) so thatmy second = 0001.

2.4.5 Constants and Expressions

The following is the syntax for declaring a constant.

Name CON ConstantValue

Name is the name of the constant, CON is the BASIC Stamp directive toset up a constant, and ConstantValue is the value given to the constant.

The following are examples of constant declarations.

my_const CON 9

new_val CON my_const*3-5

Here my const and new val are constants. my const has been given a value9. The value of new val = 9 * 3 - 5 = 22. This means that expressions canalso be used while declaring constants.

The BASIC Stamp editor software solves the expressions used to defineconstants from left to right. The operators that are allowed in constant ex-pressions are shown in Table 2.9.

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The operators that are allowed in constant expressions

Operator Description+ Add- Subtract* Multiply/ Divide<< Shift left>> Shift right& Logical AND| Logical OR^ Logical XOR

2.4.6 BASIC Stamp Math

This section explores the fundamentals of BASIC Stamp math. Numberingsystems, arithmetic operations, and arithmetic operators are discussed andexplained with examples. Numbering Systems

Decimal, hexadecimal, and binary are the three numbering systems that canbe used with the BASIC Stamp. Since some of the symbols used in decimal,hex, and binary numbers overlap (1 and 0 are used by all; 0 through 9 applyto both decimal and hex) the BASIC Stamp Editor software needs prefixes totell the numbering systems apart, as shown below:

99 Decimal (no prefix)

$1A6 Hex

1101 Binary Arithmetic Operations and Operators

The BASIC Stamp solves math problems in the order they are written; fromleft to right. The result of each operation is fed into the next operation. Soto compute 12+3*2/4, the BASIC Stamp goes through the following sequence:

12 + 3 = 1515 * 2 = 3030 / 4 = 7

The result is given as 7 in the last line since the Stamp does not do deci-mal math. The BASIC Stamp performs all math operations by the rules ofpositive integer math. That is, it handles only whole numbers, and dropsany fractional portions from the results of computations. The BASIC Stamphandles negative numbers using two’s complement rules. Two’s complement

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TABLE 2.10

Binary operators available in BS2e

Operator Description+ Add.- Subtract.* Multiply.** The Multiply High operator.*/ The Multiply Middle operator./ Divide.// Modulus operator; returns the remainder left after dividing

one value by another.MIN The Minimum operator; limits a value to a specified 16-

bit positive minimum. The syntax of MIN is Value MINLimit.

MAX The Maximum operator; limits a value to a specified 16-bit positive maximum. The syntax of MAX is Value MAXLimit.

DIG The Digit operator.>> The Shift Right operator.<< The Shift Left operator.REV The Reverse operator.

& Bitwise AND.| Bitwise OR.^ Bitwise XOR.

of a binary number is obtained by adding logic 1 to the logic NOT of thenumber. For example, if the binary number is 0101, the two’s complement ofthe number is 1011 (1010 + 0001).

The BS2e allows parentheses to change the order of evaluation. Enclosinga math operation in parentheses gives it priority over other operations. So tocompute 12+((3*2)/4) the BSe2 goes through the following sequence.

3 * 2 = 66 / 4 = 112 + 1 = 13

BASIC Stamp arithmetic and logical operators are of two kinds: Binaryand Unary. Operators that take one argument are called unary operators andthose that take two are called binary operators. Table 2.10 lists the binaryoperators available in BS2e.

The Multiply High operator multiplies variables and/or constants, returningthe high 16 bits of the result. When two 16-bit values are multiplied, the resultcan be as large as 32 bits. Since the largest variable supported by PBASICis 16 bits, the highest 16 bits of a 32-bit multiplication result are usually

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lost. When the numbers are small, the * may give correct result since themultiplication result may be stored in 16 bits. The ** instruction gives theseupper 16 bits of the multiplication result. Thus, the data loss is minimizedbecause the most significant 16 bits of the result are stored.

The Multiply Middle operator multiplies variables and/or constants, return-ing the middle 16 bits of the 32-bit result. This has the effect of multiplying avalue by a whole number and a fraction. The whole number is the upper byteof the multiplier (0 to 255 whole units), and the fraction is the lower byte ofthe multiplier (0 to 255 units of 1/256 each).If a value is to be multiplied by1.5, the whole number, and therefore the upper byte of the multiplier, wouldbe 1; and the lower byte (fractional part) would be 128, since 128 / 256 =0.5.

The Digit operator returns the specified decimal digit of a 16-bit positivevalue. Digits are numbered from 0 (the rightmost digit) to 4 (the leftmostdigit of a 16-bit number; 0 to 65535). Therefore, DIG 2 of 5467 is 4.

The Shift Right operator shifts the bits of a variable to the right a specifiednumber of places. Bits shifted off the right end of a number are lost; bitsshifted into the left end of the number are 0s. Shifting the bits of a valueright n number of times has the same effect as dividing that number by 2 tothe nth power. For example, 100 >> 3 shift the bits of the number 100 rightthree places, making it equivalent to 100 / 23.

The Shift Left operator shifts the bits of a value to the left a specifiednumber of places. Bits shifted off the left end of a number are lost; bitsshifted into the right end of the number are 0s. Shifting the bits of a valueleft n number of times has the same effect as multiplying that number by 2 tothe nth power. For example, 100 << 3 shift the bits of the number 100 leftthree places, making it equivalent to 100 * 23.

The Reverse operator returns a reversed (mirrored) copy of a specified num-ber of bits of a value, starting with the rightmost bit. For instance, %10101101REV 4 would return %1011, which is a mirror image of the first four bits ofthe value.

The unary operators available in BS2e are listed in Table 2.11.

2.4.7 Important PBASIC Commands Used while Interfacingthe BS2e with the Lynxmotion 12 Servo Hexapod

This section presents some of the basic commands used while interfacing theBS2e development board with the Hexapod robot, discussed in Chapter 8.Debugging, programming, and serial communication commands are exploredwith example programs.

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TABLE 2.11

Unary operators available in BS2e

Operator DescriptionABS Converts a signed (two’s complement) 16-bit number to

its absolute value. The absolute value of a number is apositive number representing the difference between thatnumber and 0. For instance, the absolute value of -99 is99. The absolute value of 99 is also 99.

COS Returns cosine in two’s complement binary radians.DCD The Decoder operator; a 2n-power decoder of a four-bit

value. DCD accepts a value from 0 to 15 and returns a16-bit number with the bit, described by value, set to 1.For instance, DCD of 12 = 0001000000000000.Complements (inverts) the bits of a number. Each bit thatcontains a 1 is changed to 0, and each bit containing a 0is changed to 1. This process is also known as a bitwiseNOT and one’s complement. An example: (11001100) =00110011.

- The Negative operator; negates a 16-bit number (convertsto its two’s complement).

NCD The Encoder operator; is a “priority” encoder of a 16-bitvalue. NCD takes a 16-bit value, finds the highest bitcontaining a 1, and returns the bit position plus one (1through 16). If no bit is set (the input value is 0) NCDreturns 0. (Therefore, NCD of 1101 is 4.)

SIN Returns cosine in two’s complement binary radians.SQR Computes the integer square root of an unsigned 16-bit

number. Most square roots have a fractional part that theBASIC Stamp discards when doing its integer-only math.For instance, SQR computes the square root of 99 as 9 andnot 9.9498.

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2.4.8 DEBUG

This command displays information on the PC screen within the BASICStamp editor program. The syntax is as follows:

DEBUG OutputData ,OutputData

Here, OutputData is a variable/constant/expression that specifies the in-formation to output. Valid data can be ASCII characters (text strings andcontrol characters), decimal numbers (0-65535), hexadecimal numbers (0000-FFFF), or binary numbers (up to 1111111111111111). This command can beused to display text or numbers in various formats on the PC screen.

An example is

DEBUG "Hello World"

After this one-line program is downloaded, the BASIC Stamp Editor willopen a debug terminal on your PC screen and wait for a response from theBASIC Stamp. A moment later, the phrase “Hello World” will appear. Ifthe debug terminal is closed, the program keeps executing but the DEBUGdata cannot be seen anymore. The sample line of code can also be written asDEBUG “Hello”, “World”. Multiple pieces of data can be sent with just oneDEBUG command by separating them with commas.

Consider another example:


x = 65


This program will display A on the PC screen. This is because even thoughx is specified as 65, what gets displayed is the ASCII code of 65, which is theletter A. However, you’ll achieve a different result by simply adding “DEC”to the final line:


x = 65


Now the PC screen will display the number 65. This is because the decimalformatter DEC has been used before x in the DEBUG command.

Expressions are allowed with the DEBUG command. In the following ex-ample, the addition of 65 and 100 (i.e., 165) is displayed on-screen:


x = 65


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And here the hexadecimal value of 65 (i.e., 41) is displayed on-screen:


x = 65


2.4.9 FOR...NEXT

The syntax for this command is as follows:

FOR Counter = StartValue TO EndValue STEP StepValue...NEXT

Create a repeating loop that executes the program lines between FOR andNEXT, incrementing or decrementing Counter according to StepValue untilthe value of the Counter variable passes the EndValue.

Counter is a variable (usually a byte or a word) used as a counter. Start-Value is a variable/constant/expression that can have any value between 0and 65535, and that specifies the initial value of the variable (Counter).

EndValue is a variable/constant/expression that can have any value be-tween 0 and 65535 that specifies the end value of the variable (Counter).When the value of Counter is outside of the range StartValue to EndValue,the FOR...NEXT loop stops executing and the program goes on to the in-struction after NEXT.

StepValue is an optional variable/constant/expression that can have anyvalue between 0 and 65535, by which the Counter increases or decreases witheach iteration through the FORNEXT loop. If StartValue is larger thanEndValue, PBASIC understands StepValue to be negative even though nominus sign is used.

FOR...NEXT loops let the program execute a series of instructions fora specified number of repetitions (called iterations). By default, each timethrough the loop, the counter variable is incremented by 1 unless set by theStepValue argument. It will continue to loop until the result of the counter isoutside of the range set by StartValue and EndValue.

Here is an example:


FOR i = 1 TO 10

DEBUG "Hello World", CR


This program will display “Hello World” on the PC screen 10 times. Eachtime the display will be on a new line due to the CR formatter used. Bydefault the loop is incremented by 1 even though no Step value is specified.After the value of i exceeds 10, the control automatically exits the loop andthe program ends.

The following example shows how to create a counter using a FOR loop:

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x VAR byte

FOR x = 1 TO 10 STEP 3



The question mark in the DEBUG command causes “x = ” to be displayedon the PC screen. In this example the counter x is incremented in steps of 3.The program will output the following:x = 1x = 4x = 7x = 10

2.4.10 END

This command ends the program, placing the BASIC Stamp into low-powermode indefinitely. The syntax is as follows:


This command is optional, because once the BASIC Stamp reaches the endof the program it enters low-power mode indefinitely. However, END canprevent the program from looping continuously, as illustrated in the GOSUBexample.

2.4.11 RETURN

The syntax for the RETURN command is as follows:


RETURN sends the program back to the address (instruction) immediatelyfollowing the most recent GOSUB. If RETURN is executed without a priorGOSUB, the BASIC Stamp will return to the first executable line of theprogram.

2.4.12 PAUSE

The syntax for this command is as follows:

PAUSE Period

Period is a variable/constant/expression that can be any number between0 and 65535, which specifies the duration of the pause. The unit of time forPeriod is 1 millisecond. PAUSE delays the execution of the next programinstruction for the specified number of milliseconds.

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2.4.13 GOSUB

The syntax for this command is as follows:

GOSUB Address

Address is the label that specifies where to go. When a PBASIC programreaches a GOSUB, the program executes the code beginning at the specifiedaddress label. GOSUB also stores the address of the instruction immedi-ately following itself. When the program encounters a RETURN command,it interprets it to mean, “Go to the instruction that follows the most recentGOSUB.” GOSUB is used mainly to execute the same piece of code from mul-tiple locations. This technique is used to save program space. A maximum of255 GOSUBs are allowed per program, four of which may be nested GOSUBs.

Here is an example of a GOSUB in action:

GOSUB beauty

DEBUG " is a joy forever"



DEBUG "A thing of beauty"


In this example when the control reaches the command GOSUB, the controlwill branch to the section of code beginning with the label “beauty.” TheDEBUG command is then used in this subroutine to print “A thing of beauty”on the screen. On reaching the RETURN command, the control will go backto the line just after GOSUB (so the control is now at the first DEBUGcommand, which prints “is a joy forever” on the screen). The END commandsignifies that the program has reached its end.

If the END command is removed, once “is a joy forever” has been printedon-screen the control will fall into the “beauty” subroutine by itself. Hence,“A thing of beauty” gets printed once more; when the program reaches theRETURN command, the control goes back to the line below GOSUB, againprints “is a joy forever,” and then (due to the absence of END) again falls intothe “beauty” subroutine and the same procedure repeats infinitely. It is ofvital importance to ensure that the program does not fall into a subroutine.

2.4.14 SEROUT

The function of this command is to transmit asynchronous serial data (e.g.,RS-232 data). The syntax is as follows:

SEROUT Tpin \Fpin,Baudmode,Pace,Timeout,Tlabel,[OutputData]

Tpin is a variable/constant/expression that can have any value between0 and 16. It specifies the I/O pin through which the serial data will be

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transmitted. This pin will be set to output mode. If Tpin is set to 16, theBASIC Stamp uses the dedicated serial-output pin (SOUT, physical pin 1).

Fpin is an optional variable/constant/expression that can have any valuebetween 0 and 15. It specifies the I/O pin to monitor for flow-control status.This pin will be set to input mode. If Fpin is used, the optional Timeout andTlabel arguments in the SEROUT command have to be used.

Baudmode is a variable/constant/expression that can have any value be-tween 0 and 65535. It specifies serial timing and configuration.

Pace is an optional variable/constant/expression that can have any valuebetween 0 and 65535, and determines the length of the pause between trans-mitted bytes. Pace cannot be used simultaneously with Timeout. The unitof Pace is the millisecond (ms).

Timeout is an optional variable/constant/expression that can have anyvalue between 0 and 65535. It tells SEROUT how long to wait for Fpinpermission to send data. If permission does not arrive in time, the programwill jump to the address specified by Tlabel. The unit of Timeout is themillisecond (ms).

Tlabel is an optional label that must be provided along with Timeout.Tlabel indicates where the program should go if permission to send data isnot granted within the period specified by Timeout.

OutputData is a list of variables, constants, expressions, and formattersthat tells SEROUT how to format outgoing data. SEROUT can transmitindividual or repeating bytes, and convert values into decimal, hex, or binarytext representations. These actions can be combined in any order in theOutputData list.

The SEROUT command is used to send asynchronous serial data. Theterm asynchronous means “no clock.” More specifically, asynchronous serialcommunication means data is transmitted and received without the use of aseparate “clock” wire. Data can be sent using only two wires: one for dataand one for the ground. In contrast, synchronous serial communication uses atleast three wires: one for the clock, one for data, and one for the ground. ThePC’s serial ports (also called COM ports or RS-232 ports) use asynchronousserial communication. RS-232 is the electrical specification for the signalsthat PC serial ports use. Unlike normal logic, where 5 volts is logic 1 and0 volts is logic 0, RS-232 uses -12 volts for logic 1 and +12 volts for logic0. This specification allows communication over longer wire lengths withoutamplification.

Asynchronous serial communication relies on precise timing. Both thesender and the receiver must be set for identical timing, usually expressedin bits per second (bps), called baud. SEROUT requires a value called Baud-mode that tells it the important characteristics of the incoming serial data:the bit period, the number of data and parity bits, and the polarity. TheBaudmode argument for SEROUT accepts a 16-bit value that determines itscharacteristics: 1-stop bit, 8-data bits/no-parity or 7-data bits/even parity.The steps for calculating the Baudmode are presented here:

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TABLE 2.12

Common baud rates and baudmodes


8-Bit No-ParityInverted

8-Bit No-Parity True

7-Bit Even-Parity In-verted

7-Bit Even-Parity True

300 19697 3313 27889 11505600 18030 1646 26222 98381200 17197 813 25389 90052400 16780 396 34972 85884800 16572 188 24764 83809600 16468 84 24660 8276

• Determine the bit period; i.e., calculate INT(1000000 / baud rate) - 20.

• Set the data bits and parity. For 8 bits and no parity, the value chosenis 0. For 7 bits and even parity the value chosen is 8192.

• Select the polarity. For True (i.e., noninverted) the value chosen is 0,and for inverted the value chosen is 16384.

• Select driven or open output. For driven output the value chosen is 0,and for open output the value chosen is 32768.

• Add the results of steps1 through 4 to find the Baudmode.

Note: INT means “convert to integer;” and drop the numbers to the rightof the decimal point.

Consider a baud rate of 300. The Baudmode for 7-bit even parity withinverted polarity and driven output will be as calculated in the followingsteps.

1. INT(1000000/300) - 20 = INT(3333.333)-20 = 3333-20 = 3313. (INTgets rid of the digits after the decimal point).

2. For 7 bits with even parity, the value chosen = 8192.

3. For inverted polarity, the value chosen = 16384.

4. For driven output, the value chosen = 0.

Hence Baudmode = 3313 + 8192 + 16384 + 0 = 27889. Table 2.12 listscommon baud rates and the corresponding Baudmodes.

When you are using existing software or hardware for communication, itsspeed(s) and mode(s) will determine the choice of baud rate and mode. Ingeneral, 7-bit/even-parity (7E) mode is used for text, and 8-bit/no-parity (8N)mode is used for byte-oriented data. The most common mode is 8-bit/no-parity mode, even when the data transmitted is just text. Most devices that

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use a 7-bit data mode do so to take advantage of the parity feature. Paritycan detect some communication errors, but to use it you lose one data bit.This means that incoming data bytes transferred in 7E mode can representonly values from 0 to 127, rather than the 0 to 255 of 8N mode. Considerthree examples.

SEROUT 1, 16780, [65]

Here SEROUT will transmit a byte equal to 65 through pin 1 using theBaudmode 8-bit, no parity with inverted polarity (i.e., 16780) at a baud rateof 2400. If the BASIC Stamp were connected to a PC set to the same baudrate, the character A, which is the ASCII code for 65, would appear on-screen.

In the following code, DEC is a decimal formatter that causes 65 to appearas 65 on the PC screen instead of appearing as A.

SEROUT 1, 16780, [DEC = 65]

The following code will display “Slowly” on one line and “but surely” onthe next line since the formatter CR (carriage return) has been used.

SEROUT 1, 16468, 1000, ["Slowly",CR]

SEROUT 1, 16468, ["but surely"]

The Baudmode chosen is 8-bit, no parity with inverted polarity at a baudrate of 9600. Here, BS2e transmits the word “Slowly” with a one-second delaybetween each character since the value for the Pace argument is 1000 (ms).

Table 2.13 lists the available conversion formatters. All of the conversionformatters work similar to the decimal formatter.

TABLE 2.13

Available conversion formatters


Number Type

DEC1..5 Decimal; can be fixed to 1-5 digitsSDEC1..5 Signed decimal; can be fixed to 1-5 digitsHEX1..4 Hexadecimal; can be fixed to 1-4 digitsSHEX1..4 Signed hexadecimal; can be fixed to 1-4 digitsIHEX1..4 Indicated hexadecimal; can be fixed to 1-4 digits ($ prefix)ISHEX1..4 Signed, indicated hexadecimal; can be fixed to 1-4 digits

($ prefix)BIN1..16 Binary; can be fixed to 1-16 digitsSBIN1..16 Signed binary; can be fixed to 1-16 digitsIBIN1..16 Indicated binary; can be fixed to 1-16 digits (% prefix)ISBIN1..16 Signed, indicated binary; can be fixed to 1-16 digits (%


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Note: Fixed-digit formatters like DEC4 will pad the number with leading0s if necessary; for example, DEC4 65 sends 0065. If a number is larger thanthe specified number of digits, the leading digits will be dropped; so DEC456422 sends 6422.

Note: Signed modifiers work under two’s complement rules. This meansthe actual value of a negative number is found by calculating its two’s comple-ment. You can find two’s complement of a binary number by adding 1 to theinverted version of the number. For example, two’s complement of a negativenumber 1101 is 0010 + 1 = 0011. Thus, the number is -3.

Table 2.14 lists special formatters.

TABLE 2.14

Special formatters for BS2e

Special Formatter Action? Displays “symbol = x” and a carriage return,

where x is a number. Default format is decimal,but may be combined with conversion formatters(for instance, enter BIN ? x to display “x = bi-nary number”).

ASC ? Displays “symbol = x” and a carriage return,where x is an ASCII character.

STR ByteArray \L Sends a character string from an array. The op-tional \L argument can be used to limit the outputto L characters. Otherwise, characters will be sentup to the first byte equal to 0 or until the end ofRAM space is reached.

REP Byte\L Sends a string consisting of Byte repeatedL times (for example, REP “X”\10 sends“XXXXXXXXXX”).

Parity is a simple error-checking feature. When the SEROUT command’sBaudmode is set for even parity, it counts the number of 1s in the outgoingbyte and uses the parity bit to make that number even. For instance, if the7-bit value = 0011010, the parity bit is set to 1 to make an even number of1s (four).

The Fpin argument is used to monitor flow control. This means that itis used while sending and receiving data. The following example shows howFpin and Tpin are used to monitor the flow control.

serdata VAR BYTE

SEROUT 1\0, 84, [serdata]

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TABLE 2.15

The relationship between serial polarity and Fpin states

Type Ready to Receive Not Ready to ReceiveInverted Fpin is high (1) Fpin is low (0)Noninverted Fpin is low (0) Fpin is high (1)

Here serdata is a variable of type BYTE. The Tpin argument is 1. Thismeans that I/O pin 1 is set as output. The Fpin argument is 0. This meansthat I/O pin 0 is set as an input. The Baudmode is 8-bit, no parity withnoninverted polarity, see Table 2.12. When the receiver is ready to receivethe data from the BASIC Stamp, pin 0 (Fpin) will go low; this means thatBS2e can now transmit the data. Table 2.15 shows the relationship betweenserial polarity and Fpin states

If the polarity is inverted, when the receiver is ready to receive data, Fpinwill go high and vice versa. In the preceding example if the Fpin permissionnever occurs, the program is stuck. This means that if the receiver is neverready to receive, the program will wait forever for the ready signal. To getaround this bug, the Timeout and Tlabel arguments are used:

serdata VAR BYTE

SEROUT 1\0, 84, 2000, Noreception, [serdata]


DEBUG "timed out"

In the sample program, if no permission is received in two seconds (Timeout= 2000ms), the program aborts SEROUT and continues to the label Nore-ception (specified by Tlabel).

2.4.15 SERIN

The function of this command is to receive asynchronous serial data (e.g.,RS-232 data). The syntax is as follows:

SERIN Rpin \Fpin,Baudmode,Plabel,Timeout,Tlabel,[InputData]

The BASIC Stamp halts when the SERIN command is used so that decimaltext can be entered. The processor waits until the data are entered. Rpin is avariable/constant/expression (0-16) that specifies the I/O pin through whichthe serial data will be received. Using the SERIN command, this pin will beset to input mode. On all BASIC Stamp BS2 models, if Rpin is set to 16, theBASIC Stamp uses the dedicated serial-input pin (SIN, physical pin 2), whichis normally used by the Stamp Editor during the download process. Fpin,Baudmode, Timeout, and Tlabel are explained in the “SEROUT” sectionearlier in this chapter. They have the same functionality for the SERINcommand. Plabel is an optional label that indicates where the program should

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go in the event of a parity error. This argument should be provided only ifBaudmode indicates 7 bits and even parity. The following examples illustratedifferent ways of inputting data from the serial port.

serStr VAR Byte(10) ’ make 10-byte array

serStr (9) = 0 ’ put 0 in last byte of array

SERIN 1, 16468, [STR serStr\9] ’ get nine bytes

DEBUG STR serStr ’ display

In this example, the BASIC Stamp receives nine bytes through I/O pin1 at 9600 bps, 8-bit no parity inverted, and stores them in an array of 10bytes. We store only 9 bytes since we would like to reserve space for the 0byte that many BASIC Stamp string-handling routines regard as an end-of-string marker. This is especially important when dealing with variable-lengtharrays. Here is an example of a variable-length array:

serStr VAR Byte(10) ’ make 10-byte array

serStr(9) = 0 ’ put 0 in last byte of array

SERIN 1, 16468, [STR serStr\9\"*"] ’ stop at "*" or nine bytes

DEBUG STR serStr ’ display

If the serial input is “Hi!*” the DEBUG subroutine would display “Hi!”because it gets the bytes up to (but not including) the end character (*). Itfills the unused bytes with 0s. The SERIN command can compare incomingdata with a predefined sequence of bytes using the WAIT formatter. Thesimplest form waits for a sequence of up to 6 bytes given as part of theInputData list. The following example shows how this property can be usedto create a password check in a system.

SERIN 1, 16468, [WAIT("PASS1970")]

DEBUG "Password accepted."

SERIN waits for the password, and the program halts until it is received.The password is case-sensitive since WAIT looks for an exact match for asequence of bytes. Thus, if “Pass1970” is entered, it will be ignored. Usingthis functionality, the program could have several passwords (depending onthe operation of the main program). In this chapter, we have explored severalBASIC Stamp controllers often used in robotic kits. More-detailed expla-nations of the complete list of commands can be seen in the BASIC Stampmanuals available online. Also, some robotic kits suppliers, such as Lynx-motion, Inc., provide BASIC Stamp manuals for their robotic kits or Stampevaluation boards.

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PC Interfacing

In order to be able to program a robot for repetitive tasks or to integratewith sensors like cameras, we need to be able to connect the robot to a con-troller. We will use a PC as the robot controller for some robots in this book.Therefore, we need to interface the robot with a PC. There are many waysthe robot can be connected to a PC. We can control the robot using relays bydeveloping a sensor board that connects to some computer port, such as theparallel port or a USB port or a serial port. Serial ports are getting obsolete,so we will not discuss those in detail. In order to develop interface, we needto know how the parallel port works and how we can use it to connect to therobot. This is discussed below.

3.1 Parallel Port Interface

The parallel port on a PC has a DB25 female pin connector. The pins arerelated to hardware in the PC. The connector pin relationship to the hardwareregisters is shown in Figure 3.1.

The parallel port can be controlled using three registers. We can read andwrite to these registers using software to access and control what happens tothe pins of the parallel port. Table 3.1 describes the parallel port pins.

There are three registers associated with each parallel port. These are

• Data register

• Status register

• Control register

In order to use the parallel port for control, we need to know the addressof the port registers so that we can use them to read and write to and fromthe port. During the Power On Self Test (POST) the BIOS is programmedto check for the printer ports and store their addresses at memory locations0040:0008 to 0040:000FH. Each address takes two bytes following the littleendian convention of the 8086 processors which means low byte is followedby high byte. These memory locations can be read to see which LPT (line


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Parallel port DB25F


Parallel port pin description

Pin No. Signal name Direction Register bit Inverted1 nStrobe In/Out Control-0 Yes2 Data0 In/Out Data-0 No3 Data1 In/Out Data-1 No4 Data2 In/Out Data-2 No5 Data3 In/Out Data-3 No6 Data4 In/Out Data-4 No7 Data5 In/Out Data-5 No8 Data6 In/Out Data-6 No9 Data7 In/Out Data-7 No10 nAck In Status-6 No11 Busy In Status-7 Yes12 Paper-Out In Status-5 No13 Select In Status-4 No14 Linefeed In/Out Control-1 Yes15 nError In Status-3 No16 nInitialize In/Out Control-2 No17 nSelect-Printer In/Out Control-3 Yes

18-25 Ground - - -

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printer) ports are available. Zeros (logic 0) are found in memory locations ifthat corresponding port is missing. When we find the address of any availableprinter port, that address is the one for the data register of that printer. Thenext memory location is that of the status register of the same printer port,followed by the control register of the same printer port. For example, let ussay that we write a program to read the memory address 0040:0008 and readtwo bytes and those two bytes are 0378H. Now this will be the address forthe data register for LPT1. The address for its status register will be 0379Hand its control register will be 037AH. These, in fact, are the most popularaddresses for parallel port on a PC. Table 3.2 shows the BIOS addresses forLPT.


BIOS Address for LPT

I/O Base Address LPT0040:0008-0040:0009 LPT10040:000A-0040:000B LPT20040:000C-0040:000D LPT3

Note: We have used the hexadecimal system here. In hexadecimal system(unlike the decimal system where 10 digits are used, namely 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7, 8 and 9) sixteen symbols are used. These are: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,A, B, C, D, E, and F. These are used together to express all numbers. Forexample 27 in decimal system means. In the hexadecimal system 2F is, whichis 47 in decimal. We use an H to indicate a hexadecimal system. For example0378H means 0378 is a hexadecimal system.

Example addresses for LPT ports are shown in Table 3.3.


Printer port address


Data Register(R/W)

Status Register(Read Only)

Control Register(R/W)

LPT1 03BCH 03BDH 03BEHLPT2 0378H 0379H 037AHLPT3 0278H 0279H 027AH

Block diagram view of the three ports associated with a parallel port areshown in Figure 3.2.

We will now study how to write a program to write to and read from the

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Parallel port breakdown

parallel port. The first thing to do is to find the port address of the parallelport on your computer. Each operating system allows its own way for doingthat. For example for Windows XP, we can do it by following the steps shownbelow. First right click over “My Computer” and then click on “Properties”(see Figure 3.3).

After that click on the hardware tab in the system property window asshown in Figure 3.4. This will bring the next window. Click the “devicemanager” button on this window. Then open up the “ports” and then doubleclick on the printer port. There, click on the “resources” tab. The resultingwindow (Figure 3.5) will show the resources used by the printer port. Inthe example shown below we see that the printer port is LPT1 and starts atmemory 0378H. Now we can write code that accesses this memory location.However Windows XP does not allow programs direct access to the ports. Inorder for our program to access the printer port we can use some third partydrivers that will allow our program to access the port. There are some freelibraries available that can do this job.

3.1.1 Port Access Library for Windows XP

One free library is called WinIo and is available for free from Internals website [37]. You can download from that website and then unzip itto a directory. The help file in the directory shows how to use the libraryin different programming languages and platforms. For example, to use thelibrary in Visual C++ you must do the following:

1. Place winio.dll, winio.vxd, and winio.sys in the directory where your

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Finding my computer properties


Clicking on hardware tab

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Resources for LPT1

application’s executable file resides.

2. Add winio.lib to your project file by right clicking on the project name inthe Visual C++ workview pane and selecting “Add Files to Project...”.

3. Add the #include “winio.h” statement to your source file.

4. Call InitializeWinIo.

5. Call the library’s functions to access I/O ports and physical memory.

6. Call ShutdownWinIo.

The following is a sample program to show how the parallel port is accessed.

#include <windows.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include "winio.h"

void main()

DWORD dwPortVal;

bool bResult;

// Call InitializeWinIo to initialize the WinIo library.

bResult = InitializeWinIo();

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if (bResult)

// Under Windows NT/2000/XP, after calling InitializeWinIo,

// you can call _inp/_outp instead of using GetPortVal/SetPortVal

GetPortVal(0x378, &dwPortVal, 4);

SetPortVal(0x378, 10, 4);

// When you’re done using WinIo, call ShutdownWinIo



printf("Error during initialization of WinIo.\n");


The following is the description of the GetPortVal function in the help fileof the library. This function reads a BYTE/WORD/DWORD value from anI/O port:

bool _stdcall GetPortVal(

WORD wPortAddr,

PDWORD pdwPortVal,

BYTE bSize


In the description, wPortAddr [in] is I/O port address; pdwPortVal [out]is a pointer to a DWORD variable that receives the value obtained from theport; bSize [in] is the number of bytes to read (Can be 1 (BYTE), 2 (WORD)or 4 (DWORD)).

If the function succeeds, the return value is true. Otherwise, the functionreturns false. The GetPortVal function reads a byte, a word, or a doubleword from the specified I/O port.

Note: Under Windows 98/ME, an application must use the GetPortValfunction to read values from an I/O port. Under Windows NT/2000/XP, it ispossible to use the inp/ inpw/ inpd functions instead of using GetPortVal,provided that the InitializeWinIo function has been called beforehand.

3.1.2 Hardware Signals

The parallel port of a PC uses TTL signals. That means that the port hasbeen designed following TTL logic and the corresponding hardware. Now, let

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TTL voltage levels for input and output


TTL inverter circuit

us try to understand what this means in detail. We will understand whatthe voltage levels are for logic high and logic low, what currents can the TTLdevices handle, as well as the construction and operation principle of TTLlogic. TTL Voltage Signals

A TTL logic chip accepts voltage levels from 2.0 V and higher to be considereda logic “high” signal (or logic 1), and any voltage below 0.8V to be a logic“low” (or logic 0). However, a TTL chip guarantees that when it signals alogic 1 on its output, the voltage at the output pin will be greater than orequal to 2.4 V and it guarantees that when it signals a logic 0 on its output,the voltage at the output pin will be less than or equal to 0.4 V. The rangeof voltages for TTL logic is from 0V to 5V. These values are shown in Figure3.6.

Let us try to understand the significance of these different voltages forhandling noise in the system. Let us say that we are connecting one TTLinverter to another. The circuit for this is shown in Figure 3.7.

We are using 7404 inverter chip. You can get the details about this chipfrom Texas Instruments’ web site [38]. In the circuit, if we input a logic 0

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TTL current capabilities

signal at the input of the first chip, the output of that chip will be at logic 1.This means that the voltage will be 2.4 volts or higher. Now this signal goesas input to the next inverter. For this inverter to consider a signal as high,the signal must be 2.0 volts or higher. That means that a noise of -0.4 voltscan be handled that could change the voltage between one output to the nextinput. This is called noise margin. We can also find the same when theoutput from the first inverter is a logic 0 signal. TTL Current Capabilities

We also need to know the current capabilities of TTL hardware. We mustmake sure that when we interface with a parallel port that we do not connectcomponents that will force more current into or out of the port than TTLlogic can handle. When the current comes out of the port or the pin then, wesay that the port is sourcing current, and if the current goes into the portor the pin, we say it is sinking current. The current capabilities of TTL areshown in Figure 3.8.

This figure shows that when the pin outputs a high it can source up to 400µA of current and when it outputs a low, then it can sink up to 16 mA ofcurrent. When the pin takes an input that is a high signal then it can sink 40µA of current and when it takes an input which is a low signal, then it cansource 1.6 mA of current. This shows that the output of one TTL chip can beconnected to 10 other TTL chips. This number is called fanout of the chip.We need to control the motors from the signals of the parallel port. We canaccomplish that by using output pins. We can also use some pins for input.Therefore, we need to understand how to interface with these pins.

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Active-Low switch with pull-up resistor TTL Interfacing

Figure 3.9 and Figure 3.10 shows examples of how to interface a switch thatgoes into the input of a TTL chip.

In order to input a logic 1 into the port we can directly connect 5V DCsignal to the pin, and if we want input a logic 0 into the port we can directlyconnect the ground signal to the pin. However, with a switch without usingthe resistors shown in the figure above, there would be a direct path withoutresistance from the DC power signal to ground causing high current on thatpath. Therefore, we need resistors, as shown, to limit the current. For usingthe port for output, we have to be careful about how much current would beinvolved. Therefore, we have to use resistors to limit the current, otherwise wecan damage the parallel port. Figure 3.11 shows direct interface for drivingLEDs from the port.

We have seen how to directly drive LEDs from TTL output pins. However,it is always safer to use transistors to drive LEDs rather than doing a directdrive. That way we can provide more current to the LEDs without having thatcurrent interact with the port directly. We can either use an NPN transistoror a PNP transistor for driving. In the case of NPN, shown in Figure 3.12,a high output on the pin turns the transistor on and the LED lights up, andwhen the output is low, the LED is off. For a PNP transistor, shown in Figure3.13, the situation is the opposite. When the pin output is high, the PNPtransistor is off and consequently the LED is also off. When the pin outputis low, the PNP turns on and that turns the LED also on.

We can also use a transistor to drive a relay that can be used to switch amotor or a solenoid on and off. We can not drive a motor or a solenoid directlyfrom a digital output, because the current capability of these devices can notbe met by the digital outputs. The relay should have a diode in parallel as

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Active-High switch interfacing


TTL direct LED driving

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TTL transistor LED driving with an NPN transistor


TTL transistor LED driving with a PNP transistor

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TTL transistor relay driving

shown Figure 3.14, so that when the relay is turned off the current still flowingthrough the relay coil has a path to circulate and dissipate through. Withoutthe diode there would be a high voltage produced due to the instantaneousswitching of an inductor coil.

3.1.3 PC Interfacing Board

In this section we describe a board that uses a safe input/output interfacefor a PC parallel port. We will interface the parallel port for 8-bit input and8-bit output. For input and output, we will use the output pins as shown inFigure 3.15.

We need to protect the parallel port pins, and therefore, we will use buffersto accomplish that. We can buffer the output pins using 74LS244 chips.However, in order to be able to drive higher current outputs, we can useULN2803 chips. Let us study these two chips to understand how to interfacewith them. 74LS244

The pinout of the chip is shown in Figure 3.16.The logic diagram of the chip is shown in Figure 3.17.The schematic equivalent of the output of the chip is shown in Figure 3.18.

The nominal value of the resistance R is 50 Ohms. Schematic for ParallelPort Output Interface with 74LS244 is shown in Figure 3.19.

The letter G indicates that the corresponding pins should be connected toground. LEDs series with 440 Ohm resistors are attached to the output sothat the parallel port can be observed. The code for controlling the LEDs

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Input output pins for the board


Pinout for 74LS244 (Courtesy of Texas Instruments Incorporated)

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Logic diagram of 74LS244 with input, output, and control lines of Schmidttriggers (Courtesy of Texas Instruments Incorporated)

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Output for 74LS244 (Courtesy of Texas Instruments Incorporated)

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Schematic for parallel port output interface with 74LS244 (Courtesy ofTexas Instruments Incorporated)

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is given in the below code. The same setup procedures can be followed asexplained early in the chapter.

#include <windows.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include "winio.h"

void main()

BYTE bPortVal;

bool bResult;

bResult = InitializeWinIo();

if (bResult)

SetPortVal(0x378, 0, 1);



printf("Error during initialization of WinIo.\n");


We can write different numbers using SetPortVal to control what LEDsshould light up. For example, using SetPortVal(0x378, 0xFF,1) we can turnon all the LEDs. The number 0xFF is the hexadecimal for the binary number11111111 and writes 1 onto each output pins of the data port at the address0x378. ULN2803

The pinout of the chip is shown in Figure 3.20.

The logic diagram of the chip is shown in Figure 3.21.

The transistor level schematic for the chip is shown in Figure 3.22.

This chip can handle up to 50V of output and 500 mA current. To seethe use of this chip driving LED outputs from a parallel port, we present thefollowing circuit (see Figure 3.23).

The zener diode used in this design is for protecting the chip against volt-age spikes while driving inductive loads like relays or motors. The code forcontrolling LEDs with ULN2803 uses inverted logic, i.e., to turn on an LED,we must write logic 0 on that pin.

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Pinout for ULN2803 (Courtesy of Texas Instruments Incorporated)


Logic diagram for ULN2803: logic inverters and protective diodes (Courtesyof Texas Instruments Incorporated)

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Schematic for ULN2803 (Courtesy of Texas Instruments Incorporated)


Schematic for parallel port output interface with ULN2803 (Courtesy ofTexas Instruments Incorporated)

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Schematic for parallel port input output interface (Courtesy of TexasInstruments Incorporated) Input-Output Interfacing

We can use 74LS244 as a buffer for input to the parallel port. As shown inFigure 3.15, we can use 4 status and 4 control pins to get 8 bits of input. Thestatus pins can be read through the output of the 74LS244 buffer as shownbelow. The control pins have open collector outputs. Therefore, to use thosepins for input require us to use an open collector buffer that has pins pulledto high with 4.7 K-Ohm resistor. Also, during initialization of the software,you should write xxxx0100 to the control port before we can start readingfrom it. This makes the port turned on, and after that if the external deviceturns it low, we can read that, and if it does not, then we read a high. Weuse a 74LS05 as the open collector inverter as the input buffer for these pins.Schematic for Parallel Port Input Output Interface is given in Figure 3.24.

The open collector interfacing is shown in Figure 3.25.

We can drive relays instead of LEDs using the ULN2803 outputs. This isshown in Figure 3.26.

3.1.4 Visual Basic Access to Parallel Port

There is a library that can be used to access parallel port in windows. Itis called IO.dll and available at Geek Hideout web site [40]. That site alsoprovides details on how to use it. It also provides a sample visual basic code

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Open collector interface


Relay interface (Courtesy of Texas Instruments Incorporated)

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Parallel port monitor

to monitor the parallel port.

The screen shot of the parallel port monitor is shown in Figure 3.27.

One other library that is freely available is inpout32.dll. One of the sites itis available at is Programmers Heaven web site [41]. Next section describes abreadboarded circuit used for output using this library.

3.1.5 Breadboarded Output Circuit

The following circuit, shown in Figure 3.28, was built on a solderless bread-board.

The breadboard circuit is shown in Figure 3.29. Notice that we are using a5V power for the circuit.

The bottom breadboard has the circuit for parallel port output interfacingwith the LEDs and the top breadboard has the 5V power generation from a6V AC adapter. The circuit for that is shown in Figure 3.30.

The AC adapter used is shown in Figure 3.31.

To get the wires from the parallel port cable, we cut the cable to get thewires out and then stripped the leads out. Then we soldered a 22-gauge wirewith each wire and put heat shrink tubing on it. All the ground wires weresoldered together with one 22-gauge wire, so that all the required groundconnections would be accomplished by a single wire on the breadboard. Theother side of the cable is a standard male DB25 that connects to the DB25Fon the computer. The cable wiring is shown in Figure 3.32.

The Visual Basic .NET code we use here uses inpout32.dll. You can obtaininformation about this dll file from Logix4u web site [42]. You can also down-load the code from that site. The programming development is as follows.We design the user form as shown in Figure 3.33.

The code for the “in” button of the user interface form is given below.

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Schematic for parallel port output interface with ULN2803 (Courtesy ofTexas Instruments Incorporated)

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Breadboarded circuit


5V Power supply circuit

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AC power adapter

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Text2.Text = Str(Inp(Val("&H" + Text1.Text)))

End Sub

The following is the code for the “out” button of the user interface form.

Private Sub Command2_Click()

Out Val("&H" + Text1.Text), Val(Text2.Text)

End Sub

The following code is the main program and will be in the project file codewhereas previous program segments are in the form which created the formin Figure 3.34. It sets the necessary library, inpout.dll, as well as definingaliases and variables.

Public Declare Function Inp Lib "inpout32.dll"

Alias "Inp32" (ByVal PortAddress As Integer) As Integer

Public Declare Sub Out Lib "inpout32.dll"

Alias "Out32" (ByVal PortAddress As Integer, ByVal Value As Integer)

The actual output of the program is shown in Figure 3.34. The user cantype in the address of the parallel port and then type in the value to be outputfollowed by a click of the “out” button. The user can also click on the “in”button to read the input at the port.

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Parallel port cable wiring for breadboarding


Visual Basic form

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Window of Visual Basic form


Serial port DB9 pins

3.2 Serial Port Interfacing

Serial port is used for transferring data serially as compared to the parallelport that is used for parallel transfer of data. The DB9 pins of a serial portare shown in Figure 3.35 and described in Table 3.4.

3.2.1 PC to PC Communication

This section describes cabling (Null Modem) and necessary software compo-nents for PC to PC serial communication. Cabling (Null Modem)

Let us study how to have serial communication between two PCs. We canhave a null modem connecting the serial ports of the two computers. A nullmodem connects serial ports of two computers as shown in Figure 3.36. Thisnull modem is a null modem with full handshaking. We can also have nullmodems with fewer connections. The simplest and the cheapest one is a

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Serial port pin description

Pin No. Signal Signal Name1 CD Carrier Detect2 RxD Received Data3 TxD Transmitted Data4 DTR Data Terminal Ready5 GND Ground6 DSR Data Set Ready7 RTS Request to Send8 CTS Clear to Send9 RI Ring Indicator

three wire connection based null modem. There can be other null modemconnections. The choice of which one to use depends upon what software willbe used on both sides.

The three wire minimal null modem is shown in Figure 3.37.One can also make a PC communicate with itself for example by using a

terminal program and connecting pins as shown in Figure 3.38. Software

The .NET framework version 2 (beta) consists of access for providing serialport communication. We can write a C# application for that. In order toprogram the serial port using C#, you can download the Visual C# Expressedition. Details of an example for a serial port communication between twoPCs is provided at the Code Project web site [46].

Some details of that example are provided here. In order to use serial portfeatures, we use the serial port namespace as:

using System.IO.Ports;

To create a serial port object we write the following line of code.

// Create a Serial Port Object

SerialPort sp = New SerialPort();

The most important methods of the serial port class are:

1. Open( ) : Opens a new serial port connection.

2. Close( ) : Closes a serial port connection.

3. ReadLine( ) : Reads upto the NewLine in the input buffer. If there is atimeout, then it returns Null.

4. WriteLine(string) : Appends the string with a NewLine and writes it tothe output buffer.

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Null modem with full handshaking


Null modem without full handshaking

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Self loop connection

Important public properties of the serial port class are:

1. Baudrate : Gets or sets the serial baud rate.

2. Stopbits : Gets or sets the stop bits.

3. ReadTimeout : Specifies in milliseconds the timeout for a read opera-tion.

3.2.2 PC to Microcontroller Serial Communication

Let us study how to have serial communication between a PC and a micro-controller. In Figure 3.39, we see a PIC16F84A microcontroller in a minimalcircuit to perform serial communication. It uses pin RA1 to receive and RA2to transmit serial data to a PC. The PC side can be programmed as aboveusing C#, or can be programmed in many other languages such as VisualBasic, or C++. We can also use a terminal program for the serial communi-cation. On the microcontroller side, we can program the serial communicationusing many different languages too, such as PICBasic, C, assembly, etc. As-sembly is the most cumbersome. Basic and C languages are easier for serialprogramming.

In PICBasic, we can use SERIN and SEROUT commands to perform serialcommunication. The descriptions of these two are given below and are taken

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Serial communication between a PC and a PIC16F84A microcontroller

directly from the PICBasic manual. SERIN in PICBasic

The following is the format for the SERIN command in PICBasic to set up theserial port for input.

SERIN Pin, Mode,(Qual,Qual), Item,Item

The PC receives one or more items on Pin in standard asynchronous formatusing 8 data bits, no parity, and one stop bit. Mode is one of the followingshown in Table 3.5.

Note: 9600 baud is an addition to the PICBasic Compiler and is notavailable on the BASIC Stamp I.

The list of data items to be received may be preceded by one or morequalifiers enclosed within parentheses. SERIN must receive these bytes inexact order before receiving the data items. If any byte received does notmatch the next byte in the qualifier sequence, the qualification process resets(i.e., the next received byte is compared to the first item in the qualifier list).A Qualifier can be a constant, variable, or a string constant. Each characterof a string is treated as an individual qualifier.

Once the qualifiers are satisfied, SERIN begins storing data in the variablesassociated with each Item. If the variable name is used alone, the value ofthe received ASCII character is stored in the variable. If variable is precededby a pound sign ( # ), then SERIN converts a decimal value in ASCII and

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Serial communication modes for SERIN command

Mode Symbol Value Baud Rate Communication TypeT2400 0 2400 TTL TrueT1200 1 1200 TTL TrueT9600 2 9600 TTL TrueT300 3 300 TTL TrueN2400 4 2400 TTL InvertedN1200 5 1200 TTL InvertedN9600 6 9600 TTL InvertedN300 7 300 TTL Inverted


Current limiting resistor for inverted serial inputs with their pin numbers inDB9 and DB25 connectors

stores the result in that variable. All nondigits received prior to the first digitof the decimal value are ignored and discarded. The nondigit character whichterminates the decimal value is also discarded. The following is an exampleof SERIN command.

SERIN 1, N2400, ("A"), B0

This command lets the PC wait until the character “A” is received seriallyon Pin1 and put the next character into B0. The Baud rate is set for 2400.While single-chip RS-232 level converters are common and inexpensive, theexcellent I/O specifications of the PICmicro MCU allow most applications torun without level converters. Rather, inverted input (N9600..N300) can beused in conjunction with a current limiting resistor as shown in Figure 3.40. SEROUT in PICBasic

The following is the format for the SEROUT command in PICBasic to set upthe serial port for output.

SEROUT Pin, Mode, (Item,Item)

This command sends one or more items to Pin in standard asynchronousformat using 8 data bits, no parity, and one stop. Mode is one of the followingshown in Table 3.6.

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Serial communication modes for SEROUT command

Mode Symbol Value Baud Rate Communication TypeT2400 0 2400 TTL TrueT1200 1 1200 TTL TrueT9600 2 9600 TTL TrueT300 3 300 TTL TrueN2400 4 2400 TTL InvertedN1200 5 1200 TTL InvertedN9600 6 9600 TTL InvertedN300 7 300 TTL Inverted

OT2400 8 2400 Open DrainOT1200 9 1200 Open DrainOT9600 10 9600 Open DrainOT300 11 300 Open DrainON2400 12 2400 Open SourceON1200 13 1200 Open SourceON9600 14 9600 Open SourceON300 15 300 Open Source

SEROUT supports three different data types which may be mixed and matchedfreely within a single SEROUT statement.

1. A string constant is output as a literal string of characters.

2. A numeric value (either a variable or a constant) will send the corre-sponding ASCII character. Most notably, 13 is carriage return and 10is line feed.

3. A numeric value preceded by a pound sign ( # ) will send the ASCIIrepresentation of its decimal value. For example, if W0 = 123, then#W0 (or #123) will send ’1’, ’2’, ’3’.

The following is an example of a SEROUT command.

Serout 0,N2400,(#B0,10)

This command sends the ASCII value of B0 followed by a linefeed out toPin0 serially. The Baud rate is set to 2400 with the TTL True mode. Whilesingle-chip RS-232 level converters are common and inexpensive, thanks tocurrent RS-232 implementation and the excellent I/O specifications of thePICmicro MCU, most applications do not require level converters. Rather,inverted TTL (N300..N9600) can be used. A current limiting resistor is sug-gested (RS-232 is suppose to be short-tolerant) as shown in Figure 3.41.

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Current limiting resistor for inverted serial outputs

3.3 USB Interfacing

If a PC does not have a serial port, and only has USB ports, then we canuse a USB to serial converter to perform communication between the host PCand a microcontroller. On the PC side we can use a converter such as the oneby Parallax, shown in Figure 3.42.


USB to serial converter (Copyright 2006 Parallax Inc.)

This product is based on USB interfacing chips by FTDI and come withsoftware drivers so that one can program the communication on the PC. One

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could also provide a USB interface to a microcontroller using this device.Details about this device and FTDI chips can be obtained from the ParallaxInc. web site [26]. Another very easy solution to providing a USB interfaceis to use the following Pololu USB to RS232 serial interface, shown in Figure3.43. Information about this interface can be obtained from Pololu Inc. website [45].


Pololu USB to serial board (Copyright 2006 Pololu Corporation)

This device comes with a software driver, which allows the PC software touse standard serial code (as the one using C#). The output pins have thestandard RS232 interface.

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Robotic Arm

In this chapter we will study a robotic arm that is built using DC motorsand is controlled by switches. The robotic arm we will study is the OWI-007robotic arm trainer. The robot is shown in Figure 4.1 below.

From the figure we can see that the robot has five degrees of freedom.That means we can have it move in five independent ways. The five differentmovements are created in five different joints as described below.

1. Base Joint: This joint allows movement of 350o rotational motion.

2. Shoulder Joint: This joint allows movement of 120o rotational motion.

3. Elbow Joint: This joint allows movement of 135o rotational motion.

4. Wrist Joint: This joint allows movement of 340o rotational motion.

5. Gripper: This joint allows movement of 2′′

linear motion (open andclose actions).

The arm is made from lightweight plastic. Most of the stress-bearing partsare also made of plastic. The DC motors used in the robotic arm are small,high rpm, low torque motors. To increase the motor’s torque, each motor isconnected to a gearbox. The motor gearbox assemblies are used inside theconstruction of the robotic arm. While the gearboxes increase the motor’s


OWI-007 robotic arm trainer (Copyright 2007 OWI ROBOTS)


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OWI-007 control panel (Copyright 2007 OWI ROBOTS)


OWI-007 PC interface kit (Copyright 2007 OWI ROBOTS)

torque, the robotic arm is not capable of lifting or moving a great amountof weight. The maximum recommended lifting capacity is 4.6 ounces (130grams).

The robotic arm can be controlled by hand using a control panel. Thecontrol panel has five switches to control the five DC motors that control thevarious joints of the robot. The control panel is shown in Figure 4.2.

We can interface the robot with a PC using its parallel port and an interfacekit. The robotic arm interface kit connects OWI’s 007 Robotic Arm Trainer(tm) to a personal computer (IBM PC or compatible). The interface connectsto the PC’s parallel port. The interface kit is shown in Figure 4.3.

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OWI-007 DC motor and gear box (Copyright 2007 OWI ROBOTS)

4.1 Construction and Mechanics

We will understand the mechanical construction of the robotic arm by firstunderstanding the DC motor and the gearbox. After that we will study eachsection between consecutive joints in more details.

4.1.1 DC Motor and Gear Box

The DC motor and the gearbox that are used in the robot are shown in Figure4.4.

The motors used in the robot are low torque but high speed motors. There-fore, we use a gear box that converts the output of the motor to lower speedand higher torque. The gears used in the gear box are shown in Figure 4.5.

The first gear that is connected to the motor shaft changes the motion fromthe motor axis to an axis that is perpendicular to the motor shaft. This ismore clearly shown in Figure 4.6. The motor output shaft is connected to aworm gear that moves and makes the spur gear rotate. It is worthwhile tonote that only the worm gear motion can make the other gear move and notthe other way around.

The next four gears connect to each other in the same plane. Figure 4.7shows the two gears connected together.

Output axis A gives the rotation motion in the same plane as these gears.

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OWI-007 DC motor and gear box details (Copyright 2007 OWI ROBOTS)


OWI-007 motor and worm gear (Copyright 2007 OWI ROBOTS andEmerson Power Transmission Corporation)

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OWI-007 spur gears (Copyright Emerson Power Transmission Corporation)

We can also obtain output from axis B by changing the rotation motion againby ninety degrees by using bevel gears as shown in Figure 4.8.

4.1.2 Gear Torques and Speed

Now, let us understand how a gear works in terms of transferring torque andspeed. To study this, we will refer to Figure 4.9.

Gear-1 (pinion) has radius R1, exerts a force F2 on gear-2 (driven gear) atthe point of contact of the two gears and the speed of the point of contact isv1. Gear-2 has radius R2, exerts a reaction force F1 on gear-1 at the point ofcontact of the two gears and the speed of the point of contact is v2. For gearaction, we have the following two balance equations. The first states that thespeed of the two gears at the point of contact is the same.

v1 = v2 (4.1)

The other, due to Newton’s third law, states that the action reaction forcesare equal.

F1 = F2 (4.2)

Let ω1 be the angular speed of gear-1 and ω2 be the angular speed of gear-2.Since we know that linear speed is equal to the product of angular speed and

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OWI-007 bevel gears (Copyright Emerson Power Transmission Corporation)


OWI-007 spur gears (Copyright Emerson Power Transmission Corporation)

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radius, we can re-write equation 4.1 as:

R1ω1 = R2ω2 (4.3)

We can use this equation as:






The ratio R2


is called the gear ratio. Torque (τ) is equal to the productof force and radius, or alternately, force is the quotient of torque when it isdivided by radius. Using this in condition 4.2 gives:




We can also write this as:





Combining equation 4.4 and equation 4.6 and rearranging terms yields:

τ1ω1 = τ2ω2 (4.7)

This shows that in an ideal gear, the input power is equal to the outputpower. Therefore, if we reduce the speed, the torque increases and vice versa.

This is also true for the entire gear train. We can find out the overallgear ratio for the entire gear train and then find out the overall velocityreduction (torque increase) for the gear in our robot. By having a gear trainwe can achieve very low overall gear ratio, since the overall gear ratio is justthe product of all the gear ratios in the gear train, and very low gear ratioproduces a high torque while reducing the output angular speed.

4.1.3 Gripper Mechanism

To understand the finger mechanism, please refer to Figure 4.10.The pinion gear is attached to the motor shaft. As that rotates, the motion

is translated into a linear motion of the rack gear. As the rack gear movesin a straight line, it pushes (or pulls depending on the rotation direction) onthe finger base. The finger base rotates about the fixed point shown in Figure4.10. The fixed center of the rotation of the finger is attached to the outsideshell of the robot hand, so that it stays fixed. As we can see, the finger tipmoves in an arc since the finger base and the finger are rigidly connected. Wewould like the finger surface to be perpendicular to the object we want thegripper to hold. To see the difference, look at Figure 4.11 and Figure 4.12.

In Figure 4.11, we see that the forces that the fingers exert on the objectpush the object away from the fingers if there is not enough friction. On the

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OWI-007 rack and pinion gear for finger (Copyright 2007 OWI ROBOTS)


Nonperpendicular fingers (Copyright 2007 OWI ROBOTS)

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Perpendicular fingers (Copyright 2007 OWI ROBOTS)

other hand, if we use the mechanism shown in Figure 4.12, the normal forcesdo not push the object away.

To obtain this mechanism for the gripper, we need to use a four-link mech-anism as shown in Figure 4.13.

Using the four-link mechanism provides the parallel movement we need ascompared to the circular one we were getting before. Four-link mechanismis ideal as compared to other ones, as a three link mechanism provides nomovement and five and more have extra flexibility that is not desired at all.

When the gripper is closed or open all the way, and we still apply powerto the motor, then we could cause damage if we do not limit the amount oftorque (or current in the motor). We can do this by using a clutch gear. Wecan control the amount of torque limit by how tightly we screw this gear.When the gripper has reached its limit and we still apply more power to themotor, then the motor shaft will rotate without the gear moving (the gearslips), since the gear works with contact friction with the clutch disk (andhence has the clutch action). This produces “idling” rotation without movingthe gears as shown in Figure 4.14.

The gripper has the rack and pinion gear mechanism for one finger. Theother finger works as a mirror image of the other finger because of the gearmechanism that makes the second side of the gripper follow the motion of thefirst side as shown in Figure 4.15.

4.1.4 Wrist Mechanism

The wrist also uses a DC motor with the gearbox. The gear on the motorshaft connects to the wrist with the help of a clutch plate. The wrist has a

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Four-link mechanism (Copyright 2007 OWI ROBOTS)


Torque limiting by clutch gear (Copyright 2007 OWI ROBOTS)

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Mechanism for both sides (Copyright 2007 OWI ROBOTS)

clutch and rotor stopper to limit the rotation of the wrist. The clutch platelimits the torque on the wrist when the wrist has rotated all the way till ithas hit the stopper. The clutch plate gets pushed forward when that happensand disengages from the driving motor gear. This mechanism can be seen inFigure 4.16.

4.1.5 Elbow and Shoulder Mechanism

The elbow and shoulder joints also use the same type of DC motor withgearbox. However, since the elbow and shoulder have more load to handle,they need more torque capability. In order to do that, they need to havefurther reduction in speed (and corresponding increase in torque) and thatcan be accomplished by additional gears as shown in Figure 4.17. Thesejoints also have clutch based torque limiting, as well as rotation stoppers, sothat the joints do not keep moving and entangle the cables. Term gear cog isused interchangeably with gear “teeth”. Elbow Details

The gear assembly for the elbow joint is shown in Figure 4.18.

The DC motor is on the other side of the upper arm. Its output shaft’sgear is attached to the mediation gear on the other side. Figure 4.19 showsthe motor inside the upper arm.

The gear mechanism and the DC motor are on the opposite sides of theupper arm. This is shown clearly in the Figure 4.20.

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Wrist mechanism (Copyright 2007 OWI ROBOTS)

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Elbow and shoulder mechanism (Copyright 2007 OWI ROBOTS)


Elbow gear assembly (Copyright 2007 OWI ROBOTS)

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Elbow DC motor placement (Copyright 2007 OWI ROBOTS)


Upper arm details (Copyright 2007 OWI ROBOTS)

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Shoulder DC motor and gear mechanism placement (Copyright 2007 OWIROBOTS) Shoulder Details

The gear assembly and the DC motor placement for the shoulder joint areshown in Figure 4.21.

4.1.6 Robot Base Mechanism

The robot base is a static base. The shoulder has another DC motor on theopposite side of where the shoulder motor is placed. That motor is for rotatingthe entire robot around on the base. This motor is placed as shown in Figure4.22.

The motor is connected to an internal gear on the robot base that travelsaround a big static circular gear. The base remains fixed, and as the basemotor is powered, its rotation rotates the shaft and that makes the robot armrotate around. The gear mechanism is illustrated in Figure 4.23.

4.2 Electrical Control

The electrical control of the robot motors with the hand help control panel issimple. The overall schematic is shown in Figure 4.24.

There is a light bulb connected in parallel to each motor. Therefore when-

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Robot base DC motor placement (Copyright 2007 OWI ROBOTS)


Robot base gear mechanism (Copyright 2007 OWI ROBOTS)

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Electrical system schematic (Copyright 2007 OWI ROBOTS)

ever any motor is powered, the corresponding bulb lights up so that the usercan see what motor/joint is moving. The hand help control panel has fiveswitches for five motors. Each switch has three positions. The middle po-sition is the neutral position, where the motor circuit is not completed andtherefore the corresponding motor does not move. In the up position of theswitch the motor is connected to the battery block A and it starts moving inone direction, and in the down position the motor is connected to the bat-tery block B which has the reversed polarity causing the motor to rotate inthe opposite direction. Therefore the three switch positions give no motion,and forward and reverse motion for each motor. These switch positions andcontrol are shown in the Figure 4.25.

4.2.1 Robot Programming

As we have seen we can control the robot by hand using the hand held controlpanel. However, we would like to design a computer control for the robot.There are many reasons for that. When we have a PC or microprocessorcontrol of a robot, then it can be used in automation as well as for doing moreintelligent tasks. These are described in more detail below:

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Motor direction control (Copyright 2007 OWI ROBOTS) Programmed/Repetitive Tasks

In some industrial applications, such as welding on an assembly line, therobots need to do the same task over and over again. For instance, on anassembly line we might have to pick an item from one place and put it in abig bin, shown in Figure 4.26. In order to do that, we need to program therobot to learn the path the robot needs to take for that task. In order todo that we can manually move the robot to various points on the path andthen click a button to make the robot learn those points. Then the robot cancreate its own trajectory to follow from those points. After this teaching taskis done, and these points have been stored in the robot memory, we can startthe repetitive task by clicking some other button. The hand held controllerfor a robot is called a teach pendant because we use it to teach the robot itstasks. Also the process the robot microprocessor takes to generate trajectoriesusing the taught points is called trajectory planning. Sensor (Vision) based Real-time Control In some indus-trial applications, there are tasks that are not predictable. For instance inthe pick and place task, the location where the object to be picked arrivesmight not be predictable. In those cases, we have to take the use of sensorsthat tell the robot where the object is and then the robot has to go get thatobject and then take it to the placement spot. We could use a camera thatis connected to a computer as shown in Figure 4.27. The computer performsimage processing to find where the object is and then the robot is commandedto perform the task accordingly.

There is one major difference in the repetitive task of the previous sectionand the vision based control of this section. The difference is about coordi-nates. When we teach the robot different points, we move the robot jointsand then once it has the desired configuration, we click a button so that themicroprocessor can learn that point. Now that point essentially records allthe joint variable values and stores them. For example, in the OWI-007 robotwe could have sensors on each joint to measure what the angles on each motorare, and when we click the button on the teach pendant for the microprocessor

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Programmed repetitive tasks (Copyright 2007 OWI ROBOTS)


Vision based robotic task (Copyright 2007 OWI ROBOTS)

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to learn that joint, it will read the values from all the sensors and store allthose angle values.

Now, let us consider the case when we have the camera and that the objectto be picked has been identified by the camera. However, the camera knowsthe location of the object in terms of some coordinates that we use for thecamera. For instance we can identify some fixed point and three perpendiculardirections to be the x-y-z axis for the camera. Now, the robot needs toknow what angles to move all its joints based on what camera has measured.That means we need a way to convert what the camera sees in terms of itscoordinates into robot joint angles. If we are given the robot angles, we cancalculate where the gripper of the robot will be by using some mathematicalfunctions. That function (transformation) is called forward kinematics. Ifwe are given the camera coordinates of the object and we need to calculatethe robot angles, we use some mathematical transformation called inversekinematics. The microprocessor/computer connected to the camera needsto calculate the joint coordinates using the inverse kinematics, so that therobot can be commanded to move its joints to those values.

4.3 Parallel Port Interface Circuit using Relays

There are many ways we can create computer interface for the robotic arm.One way is to replace the switches in the hand held controller with computer-controlled relays. We could control the relays from a parallel port of a com-puter as shown in Figures 4.28 and 4.29. The figures show how to do bidirec-tional control of one of the motors on this robotic arm. When the relay is on,the motor rotates in one direction, and when it is off, it rotates in the reversedirection. Therefore, in this scheme, each motor either rotates clockwise oranti-clockwise, and the motor can not be turned off by the computer. In Fig-ure 4.28, it is understood that each cell represents two cells in series. In otherwords, each cell in the figures is 6V. Therefore, in the robotic arm there arefour cells that are used and the center tap point is taken between the secondand the third cell.

We see in Figure 4.28 and 4.29 that when the output from the ULN2803driver is high, the current is flowing in one direction, and when the output islow, the relay turns on, which makes the current flow in the opposite directionthrough the motor, causing it to rotate in the opposite direction.

We can use two relays for the motor so that we can make it rotate clockwise,anti-clockwise, or turn it off. This scheme is shown in Figures 4.30, 4.31, and4.32.

Now, if we want to control five motors of the robotic arm, we will need tenservos to have independent control of each motor. However, if we want to

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Forward reverse control of a motor for the robotic arm (Forward) (Courtesyof Texas Instruments)


Forward reverse control of a motor for the robotic arm (Reverse)(Courtesyof Texas Instruments)

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Forward reverse and off control of a motor for the robotic arm (Forward)(Courtesy of Texas Instruments)


Forward reverse and off control of a motor for the robotic arm (Reverse)(Courtesy of Texas Instruments)

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Forward reverse and off control of a motor for the robotic arm (Off)(Courtesy of Texas Instruments)

control only one motor at a time, we can use the circuit shown in Figure 4.33to accomplish that. In this circuit, there is one servo for overall forward andreverse, and then, each motor has independent on-off control.

The following software code is written in C for the Borland compiler version5.5, available at Borland’s web site [43]. On the site, click the link for Borland5.5 compiler. You need to register to the site and download the free compiler.After the download, you can copy and paste the code shown in 4.3.1 into aC++ file and compile it.

4.3.1 Code for PC Robotic Arm Control

#include <stdio.h>/* standard I/O Library */

#define DATA 0x0378 /* Value to access the data pins of

the parallel port */

void main()

/* Declare all variables */

int GrpCl,GrpOp,ElbDn,ElbUp,BasCW,BasCCW;

int ShdUp,ShdDn,WstCCW,WstCW,Stop,finish;

char comd;

/* Initialize the variables */

finish =0; /* Boolean value to end the program */

comd =’n’; /* Initialize the command variable */

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Forward reverse and off control for multiple motors for the robotic arm(Courtesy of Texas Instruments)

/* The following are the variables used to store the

appropriate bit values to control the motors

NOTE: Depending on which relay is connected to which

output pin, the following codes for various commands

will change*/

GrpCl =0x02; /* send 0000 0010; to close gripper */

GrpOp =0x03; /* send 0000 0011; to open gripper */

ElbDn =0x04; /* send 0000 0100; move elbow down */

ElbUp =0x05; /* send 0001 0101; move elbow up */

BasCCW =0x08; /* send 0000 1000; rotate base CCW */

BasCW =0x09; /* send 0010 1001; rotate base CW */

ShdUp =0x10; /* send 0001 0000; move shoulder up */

ShdDn =0x11; /* send 0001 0001; move shoulder down */

WstCCW =0x20; /* send 0010 0000; rotate wrist CCW */

WstCW =0x21; /* send 0010 0001; rotate wrist CW */

Stop =0x00; /* stop all motors */

/* Output message to user */

clrscr(); /* Clear the Screen */

printf("Please enter a command for the robot to execute");

printf("\n:"); /* Linefeed and colon */

/* Start the loop */


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comd = getch(); /* Get command from user */

putch(comd); /* Echo the command to the screen */

if (comd == ’r’) /* Close Gripper */

outportb(DATA,GrpCl); /* output data to

parallel port */

else if (comd == ’f’) /* Open Gripper */


else if (comd == ’a’) /* Elbow Down */


else if (comd == ’q’) /* Elbow Up */


else if (comd == ’d’) /* Base CCW */


else if (comd == ’s’) /* Base CW */


else if (comd == ’t’) /* Shoulder Up */


else if (comd == ’g’) /* Shoulder Down */


else if (comd == ’e’) /* Wrist CCW */


else if (comd == ’w’) /* Wrist CW */


else if (comd == ’n’) /* Stop all motors */


else if (comd == ’p’) /* Exit the program */

finish = 1; /* Set value as true */

outportb(DATA,Stop); /* Stop all motors */

4.4 USB Interface using Relays

We can design our own USB based controller for the robotic arm. Our ownscheme is based on the Pololu USB to serial chip discussed in the previouschapter. The serial receive and transmit pins are connected to two pins of

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USB based robotic arm control (Courtesy of Texas Instruments and PololuInc.)

a PIC16F84. The PIC uses port B six pins to control the six relays forcontrolling the five degrees of freedom for the robotic arm. The schematic forthis circuit is shown in Figure 4.34. The schematic only shows three of thesix relays. The PC software for this would use the driver for the Pololu thatcomes with that board, and then we would program the PIC16F84 to read thecommands from the serial communication and then control the relays usingits portB output pins. The 7805 chip is a regulator chip to have 5 V supplyfor the circuitry.

Instead of designing our own USB based controller, we can use an off theshelf system to control the relays. One such system is the ADU208 USBbased relay controller, shown in Figure 4.35. It comes with its own softwaredevelopment kit.

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USB based off the shelf robotic arm control (Copyright 2003 Ontrak ControlSystems)


Motor transistor control

4.5 Parallel Port Interface Circuit using Transistors

We can turn a motor on and off using relays and control the direction asshown above. However, if we want to also control the speed, it is better to usetransistors. That way we can use PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) to turntransistors on and off to control the motor speed by choosing appropriate dutycycle for the desired speed. Duty cycle is the percentage of time in a singlecycle the transistor is on. The following circuit, shown in Figure 4.36, showsthe basic on-off motor control using transistors.

We can see from the figure that when we turn the top transistor (PNP) on

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Motor speed control

and turn the bottom one (NPN) off, the current in the motor flows from leftto right in the figure. On the other hand, when we turn the top transistor offand turn the bottom one on, the current in the motor flows from right to leftin the figure. Both transistors should not be on at the same time, becausethat would create a short circuit. The input A turns on the top transistorwith logic low and the input B turns on the bottom transistor with logic high.We can use 15K Ohms resistors. To control speed in one direction, we cankeep one transistor off, and use a PWM (Pulse Width Modulated) signal onthe other. This is shown in Figure 4.37. You can decide on some appropriatetime period for a repetitive cycle, e.g., 100 Hz, and then if we keep the dutycycle of the PWM signal at 50%, we are keeping the transistor on for 50% ofthe time during each cycle. At 0% duty cycle the transistor is off at all times,and therefore will not move. At 100% duty cycle, we give the full voltageto the motor, which will produce the highest speed. At 50% it will be less.Therefore we can control the duty cycle of the PWM signal to control thespeed.

Now, for the robotic arm, we have to control five motors. We have only 8data pins on the parallel port. We can control five transistors directly fromfive ports and then use a 3 to 8 line decoder to get five outputs from onlythree pins. We can get eight outputs, but we need only five. Another waywould be to use a serial to parallel converter chip. That method we will notpursue further here.

From the schematic shown in Figure 4.38, pins 2, 3, and 4 on DB25 con-nector are connected to the 3-to-8 decoder. These pins are D0, D1, and D2for the data register of the parallel port. Let us study how a 3-to-8 decoderworks.

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Schematic of motor control

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Pin description for 3 to 8 decoder (74LS138) (Datasheet used withpermission, Fairchild Semiconductor)


Pin description

Pin Names Pin DescriptionA0 −A2 Address InputsE1 − E2 Enable InputsE3 Enable Input

O0 − O7 Outputs

The following is taken from the data sheet on a 3 to 8 decoder from FairchildSemiconductors. The connection diagram for the decoder chip is shown inFigure 4.39.

The pin description of the pins is shown in the Table 4.1.The logic diagram of the decoder is shown Figure 4.40.The truth table for the decoder is shown in Figure 4.41.In the truth table H means logic 1, L means logic 0, and X means do not

care. Either logic 0 or logic 1 are accepted for do not cares. The truth tableand the logic diagram show that when the input on the three input pins is000, then the output on the pin is 0, and the output on all other output pinsis high. We connect five outputs to PNP transistors. When the output goeslow, it turns on the PNP transistor. We want to make sure that when anyPNP transistor is on, its corresponding NPN transistor is off. To accomplishthat, we use a 74LS126 chip. It is a 3-state buffer chip. Its description belowis taken from the data sheet from Fairchild Semiconductor. The connectiondiagram for the chip is shown in Figure 4.42.

The truth table for the buffer is given in Figure 4.43.

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Logic diagram for 3 to 8 decoder (74LS138) (Datasheet used withpermission, Fairchild Semiconductor)


Truth table for 3 to 8 decoder (74LS138) (Datasheet used with permission,Fairchild Semiconductor)

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Pin description for 3-state 74LS126 buffer


Truth table for 3-state 74LS126 buffer

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The truth table for the buffer shows that when we keep the control pin low(logic 0), the output is disconnected from the input. This is noted by Hi-Z,high impedance. Therefore, we can take the output of the 3 to 8 decoder thatturns the PNP transistor on and use it to control the input to the correspond-ing input to the NPNP transistor. This is shown in Figure 4.38. Although itis not shown in that figure, the outputs O0 to O4 should be connected to fivePNP transistors, each one controlling a corresponding NPN transistor. Whenwe have to turn on any PNP transistor, we send a command to the 3 to 8decoder for getting the corresponding output low, and that PNP transistorturns on, and the connected NPN transistor gets turned off. However, if wewant to turn some NPN transistor on, we have to keep the correspondingPNP transistor off. To accomplish that, we can give a command like 111 tothe 3 to 8 decoder which would keep all the PNP transistors turned off so thatthey do not interfere with the NPN operations because all the buffers wouldbe enabled. To turn off all motors, we just send 111 to the decoder and send0’s to the NPN transistor.

Now let us modify the code written previously to control the arm using thecircuit with transistors. Notice the commands to the parallel port for variousmotor control actions.

4.5.1 Code for PC Robotic Arm Control

#include <stdio.h>/* standard I/O Library */

#define DATA 0x0378 /* Value to access the data pins of

the parallel port */

void main()

/* Declare all variables */

int GrpCl,GrpOp,ElbDn,ElbUp,BasCW,BasCCW;

int ShdUp,ShdDn,WstCCW,WstCW,Stop,finish;

char comd;

/* Initialize the variables */

finish =0; /* Boolean value to end the program */

comd =’n’; /* Initialize the command variable */

GrpCl =0x00; /* send 0000 0000; to close gripper */

GrpOp =0x0f; /* send 0000 1111; to open gripper */

ElbDn =0x01; /* send 0000 0001; move elbow down */

ElbUp =0x17; /* send 0001 0111; move elbow up */

BasCCW =0x02; /* send 0000 0010; rotate base CCW */

BasCW =0x27; /* send 0010 0111; rotate base CW */

ShdUp =0x03; /* send 0000 0011; move shoulder up */

ShdDn =0x47; /* send 0100 0111; move shoulder down */

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WstCCW =0x04; /* send 0000 0100; rotate wrist CCW */

WstCW =0x87; /* send 1000 0111; rotate wrist CW */

Stop =0x07; /* send 0000 0111; stop all motors */

/* Output message to user */

clrscr(); /* Clear the Screen */

printf("Please enter a command for the robot to execute");

printf("\n:"); /* Linefeed and colon */

/* Start the loop */


comd = getch(); /* Get command from user */

putch(comd); /* Echo the command to the screen */

if (comd == ’r’) /* Close Gripper */

outportb(DATA,GrpCl); /* output data to

parallel port */

else if (comd == ’f’) /* Open Gripper */


else if (comd == ’a’) /* Elbow Down */


else if (comd == ’q’) /* Elbow Up */


else if (comd == ’d’) /* Base CCW */


else if (comd == ’s’) /* Base CW */


else if (comd == ’t’) /* Shoulder Up */


else if (comd == ’g’) /* Shoulder Down */


else if (comd == ’e’) /* Wrist CCW */


else if (comd == ’w’) /* Wrist CW */


else if (comd == ’n’) /* Stop all motors */


else if (comd == ’p’) /* Exit the program */

finish = 1; /* Set value as true */

outportb(DATA,Stop); /* Stop all motors */

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Robotic Arm Control

In this chapter we will cover various control tasks, robot modifications, andexperiments you can design with the robotic arm from the previous chapter.You can make robot controllers for many tasks. One way to control the robotis via manual control using the hand controller. However, this chapter coverscomputer control.

Let us start by looking at the control of each joint. If you want to move ajoint by some angle, one way to do it is to calculate by observing how fast thejoint moves when its motor is on. Then to achieve some desired angle motion,we can keep that motor on for the proportional amount of time, given byequation 5.1, where we assume that motors start and stop immediately:

Time =desiredanglemovement


If instead of moving a joint by some angle, you want the robot gripper toreach some specified point, you must think about how you know what thatpoint is and how that information will be communicated to the robot.

5.1 Programmed Tasks

One way to teach the robot a point is to simply write a program to do a se-quence of moves for each joint, spending a fixed amount of time for each move.Before starting the program, the robot must be positioned in the “home” po-sition, which you specify. For example, one convenient home position for thisrobot is to turn all joints counterclockwise to their limits. Starting from thishome position, you can run your programmed task multiple times, and youshould be able to repeat the programmed moves every time. (This could be apick and place operation described in the section “Automatic Control Usinga Camera” later in this chapter.) There is one problem with this approach.When the robot’s batteries run low, the robot will start moving slowly andwill not be able to reach the exact specified points every time. Therefore, youneed to use feedback to tell the robot when it has reached the desired point.


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An EE-SX1042 switch (Copyright 2005 Omron Electronic Components LLC)


Internal circuitry of an EE-SX1042 switch

5.1.1 Encoder Feedback

You can use encoder feedback to know where the robot is. There are two typesof encoders for this purpose: incremental encoders and absolute encoders. Theincremental encoders give you information on relative motion (rotation) of amotor shaft (i.e., how much the shaft has rotated). Therefore, when you startthe power, you can find out how much the joints have moved since the startingtime. However, if you turn off the power and then turn it on again, you willnot know how much the robot has moved. With absolute encoders, you cantell the robot’s exact position as soon as you turn it on. Incremental Encoders

You can build our own optical incremental encoder using an EE-SX1042 op-tical switch, shown in Figure 5.1.

Figure 5.2 shows the internal circuitry of the switch.

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External interfacing of an EE-SX1042 switch

The switch contains an LED and a phototransistor. The LED can be pow-ered from the input pins and is kept on all the time. If the light is interruptedso that it cannot reach the phototransistor, the phototransistor turns off;when the light can reach it, the phototransistor switch turns on. The externalinterfacing of the switch is shown in Figure 5.3.

When the phototransistor is on, the output is high (∼ 5V ); when the pho-totransistor is off, the output is low (∼ 0V ). Therefore, reading the outputtells you if the light is being interrupted.

To the motor shaft, you can connect a round disk with slots through whichlight can pass. When the motor rotates, causing the disk to rotate, lightpasses through and is interrupted so that you get a pulse train at the output.By counting the pulses, you can find out how much the shaft has rotated, asshown in Figure 5.4.

You can design disks with many slots depending on the resolution that yourequire. Figure 5.5 shows a sample slotted disk that will give eight cycles perrevolution of output.

By using a code wheel with the transmitter-receiver optical pair, you canfind out how much a motor shaft is moving. To find out what direction it ismoving, you can use two transmitter-receiver pairs placed so that when thecode wheel rotates, the signals from the two receivers are 90 degrees out ofphase, as shown in Figure 5.6. The Channel B signal will lag behind by 90degrees if the wheel moves counterclockwise and will lead by 90 degrees if thewheel moves clockwise. This pair of signals is called a two-channel quadratureoutput.

Many incremental encoders come with one signal that emits one pulse perrevolution. That allows the incremental encoder to give some absolute po-sitioning information. You can design for that by adding a single slot perrevolution on the disk at some distance from the center and having a sepa-rate transmitter-receiver pair for that. Moreover, instead of having the two

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EE-SX1042 switch with a code wheel


Code wheel for an incremental encoder

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Code wheel for an incremental encoder with Channel A and Channel B pairs

transmitter-receiver pairs at the same distance from the center, you couldhave them at two different distances and have two sets of concentric slots,with one of the slots shifted to give the quadrature output. Figure 5.7 showsa code-wheel design that gives quadrature output as well as a zero marker(index marker) for one pulse per revolution.

You do not always have to build your own incremental encoder; you canbuy commercial ones. Two examples are the HEDS-9000 and the HEDS-9100. These come with two transmitter-receiver pairs and a lens with theLED source. Figure 5.8 shows what these encoders look like.

Figure 5.9 presents a functional block diagram for the encoders.

The quadrature output for these encoders is shown in Figure 5.10.


Code wheel for quadrature and index

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The HEDS-9000 or HEDS-9100 encoder (Copyright 2006 US Digital)


Functional block for HEDS-9000 and HEDS-9100 (Copyright 2006 AvagoTechnologies)

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Quadrature output for HEDS-9000 and HEDS-9100 (Copyright 2006 AvagoTechnologies)

The mounting of a code wheel to this encoder is illustrated in Figure 5.11. Absolute Encoders

Depending on the required resolution, absolute encoders use multiple transmitter-receiver pairs. The code wheels are designed using some coding scheme so thatas soon as the power turns on, you can read the output from the multiple re-ceivers and know within some resolution the angular position of the shaft.Figure 5.12 shows a sample absolute encoder code wheel.

Absolute encoders have multiple transmitter-receiver pairs at different pointson the same radius of the wheel, as shown in Figure 5.13.

Most encoders use the natural binary coding of the output bits, or Graycoding. In natural binary coding, when the shaft moves, the bits follow thenatural binary increasing sequence (e.g., 000, 001, 010, etc.). As you cansee, when the bits change from 001 and 010, two bits change their valuessimultaneously for a single increment of the shaft angle. Gray coding changesonly 1 bit per shaft-angle increment and reduces noise problems because ofthat.

You can make your own absolute encoder by cutting your own pattern ona disk and then using LED transmitter and phototransistor receiver pairs. A3-bit absolute encoder using the natural binary coding can be designed on awheel, as Figure 5.14 shows.

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Code-wheel mounting for HEDS-9000 and HEDS-9100 (Copyright 2006Avago Technologies)


Code wheel for an absolute encoder

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Absolute encoder internal construction


Code wheel for a 3-bit absolute encoder

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Linear potentiometer


Potentiometer interfacing

5.1.2 Potentiometer Feedback

One easy option for sensing angular position of the motor and joints is to usepotentiometers (often called pots). They give absolute angle information andare inexpensive. Figure 5.15 shows a potentiometer that you can get fromRadioShack. It is a 50 ohms linear potentiometer.

To use the pot, attach it to the motor shaft of the joint. Figure 5.16 showsthe pot’s electronic interfacing.

One problem with using potentiometers with the robotic arm is the me-chanical interfacing with the joints. String pots offer a nice way to solve thatproblem. One manufacturer of string pots is Celesco Transducer ProductsInc. String pots have a spring-loaded string connected to a pot. You cantie the string around the robotic arms to interface them with the sensors tomeasure the joint angles. Figure 5.17 depicts the operation of these sensors.

5.1.3 Joint Control

Now, let us think of a way to perform a programmed task for the robotic armusing encoders. You can move the robot joints to specific positions and then

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String potentiometer principle (Copyright 2004 Celesco Transducer ProductsInc.)

record the positions (joint angles). After the recording is done, you can makethe robot do a task following those recorded points. You can have a PC ora microcontroller as the brain of the robotic arm. You would have a switchto record points. You can move all the joints to extreme counterclockwisepositions to go to the home position. After that you can use the incrementalencoders for each joint to keep track of how much you want each joint tomove. However, if you are using absolute encoders for each joint, there is noneed for a homing sequence. You can make each joint move to the appropriateabsolute joint angles.

5.2 Automatic Control Using a Camera

Sometimes you need to program a robot to do automatic tasks. For example,you might use a camera to see where on a flat surface some object is. Considera square object. The camera can find where the object is, and then you canhave the robot controller pick the object up and move it somewhere else. Thisis called a pick and place operation. Let us look at the details of a camerathat you can set up easily with a PC or a microcontroller to recognize objectsso the robotic arm can pick up an object from one location and place it atanother.

We will use the CMUcam2+ camera, which is easy to use and set up andis a good candidate for interfacing with the robotic arm. 5.18 shows a frontview of the camera with its board. Figure 5.19 shows a side view.

The block diagram shows that you can control and communicate with thecamera using serial communication (RS-232). You can also interface servosdirectly with the camera control board. The camera can track an object byits color. Then the controller can get the coordinate of that object using serial

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Front view of the CMUcam2+ (Copyright 1994-2006 Acroname, Inc.)


Side view of the CMUcam2+ (Copyright 1994-2006 Acroname, Inc.)

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Block diagram for the CMUcam2+ (Copyright 2003 Anthony Rowe andCarnegie Mellon University)

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CMUcam board layout (Copyright 2003 Anthony Rowe and Carnegie MellonUniversity)

communication, and make the robot pick up that object. The board layoutis shown in Figure 5.21.

The camera board has the MAX232 chip that converts transistor-transistorlogic (TTL) into RS-232 logic. The board also has TTL for serial commu-nication with microcontrollers. The communication parameters of the boardare as follows:

• 8 data bits

• 1 stop bit

• No parity

• No flow control

The baud rate is configurable using jumpers on the board. When youconnect the camera to a computer using a serial cable and turn the power on,and use a terminal program on the PC, you see the lines on the program:

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TC command from the CMUcam2GUI user guide (Copyright 2003 AnthonyRowe and Carnegie Mellon University)

CMUcam2 v1.0 c6


The camera comes with a Java program called CMUcam2GUI that allowsthe camera to be focused. After the camera is focused, you can employ itto track an object using color. The command that the PC or a microcon-troller needs to send to the camera to obtain the coordinates of the object isTC, which is short for Track Color. Figure 5.22 provides the details of thiscommand from the camera user guide.

After you get the coordinates of the object using the camera, you need tofind the angle each joint should be at to reach the target.

5.3 Robot Kinematics

For the robot to work with a camera or any sensor that senses the “out-side” world, you need to be able to express coordinates of objects in worldcoordinate systems and joint coordinate systems (in terms of the robot jointangles). This section shows how to do that for the robotic arm kit we areworking with. The first step in deriving the formula for transforming one

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Coordinates for the robotic arm (Copyright 2006 OWI ROBOTS

coordinate system to the other is to use different coordinate systems for eachjoint of the robot. The joint angles will serve as variables, and you willuse Denavit-Hartenberg (DH) representation for coordinate transformations.Derivations and details of the coordinate transformations are given in manyrobotics university textbooks. Here we will just apply the steps to the roboticarm. The DH transformations are based on the principle that coordinates forthe robot joints are designed so that between any two consecutive frames youhave the following two constraints:

• Constraint 1: Axis xi is perpendicular to axis zi−1

• Constraint 2: Axis xi intersects axis zi−1.

Because of these two constraints, instead of the two consecutive coordinateshaving six degrees of freedom between them, they have only four. ConsiderFigure 5.23, which shows various coordinate systems for the different jointsof the robot. We will call oi the origin point of each coordinate system. Thebase frame starts at o0, the shoulder frame starts at o1, the elbow frame startsat o2, and the wrist frame starts at o3. Note that the end effectors (in thiscase, the gripper) are not counted in the robot’s degrees of freedom. Thus,the gripper’s frame does not show.

The technique for building the DH table is presented in the box below titled“DH Coordinate System Buildup”.

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DH Coordinate System Buildup

1. Base joint axes: Identify the first joint axis and label it as z0. Thefirst joint axis for the robot is the axis about which the base joint isrotating. The base frame is located at the base at a point about whichthe shoulder rotates, as in Figure 5.23.

2. Base frame: Choose the x0 and y0 axes so that they make a right-handedcoordinate system with z0, as in Figure 5.23.

3. Shoulder axes: Choose the x1 axis of the shoulder frame so that itis perpendicular to z0 axis and intersects it. Locate the frame at theshoulder rotating axis.

4. Shoulder frame: Choose the y1 and z1 axes so that they make a right-handed coordinate system with x1, as in Figure 5.23. Take z1 to be thejoint-rotation axis.

5. Elbow axes: Choose the x2 axis of the elbow frame so that it is per-pendicular to the z1 axis and intersects it. Locate the frame at theelbow-rotating axis.

6. Elbow frame: Choose the y2 and z2 axes so that they make a right-handed coordinate system with x2 as in Figure 5.23. Take z2 to be thejoint-rotation axis.

7. Wrist axes: Choose the x3 axis of the elbow frame so that it is per-pendicular to the z2 axis and intersects it. Locate the frame at thewrist-rotating axis.

8. Wrist frame: Choose the y3 and z3 axes so that they make a right-handed coordinate system with x3, as in Figure 5.23.

There are three links in this robot:

• Base link: This is the link between the base and the shoulder.

• Arm: This is the link between the shoulder and the elbow joints.

• Forearm: This is the link between the elbow and the wrist joints.

Each link has four parameters that show how the joints on each side of thelinks move or rotate. These parameters are listed in Table 5.1.

Using the information in Table 5.1, you can make the DH table for therobotic arm (Table 5.2).

If you know the values of the joint angles, you can calculate the position ofthe robot hand in world coordinates. This is called forward kinematics. Tocalculate the hand’s position, you must calculate a transformation matrix by

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DH link parameters

ai Distance from the intersection of xi andzi−1 to oi; the distance taken along the xi

axisαi The angle between zi−1 and zi axes; the

rotation taken about the xi axisdi Distance from oi−1 to the intersection of

xi and zi−1 axes; the distance taken alongthe zi−1 axis

θi The angle between xi−1 and xi axes; therotation taken about the zi−1 axis


DH table for the roboticarm

Link ai di αi θi

1 0 d1 90o θ12 a2 0 0o θ23 a3 0 α3 θ3

multiplying three matrices, one for each link of the robot. The transformationmatrix for each link is give by equation 5.2.

Ai =

cos θi − sin θi cosαi sin θi sinαi ai cos θi

sin θi cos θi cosαi cos θi sinαi ai sin θi

0 sinαi cosαi di

0 0 0 1


There are four transformations (two rotation and two translations) betweeneach consecutive pair of joint coordinate systems to transform one coordinateinto another. The four transformations make up the four link parameters ofthe DH table. The matrix Ai is derived from equation 5.3:

Ai = Rotz,θiTransz,di



Here, Rot stands for rotation, and Trans stands for translation. This equa-tion means that if you take frame i and perform the following four operations,it will become frame i− 1.

• Operation 1 : Rotate frame i about its x axis by an angle of αi.

• Operation 2 : Take the new frame obtained in operation 1 and translateit by a distance of ai in its x direction.

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• Operation 3 : Take the new frame obtained in operation 2 and translateit by a distance of di in its z direction.

• Operation 4 : Take the new frame obtained in operation 3 and rotate itabout its z axis by an angle of θi.

Formula 5.3 can be expanded to derive equation 5.2 by using the follow-ing matrix multiplication. (The details of these can be obtained from anyuniversity book on robotics (see [16] or [6]).

Ai =

cos θi − sin θi 0 0sin θi cos θi 0 0

0 0 1 00 0 0 1

1 0 0 00 1 0 00 0 1 di

0 0 0 1

1 0 0 ai

0 1 0 00 0 1 00 0 0 1

1 0 0 00 cosαi sinαi 00 sinαi cosαi 00 0 0 1


This is based on the fact that


cos θi − sin θi 0 0sin θi cos θi 0 0

0 0 1 00 0 0 1



1 0 0 00 1 0 00 0 1 di

0 0 0 1



1 0 0 ai

0 1 0 00 0 1 00 0 0 1



1 0 0 00 cosαi sinαi 00 sinαi cosαi 00 0 0 1


Using equation 5.2 and the DH table parameters for each link, you cancalculate the total transformation from the wrist frame to the base frame:

T (θ1, θ2, θ3, α3) = A1(θ1)A2(θ2)A3(θ3)A4(θ4) (5.9)

Equation 5.10 provides the position of the robot hand in world coordinates(i.e., in frame 0).

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= T (θ1, θ2, θ3, α3)



From equation 5.10, given the joint angles, you can calculate the x, y, andz values of the location of the robot hand. For the pick and place problem,you are actually more interested in the opposite problem: given the x, y, andz values of the object location (obtained from the camera and calculated interms of the frame 0) find the desired joint angles. The equation for these ismore involved and can be obtained from university-level robotics text books.Once you know the desired joint angles, the robot controllers can move thejoint angles to those values. To obtain the inverse kinematics, you mustfirst find the forward kinematics to discover the world coordinates of thegripper in terms of the joint angles; the world coordinates are functions ofjoint coordinates. Equation 5.10 provides the function. To obtain the inversekinematics you need to find the inverse relationship of the function shown inequation 5.11.


= f(θ1, θ2, θ3, α3) (5.11)

The inverse kinematics relationships are obtained as shown in equation 5.12.


= f−1(x, y, z) (5.12)

5.3.1 Velocity Kinematics

If you want to control the arm to not only go to a specified position, butto move at a certain speed (which does not have to be constant), you needvelocity relationships between world and joint coordinates. If you know thevelocities of the joints, you can find the velocity of the gripper. This relation-ship can be obtained by differentiating equation 5.11 with respect to time.




=∂f(θ1, θ2, θ3, α3)

∂(θ1, θ2, θ3, α3)



In equation 5.13 frac∂f(θ1, θ2, θ3, α3)∂(θ1, θ2, θ3, α3) is a 3×4 marix calledthe Jacobian. The matrix is time-varying and depends on the values of the

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joint variables at any given time. You can obtain the inverse relationship bysolving equation 5.14.




∂f(θ1, θ2, θ3, α3)

∂(θ1, θ2, θ3, α3)




Similarly, you can find relationships between the joint and world accelera-tions.

5.4 Dynamics and Control

To make the robot move along a certain trajectory, you need to apply differentvoltages to the motors (PWM commands to the motors) at different times.How do you know how much voltage to apply at different times to each motor?This is computed using feedback controllers that use sensors to detect the jointangles and/or the gripper position and then calculate the desired voltages. Fordetails, consult the books [16] or [6]. The control designs are done based on thedynamics of the robot that can be derived using the Lagrangian approach orthe Euler iterative method. Once you’ve derived the dynamics that show howthe voltages dictate the accelerations, feedback controllers can be designed tocontrol the robots for specific tasks.

5.5 Some Experiments

You can do many more experiments with the robot. Some of them are listedhere.

• Design a complete path for the robot hand in world coordinates andthen make the robot hand follow the path.

• Perform speed control of the robot, having it follow not just a path buta time-based trajectory.

• Add a force sensor to the gripper so that the robot can do force feedbackcontrol. Force feedback can ensure that you apply only a desired force.For instance, you can make the gripper hold eggs without breaking them.

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Necessary parts to construct the six-DOF arm robot (Copyright 2002 MCIICorporation)

5.6 Control of a Six-Degrees-of-Freedom Arm Robot

In this section, we will explore a servomotor-based six-degrees-of-freedom(DOF) arm robot by MCII Robot. We will briefly explore the mechanicalconstruction and the Mini Servo Explorer software that controls the robot.Then we will derive the DH table and transformations from the robot’s base tothe hand. Finally, we will explore forward kinematics and inverse kinematicswith some examples. Through careful programming, you can accurately posi-tion the robotic arm to perform various complicated movements in sequence.

5.6.1 Mechanical Construction

The six-DOF arm robot has seven mini servomotors. These motors provideone degree of freedom each to the base, the arm, the forearm, the forewrist,the back wrist, and the clamp, and enable them to move within 80 degrees offreedom. Figure 5.24 shows all the parts used to construct the six-DOF armrobot. Figure 5.25 shows the completed robot.

As mentioned earlier, the six-DOF arm robot has seven servos, including

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Completed six-DOF arm robot

the servo in the gripper. The servos from the base to the gripper generate sixdegrees of freedom since each of them creates a degree of freedom. Figure 5.26is a typical assembly drawing showing all the servos and major componentsof the robot. For details of the construction and parts, you can download thesix-DOF arm robot user manual at MCII Corporation web site [44]. Hardware Components

The six-DOF arm robot has two major components: mini servomotors andJM-SSC16 mini servomotor controller board. Mini Servomotors Hobbyists in robotics and other fields usemini servomotors widely. A servomotor consists of a DC motor, a gear box,a variable resistor for feedback, and an electronic control board. Figure 5.27presents internal components of a mini servomotor. The angle that a servo-motor rotates is controlled through a feedback system. First a periodic pulseis applied to control circuitry. The difference between the input voltage andthe voltage fed back from the variable resistor is applied to the DC motor.Then the DC motor rotates the gear box and the variable resistor attached tothe gear box. The variable resistor has a voltage based on how much the gearsrotate it. This voltage is fed back to the control circuitry and compared withthe reference voltage applied to the control circuitry. This reference voltage

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Major mechanical components of the six-DOF arm robot (Copyright 2002MCII Corporation)

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Internal components of a mini servomotor (Copyright 2002 MCIICorporation)


Internal components of a mini servomotor

corresponds to the desired angle. The difference in voltage will be large whenthe pulse is applied, and will gradually decrease, since the voltage on the vari-able resistor will increase after the gears turn the resistor. The difference willbe zero when the servomotor reaches the target angle.

Figure 5.28 shows the block diagram of a servomotor.

A mini servomotor has three wires: power (red), ground (black), and con-trol (yellow). The power and ground wires power the control circuitry andthe DC motor. The power should be about 4 to 6 volts and be separatedfrom the control line to suppress the noise the servomotor creates. The miniservomotor requires a pulse of 1 to 2 ms in a period of 20 ms. Since the miniservomotors are designed to have 80 degrees of freedom, the pulse width willvary approximately from 0.5 ms (-45 degrees) to 1.5 ms (45 degrees). How-ever, the user does not need to think about the pulse width; the softwareand the mini servomotor controller create the necessary pulse width. In thesoftware, the angle is represented as a number between 0 and 253, where themidpoint of the servomotor is 127.

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JM-SSC16 mini servomotor controller

5.6.2 JM-SSC16 Mini Servomotor Controller Board

The JM-SSC16 is a general purpose servomotor controller that can control upto 16 servomotors through the serial port of a PC. Figure 5.29 shows the JM-SSC16 servomotor controller. Detailed pinouts of the JM-SSC16 servomotorcontroller and how to connect it to a PC are explored in the user manual forthe six-DOF arm robot.

5.6.3 Control Software

There are two communication protocols to control the robot using the serialport: instant control protocol and download protocol. In the instant controlprotocol, a control command (shown in Table 5.3) is sent to the servomotorcontroller through the serial port. The first byte is 255 (0xFF in hexadecimalform). The second byte is the target servomotor. The third byte is the valuefor the servomotor, which determines the angle of the motor. It takes valuesfrom 0 to 255 representing -45 degrees and 45 degrees, respectively. The value127 represents the 0 degree angle.

In the download protocol, software called Mini Servo Explorer is used toprogram a series of angle values for all the servomotors in the robot and tosend them to the servomotor controller sequentially or continuously. Thefollowing list presents the important features of the software.

• The upper and lower limits of servomotors can be set separately accord-ing to the parameters and environmental conditions of each servomotor.

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Meaning of the bytes in the instant controlprotocol

Byte Number Meaning1 0xFF2 Servomotor number (0-16)3 Servomotor parameter (0-253)

• Servomotors can be controlled individually or simultaneously.

• Servomotors can be moved to a target position with the highest speed,or a speed can be set for the operation.

• Servomotors can be controlled by inputting values of the positions ordrawing a scroll bar on the interface.

• The values of the servomotors can be changed while you are running therobot. It is also possible to edit the values without connecting to therobot.

• The actions can be saved in a file for future usage.

• It is possible to drive two servomotors in a master-slave architecturewhere the slave servomotor follows the master.

The servomotor settings in the Mini Servo Explorer software are presentedin Figure 5.30.

Figure 5.31 presents a sample program to move the robot up and down.

5.6.4 Forward and Inverse Kinematics

As stated earlier, it is possible to control the robot using the instant controlprotocol through the serial port. If the servomotor parameters are sent to theJM-SSC16 controller in the format specified in Table 5.3, the robot will moveto the servomotor specified in the command to the target position based onthe parameter. To move the robot on a path, you need to send a series ofcommands to move the robot to specified positions. In reality, if you want tomove the robot hand in a linear path in Cartesian coordinates, you must gen-erate the points (positions) by doing a series of geometric calculations. Afteryou generate the points you want the robot to follow, you must find the an-gles that each servomotor should be at to place the robot hand at the desiredlocation. You can create the DH table of the robot and find the transforma-tion from the robot’s base to its hand through forward kinematics equations.However, to find the desired angles (parameters) of the servomotors, you needto find equations for these angles in terms of the position and the orientationof the hand. This is called inverse kinematics, and it is not an easy task for asix-DOF arm robot.

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Servomotor settings in Mini Servo Explorer

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An example program to move the robot up and down Forward Kinematics

To come up with inverse kinematics equations, you need to first find theforward kinematics equations of the robot. Figure 5.32 shows a picture of therobot with the joint frames. We put the frame 0 at the base of the robot andplaced other frames based on the DH table rules. These rules are mentionedwhen we discuss the control of the five-DOF arm robot early in the chapter.

Table 5.4 is the DH table of the six-DOF arm robot. Some of the frames arespecially placed to ease the calculation of the inverse and forward kinematicsequations.

The parameters ai and di are obtained from the robot’s physical specifica-


The DH table of thesix-DOF arm robot

Link ai di αi θi

1 a1 d1 90o θ12 a2 0 0o θ23 a3 0 0 θ34 a4 0 90o θ45 0 0 0 θ5

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Six-DOF arm robot with joint-coordinate frames

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tions or from direct measurements of the robot parts. The parameter αi isobtained based on the rules from the DH-table-generation technique shownin Table 5.1. The values for the measured parameters are d1 = 89, d4 = 55,d5 = 65, a1 = 67, a2 = 66, a3 = 52, a4 = 20, α1 = 90, and α4 = 90.

Using the DH table, you can calculate five hom*ogenous frame transforma-tions using equation 5.2. The hom*ogenous transformation from the robot’sbase frame to the hand frame can be calculated by multiplying these hom*oge-nous transformations from the right. Using equation 5.2, you can calculateframe transformations for each link. Equations 5.15, 5.16, 5.17, 5.18, and 5.19present the frame transformations for the robot transformation. Equation 5.20presents the robot’s hom*ogenous transformations from the base frame to thehand frame.

A1 =

cos θ1 − sin θ1 cosα1 sin θ1 a1 cos θ1sin θ1 − cos θ1 cosα1 cos θ1 a1 sin θ1

0 sinα1 cosα1 d1

0 0 0 1


cos θ1 0 sin θ1 67 cos θ1sin θ1 0 cos θ1 67 sin θ1

0 sinα1 cosα1 890 0 0 1


A2 =

cos θ2 − sin θ2 0 66 cos θ2sin θ2 − cos θ2 0 66 sin θ2

0 0 1 00 0 0 1


A3 =

cos θ3 − sin θ3 0 52 cos θ3sin θ3 − cos θ3 0 52 sin θ3

0 0 1 00 0 0 1


A4 =

− sin θ4 0 cos θ4 0cos θ4 0 sin θ4 0

0 1 0 00 0 0 1


A5 =

− cos θ5 − sin θ5 0 0sin θ5 cos θ5 0 0

0 0 1 1200 0 0 1


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RTH=A1 ·A2 ·A3 ·A4 ·A5


C1C5S234 + S1S5 C1S5S234 + S1C5 C1C234

−S1C5S234 − C1S5 S1S5S234 − C1C5 S1C234

C5C234 −S5C234 S234

0 0 0

C1(120C234 + 52C23 + 66C2 + 67)S1(120C234 + 52C23 + 66C2 + 67)

120S234 + 52S23 + 66S2 + 671


When the robot is programmed to move the tip of its hand to a desiredlocation, you need to include the transformation from the hand frame to thetip of the hand. The tip of the hand is 22.5 mm away from the origin of thehand frame in the -x direction. Thus, the transformation from the hand frameto the tip can be calculated by equation 5.21.

A6 =

1 0 0 −22.50 1 0 00 0 1 00 0 0 1


Equation 5.22 shows the transformation from the robot’s base frame to thetip of the hand.

RTH= A1 ·A2 ·A3 ·A4 ·A5 ·A6


C1C5S234 + S1S5 C1S5S234 + S1C5 C1C234

−S1C5S234 − C1S5 S1S5S234 − C1C5 S1C234

C5C234 −S5C234 S234

0 0 0

+52C23 + 66C2 + 67 − 22.5(C1C5S234 + S1S5)+52C23 + 66C2 + 67 + 22.5(S1C5S234 + C1S5)

+67 − 22.5C5C234



In equation 5.22, we have used trigonometric abbreviations to represent thecosine and sine of the angles, and short notation for combined angles. Theabbreviations are listed in Table 5.5.

After obtaining the forward kinematics equations (transformations from therobot base to the tip of the hand), you can calculate the position of the tipof the hand and the orientation of the hand if the joint parameters (angles)are given. The forward kinematics of an arm robot are straightforward afteryou have obtained the robot’s hom*ogeneous transformations. If you do notknow the joint parameters but you do know the position and orientation of therobot hand, you need to come up with inverse kinematics equations, which can

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DH link parameters trigonometricabbreviations used in the inverse and forwardkinematics

Abbreviation MeaningSi sin θiCi cos θiSij sin θi cos θj + cos θi sin θjCij cos θi cos θj − sin θi sin θj

lead you to joint parameters. In general, the complexity of inverse kinematicsequations is higher than that of forward kinematics. The next section exploresthe inverse kinematics equations of the six-DOF arm robot in detail. Inverse Kinematics

Inverse kinematics equations of an arm robot can be hard to obtain when thedegrees of freedom are higher than three. The robot we discuss in this sectionhas six degrees of freedom, so its inverse kinematics equations are not easy tosolve. We will describe a standard way of calculating inverse kinematics of anarm robot.

To come up with inverse kinematics equations, you need to have the targetposition and orientation of the robot hand or the tip of the hand. Here, youwill calculate the inverse kinematics for the tip of the robot. The target posi-tion and the orientation of the tip of the hand can be given as a hom*ogeneoustransformation, as in equation 5.23.

AT =

nx ox ax px

ny oy ay py

nz oz az pz

0 0 0 1


The matrix in equation 5.23 equals the transformation from the base frameto the tip of the robot, given in equation 5.22. This equality is presented inequation 5.24:

RTH= A1 ·A2 ·A3 ·A4 ·A5 ·A6 (5.24)

In equation 5.24, the left side represents the desired position and the ori-entation of the tip. The right side is a matrix representing transformationsfrom the base frame to the tip of the robot. Thus, elements of this matrixare functions of joint parameters θi. As equation 5.22 shows, you cannot de-termine the joint parameters by matching elements in the matrices on theleft and right. The number of unknowns is six, but the variables are coupled,which makes the solution harder. One solution to this coupling problem is

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to move one unknown to the left side by multiplying the inverse of the firstmatrix from the left. Then the equation becomes


1AT = A2 ·A3 ·A4 ·A5 ·A6 (5.25)

Equation 5.25 has one unknown on the left side and five unknowns on theright side. Thus, parameter θ1 is decoupled and moved to the left side. Nowyou can match the elements in the same locations in the matrices to come upwith an equation for θ1. Equation 5.26 shows the equality.

C1nx + S1ny C1ox + S1oy C1ax + S1ay C1px + S1py − 67nz oz az −80 + pz

S1nx − C1ny S1ox − C1oy S1ax − C1ay S1px − C1py

0 0 0 1


−S234C5 S234S5 C234 22.5S234C5 + 120C234 = 52C23 + 66C2

C234C5 −C234S5 S234 −22.5C234C5 + 120S234 = 52S23 + 66S2

S5 C5 0 −22.5S5

0 0 0 1

(5.26)Now you can match the corresponding elements in the matrices to create

an equation for parameter θ1. By equating the elements at the third row andthe third column, we get equation 5.27.

0 = S1ax − C1ay (5.27)

Using equation 5.27, we can calculate parameter θ1 as follows:

S1ax = C1ay (5.28)






θ1 = ATAN2(ay, ax) (5.30)

In equation 5.30, a special function called ATAN2 is used to find the angleby determining in which quadrant the angle is located. If you were to use theregular ATAN function, you could not differentiate some angles. For instance,(-1, -1) and (1, 1) will generate 45 degrees if you use ATAN, but ATAN2 willgive 215 degrees and 45 degrees, respectively. Thus, to discover an angle youneed both the cosine and the sine of the angle for the ATAN2 function.

In general, you repeat this process for every angle you would like to discover.However, sometimes you may be able to discover more than one angle in astep. In fact, you can match the elements at the third row and the firstcolumn, and the elements at the third row and the second column. The first

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match gives you S5 and the second match gives you C5. Therefore, you cancalculate the angle θ5. The following three equations lay out this process.

S5 = S1ηx − C1ηy (5.31)

C5 = S1ox − C1oy (5.32)

θ5 = ATAN2(S1ηx − C1ηy, S1Ox − C1Oy) (5.33)

At the end of the first step you have discovered the angles θ1 and θ5. Inthe second step, you will decouple the angle θ2 by multiplying the inverse ofthe transformation representing this angle. Equation 5.34 shows both sides ofthe equation.



1AT = A3 ·A4 ·A5 ·A6 (5.34)

After going through the multiplication, you have one unknown on the leftside and two unknowns on the right side, as given in equation 5.35.


+S1ny) + S2nz


+S1oy) + S2oz


+S1ay) + S2az

C2(C1px + S1py)+S2pz − 67C2

−89S2 − 66


+S1ny) + C2nz


+S1oy) + C2oz


+S1ay) + C2az

−S2(C1px + S1py)+C2pz + 67S2


S1nx − C1ny S1ox − C1oy S1ax − C1ay S1px − C1py

0 0 0 1


−S34C5 S34S5 C34 22.5S34C5 + 120C34 + 52C3

C34C5 −C34S5 S34 −22.5C34C5 + 120S34 + 52S3

S5 C5 0 −22.5S5

0 0 0 1

(5.35)By matching elements at the first row and the first column, you get

−S34C5 = C2(C1nx + S1ny) + S2nz (5.36)

S34 = −[C2(C1nx + S1ny) + S2nz]/C5 (5.37)

Similarly, if you match the elements at the first row and the second column,you get

S34S5 = C2(C1ox + S1oy) + S2oz (5.38)

S34 = [C2(C1ox + S1oy) + S2oz]/S5 (5.39)

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By combining equation 5.39 and equation 5.37, you get the following:

[C2(C1ox + S1oy) + S2oz]


= −[C2(C1nx + S1ny) + S2nz]


[C2(C1ox + S1oy) + S2oz]C5 = − [C2(C1nx + S1ny) + S2nz]S5

C2(C1ox + S1oy)C5 + C2(C1nx + S1ny)S5 = −S2nzS5 + S2ozC5

C2 [(C1ox + S1oy)C5 + (C1nx + S1ny)S5] = S2 [ozC5 − nzS5]S2


=[(C1ox + S1oy)C5 + (C1nx + S1ny)S5]

[ozC5 − nzS5]θ2 = ATAN2((C1ox + S1oy)C5 + (C1nx + S1ny)S5, ozC5 − nzS5)


So far, you have inverse kinematics equations for parameters (angles) θ1,θ2, and θ5. You may repeat the process for the remaining parameters, θ3 andθ4, to decouple them. However, the parameters are decoupled enough thatyou can first determine θ34 and then you can determine θ3.

The sine and cosine of θ34 appear in the right side of the equation at thethird column. The same locations on the left side are filled with equationsthat have known parameters. Equations 5.41 and 5.42 reveal the sine andcosine of θ34 by matching the elements in these locations in the equations.

S34 = −S2(C1ax + S1ay) + C2az (5.41)

C34 = C2(C1ax + S1ay) + S2az (5.42)

Using the sine and cosine of θ34, you can calculate its value by the ATAN2function, as shown in equation 5.43.

θ34 = ATAN2(−S2(C1ax + S1ay) + C2az, C2(C1ax + S1ay) + S2az) (5.43)

Similarly, if you match the elements in the first row and the fourth column,you can find an equation for the cosine of θ3, as shown in equation 5.44.

C5 + 120C34 + 52C3 = C2(C1px + S1py) + S2pz − 67C2 − 89S2 − 6652C3 = C2(C1px + S1py) + S2pz − 67C2 − 89S2 − 66 − 22.5S34C5 − 120C34

(5.44)You can find the sine of θ3 by matching the elements in the second row and

the fourth column, as given by equation 5.45.

22.5S34 − 22.5C34C5 + 120S34 + 52S3 =−S2(C1px + S1py) + C2pz + 67S2 − 89C2

52S3 = −S2(C1px + S1py) + C2pz + 67S2 − 89C2 + 22.5C34C5 − 120S34


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Using equations 5.44 and 5.45, you can calculate θ3 by the ATAN2 function,as shown in equation 5.46.

θ3 = ATAN2(−S2(C1px + S1py) + C2pz + 67S2 − 89C2+22.5C34C5 − 120S34,C2(C1px + S1py) + S2pz − 67C2 − 89S2 − 66 − 22.5S34C5 − 120C34)

(5.46)Since you determined θ34 and θ3, you can determine θ4 by simple subtrac-

tion, as shown in equation 5.47.

θ4 = θ34 − θ3 (5.47)

Equation 5.47 completes the inverse kinematics analysis of the six-DOFrobot discussed in this chapter. The next section presents MATLAB M-filesused to create symbolic matrices for forward and inverse kinematics. It alsoshows how your MATLAB program can create values instead of angles for theservomotors on the robots.

5.7 Examples and MATLAB Programs

In this section we present six MATLAB M-files for forward kinematics, in-verse kinematics, and linear path planning. Table 5.6 lists the M-files. TheMATLAB files do not require any of the MATLAB toolboxes. If you have astudent version of MATLAB or Octave (open-source MATLAB-like software),you can run these files.

Subsection 5.7.1 is the M-file for calculating the hom*ogenous transformationof a row of a DH table.

5.7.1 DH.m: M-File for a hom*ogenous Transformation of aRow of a DH Table

% T: Joint angle Theta in degrees

% a: Distance between Zi and Zi-1

% d: Distance between Xi and Xi-1

% al: Angle Alfa about Xi from Zi-1 to Zi

function A = DH(T, a, d, al)

A = [cosd(T) -sind(T)*cosd(al) sind(T)*sind(al) a*cosd(T);

sind(T) cosd(T)*cosd(al) -cosd(T)*sind(al) a*sind(T);

0 sind(al) cosd(al) d;

0 0 0 1];

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MATLAB M-files for aix-DOF arm robot

M-File DescriptionDH.m Calculates the hom*ogenous transformation for a

row of a DH table. This is used as DH(θ, a, d,α). The angles are in degrees, and lengths are inmillimeters.

RobotTF.m Calculates the robot transfer function for a givenset of joint angles θ1, θ2, θ3, θ4, and θ5. This canbe used for the forward kinematics calculations.

RobotSym.m Generates symbolic transformation matrices forforward and inverse kinematics components. Youcan see the transformations from any frame to an-other frame by simply multiplying the matricesthis M-file creates. The results of the multiplica-tions will be in symbolic form.

InverseKin.m Takes a matrix for the desired position and orien-tation of the hand as a parameter. Then it calcu-lates the angles θ1, θ2, θ3, θ4, and θ5 required forthe desired position and orientation by calculatingthe inverse kinematics equations.

Angle2Servo.m Converts angle values calculated by InverseKin.minto corresponding servomotor values to move therobot properly. These values are applied to themini servo controller either through the serial portor through the Mini Servo Explorer software.

Path.m Generates series of values for the servomotors sothat the robot moves from the starting position tothe target position linearly. It writes these servo-motor values into a file that Mini Servo Explorercan understand and execute.

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Subsection 5.7.2 is the M-file for calculating the robot transformations fromthe base frame to the hand frame if the joint angles are provided.

5.7.2 RobotTF.m: M-File for Calculating the Transforma-tion Matrix of the Robot

%6 DOF robot transfer function

% T1: Angle for Joint 1, Theta 1;

% T2: Angle for Joint 2, Theta 2;

% T3: Angle for Joint 3, Theta 3;

% T4: Angle for Joint 4, Theta 4;

% T5: Angle for Joint 5, Theta 5;

function A=robotTF(T1, T2,T3,T4,T5)

a1= 67;

a2 =66;

a3 =52;

a4 =0;





d4 =0;

d5 =55+65; %75 till the tip of the gripper.

al1 = 90;




al4= 90;

al5 =0;

%All the angles must be between -85 and 85.




A4=DH(T4 + 90,a4,d4,al4);



A= A1*A2*A3*A4*A5*A6;

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Subsection 5.7.3 presents the symbolic analysis of the forward and inversekinematics.

5.7.3 RobotSym.m: M-File for Symbolic Analysis of Inverseand Forward Kinematics


t1 = sym(’t1’);

t2 = sym(’t2’);

t3 = sym(’t3’);

t4 = sym(’t4’);

t5 = sym(’t5’);

nx = sym(’nx’);

ny = sym(’ny’);

nz = sym(’nz’);

ox = sym(’ox’);

oy = sym(’oy’);

oz = sym(’oz’);

ax = sym(’ax’);

ay = sym(’ay’);

az = sym(’az’);

px = sym(’px’);

py = sym(’py’);

pz = sym(’pz’);

A1 = [cos(t1) 0 sin(t1) 67*cos(t1);

sin(t1) 0 -cos(t1) 67*sin(t1);

; 0 1 0 89; 0 0 0 1];

A2 = [cos(t2) -sin(t2) 0 66*cos(t2);

sin(t2) cos(t2) 0 66*sin(t2);

; 0 0 1 0; 0 0 0 1];

A3 =[cos(t3) -sin(t3) 0 52*cos(t3);

sin(t3) cos(t3) 0 52*sin(t3);

; 0 0 1 0; 0 0 0 1];

A4 = [-sin(t4) 0 cos(t4) 0;

cos(t4) 0 sin(t4) 0

; 0 1 0 0; 0 0 0 1];

A5 =[cos(t5) -sin(t5) 0 0;

sin(t5) cos(t5) 0 0;

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; 0 0 1 120; 0 0 0 1];

A6 = [1 0 0 -22.5;

0 1 0 0;

0 0 1 0;

0 0 0 1];

A = A1*A2*A3*A4*A5*A6;

Ar = [nx ox ax px;

ny oy ay py;

nz oz az pz;

0 0 0 1;]

A11 =[ cos(t1), sin(t1), 0, -67;

0, 0, 1, -89;

sin(t1), -cos(t1), 0, 0;

0, 0, 0, 1;]

A21 = [ cos(t2), sin(t2), 0, -66;

-sin(t2), cos(t2), 0, 0;

0, 0, 1, 0;

0, 0, 0, 1];

A31 =[ cos(t3), sin(t3), 0, -52;

-sin(t3), cos(t3), 0, 0;

0, 0, 1, 0;

0, 0, 0, 1];

A41 = [ -sin(t4), cos(t4), 0, 0;

0, 0, 1, 0;

cos(t4), sin(t4), 0, 0;

0, 0, 0, 1];

A51 = [ cos(t5), sin(t5), 0, 0;

-sin(t5), cos(t5), 0, 0;

0, 0, 1, -120;

0, 0, 0, 1];

Subsection 5.7.4 presents the M-file that calculates the required joint an-gles for a desired position and orientation of the robot tip by going throughthe inverse kinematics equations. The angles this M-file calculates need tobe converted to values that the mini servo controller can understand. Thisconversion is done by Angle2Servo.m. Finally, we also present an M-file thatcalculates series of joint angles to move the robot tip from a starting point toa target point linearly. The program writes these angle values into a file thatMini Servo Explorer can understand.

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5.7.4 InverseKin.m: M-File for Inverse Kinematics Equa-tions

%Inverse kinematics for 6DOF robot

% A is the matrix that represents the desired position

% and the orientation of the robot hand.

% n is a vector that holds the values of the joint angles.

function [n] = invKin(A);

nx = A(1,1);

ny = A(2,1);

nz = A(3,1);

ox = A(1,2);

oy = A(2,2);

oz = A(3,2);

ax = A(1,3);

ay = A(2,3);

az = A(3,3);

px = A(1,4);

py = A(2,4);

pz = A(3,4);

A(4,1) = 0;

A(4,2) = 0;

A(4,3) = 0;

A(4,4) = 1;

t1 = atan2(ay, ax)

if (t1>pi/2)

t1 = t1 -pi;

elseif t1<-pi/2

t1 = t1 + pi;


t5 = atan2(nx*sin(t1) - ny*cos(t1), sin(t1)*ox - cos(t1)*oy)

if (t5>pi/2)

t5 = t5 -pi;

elseif t5<-pi/2

t5 = t5 + pi;


t2 = atan2(cos(t5)*(cos(t1)*ox + sin(t1)*oy) +

sin(t5)*(cos(t1)*nx + sin(t1)*ny),


if (t2>pi/2)

t2 = t2 -pi;

elseif t2<-pi/2

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t2 = t2 + pi;


t34 = atan2(-sin(t2)*(cos(t1)*ax+sin(t1)*ay) +cos(t2)*az,

cos(t2)*(cos(t1)*ax+sin(t1)*ay) + sin(t2)*az)

t3 = atan2(-sin(t2)*(cos(t1)*px +sin(t1)*py) + cos(t2)*pz +


- 89*cos(t2)- 120*sin(t34) + 22.5*cos(t34)*cos(t5),

cos(t2)*(cos(t1)*px +sin(t1)*py) + sin(t2)*pz - 67*cos(t2)

- 89*sin(t2) -66 -120*cos(t34) - 22.5*sin(t34)*cos(t5))

if (t3>pi/2)

t3 = t3 -pi;

elseif t3<-pi/2

t3 = t3 + pi;


t4 = t34 - t3

if (t4>pi/2)

t4 = t4 -pi;

elseif t4<-pi/2

t4 = t4 + pi;


t1 = (180/pi)*t1;

t2 = (180/pi)*t2;

t3 = (180/pi)*t3;

t4 = (180/pi)*t4;

t5 = (180/pi)*t5;

n = [t1, t2, t3, t4, t5];

Subsection 5.7.1 is the M-file for calculating the hom*ogenous transformationof a row of a DH table.

5.7.5 Angle2Servo.m: M-File for Converting Joint Angles toServomotor Values

%Converts angles to servo numbers

% t1: Joint Angle

% n1: Corresponding Servomotor value

function n1 = angle2servo(t1)

n1 = 126 + t1*126/90;

n1 = fix(n1);

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5.7.6 Path.m: M-File for Generating Joint Angles to Movethe Robot Linearly

% Path for linear motion

% xs, ys, zs are starting position of the hand

% xe, ye, ze are ending position of the hand

function path = LinPath(xs, xe, ys, ye, zs, ze, st)

xs=8.5; xe=12; ys=0; ye=10; zs=24; ze=26; st=10;

f =fopen(’prgmatlab.RB’,’w’);

A=[0 0 1 0;

0 -1 0 0;

1 0 0 0;

0 0 0 1];

slopy = (ye-ys)/(xe-xs);

slopz = (ze-zs)/(xe-xs);

fprintf(f, "16\n1\n203\n400\n"No.1",0,253,127,0,0\n");

fprintf(f, ""No.2",0,253,127,0,0\n"No.3",0,253,127,2,


fprintf(f, ""No.5",0,253,127,0,0\n"No.6",0,253,127,0,


fprintf(f, ""No.8",0,253,127,0,0\n"No.9",0,253,127,0,


fprintf(f, ""No.11",0,253,127,0,0\n"No.12",0,253,127,0,


fprintf(f, ""No.14",0,253,127,0,0\n"No.15",0,253,127,0,

0\n"No.16", ~CCC0,253,127,0,0\n10\n");

x =0;

for i=1:st

x = (xe-xs)*i-1;

y = ys + slopy*x;

z = zs + slopz*x;

A(:,4) = [xs+x, y, z, 1]’

path(i,:) = invKin(A);


127,127,127,127,127, ~CCC 127,127,\n’,path(i,:))


fprintf(f, """\n0\n"EmptyMuisc"\n0\nf\n");

The M-file path.m writes the servomotor values into a file with RB formatwhich Mini Servo Explorer can understand. Then this file can be opened andrun by the Mini Servo Explorer. An example of such a file can be seen insubsection 5.7.7.

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5.7.7 A Sample RB File Created by path.m for Mini ServoExplorer


































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Differential Drive Robot

In this chapter we will study a differential drive robot kit developed by ChaneyElectronics that is driven by two wheels and comes with a breadboard so thatyou can conduct many experiments. First we will examine its mechanicalconstruction, then we will look at the electronics to perform various tasks.Finally, we will cover some mathematical modeling for advanced concepts forwheeled robots. This robotic kit can be obtained from Chaney Electronicsweb site [27]. Figure 6.1 shows the completed car kit.

This robotic kit comes with three lessons and 31 experiments outlined inthe instruction manual:

1. Assembling and Testing the Robot Motor System

2. Assembling the Robot Base and Power System

3. Assembling and Testing the Relay Control Board

4. Robot Forward Motion

5. Robot Backward Motion

6. Robot Forward Right Turn

7. Robot Backward Right Turn

8. Robot Hard Right Turn

9. Robot Forward Left Turn

10. Robot Backward Left Turn

11. Robot Hard Left Turn

12. Time-Controlled Motion I

13. Time-Controlled Motion II

14. Time-Controlled Hard Right Turn

15. Time-Controlled Hard Left Turn

16. Explorer I Robot


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The robotic kit (Copyright 2006 Chaney Electronics. Reproduced withpermission)

17. Explorer II Robot

18. The Unstoppable Robot

19. The Independent-Minded Robot

20. The Night Runner Robot

21. The Day Runner Robot

22. Infrared (IR) Vision

23. The IR-Eye Robot

24. Obedient I IR Remote-Controlled Robot

25. Obedient II IR Remote-Controlled Robot

26. Robot Pet

27. IR Obstacle-Avoiding Robot I

28. IR Obstacle-Avoiding Robot II

29. Sound Detection (Robot Ears)

30. Big Ears Robot

31. The Music-Dancer Robot

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Top view of the robot


Breadboard used on the robot

6.1 Construction and Mechanics

The top view of the robot (Figure 6.2) shows its main mechanical components.

The robot’s construction can be broken down into four parts: robot basewith breadboard, traction system, power system, and relay board.

6.1.1 Robot Base with Breadboard

The robot base is Plexiglas and holds all the other parts of the robot together.The robot uses a solderless breadboard (Figure 6.3) for experimenting withelectronics.

The breadboard needs to be attached to the Plexiglas base with two piecesof double-sided tape.

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Board connecting to the motor using slide rails


Connected board

6.1.2 Traction System

The robot’s traction system essentially consists of two DC motors connected totwo wheels using two rubber belts, creating a pulley system. The DC motorsare attached to the base with the breadboard using slide rails as connectorsbetween them (Figure 6.4).

The wheels are fastened to the board using the same slide rails. Rubberbelts are installed between the pulley and the two front wheels. The backwheel moves freely and is just for support; it has no motor attached to it.Figure 6.5 depicts the connected robot. Belt System

Figure 6.6 shows how the pulley system with the belt transfers torque andspeed.

The motor shaft has radius R1 and exerts a force F1 on the belt at thepoint of contact between the belt and the motor shaft. The speed of the point

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The robot pulley system

of contact is v1. The driven wheel has radius R2 and exerts a force F2 onthe belt at the point of contact between the belt and the wheel. The speedof the point of contact is v2. The following two balance equations govern thepulley action. The first states that the speed of the belt is the same at thetwo points:

v1 = v2 (6.1)

The second states that the two forces are equal:

F1 = F2 (6.2)

Let ω1 be the angular speed of the motor shaft and ω2 be the angular speedof the driven wheel. Since angular speed is equal to the product of angularspeed and radius, we can rewrite equation 6.1 as

r1ω1 = R2ω2 (6.3)

We can use this equation as follows:






The ratio R2/R1 is the radius ratio. Torque, τ , is equal to the product offorce and radius. In other words, force is the quotient of torque when it isdivided by radius. Using this in equation 6.2 gives the following:




We can also write this asτ1τ2




Combining 6.4 and 6.6 and rearranging terms yields




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DC motor model

This shows that in an ideal pulley system, the input power is equal to theoutput power. Therefore, if we reduce the speed, the torque increases andvice versa. In a practical pulley system, there will be some slip between thewheel/shaft and the belt, which will cause a small reduction in the speedand torque transfer. To understand the advantage we gain by using the beltsystem, let’s look at the dynamics of a DC motor. DC Motor Dynamics

This section has been adapted with permission from Mobile Robotic Car De-sign by Pushkin Kachroo and Patricia Mellodge [7].

Let us consider a DC motor connected to a power supply. The motor hasinternal resistance and inductance of the internal coil. When a voltage isapplied to a DC motor, the motor produces a voltage opposing the voltageapplied. This is called the back emf. (Details of the back emf and electro-magnetic theory associated with motors are covered in many textbooks onelectromagnetism [11]). Figure 6.7 shows the motor connection and an equiv-alent electrical model.

The model shows the internal resistance and inductance of the motor, aswell as a source for back emf. By applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law in thecircuit, we get

V = iRa + La


dt+ Ea (6.8)

The linear relationship between the back emf and the mechanical rotationalvelocity of the motor is as follows:

Ea = kemfωm (6.9)

Here, we have kemf as the back emf constant and ωm as the motor shaft’sangular velocity. Readjusting the terms of 6.8 and 6.9 gives us





[V − iRa − kemfωm] (6.10)

Assuming no friction on the motor shaft and taking the moment of inertiaof the motor shaft and load combined as Im, we can obtain the dynamic

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equation for the mechanical motion of the motor by applying Newton’s lawfor rotation. The result is




Imτm (6.11)

The torque is the product of a torque constant, ktorque, and the currentflowing through the motor, i. This transforms equation 6.11 to




Imktorquei (6.12)

Equations 6.10 and 6.12 give the electrical and mechanical dynamics of thesystem. If we assume no loss of power, all the electrical power used in themotor equals the mechanical power generated. The electrical power consumedis the product of the back emf and the current:

Pelectrical = Eai = kemfωmi (6.13)

Equation 6.13 shows the mechanical power dissipated:

Pmechanical = τmωm = ktorqueiωm (6.14)

By equating the electrical power consumed with the mechanical power gen-erated, we get

kemf = ktorque = k (6.15)

We can make the model better by modeling friction in 6.12 that couldinclude static and viscous friction terms. In the equation, the sign function is+1 if the parameter is positive; it is -1 if the parameter is negative.




Im[ki− asign(ωm) − bωm] (6.16)

In this equation, a is the static friction coefficient, and b is the viscousfriction coefficient. DC Motor Steady State Analysis

If we apply a constant voltage to a DC motor, the motor will accelerateinitially and then reach a steady state at some angular velocity. If we adda load torque to the shaft, the steady state angular velocity will decrease.We can increase the load torque so much that the motor stops rotating (forinstance, by adding a big load on a rope). We can then plot the steady stateangular velocity with respect to the load torque. These are called the torque-speed characteristics. We can derive these using dynamic equations. Ourdynamic equations when we apply the load torque T and assume no static orviscous friction are as follows:





[V − iRa − kωm] (6.17)

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DC motor torque characteristic curve




Im[ki− T ] (6.18)

In steady state, the rate of change of current and velocity become 0, andso we get the following:

0 =1


[V − iRa − kωm] (6.19)


0 =1

Im[ki− T ] (6.20)

Equation 6.20 gives us the torque in terms of the current. That expressioncan be substituted in 6.19 to give us

ωm =V


k2T (6.21)

This is a straight line plot with a y-axis intercept of V/k and the x-axisintercept of T = V k/Ra. This means when there is no load torque (the motorruns freely), by applying voltage V the steady state angular speed will beV/k, as shown in Figure 6.8. When we apply the minimum torque that makesthe motor stop, the applied torque will be T = V k/Ra. Reason for Using the Belt

To understand the advantage of using the belt, imagine that we need to use awheel of radius R2. We can connect the wheel directly to the motor as shownin Figure 6.9.

The traction force from the ground is given by F . Let’s say the torque(which is the product of F and R2) is such that we are operating at the partof the curve from Figure 6.8 where the speed is 0. This means that whenwe connect the wheel as shown and turn on power to the motor, the wheeldoes not move because the motor is not able to produce the desired torque

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Direct wheel drive


Belt drive

to counter the torque from the ground interaction of the wheel. Now we willconnect the belt from the motor shaft to the wheel instead of connecting thewheel directly to the motor. Figure 6.10 shows this connection.

The torque on the motor is the product of F and R1. If R1 is half of R2,then the torque on the motor will be half when the radius is R1 as comparedto when the radius is R2. This would mean that the motor is operating athalf the torque that produces zero speed in Figure 6.8. At this torque, thewheel will spin at a speed dictated by the curve in Figure 6.8. We can choosethe radius of the shaft and the wheel to get the desired speed from the robot.

6.1.3 Power System

At present the robot frame has the breadboard and the traction system. Wecan add batteries so that when we connect the battery to the motor, the robotwill start moving. Figure 6.11 shows how the battery holder is connected tothe robot frame.

Now we can add a push-button switch between the battery and the motorsso that when we turn the switch on, the wheels start moving; and when weswitch it off, the wheels stop moving. We can test this by lifting the robotand checking out the simple circuit shown in Figure 6.12.

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Motor power from a battery


On-off control

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Relay board schematic (Copyright 2006 Chaney Electronics. Reproducedwith permission)

6.1.4 Relay Board

The relay board provides electronic control of the motors so that you can givethe robot controlled motion. Figure 6.13 shows the schematic of the relayboard.

The relay board has two relays, each one controlled by an NPN transistor.Relay K1 is an SPDT (single-pole double-throw) 5 V relay; and relay K2 isa DPDT (double-pole double-throw). The relays are powered by the 9 Vbattery. The board has connections for the 9 V battery, input connectionsfor the transistor inputs, and connections for the motors at the relay outputs.Figure 6.14 illustrates the parts layout of the board and the board placementon the robot.

Table 6.1 provides the list of parts used in the relay board.

6.1.5 Basic Robot Movements

By connecting the motors in different ways you can achieve different move-ments.

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Parts layout and board placement


Relay-board parts

Parts DescriptionR1, R2 Resistor; 4.7K ohm (yellow, violet, red)R3, R4 Resistor; 2.7 ohm (red, violet, gold)

R5 Resistor; 47 ohm (yellow, violet, black)C1, C2 Disc capacitor; 0.01 microF (103)C3, C4 Electrolytic capacitor; 100 microFQ1, Q2 Transistor; 2N3904LED1 Green LEDLED2 Red LEDK1 SPDT 5 V relayK2 DPDT 5 V relay

Misc. Circuit board, solid wire 3 3/4 inch long (four pieces),Solid wire 2 inch long (nine pieces)

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Forward motor motion


Breadboard connections for forward motion Forward Motion

Forward motion is obtained by connecting the motors to power so that bothmotors make the wheels move forward. The motors are connected to thewheels of this robot so that the connections (shown in Figure 6.15) producethe forward motion.

Remember that motor M1 is connected to the power supply to turn themotor in the positive direction; motor M2 is connected to the power in reverse.Figure 6.16 shows the breadboard connections for this motion.

Figure 6.17 illustrates the motion of the robot with these connections. Backward Motion

Backward motion is obtained by connecting the motors to power so that bothmotors make the wheels move backward. The motors are connected to the

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Robot forward motion


Backward motion

wheels of this robot so that the connections (shown in Figure 6.18) producethe backward motion. Forward Right Turn

The forward right turn motion is obtained by disconnecting the right motorfrom the power and having the left one make the wheel move forward. Themotors are connected to the wheels so that the connections in Figure 6.19produce the forward right turn motion.

In this connection scheme, the right wheel does not turn and the left wheelmakes the left side of the robot move forward. This way the robot turns aboutit* right wheel, producing a forward right turn as in Figure 6.20. Backward Right Turn

The backward right turn motion is obtained by disconnecting the left motorfrom power and having the right one make the wheel move backward. Themotors are connected to the wheels so that the connections (Figure 6.21)

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Forward right turn motor motion


Forward-right-turn robot motion

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Backward right-turn motor motion


Sharp forward right turn robot motion

produce the backward right turn motion. Sharp Right Turn

The sharp forward right turn motion is obtained by connecting the motors topower so that the right motor makes the wheel move backward and the leftone makes the wheel move forward. The motors are connected to the wheelsso that the connections shown in Figure 6.22 produce the sharp forward rightturn motion.

In this connection scheme, the right wheel turns backward and the left wheelmakes the left side of the robot move forward. This way the robot turns aboutit* center, producing a sharp forward right turn, as shown in Figure 6.23. Summary of the Basic Movements

Table 6.2 summarized the robot’s basic movements and shows which connec-tions produce which motions.

6.1.6 Timed Movements

When you give a 5 V signal to the input of a relay on the relay board, thatrelay turns on; when you connect the input to the ground (0 V), the relayis off. You can control the motors by giving different signals (on or off) atthe relay board inputs. You can use a 555 timer chip to produce pulses onthe output, which can control the on-time and off-time of the motor. We will

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Sharp forward right turn robot motion


Basic robot movements

Movement Left Motor Right MotorRobot forward motion Forward Forward

Robot backward motion Backward BackwardRobot forward right turn Forward Disconnected

Robot backward right turn Disconnected BackwardRobot sharp right turn Forward BackwardRobot forward left turn Disconnected Forward

Robot backward-left turn Backward DisconnectedRobot sharp left turn Backward Forward

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R-S flip-flop


R-S flip-flop truth table

Input S Input R Present State(Q)

Next State(Q*)


0 0 0 0 Hold0 0 1 1 Hold0 1 0 0 Reset0 1 1 0 Reset1 0 0 1 Set1 0 1 1 Set1 1 0 X Not allowed1 1 1 X Not allowed

study the 555 timer chip and use it for robot control. But first we will lookat how an R-S flip-flop works. R-S Flip-Flop

Figure 6.24 is the symbol of an R-S flip-flop.

Table 6.3 is the truth table of the R-S flip-flop; it shows how the output ofthe flip-flop depends on the inputs and the previous state.

The table shows that when input R is 1 and input S is 0, the output Qresets to 0; when input R is 0, and input S is 1, the output Q sets to 1; wheninput R is 0 and input S is 0, the output Q remains the same as its previousvalue; the input combination of R at 1 and S at 1 is not allowed. 555 Timer

Figure 6.25 presents the pin numbers and their names in a 555 timer (alsocalled triple nickel).

Figure 6.26 shows a simplified functional block diagram.

Let’s look at how to use a 555 timer as an oscillator. We connect the timeras shown in Figure 6.27. This is called an astable mode of the timer, since itcreates oscillations.

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555 timer pins [47].


555 timer functional block diagram

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555 timer as an oscillator (astable mode)

Let us start the time when the capacitor has zero charge, and therefore zerovoltage across it. This implies that the voltage at the threshold and triggerinputs is also 0. Because the comparator on top has 0 on the input shownwith the positive sign and has 2/3VCC voltage on the input shown with thenegative sign, its output will be 0. However, because the comparator on thebottom has 0 on the input shown with the negative sign and has VCC voltageon the input shown with the positive sign, its output will be 1. Checkingfrom the operation of an R-S flip-flop, we see that the output Q of the flip-flop will be 0. This will give the output of the timer chip as 0. This 0 willturn the transistor off so that we have VCC connected to the two resistorsand the capacitor. This allows the capacitor whose charging time constantis (R1 + R2)C to begin charging. It keeps charging until its voltage reachesjust above 2/3VCC . Then the top comparator gives an output of 1 and thebottom comparator gives 0.

These inputs set the R-S flip-flop to give an output of 1, and therefore thetimer output is 1. This output also turns on the transistor, which connectspin 7 to the ground. The capacitor starts discharging through resistor R2

with a time constant of R2C. The discharging continues until the capacitorvoltage reaches just below 1/3VCC . At that time, the bottom comparatorgives the output of 1 again, and the whole process continues cyclically to pro-duce oscillatory output. The frequency of oscillation is given by the following

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555 timer as an oscillator [47].


f =1.44

(R1 + 2R2)C(6.22)

We can understand the operation of the one-shot (explained in detail laterin the chapter) by looking at the connections and the corresponding waveforms[47] in Figure 6.28.

6.1.7 Robot Timed Movements

You can use the 555 timer to connect to the relay to produce timed motion,and you can employ the 555 timer as an oscillator so the robot motors can beturned on and off cyclically to have periodic stop-and-go movements by usingthe circuit shown in Figure 6.29. The schematic of the circuit is shown inFigure 6.30, and the robot movements are shown in Figure 6.31. This circuitis for forward timed movements.

Figure 6.32 shows how the output of the timer chip controls the robotmotion.

Table 6.4 presents the parts list for this robot controller.

You can keep the timer part of the circuit, and by simply changing themotor connections to the relay board, you can get different types of timedmovements from the robot.

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Stop-and-go circuit layout (Copyright 2006 Chaney Electronics. Reproducedwith permission)


Stop-and-go circuit schematic (Copyright 2006 Chaney Electronics.Reproduced with permission)

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Stop-and-go robot movements


Timer output

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Stop-and-go control parts

Part DescriptionB1 9 V batteryB2 3 V battery (AA batteries)

M1 and M2 Robot motorsR1 Resistor; 10K ohmR2 Resistor; 22K ohm

PT1 500K potentiometerC1 Electrolytic capacitor; 10 microFC2 Disc capacitor; .01 microFIC1 555 ICS1 Switch

Misc. Assembled relay board, wires


Circuit for backward timed motion (Copyright 2006 Chaney Electronics.Reproduced with permission) Backward Timed Motion

You can make the robot have stop-and-go motion in the backward directionby changing just the connections of the previous circuit to the motors. Thecircuit with the changed connections looks like the one in Figure 6.33. Whenthe relay is off, the motors are off, and when the relay turns on, the robotmoves backward. Time-Controlled Sharp Right Turn

We can make the robot have stop-and-go motion in a sharp right turn bychanging just the connections of the previous circuit to the motors. Figure6.34 shows the circuit with the changed connections. When the relay is off,

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Circuit for time-controlled sharp right turn (Copyright 2006 ChaneyElectronics. Reproduced with permission)

the motors are off, and when the relay turns on, the robot makes a sharp rightturn. Time-Controlled Sharp Left Turn

You can make the robot have stop-and-go motion in a sharp left-turn motionby changing just the connections of the previous circuit to the motors. Figure6.35 illustrates the circuit with the changed connections. When the relay isoff, the motors are off, and when the relay turns on, the robot does a sharpleft turn. Time-Controlled Combined Forward and Backward Move-ments

By changing just the connections of the previous circuit to the motors, youcan make the robot have timed forward and backward motion. The circuitwith the changed connections looks like the one in Figure 6.36. The polarityof the battery connections to both motors changes when the relay turns on,and that changes the direction of each motor. Time-Controlled Combined Forward and Backward RightTurn

To make the robot have a timed forward and backward right turn motion, yousimply need to change the connections of the previous circuit to the motors.The circuit with the changed connections looks like the one in Figure 6.37.By changing the relay from off to on, the motion changes from forward tobackward right turn. Notice how the motors are connected in this circuitcompared to the previous one.

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Circuit for time-controlled sharp left turn (Copyright 2006 ChaneyElectronics. Reproduced with permission)


Circuit for time-controlled combined forward and backward motion(Copyright 2006 Chaney Electronics. Reproduced with permission)

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Circuit for time-controlled combined forward and backward right turn(Copyright 2006 Chaney Electronics. Reproduced with permission)

Figure 6.38 shows the top view of the robot’s movements. Time-Controlled Combined Forward and Hard Left-TurnMovements

You can give the robot a timed forward and hard left-turn motion by changingjust the connections of the previous circuit to the motors. Figure 6.39 showsthe circuit with the changed connections.

Figure 6.40 shows the top view of the robot’s movements. Double Timer Circuit

You can use two timers to make more complex combined behavior. The circuitin Figure 6.41 combines the backward and sharp left turn on the first timer,and combines on and off control of both motors on the second timer. Night-Runner Robot

The circuit in Figure 6.42 combines the backward and sharp left turn on thefirst timer, and uses a CDS cell (also called a photocell) to produce on andoff control of both motors. A photocell has resistance that depends on lightfalling on it. When light falls on it, its resistance decreases. In the circuit,when light falls on the cell the resistance is low and therefore the voltageacross it is low. Because of the low voltage, transistor Q1 is off. However,when it is dark the voltage across the resistance increases and that turns onthe transistor, which turns on the power to the two motors. The motors cannow follow the movement commands from the top relay.

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Top view of time-controlled combined forward and backward right turn


Circuit for time-controlled combined forward and hard left-turn motion(Copyright 2006 Chaney Electronics. Reproduced with permission)

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Top view of time-controlled combined forward and hard left-turn motion

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Two-timer circuit (Copyright 2006 Chaney Electronics. Reproduced withpermission)


Night-runner robot circuit (Copyright 2006 Chaney Electronics. Reproducedwith permission)

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Day-runner robot circuit (Copyright 2006 Chaney Electronics. Reproducedwith permission) Day-Runner Robot

The circuit in Figure 6.43 combines the backward and sharp left turn on thefirst timer and uses a CDS cell to produce on and off control of both motors.In the circuit, we have simply changed the placement of the photocell to invertthe logic of transistor Q1 turning on and off.

6.1.8 Infrared Vision-Based Robot (Robot Eyes)

You can modify the robot to use infrared communication for different tasks.For infrared-based communication you can use the 555 timer to modulate anIR LED to send infrared signals at a specific frequency and have an infraredreceiver that responds to that specific frequency. Most remote controls forTVs, VCRs, and so on, use a frequency close to 40Khz for communication.The schematic in Figure 6.44 is derived from the BASIC Stamp programmingmanual [26] to show an infrared transmitter and receiver using modulatedsignals. The 555 timer produces pulses whose frequency can be adjusted tomatch that of the receiver by using the potentiometer attached to the timer.When the receiver gets the infrared light at its desired frequency, its outputgoes high. You can send digital signals by using the reset input of the 555timer to transmit serial data and then receive the data from the output pinof the receiver. The reset pin data makes the whole modulation turn on or

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IR-modulated transmitter and receiver circuits (Copyright 2002 BASICStamp Programming Manual 1.9, Parallax Inc. Reproduced with permission)


IR-receiver circuit (Copyright 2006 Chaney Electronics. Reproduced withpermission)

off so that the serial data can be transmitted and then received.

The IR receiver that comes with this robotic kit can be connected as shownin Figure 6.45.

Figure 6.46 shows a matching transmitter circuit for the same receiver.

Table 6.5 presents the parts list for this transmitter and receiver circuits.

You can use the IR system to make the robot do various movements. Forexample, you can make it move backward normally unless you send an IRsignal using a TV remote control, and you can make it do a hard left turnuntil the IR signal is on. Figure 6.47 shows the circuit for this motion.

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IR-transmitter circuit (Copyright 2006 Chaney Electronics. Reproducedwith permission)


IR transmitter and receiver parts list

Part DescriptionB1 9 V Battery

IRM Infrared receiver moduleR1 Resistor; 100 ohmR2 Resistor; 33K ohmR3 Resistor; 330 ohm

PT1 500K potentiometerC1 Electrolytic capacitor; 10 microFD1 Diode; 1N4148Q1 PNP transistor; 2N3906S1 Switch

Misc. Wires

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IR-based backward hard left turn combination (Copyright 2006 ChaneyElectronics. Reproduced with permission) Emotional Robot (Robotic Pet)

You can use the IR transmitter and receiver so that the motors are turned offuntil the IR receiver receives the IR light, and then the robot does a hard leftturn. You can place the transmitter and the receiver in a line so that whenyou bring your hand close to the robot, the IR light reflects from the handand reaches the receiver. This makes the robot perform a hard left turn. Thisbehavior is similar to petting a dog that is motionless and then moves whenyou pet it. Figure 6.48 shows the circuit for the robotic pet. Obstacle Avoidance

You can use the IR transmitter and receiver so that the robot keeps movingforward until the IR receiver receives the IR light and then the robot does ahard left turn to avoid the obstacle in its way. You can place the transmitterand the receiver in a line so that when the robot gets close to an obstacle, theIR light reflects from the obstacle and reaches the receiver, making the robotgo into a hard left turn. Figure 6.49 shows the circuit for this.

6.1.9 Audio Detection and Response (Robot Ears)

Now we will establish the robot’s ability to detect and respond to sounds.The circuit for this uses an electret microphone, an audio amplifier, the 555timer used as a one-shot, and a flip-flop used as a toggle. We’ll cover each indetail before discussing the overall circuit. Electret Microphone

An electret microphone uses the capacitance changes in the microphone causedby the mechanical motions from sound vibrations, which are exploited to give

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Robotic pet circuit (Copyright 2006 Chaney Electronics. Reproduced withpermission)

out an electric signal that represents the sound signal. These microphones(such as the one in Figure 6.50) contain an integrated preamplifier.

Figure 6.51 shows how to interface the microphone in a circuit.

The potentiometer can control the output level. Table 6.6 provides theparts list for this interface. Audio Amplifier

A popular audio IC (integrated circuit) amplifier is LM386 ([48]), which youcan buy from National Semiconductor [33]. Figure 6.52 shows a typical inter-facing circuit for this amplifier.

The amplifier’s gain is controlled by a capacitor connected between pins 1and 8; the power is connected to pin 6; the input is connected to pin 3; andcapacitive and resistive coupling is done at output pin 5. Figure 6.53 showsthe interfacing of the microphone output to the audio amplifier in the robot.

Table 6.7 presents the additional parts list for this interface. 555 Timer as a One-Shot

You can use the 555 timer to produce a single output pulse of a fixed durationwhen the signal at the trigger input transitions from logic 1 (5 V) to logic zero

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Obstacle avoidance circuit (Copyright 2006 Chaney Electronics. Reproducedwith permission)


An electret microphone (Copyright 2006 All Electronics Corp. Reproducedwith permission)


Microphone interfacing parts list

Part DescriptionB1 9 V batteryS1 SwitchR1 Resistor; 22K ohmC1 Electrolytic capacitor; 10 microFC2 Electrolytic capacitor; 100 microFMic Electret microphone

Misc. Wires

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Electret microphone interfacing (Copyright 2006 Chaney Electronics.Reproduced with permission)


Audio amplifier interfacing [48].


Microphone amplifier interfacing additional parts list

Parts DescriptionPT1 500K potentiometerR2 Resistor; 100 ohmR3 Resistor; 3.3K ohmR4 Resistor; 4.7K ohmC3 Electrolytic capacitor; 1 microFC4 Disc capacitor; 0.1 microFC5 Disc capacitor; 0.1 microFIC1 Audio amplifier; IC 386

Misc. Wires

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Audio amplifier interfacing with the microphone (Copyright 2006 ChaneyElectronics. Reproduced with permission)


One-shot interfacing with audio amplifier andmicrophone additional parts list

Parts DescriptionR5 Resistor; 3.3M ohmC6 Disc Capacitor; 0.01 microFC7 Disc Capacitor; 0.01 microFIC2 IC 555

Misc. Wires

(0 V). You can make the timer operate in that one-shot mode by connectingit as shown in Figure 6.54. This is called mono-stable mode.

To understand its operation, start with the capacitor charge (and thereforeits voltage) at 0. When the trigger voltage goes to low, then it is less than(1/3)VCC and it turns on the lower comparator. The R-S flip-flop gets reset sothat the output at Q of the flip-flop goes low. This turns off the transistor andallows the capacitor to get charged. When the capacitor’s charge is such thatthe voltage across the capacitor is just above (2/3)VCC , the upper comparatorturns on and sets the R-S flip-flop output to one again, turning the transistoron. When the transistor turns on, it connects its output to the ground, andthat starts discharging the capacitor. The new cycle will not start until thetrigger input dips below (1/3)VCC again.

You can understand the operation of the one-shot by looking at the connec-tions and the corresponding waveforms [47] in Figure 6.55, which is sketchedbased on National Semiconductor’s LM555 datasheet.

Figure 6.56 shows the circuit with the microphone, the audio amplifier, andthe timer in mono-stable mode.

Table 6.8 provides the additional parts list for this interface.

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555 timer as a one-shot (mono-stable)


555 timer as a one-shot [47].

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One-shot interfacing with the audio amplifier and the microphone(Copyright 2006 Chaney Electronics. Reproduced with permission)


Flip-flop interfacing with one-shot, audio amplifier, andmicrophone additional parts list

Parts DescriptionIC3 IC 4013

Misc. Wires 4013 IC Operation (D Flip-Flop)

To understand how the D flip-flop will be used in the robotic circuit, let us takea look at the pin description and the truth table of the flip-flop from FairchildSemiconductor’s CD4013BC datasheet [32]. The figure is reproduced fromthe datasheet in Figure 6.57.

We will use only F/F 1 from the dual chip. Notice from the truth table thatwhen the R and the S inputs are both at 0, then the output is the complementof the D input. In the robotic circuit, we keep the R and S inputs at 0, andconnect the DATA1 input to output. The input to the chip that comes fromthe one-shot is connected to the CLOCK1 input. Therefore, when the signalat the input from the one-shot goes from low to high, the output changesfrom 0 to 1 if the previous output was 0; it changes from 1 to 0 if the previousoutput was 1. Essentially, the output of the flip-flop is toggled whenever theoutput from the one-shot goes from 0 to 1.

Figure 6.58 shows the circuit with the microphone, the audio amplifier, thetimer in mono-stable mode, and the flip-flop.

Table 6.9 lists the additional parts for this interface.

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CD4013BC datasheet from Fairchild Semiconductor (Copyright 2002Fairchild Semiconductor Datasheet for CD4013BC. Reproduced with



Flip-flop interfacing with the one-shot, the audio amplifier, and themicrophone (Copyright 2006 Chaney Electronics. Reproduced with


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Sound-activated robot circuit (Copyright 2006 Chaney Electronics.Reproduced with permission)

6.1.10 Sound-Based Robot Movements

You can connect the output from the flip-flop in Figure 6.58 to the relayboard and produce different movements depending on how you connect therelay board to the motors. Sound-Activated Robot

The circuit in Figure 6.59 shows a robot that will turn on at the sound of aclap or other loud sound, and will turn off at the next clap or loud sound. Dancer Robot

You can modify the output from the audio amplifier so that we get a DC signalthat can charge a capacitor. The output from that can turn on transistors,which can turn the relay on. The circuit in Figure 6.60 uses diode D1 to rectifythe audio signal from the audio amplifier. That output charges capacitor C4which turns on transistors Q1 and Q2. The output of Q2, in turn, turns therelay on. This relay controls the power to both robot motors. When thepower to the motors is turned on, the output of the timer makes the robot dosharp right and left turns. This whole scheme makes the robot “dance” whenthere is music playing (or some continuous sound) and stop moving when themusic stops (or when there is no sound).

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Dancer robot circuit (Copyright 2006 Chaney Electronics. Reproduced withpermission)

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TABLE 6.10

Parts list for the dancer robot

Parts DescriptionB1 9 V batteryS1 Switch

PT1 500K potentiometerR1 Resistor; 22K ohmR2 Resistor; 3.3K ohmR3 Resistor; 4.7K ohmR4 Resistor; 1K ohmR5 Resistor; 10K ohmR6 Resistor; 100K ohmC1 Disc capacitor; 0.1 microF (104)C2 Electrolytic capacitor; 1 microFC3 Electrolytic capacitor; 10 microFC4 Electrolytic capacitor; 10 microFC5 Electrolytic capacitor; 10 microFC6 Disc capacitor; 0.01 microF (103)IC1 Audio amplifier; IC 386IC2 Timer; IC 555Q1 NPN transistor; 2N3904Q2 PNP transistor; 2N3906D1 Diode; 1N4148Mic Electret microphone

Misc. Relay board and wires

Table 6.10 lists the parts for this circuit.

6.2 Robot Speed Control

There are many ways to control the speed of the two DC motors connectedto the two wheels of the robot. For details on how to design various speedcontrollers, please refer to the book Mobile Robotic Car Design [7] mentionedpreviously. Here you’ll learn to use an H-bridge to control the speed of eachmotor. The H-bridge can be connected to a microcontroller to control thespeed of each motor. The H-bridge that we describe here is TPIC0108B [38].Figure 6.61 shows the chip’s functional input-output description.

Figure 6.62 provides the functional block diagram of the chip.

The description of the various pins on the chip appears in Figure 6.63.

Figure 6.64 presents a typical connection for an application of this H-bridgewith a DC motor.

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Functional input-output representation of TPIC0108B (Courtesy of TexasInstruments)


Functional block diagram of TPIC0108B (Courtesy of Texas Instruments)

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Terminal functions of TPIC0108B (Courtesy of Texas Instruments)


Sample application (Courtesy of Texas Instruments)

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Speed control (Courtesy of Texas Instruments)

To control the speed of the robot’s motors, you can use two H-bridges,one for each motor, and use any microcontroller to give commands to theH-bridges. To control the speed of each motor, you can use PWM signals toeach motor. Consult the book called Mobile Robotic Car Design by Kachrooand Mellodge [7] for more details and explanations. To make a wheel moveforward at full speed, you can give the signal 0 at IN1, and 1 at IN2 of theH-bridge. To have a low speed, you can keep the IN1 input at 0, and then givea pulsed signal at IN2 that keeps the duty cycle at a percentage correspondingto the desired speed. For example, you can keep the on time and off time at50% each to give half the voltage to the motor. You can control the motor’sspeed in the reverse direction by keeping the IN1 input at 1 and pulsing theIN2 input.

Figure 6.65 shows a complete circuit for speed control where PIC16F84Ais used as the controller. To learn how to program the PIC controller, a verygood reference is PIC Microcontroller Project Book: For PIC Basic and PICBasic Pro Compliers [14].

6.2.1 PC Control

The circuit also allows for the controller to receive commands from a PC thatcan be connected using a serial cable. This way, you can do PC control of therobot. To avoid having a cable connected to the PC from the robot, you can

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Maxstream XStream RS232 RF modem (Copyright 2005 MaxStream, Inc.Reproduced with permission)

use an RS-232 wireless modem. You can connect the modem to the RS-232connector on the robot and the modem on the PC. Figure 6.66 shows oneRS-232 RF modem you could use.

6.2.2 Feedback Control

You can add incremental optical encoders to each wheel so that you can con-nect the outputs from those encoders to the microcontroller inputs. Then youcan change the PWM commands to the H-bridges to control the exact speedsof the wheels using feedback control. You can use feedback control theory todesign the closed loop speed controllers that use the encoder feedback. Onegood reference for learning that design is Control Systems Engineering, FourthEdition, by Norman S. Nise [13]. To design the controller you will need theparameters of the motor and the robot, as well as mathematical models thathave been covered in this chapter.

6.3 Robot Kinematics

You can control the forward or backward speed of the robot by controlling thespeeds of the two motors, and you can control the robot’s rotation using thespeeds of the two motors. You can calculate the relationship of the total robot

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Robot kinematic relationships (Copyright 2006 Chaney Electronics.Reproduced with permission)

speed and rotation speed in terms of the angular speed of the two motors (seeFigure 6.67).

Figure 6.67 shows the linear speed of the right wheel as vR and the linearspeed of the left wheel as vL. If the radius of each wheel is R, then these arerelated to the wheel’s angular speeds as follows:

vR = RωR (6.23)

vL = RωL (6.24)

The angular velocities of the right and left wheels are ωR and ωL, respec-tively. The total linear speed of the robot and its total angular speed can becalculated as

vRobot =(vR + vL)


ωRobot =dθ


(vR − vL)


Therefore, by controlling the angular speed of the two wheels, you cancontrol the linear and angular motion of the robot. The combined equationsare as follows:

vRobot = R(ωR + ωL)


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ωRobot =dθ

dt= R

(ωR − ωL)


Suppose you are given a path that the robot should follow. The path mightbe given in terms of the x, y coordinates and the angle θ of the robot, ratherthan the desired wheel speeds (or robot linear and angular speed). In thatcase, you need a relationship between the world coordinates x, y, and θ,andthe control variables of the robot (the linear and angular speeds), which youcan control by wheel angular speeds as shown in Figure 6.67. This relationshipcan be derived as follows:


dt= vRobot cos θ (6.29)


dt= vRobot sin θ (6.30)

dt= R

(ωR − ωL)


Using equation 6.27 gives the model in terms of the input angular wheelspeeds:


dt=R cos θ(ωR + ωL)



dt=R sin θ(ωR + ωL)


dt= R

(ωR − ωL)


You can make the robot follow trajectories that are given in world coor-dinates by designing controllers that make use of equations 6.32, 6.33, and6.34. The trajectories can come from a camera which can observe the robotmotions and let a controller decide where the robot should go.

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Four Wheel Drive Robot

In this chapter we will study the Rigel 4WD robot kit, which is a four-wheeledrobot from Budget Robotics. We will look at its construction and mechanics,electrical control, objects and their operations, and sample code to drive therobot. After going through mechanical construction of the robot, we will talkabout the electrical components of the robot which will run the robot. Mainelectrical components are microcontroller (OOPic-R by Savage Innovations[24]) and servomotors. The objects related to Rigel 4WD robot are explained.How servomotors are driven by PWM signals is also briefly explained. Finally,two sample codes are provided to run the robot. The first code drives the robotforward. The second code drives the robot forward for a specified distance,turns the robot 180 degrees about its center, and finally drives it back to thestart position.

7.1 Construction and Mechanics

Rigel is a 4WD (four-wheel-drive) differentially steered robot. The robot is4 1/4 inches high, 6 inches wide, and 6 3/4 inches long. It weighs about 23ounces without batteries. The robot is shown in Figure 7.1.

The body material is made of 6 millimeter thick PVC rigid expanded plas-tic. The wheels are 65 millimeters in diameter. Each wheel is controlledindependently by a servomotor. The servomotor used with the robot is theGWS S03N servo. This servo is modified by the manufacturer for continuousrotation. The robot can be controlled by any standard microcontroller suchas Parallax Board of Education, OOPic-, or BASIC Stamp. Figure 7.2 showsthe top view of the robot with the OOPic-R mounted on the robot.

The basic frame of the robot consists of a top deck, a bottom deck, twoservo brackets, four servomotors, six angle gussets, and four wheels. Figure7.3 shows the servo bracket used for mounting the servos.

The servomotor for the front wheel is dropped in through one of the holesand is fastened to the bracket using four 4-40x1/2 inch steel pan head ma-chine screws, #4 size steel washers, and 4-40 size steel hex nuts. Figure 7.4illustrates one of the servomotors attached to the servo bracket. In addition,Figure 7.5 shows a closer look at the servo and its mounting components.


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Side view of robot


Rigel 4WD robot with OOPic-R microcontroller

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Servo bracket


Servomotor attached to servo bracket


Zoom-in view of servomotor fastened to servo bracket using steel pan headmachine screws and steel washers

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Servo mounting spacer


Angle gussets attached to the servo bracket

The servomotor for the back wheel is fastened to the bracket using a servomounting spacer, shown in Figure 7.6.

For this purpose four 4-40 x 3/4 inch steel pan head machine screws, #4size steel washers, and 4-40 size steel hex nuts are used. Two 3/4 x 3/4 inchplastic gusseted angle brackets are mounted at the ends of the servo bracketusing one 4-40 x 1/2 inch steel pan head machine screw and one 4-40 sizesteel hex nut each. Figure 7.7 shows the angle gussets attached to the servobracket.

One 2-inch-wide plastic gusseted angle bracket is fixed at the center of theservo bracket using two 4-40 x 1/2 inch steel pan head machine screws and4-40 size steel hex nuts. Note that the screw heads should be facing the outerside of the servo bracket while the hex nuts should be on the inside. The

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Side view of servo bracket showing attached angle gussets

angle gussets are used to secure the servo brackets to the robot base. Figure7.8 shows the side view of the servo bracket showing attached angle gussets.

The front wheel is attached to the servo horn through the holes, as shownin Figure 7.9. Four 1 1/16 inch screws, #4 size steel washers, and 4-40 sizesteel hex nuts are used for this purpose. Figure 7.10 shows the servo hornattached to the wheel. Figure 7.11 gives the back view of the wheel.

Note: The washers are fixed from the back just before threading in thenut.

The servo horn is attached to the servomotor using a horn mounting screw.The same procedure is repeated for the back wheel. Figure 7.12 shows thefront and back wheels attached to the completed servo bracket.

The second servo bracket is assembled in the same way as explained above.Figure 7.13 shows the second completed servo bracket.

After both the servo brackets have been assembled completely, the bottomdeck (shown in Figure 7.14) is attached to the servo brackets through the 2-inch-wide angle gussets using four 4-40 x 1/2 inch size steel pan head machinescrews and 4-40 size steel hex nuts. Figure 7.15 shows the servo bracketattached to the bottom deck through 2-inch-wide angle gussets.

Note: The heads of the screws should be facing the top of the deck, whilethe nuts should be on the inside.

To further secure the bottom deck firmly to the servo brackets, four 4-40 x1/2 inch size steel pan head machine screws and 4-40 size steel hex nuts areused to fasten the 3/4 x 3/4 inch angle gussets to the bottom deck as shownin Figure 7.16 and Figure 7.17 (top view).

The top deck is now mounted on the bottom deck using four 1 1/4 inchaluminum risers as shown in Figure 7.18 and Figure 7.19 (side view). Therisers are screwed onto the bottom deck using 3/8 inch black oxide screws

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Servo horn


Wheel attached to servo horn


Back view of wheel attached to servo horn

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Front and back wheels attached to completed servo bracket


Second completed servo bracket

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Bottom deck


Servo bracket attached to bottom deck through 2-inch-wide angle gussets

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Both servo brackets attached to bottom deck through 2-inch-wide and 3/4 x3/4 inch angle gussets


Top view of bottom deck

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Aluminum risers attached to bottom deck

and then attached to the top deck in a similar fashion.

Figure 7.20 shows the top deck attached to the aluminum risers.

This completes the mechanical construction of the robot. The completedrobot is illustrated in Figure 7.21.

7.2 Electrical Control

In this section we will explore how to connect the OOPic-R to the Rigel 4WDrobot as well as the necessary software components to write a sample programto operate the robot. Then we will provide an example program which movesthe robot forward.

7.2.1 Connecting the OOPic-R with the Rigel 4WD Robot

Figure 7.22 illustrates the connection of the GWS S03N RC servos (orange/brown wires shown in Figure 7.22) to the I/O bank I of the OOPic-R. Formore information on the various I/O banks available with the OOPic-R referto [24]. The connection of the main battery (the red and black wires showthe connection to the battery) is shown in Figure 7.23. Also, the setting ofthe power selection jumper S1 is shown in Figure 7.24. The battery is a 7.2volt NiMh battery which supplies power for the motors.

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Side view of bottom deck with attached aluminum risers


Top deck attached to aluminum risers

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Completed four-wheeled robot


Connections of the I/O lines of the RC servos (servos not shown) to the I/Obank I

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Connection of the battery to the main I/O


Setting of jumper S1 when RC servos are connected to I/O bank I

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7.2.2 A Review of OOP in Reference to the OOPic-R

In this section, some of the tables and explanations are prepared based on thematerial from OOPic website [24]. The detailed tables for all the objects areprovided in the website as well [24]. OOP is an acronym for object-orientedprogramming. It is a term used to identify languages that are oriented towardthe use of objects. OOP is an effort to make the task of writing computerprograms easier by allowing the programmer to write bits of code that interactwith what appears to be physical objects.

The OOPic has been specially designed for robotics. It is an acronymfor object-oriented PIC. OOPic provides an object-oriented language modeldesigned to interact with the electrical hardware components that are attachedto the OOPic. The concept behind OOPic involves the use of preprogrammedobjects from a library to do all the work of interacting with the hardware andthen writing small scripts in BASIC, C, or Java syntax styles to control theobjects.

Note: In this chapter the OOPic-R is used to control the Rigel four-wheeledrobot. The OOPic-R can be programmed using BASIC, C, or Java. However,in this chapter all programming is done in BASIC.

Table 7.2 gives a list of object types used in OOPic language. Creating and Working with Objects

The object declaration statement syntax is given below:

Dim <id>[(<sub>)] as New <type>

The term id is the name of the identifier for the new object. The namegiven should follow the standard naming conventions as given below:

1. Identifier names must begin with a letter.

2. Identifier names cannot contain a period.

3. Identifier names must not exceed 32 characters.

4. Identifier names must be unique within the application. (Identifiernames are case-insensitive.) This includes local variable and objectnames within subprograms and functions.

The term sub is the optional dimension of an array. It may be a positivenumeric value but no expressions are allowed. The term type is the type ofthe object of which an instance is to be created. An example is:

Dim myvar as New oByte

In this example, a new instance of the object oByte is created with thename myvar. The term oByte is a variable object which can store an 8-bitvalue in its value property. This means that myvar is a variable that can haveany value between 0 and 255.

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Important terms used in OOP

Term DescriptionApplication A computer program written for the purpose of control-

ling electronic equipment connected to an OOPic micro-controller.

Keyword Any word whose meaning has already been defined in theOOPic language. Keywords may be a command, a function,a statement, or any other word that OOPic uses for anyother purpose. All keywords in OOPic Basic language arecase insensitive.

Identifier The names given to the components of an application pro-gram. Objects, variables, subprocedures, and functions aregiven identifying names.

Constant A predefined keyword that literally represents a value. Con-stants are used in place of numbers so that code is easier toread.

Variable An identifier that represents a value, but unlike a constantit can be changed by assigning it a value. The value rep-resented by a variable will remain the same until anothervalue is assigned.

Command A keyword that instructs the OOPic to take a particularaction.

Function A keyword that instructs the OOPic to perform a calcula-tion and return a result.

Statement A “sentence” of commands, functions, identifiers, and con-stants that instructs the OOPic to take a particular actionand describes how to do it.

Operator Operators are special commands that perform calculations,evaluations, and assignments.

Event An action recognized by an object to which code can bewritten to respond to. Events may occur as a result of ahardware condition or software manipulation of an object.


A term used to describe a programming model. An event-driven application consists of code that remains idle untilcalled upon by an object to respond to an event.

Method A keyword (similar to a function or a statement) that ispart of the logical unit of an object and whose operationacts directly upon that object.

Object A term used to describe a set of variables and code thatacts as one logical unit.


A term used to describe a programming model where cer-tain variables and code act as a single logical unit.

Property A variable that is part of the logical unit of an object.Instance An instance of an object that is defined by a class. An ob-

ject in an OOP is a class that defines certain characteristics.

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Object types used in OOPic language

Type DescriptionHardware An object that represents and/or encapsulates a physically

implemented piece of hardware in the OOPic. In an appli-cation, multiple instances of these objects can be declared,but only one per piece of hardware present in the OOPiccan be operational at any given time. The hardware list isdifferent for the different types of OOPic.

Processing An object that retrieves values from other objects, per-forms a specified calculation, and then stores the resultingvalue in another object. A processing object can be de-clared for use in as many multiple instances as memorycan hold. The processing object list is different for thedifferent types of OOPic.

Variable An object that stores a value and provides evaluation prop-erties about that value. A variable object can be declaredfor use in as many multiple instances as memory can hold.

System An object that controls one of several system functions. Asystem object is intrinsic and is present at the time theOOPic powers up. You cannot declare new instances ofthese objects. Controlling Objects with Their Properties

An object’s properties are the values that it holds. The value of a propertyis set when the behavior of an object is to be changed. The following is thesyntax for setting an object’s property to a value:

An example code regarding objects is given below:

Dim myswitch as New oButton

Sub Main()

myswitch.IOLine = 5

myswitch.mode = 0 = 2

End Sub

In the previous example an instance of the object oButton is created havingthe name myswitch. The term oButton is a hardware object that reads thestate of a switch and controls the state of an LED using a single I/O line.The line myswitch.IOLine=5 means that the switch is connected to I/O line5. The line with myswitch.mode=0 sets the switch as a push-button switch.

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Style is a value that specifies how the LED looks when it is on. The line causes the LED to blink at 4Hz. Performing Actions with Methods

A method is an action that an object can perform. When invoked, methodsinstruct the object to do a specified function. The following shows the syntaxof invoking an object’s method.


Note: Unlike the property of an object, the method does not have a value.The method of an object performs an action, while the property of an objectsets a value.

An example is

Dim num as New oByte

Sub Main()



End Sub

In the previous example, num is an instance of the variable object oByte.First, the property, value of num, is set to 10. The line with invokesthe inc method, which increments the value of num by 1. The value propertyof oByte can be any number between 0 and 255. Here, it is set to 10 and thenincremented to 11. The line with num.invert inverts the bits in the valueproperty (one’s complement).

7.2.3 Important Objects Used While Interfacing the OOPic-R with the Rigel 4WD Robot

This section explores the necessary objects for using OOPic-R (by SavageInnovations [24]) on the Rigel 4WD robot. oButton Object

The oButton object is a three byte hardware object that reads the state of aswitch and controls the state of an LED using a single I/O line. The switchcan be configured as a push button or a toggle button and the LED canbe set to on, off, or three different patterns of blinking. An oButton objectcontinuously cycles between digital input (i.e., reading a push-button styleswitch) and digital output (i.e., controlling an LED). In order for both theLED and the push button to be connected to the same I/O line, they mustbe connected to the I/O line through a resister, as indicated by the wiringdiagram shown in Figure 7.25.

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Wiring diagram for connecting LED and push button to the same I/O line.

The LED can optionally be disconnected from the push button state andbe controlled by a different value.

Table 7.3 lists the properties of the oButton object.The table 7.4 describes the behaviour of a button based on the properties

Mode and InvrtIn. oServo Object

The oServo object is a hardware object that uses one digital I/O line to setthe position of an RC servomotor. A commercially available Hitec HS-422servo is shown in Figure 7.26.

The size of an oServo object is 4 bytes. Table 7.5 presents the propertiesof the oServo object in detail. Basic Introduction to Servo Operation

An RC servo is commonly found in radio frequency-controlled devices such asairplanes. A servo is a motor in which the shaft does not continuously rotate.The output of a servo is the movement of its shaft. The shaft assumes aposition based upon a pulse width modulation (PWM) input shown in Figure7.27.

The PWM input is a positive-going pulse that has a width between 1 and2 milliseconds. The rate at which the pulses are sent is called a refresh rate.

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Properties of the oButton object

Property DescriptionAddress Returns a pointer to the address of the oButton object

instance. Data-Type: Address, Read-Only; Data-Range:0 - 127

InvrtIn A value that specifies if the state of the button is invertedwhen it is read. Data-Type: Bit; Data-Range: 0 - 1.

IOLine The I/O Line for the button. Data-Type: Nibble; Data-Range: 0 - 31

Mode Selects whether or not the connected switch is treated asa push button or a toggle switch. Data-Type: Bit; Data-Range: 0 - 1

Option A value that specifies which value property controls theLED. Data-Type: Bit; Data-Range: 0 - 1. When Optionis 0, the LED is controlled by the value property. When itis 1, it is controlled by the valueL property.

Style A value that specifies how the LED looks when it is on.Data-Type: Nibble; Data-Range: 0 - 3. When Style is 0,the LED will be solid ON. When it is 1 and 2, the LEDwill blink at 1 Hz and 4 Hz respectively. When it is 3, theLED will blink twice at 4 Hz, stay off for 1/2 seconds, andrepeat.

value A value that indicates the current state of the button.Data-Type: Bit, Flag, Default; Data-Range: 0 - 1. Whenvalue is 0 and Constant is cvFalse, the button state is OFF.When value is 1 and Constant is cvTrue, the button stateis ON.

valueL A value that optionally controls the LED. Used when theOption property is set to 1. Data-Type: Bit, Flag; Data-Range: 0 - 1. When value is 0 and Constant is cvFalse,the the LED state is OFF. When value is 1 and Constantis cvTrue, the LED state is ON.

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Behavior of a button based on Mode and InvrtIn properties

Mode InvrtIn Description0 0 The button is treated as a push button.

Pressed is ON, Released is OFF.1 0 The button is treated as a toggle switch,

Pressed once is ON, Pressed second timeis OFF.

0 1 The button is treated as a push button.Pressed is OFF, Released is ON.

1 1 The button is treated as a toggle switch,Released once is ON, Released a secondtime is OFF.


Commercially available Hitec HS-422 servo. (Copyright 2006 LynxmotionInc.)


Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) input

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Properties of the oServo object

Property DescriptionAddress Returns a pointer to the address of the oServo Object in-

stance. Data-Type: Number-Pointer, Read-Only; Data-Range: 0 - 127.

Centre Adjusts the value for the servo’s mechanical center. Data-Type: Byte; Data-Range: 0 - 63.

InvrtOut Value that specifies if the output pulse is reversed. Usefulwhen using servos as drive motors on opposite sides of arobot. Data-Type: Bit, Flag; Data-Range: 0 - 1. WhenInvrtOut property is 0, Constant is cvFalse and the servocontrol signal is normal. When it is 1, Constant is cvTrueand the servo control is reversed.

IOLine The physical I/O Line to use. Data-Type: Byte; Data-Range: 0 - 31.

Operate A value that specifies whether or not the pulse is outputted.Data-Type: Bit, Flag; Data-Range: 0 - 1. When Operateis 0, the Constant is cvFalse and the servo control signal isnot outputted. When it is 1, the Constant is cvTrue and theservo control signal is outputted.

Refresh When = 1 the servo refresh rate is doubled. When = 0 theservo refresh rate is normal. Data-Type: Bit, Flag; Data-Range: 0 - 1. When Refresh is 0, the Constant is cvFalse andthe Servo is normal. When it is 1, the Constant is cvTrueand the Servo control signal is doubled.

String The value property represented as a string. Data-Type:String.

value The value specifying the position of the servomotor. Data-Type: Byte Default; Data-Range: 0 - 127.

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The default refresh rate while using the oServo object is 35 pulses per second.When the pulse width is 1 millisecond, the servo shaft is at 0 degrees. Witha pulse width of 2 milliseconds, the servo moves to 180 degrees. As the pulsewidth varies between 1 and 2 milliseconds the servo’s shaft will move betweenthe 0 degree and 180 degree positions.

An RC servo requires only one I/O line connection to the OOPic. It isabsolutely necessary that the servo be driven by a different power source thanthe one that the OOPic is using and that the ground of each power supply beconnected together. The oServo object is capable of positioning an RC servoanywhere within its 180 degree rotational span. The position within the 180degree span is specified by a value with a range of 0 to 63. The maximumnumber of oServo objects that can be dimensioned in a single applicationprogram is 21; however, in general, more than 12 is not a good idea. AnoServo object positions an RC servomotor connected to the I/O line specifiedby the IOLine property to a position specified by the value, the Center, andthe InvertOut property. The Operate property specifies whether the servo isactive. When set to 1 it is active, and when set to 0 the oServo object isinactive, and the specified I/O line is set to 0 volts, which releases the servo.The Center property must be adjusted for the mechanical differences of eachdifferent servomotor connected to the OOPic.

The oServo object is tailored to control a standard RC servo by generatinga PWM servo control pulse with the logical high-going pulse ranging from 0to 3 milliseconds in duration in 1/36 millisecond increments. A typical servowith a rotational range of 180 degrees is positioned by the duration of a logicalhigh-going pulse in the range of 0.61 to 2.36 milliseconds. If the InvertOutproperty is set to 0, the PWM’s logical high-going pulse time is calculated bythe following formula in the line of code:

Pulse duration = ((value + Center) * (1/36)) ms

If the InvertOut property is set to 1, the pulse time is calculated by thefollowing formula.

Pulse duration = ((107 - (value + Center)) * (1/36)) ms PWM Servo Control Pulse Duration Examples

To position a servo at 0 degrees, the value property is set to 0, and the Centerproperty is set to 22:

pulse duration = ((0 + 22) * (1/36)) = .61ms

To position a servo at 180 degrees (full swing) the value property is set to 63and the Center property is set to 22:

pulse duration = ((63 + 22) * (1/36)) = 2.36ms

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Polaroid sonar ranging unit connections


Pin descriptions of polaroid sonar ranging unit

Pin No. Pin Name Description I/O Name OOPicI/O Line

1 Gnd Ground – G2 BLNK Blanking – –3 – – – –4 INIT Intialization IOLineP Any5 – – – –6 OSC Oscillator – –7 ECHO Echo IOLineE Any8 BINH Blanking Inhibit – –9 V+ – – +5

To position a servo at 180 degrees (full swing) while turning in reverse, thevalue property is set to 0, the InvertOut property is set to 1, and the Centerproperty is set to 22:

pulse duration = ((107 -(0 + 22)) * (1/36)) = 2.36ms oSonarPL Object

The oSonarPL is an object that controls a Polaroid ultrasonic rangefinderand measures the distance between the sonar transducer and its target in 64steps-per-foot increments. The oSonarPL uses two I/O lines and two powerlines as shown in Figure 7.28. The I/O lines can be any two of the OOPic’s31 I/O lines. The Polaroid sonar requires a 5 to 6 volt power supply that iscapable of handling roughly 2A during the transmit period and 100mA afterthe transmit period. Figure 7.29 shows a Polaroid sonar ranging unit. Thepin descriptions of the unit are presented in Table 7.6.

The oSonarPL object handles all the necessary I/O timing required to com-

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Commercially available Polaroid sonar ranging unit from Acroname.(Copyright 2002-2007 SensComp, Inc.)

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Properties of the oSonarPL object

Property DescriptionAddress Returns a pointer to the address of the oSonarPL object

instance. Data type: Address, Read Only; Data range:0-127.

IOLineE A value that specifies the physical I/O line to use for theecho signal. Data type: Byte; Data range: 0-31.

IOLineP A value that specifies the physical I/O line to use for theping signal. Data type: Byte; Data range: 0-31.

Operate A value that specifies whether the data is updated. Datatype: Bit, Flag; Data range: 0-1.

Received A value that indicates that an echo was received. Datatype: Bit, Flag; Data range: 0-1.

TimeOut A value that indicates that the sonar ping is out of range.Data type: Bit, Flag; Data range: 0-1.

Transmitting A value that is set to 1 when the sonar pings. Data type:Bit, Flag; Data range: 0-1.

value A value that indicates the last sonar reading. Data type:Word, Default; Data range: 0-32768.

municate with the Polaroid ultrasonic rangefinder and measure the distancebetween the sonar transducer and its target. The size of an oSonarPL objectis 6 bytes. When the oSonarPL’s Operate property transitions from 0 to 1,a ping signal is sent out to the I/O line specified by the IOLineP property,the Transmitting property is set to 1, and the Received property is cleared to0. Then the oSonarPL monitors the IOLineE property, waiting for an echo.Once the echo is received, the time of flight is stored in the value property,the Transmitting property is cleared to 0, and the Received property is set to1.

If no echo is received after a short period of time, the Transmitting propertyis cleared to 0 and the TimeOut property is set to 1. The properties of theoSonarPL object are listed in Table 7.7. oIRPD1 Object

This is a hardware object that uses one I/O line to read the reflection state ofan IR LED contained within an IR Proximity Detector (IRPD). A commer-cially available Lynxmotion IRPD is shown in Figure 7.30. The connectionsof the device are sketched in Figure 7.31. The pin descriptions of the deviceare listed in Table 7.8.

The oIRPD1 object monitors the I/O line specified by the IOLine prop-erty and updates the value property with the current state. The I/O line isexpected to be connected to the output of an IRPD. The size of an oIRPD1

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Pins of the Lynxmotion IRPD


Commercially available Lynxmotion IRPD (Copyright 2006 LynxmotionInc.)


Pin descriptions of the Lynxmotion IRPD and OOPic I/O lines

Pin No. Pin Name Description I/O Name OOPicI/O Line

1 Signal Sensor output I/O line Any2 5V Power voltage – 5V3 GND Ground – Gnd

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Properties of the oIRPD1 object

Property DescriptionAddress Returns a pointer to the address of the oIRPD1 Object in-

stance. Data-Type: Address, Read-Only; Data-Range: 0 -127.

IOLine A value that specifies the physical I/O Line to connect tothe IR Sensor. Data-Type: Nibble; Data-Range: 0 - 31.

Value A value that indicates the value of the reflection state. Data-Type: Word, Default; Data-Range: 0 to 3. When value is 0the IR LED is not reflecting back to the IR sensor. Whenvalue is 1 the IR LED is reflecting back to the IR sensor.

object is 1 byte. The properties of the oIRPD1 are listed in Table 7.9. OOPic Object

This is a System object. The OOPic object maintains and controls the inter-nal operations of the OOPic chip. Several of the internal operations can becontrolled and watched from the properties provided by the OOPic object.The OOPic object is intrinsic. There is no class definition for it, and newinstances of it are not allowed. The size of an OOPic object is five bytes. Theproperties of the OOPic object are listed in Table 7.10.

7.2.4 Sample Code to Drive the Rigel 4WD Robot Using theOOPic-R

This section presents two sample codes. The first code drives the robot for-ward. The second code drives the robot forward for a specified distance, turnsthe robot 180 degrees about its center, and finally drives it back to the startposition. Sample Code 1

The following program makes the Rigel 4WD robot move forward. It usesthe oServo Hardware object to control the R/C servos of the robot, and theOOPic System object to provide the necessary delay.

Dim frontR As New oServo ’this makes an oServo object

Dim frontL As New oServo

Dim backR As New oServo

Dim backL As New oServo

Sub main()

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TABLE 7.10

Properties of the OOPic object

Property DescriptionDelay A value that specifies how long, in 1/100ths of a second, the

OOPic will delay the next instruction. The maximum theOOPic will delay the next instruction is 655.35 seconds or10.9225 minutes. Data-Type: Word; Data-Range: 0 - 65535.

ExtVRef A value that specifies the source of the voltage referencefor the OOPic’s analog to digital module. Data-Type: Bit;Data-Range: 0 - 1. When the ExtVRef is 0 and the Con-stant is cvOff, oA22D objects use a 5 volt range. When theExtVRef is 1 and the Constant is cvOn, oA2D objects use avoltage range specified by the voltage present on I/O line 4.

Hz1 A 1-bit value that cycles once every second. The actual cycletime is .99957Hz. Data-Type: Bit, Flag; Data-Range: 0 - 1.

Hz60 A 1-bit value that cycles once every 1/60 second. Data-Type: Bit, Flag; Data-Range: 0 - 1.

Node A value used when two or more OOPics “talk” to each othervia the I2C network. A Node value of more than 0 is theOOPic’s I2C network address. Data-Type: Byte; Data-Range: 0 - 127. When the value of Node is 0 and the Con-stant is cvFalse, the Servo control signal is not outputted.When the Node is 1 and the Constant is cvTrue, the Servocontrol signal is outputted.

Operate A value that specifies the power mode of the OOPic Chip.Data-Type: Bit, Flag, Default; Data-Range: 0 - 1. Whenthe Operate is 0 and the Constant is cvfalse, the OOPic ispowered down. When the Operate is 1 and the Constant iscvTrue, the OOPic is on.

Pause A value that specifies if the program flow is suspended.Data-Type: Bit, Flag; Data-Range: 0 - 1. When the valueof Pause is 0 and the Constant is cvFalse, the pull-up resis-tors are not connected. When the Pause is 1, the pull-upresistors are connected.

Reset A value that resets the OOPic when set. Data-Type: Bit,Flag; Data-Range: 0 - 1. When the Reset is 0 and theConstant is cvFalse, the OOPic operates normally. Whenthe Reset is 1 and the Constant is cvTrue, the OOPic willreset by setting the StartStat property to 3.

StartStat A value that indicates the cause of the last OOPic reset.Data-Type: Nibble, Read Only; Data-Range: 0 - 3. Whenthe StartStat is 0, 1, or 2, the last reset was caused by power-on, by the reset line, or by power-brownout, respectively.When it is 3, the last reset was caused by Watch-Dog-Time.

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Four Wheel Drive Robot 297

Call setup ’this calls the subroutine Setup

frontR.value = -3.5 ’sets the front right wheel into motion

frontL.value = 3 ’sets the front left wheel into motion

backR.value = -3.5 ’sets the back right wheel into motion

backL.value = 3 ’sets the back left wheel into motion

OOPic.delay = 1000 ’delay needed to keep the robot in motion

frontR.value = 0 ’this "stops" the front right wheel

frontL.value = 0 ’this "stops" the front left wheel

backR.value = 0 ’this "stops" the back right wheel

backL.value = 0 ’this "stops" the back left wheel

end Sub

Sub Setup()

’ ----------this will setup the right front wheel ------------

frontR.IOLine = 1 ’set the servo to use I/O line 1 = 52 ’set the servo center to 52

frontR.operate = 1 ’turn the servo on

’------------this will setup the left front wheel-------------

frontL.IOLine = 2 ’set the servo to use I/O line 2 = 53 ’set the servo center to 53

frontL.operate = 1 ’turn the servo on

’------------this will setup the right back wheel-------------

backR.IOLine = 3 ’set the servo to use I/O line 3 = 52 ’set the servo center to 52

backR.operate = 1 ’turn the servo on

’-------------this will setup the left back wheel-------------

backL.IOLine = 4 ’set the servo to use I/O line 4 = 53 ’set the servo center to 53

backL.operate = 1 ’turn the servo on

end Sub

In the above code, frontR, frontL, backR, and backL are four differentinstances of the hardware object oServo. These refer to the servos connectedto the front right, front left, back right, and back left wheels of the robot,respectively. The subroutine setup connects each servo to a particular I/Oline of the OOPic, sets up the center of the servo, and finally turns it on.In this program, I/O group1 of the OOPic is used for connecting the servos.

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Path to demonstrate maneuverability

The wheels are set into motion by using the value property of the oServoobject. A delay of ten seconds is provided by using the OOPic System objectto maintain the robot in motion for ten seconds. Finally, at the end of tenseconds, the motion is stopped by setting the value property of each instanceof the oServo object to zero. Sample Code 2

This program makes the robot follow the path given in Figure 7.32.Since all the wheels are driven independently, an extra caution needs to be

taken to drive the robot straight. The sample code is given below.

Dim frontR As New oServo ’this makes an oServo object

Dim frontL As New oServo

Dim backR As New oServo

Dim backL As New oServo

Sub main()

Call setup ’this calls the subroutine Setup

FrontR.Value = -3.5 ’sets the front right wheel into motion

frontL.Value = 3 ’sets the front left wheel into motion

backR.Value = -3.5 ’sets the back right wheel into motion

backL.Value = 3 ’sets the back left wheel into motion

OOPic.delay = 1000 ’delay needed to keep the robot in motion

frontR.Value = -3 ’this section turns the robot 180 degrees

frontL.Value = -3

backR.Value = -3

backL.Value = -3

OOPic.delay = 390

frontR.Value = -3.5 ’this section moves the robot forward

frontL.Value = 3 ’three feet again

backR.Value = -3.5

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Four Wheel Drive Robot 299

backL.Value = 3

OOPic.delay = 1000

frontR.Value = 0 ’this "stops" the front right wheel

frontL.Value = 0 ’this "stops" the front left wheel

backR.Value = 0 ’this "stops" the back right wheel

backL.Value = 0 ’this "stops" the back left wheel

end Sub

Sub Setup()

’ ----------this will setup the right front wheel ------------

frontR.Ioline = 1 ’set the servo to use I/O line 1 = 52 ’set the servo center to 52

frontR.operate = 1 ’turn the servo on

’------------this will setup the left front wheel-------------

frontL.Ioline = 2 ’set the servo to use I/O line 2 = 53 ’set the servo center to 53

frontL.operate = 1 ’turn the servo on

’------------this will setup the right back wheel-------------

backR.Ioline = 3 ’set the servo to use I/O line 3 = 52 ’set the servo center to 52

backR.operate = 1 ’turn the servo on

’-------------this will setup the left back wheel-------------

backL.Ioline = 4 ’set the servo to use I/O line 4 = 53 ’set the servo center to 53

backL.operate = 1 ’turn the servo on

end Sub

The four-wheel differential drive robot is much more elegant than the two-wheel differential drive robot. The main advantages of this robot are maneu-verability and the ability to traverse terrain. The four-wheel differential driverobot can drive in a straight line, turn around 180 degrees, and return alongthe same line. This shows a four-wheel vehicle’s ability over a two-wheel vehi-cle in regard to turning radius. The two-wheel vehicle could not turn aroundin a confined area; the four-wheel robot has no trouble.

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Hexapod Robot

In this chapter we will study a six-legged robot: the Extreme Hexapod II andIII by Lynxmotion Inc. The figures and some of the technical content of thechapter is recreated from the Lynxmotion webpage [25] with permission. Thehexapod can move more than 12 inches per second. It is 5.5 inches high, 17inches wide and 13.5 inches long. It weighs about 44 ounces without batteries.The front and side view of the robot are shown in Figure 8.1 and 8.2.

In the figure you can see that the robot has six legs with two degrees offreedom (DOF) per leg. That means each leg can move in two independentways. The two independent movements are created in two joints: a shoulderjoint and an elbow joint. The shoulder joint allows 150 degrees rotationalmotion. The elbow joint allows 1.5 inches of linear motion to raise and lowerthe leg.

The legs and the body of the robot are made from ultra-tough laser-cutLexan, a type of break-resistant plastic. As described previously, each leg hastwo joints controlled by two servomotors. The servomotor used in the robotis Hitec HS-422. The servomotors need to be adjusted so that they are in themid position (center of rotation). The calibration of the servomotors will bediscussed in the “Electrical Control” section.

The hexapod can be controlled by a standard microcontroller such as OOPic[24], Basic Stamp 2 [26], and Basic Atom Pro [25]. In addition to a microcon-troller, a servomotor driver, such as the Mini SSC II or SSC-12 [25], is usedto control the servomotors. A top view of the robot with a Basic Atom Promicrocontroller is shown in Figure 8.3.

The Mini SSC II is an old standard. It uses serial input and it can controlup to eight servomotors. There is no speed control. The SSC-12 driver isa variable-speed version of the Mini SSC II and can control 12 servomotors.There are other servo drivers that use USB. These drivers can be used tocontrol the robot with a PC through a serial port or a USB cable.

8.1 Construction and Mechanics

First we will study the servomotors and then the mechanical construction ofthe hexapod: the legs and the body.


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Extreme Hexapod II front view. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)


Extreme Hexapod II side view. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)

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Hexapod Robot 303


Extreme Hexapod with a Basic Atom Pro microcontroller (Copyright 2006by Lynxmotion Inc.)

8.1.1 Servomotors

The servomotor used in the robot is the Hitec HS-422, shown in Figure 8.4.

The servomotor is controlled by 4.9 to 6 volts. It can create a torque of 57oz-in. The speed of the servomotor is 0.16 seconds per 60 degrees. It weighsabout 1.66 ounces.

8.1.2 Mechanical Construction of Extreme Hexapod II

The hexapod has two main mechanical parts: the legs and the body. As statedpreviously, each leg has two joints: shoulder and elbow. The leg structure isshown in Figure 8.5. Shoulder Joint

The shoulder has two panels attached to both sides of the servomotor. Theback plate is attached to the servomotor with L brackets and nylon rivetfasteners, shown in Figure 8.6.

Attach the L brackets to the back plate by pushing the rivet fasteners infrom the back of the panel as shown in Figure 8.7.

Next, after cleaning the bottom of the servomotor with alcohol and peelingthe green plaid cover from the tape on the hinge, attach the hinge, shown inFigure 8.8, to the bottom of the servomotor near the wire. The hinge has tobe pressed on to the servomotor very firmly for a full ten seconds to ensure a

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The Hitec HS-422 servomotor. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)


Hexapod leg structure with servomotors. (Copyright 2006 by LynxmotionInc.)

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Hexapod Robot 305


Nylon rivet fastener and servo L bracket. (Copyright 2006 by LynxmotionInc.)


The back panel with L brackets attached. (Copyright 2006 by LynxmotionInc.)

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HD hinge for standard-size servomotor. (Copyright 2006 by LynxmotionInc.)


The servomotor with an attached hinge. (Copyright 2006 by LynxmotionInc.)

good bond.The servomotor with the hinge attached is shown in Figure 8.9. The hinge

will allow you to attach the leg to the body of the robot.Attach the servomotor to the back panel by pushing the four fasteners in

from the top. The servomotor’s mounting tabs should be on top of the Lbrackets, as shown in Figure 8.10.

The 1-inch nylon spacer bars are attached to the back panel using 4-40x1/4hex socket head cap screws, shown in Figure 8.11.

The spacer bar to the left of the servomotor hole should be aligned so thevertical servomotor will fit properly, as shown in Figure 8.12.

Next, drop the second (vertical) servomotor through the hole and attach itto the back panel with four rivet fasteners as shown in Figure 8.13.

Before we go to the next step, the vertical servomotor needs to be ad-justed to the mid position. Centering a servomotor requires generating a1.5-millisecond positive pulse that repeats every 20 milliseconds. This signal

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Hexapod Robot 307


The servomotor attached to the back panel. (Copyright 2006 by LynxmotionInc.)


4-40x1/4 hex socket head cap screws and F/F hex spacer. (Copyright 2006by Lynxmotion Inc.)

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The back plate with servomotor and spacer. (Copyright 2006 byLynxmotion Inc.)


The back panel with both servomotors. (Copyright 2006 by LynxmotionInc.)

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Hexapod Robot 309


Phillips head tapping screws, external tooth lock washer, and the servohorn. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)


Shoulder with servo leg lever. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)

can be generated by using Bot Board, SSC drivers, or other servomotor con-trollers or microcontrollers. Adjust the servomotors using the procedure laidout in the “Electrical Control” section later in the chapter.

After the servomotor is centered, the servo leg lever should be installedonto the servo horn using two #2x1/4 Phillips head tapping screws and twowashers as shown in Figure 8.14.

The installed servo leg lever is shown in Figure 8.15. Elbow (Knee) Joint

To assemble the elbow, or knee, joint, the upper driven link is attached asshown in Figure 8.16. It consists of the top link (with mounting tab), a roundLexan spacer, and the lower link.

As shown in Figure 8.17, a 4-40x5/8 hex socket head cap screw and a 4-40x1/4 nylon acorn locking nut are used for this purpose. The screw goes infrom the top, and the nut is on the bottom.

Attach two ball links and nuts, as shown in Figure 8.18 to the upper link

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Connection of the upper driven link to the shoulder. (Copyright 2006 byLynxmotion Inc.)


4-40x0.625 hex socket head cap screw and 4-40x0.25 nylon acorn lockingnut. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)

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Hexapod Robot 311


Ball link and nut. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)


Ball links attached to upper link and servo lever. (Copyright 2006 byLynxmotion Inc.)

and the servo lever. The ball links and the nuts will hold the pieces of the legtogether as shown in Figure 8.19.

The ball links should be facing in opposite directions, i.e., the ball on theservo lever should be facing down, and the ball on the upper link should befacing up.

In order to connect the two ball links together, a ball socket assembly (calleda dog bone) is required. The dog bone is shown in Figure 8.20. The length ofthe dog bone should be exactly 1.75 inches. The ball sockets should face inopposite directions to match the ball links.

The ball link socket and threaded rod required for this connection is shownin Figure 8.21.

The dog bone is snapped onto the ball joints firmly, as shown in Figure8.22.

The front panel is then attached using five of the 4-40x1/4 screws, as shownin Figure 8.23.

The hex socket head cap screw to be used is shown in Figure 8.24.The lower link is attached the same way as the upper link, as shown in

Figure 8.25. A 4-40x5/8 hex socket head cap screw and a 4-40x1/4 nylonacorn locking nut is used.

To assemble the leg, align the two leg pieces with the leg spacer, whichlooks like a shortened leg piece, as shown in Figure 8.26. A 4-40x1/2 screw

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Dog bone. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)


The ball link socket and threaded rod required to make the dog bone.(Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)


Dog bone connecting upper link and servo lever. (Copyright 2006 byLynxmotion Inc.)

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Hexapod Robot 313


Front panel connection. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)


The 4-40x0.25 hex socket head cap screw. (Copyright 2006 by LynxmotionInc.)


Connection of the lower link. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)

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Assembly of the leg. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)


Leg fitted with rubber foot end cap. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)

and acorn nut (shown in Figure 8.17) is used to hold the leg together. Thescrew should go in through the front, and the nut should be in the back.

Slide the rubber end cap of the robot foot onto the end of the leg, as shownin Figure 8.27.

Attach the leg assembly to the linkage using two 4-40x5/8 nylon screws andacorn nuts to hold it together, as shown in Figure 8.28. The screws should goin through the front, and the nuts should be in the back.

Adjust the hardware associated with the leg pivots. If it is too loose, theleg will be sloppy. If it is too tight, it will cause unnecessary friction.

This completes the construction of one leg of the hexapod. Out of theremaining five legs, two have to be constructed in the same way since theywill be on the same side of the robot. The remaining three should be mirrorimages of the leg described in the procedure above since they will be on theother side of the robot.

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Hexapod Robot 315


Connection of leg to linkage. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)


3/8-inch M/F hex spacers and 1 1/2-inch F/F hex spacers. (Copyright 2006by Lynxmotion Inc.) Body Construction

The robot kit is available with either 3/8-inch M/F hex spacers and 1 1/2-inchF/F hex spacers, or the longer 1 7/8-inch F/F aluminum spacers, as shownin Figure 8.29.

The 4-40x3/8-inch hex socket screws (shown in Figure 8.30) are used toattach the spacers to the bottom of the robot’s top, as shown in Figure 8.31.

In order to attach the microcontroller (Bot Board or OOPic-R), you usefour 1/4-inch hex screws and four 3/8-inch nylon hex spacers, as shown inFigure 8.32.

The screws should go through the Lexan from bottom to top. Four addi-tional 1/4-inch hex screws are provided for attaching the board to the spacers,as shown in Figure 8.33.

You can connect an optional IRPD (infrared proximity detector by Lynx-motion Inc.) to the front of the robot. For this purpose the mounts shouldbe made using two 3/8-inch spacers and two 1/4-inch hex screws (shown inFigure 8.32). Two additional 1/4-inch hex screws are provided for attaching

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4-40x3/8 hex socket head cap screw. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)


Spacers attached to the inner side of the top of the robot. (Copyright 2006by Lynxmotion Inc.)


4-40x0.25 hex socket head cap screw and 4-40x0.375 F/F hex spacer.(Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)

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Hexapod Robot 317


Mounts prepared for attaching microcontroller board. (Copyright 2006 byLynxmotion Inc.)

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Mounts prepared for attaching IRPD. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)


Robot frame with end panels. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)

IRPD to the spacers as shown in Figure 8.34.

Slide in the end panels as shown in Figure 8.35. Mount the panel with theservo hole in the front and the panel with the switch holes in the back.

If the kit is provided with 3/8-inch M/F hex spacers and 1 1/2-inch F/Fhex spacers, you need to mount the bottom of the robot using 12 1/4-inchhex screws, shown in Figure 8.36.

Note: The bottom panel is symmetrical, meaning there is no front or back.

Figure 8.37 shows the bottom and top panels attached.

If the kit provides the longer 1 7/8-inch F/F aluminum spacer, mount thebottom of the robot with 12 3/8-inch hex screws, shown in Figure 8.38.

Note: The bottom panel is symmetrical, meaning there is no front or back.

To maintain compatibility with the program which will move the robot, therobot legs have to be mechanically aligned. In order to do this, move the servo

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Hexapod Robot 319


4-40x1/4 hex socket head cap screw. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)


Bottom panel attached to robot frame. (Copyright 2006 by LynxmotionInc.)


4-40x3/8 hex socket head cap screw. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)

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320 Practical and Experimental Robotics


Phillips head tapping screw, external tooth lock washer, and servo horn.(Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)


Leg attached to robot body. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)

to its center of rotation. Centering a servo simply requires generating a 1.5mSpositive-going pulse that repeats every 20 milliseconds. This signal can begenerated by using Bot Board, SSC drivers, or other servomotor controllers ormicrocontrollers. Before going onto the next step, adjust all the servomotorsusing the procedure laid out in the “Electrical Control” section later in thischapter.

While the servo is centered, install the leg onto the robot base. This steprequires drilling holes with a 1/16-inch drill bit. Use two #2x1/4 Phillipshead tapping screws with external tooth lock washers to mount to the servohorn, shown in Figure 8.39. The result is shown in Figure 8.40.

The leg should line up with the body, as shown in Figure 8.41. This willhelp the robot walk in a straight line.

Install all the legs the same way, making sure that they all line up. Thiscompletes the mechanical assembly of the robot, as shown in Figure 8.42.

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Hexapod Robot 321


Robot leg lined up correctly with body. (Copyright 2006 by LynxmotionInc.)


Completed hexapod. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)

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Side panel attached to the hexapod. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.) Addendum

Newer kits include four black plastic pieces, and the body panels have eightextra holes, shown in Figure 8.43. These pieces are side panels, and the holesare used to mount them. To attach these side panels, align the bottom ofthe plastic pieces with the holes. Make sure the servo leg wires are directedthrough the hole in the panel. Then press the top of the panel into place. Toremove the side panels, press outward at the top of the panels and they willpop out.

8.1.3 Mechanical Construction of Extreme Hexapod III

The Extreme Hexapod III has two main mechanical parts: the legs and thebody. This hexapod has a three degrees of freedom leg design that enablesthe robot to walk side to side (crab walk) as well as keep the feet moving ina straight line when walking forward. The robot uses 18 Hitec HS-475 servosfor the legs.

To construct the leg, a servo is dropped in through the hole of the leg panel,and four nylon rivet fasteners, shown in Figure 8.44, are used to hold it inplace.

The servo tabs should be on top of the Lexan. The rivet fasteners shouldgo in from the top, through the servo tabs and the Lexan, as shown in Figure8.45.

Three 4-40x1/2 screws and three acorn nuts, shown in Figure 8.46, are usedto hold the spacers and second leg panel together with the first.

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Hexapod Robot 323


Nylon rivet fastener. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)


The servo connected to a leg panel. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)


4-40x1/2 hex socket head cap screw and 4-40x1/4 acorn locking nut.(Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)

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Upper and lower leg panels attached together. (Copyright 2006 byLynxmotion Inc.)

The screws should go in from the top, with the nuts on the bottom, asshown in Figure 8.47.

Slide the robot’s foot rubber end cap onto the end of the leg as shown inFigure 8.48.

Clean the bottom of the servo with alcohol and allow it to dry. Peel thegreen plaid cover off of the tape on the hinge, shown in Figure 8.49.

Line up the hinge with the edge of the servo and press it onto the servovery firmly for a full ten seconds to ensure a good bond (see Figure 8.50).

Attach two of the L brackets using four of the nylon rivet fasteners, shownin Figure 8.51.

Push the rivet fasteners in from the back (the bottom of panel) as shownin Figure 8.52.

Use four rivet fasteners, shown in Figure 8.53, to attach the servo.

Push the fasteners in from the top. Make sure the servo’s mounting tabsare on top of the L bracket. Figure 8.54 shows the horizontal servo attachedto the panel.

Put the second servo through the servo hole. Use four rivet fasteners tohold it in place as shown in Figure 8.55.

Clean the bottom of the servo with alcohol and allow it to dry. Peel off thegreen plaid cover from the tape on the hinge (shown in Figure 8.51). Line thehinge up with the edge of the servo and press it on to the servo very firmlyfor a full ten seconds to ensure a good bond (see Figure 8.56).

Use four 4-40x3/8 hex socket head cap screws, shown in Figure 8.57, toattach the 1-inch nylon spacer bars, shown in Figure 8.58.

Figure 8.59 shows the resulting structure with the hex spacers attached.

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Hexapod Robot 325


Rubber end cap attached to robot leg. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)


Servo hinge. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)


Servo hinge attached to servo. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)

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Nylon rivet fastener and servo L bracket. (Copyright 2006 by LynxmotionInc.)


The L brackets attached to bottom panel. (Copyright 2006 by LynxmotionInc.)


Nylon rivet fastener. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)

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Hexapod Robot 327


Horizontal servo attached to panel. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)


Vertical servo attached to panel. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)

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328 Practical and Experimental Robotics


Servo hinges attached to horizontal and vertical servos. (Copyright 2006 byLynxmotion Inc.)


4-40x3/8 hex socket head cap screw. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)


4-40x 1inch hex spacer. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)

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Hexapod Robot 329


Nylon hex spacers attached to bottom panel. (Copyright 2006 byLynxmotion Inc.)

Attach the front panel with four of the 4-40x3/8 screws, as shown in Figure8.60.

If the kit has 3/8-inch M/F hex spacers and 1 1/2-inch F/F hex spacers,shown in Figure 8.61, assemble the leg cross member as shown in Figure 8.62.

Use two 1/4-inch and two 3/8-inch hex socket head cap screws, shown inFigure 8.63, to assemble the leg cross member.

Assemble the cross member lever as shown in Figure 8.64 if the kit has thelonger 1 7/8-inch F/F aluminum spacer, shown in Figure 8.65.

Use four 3/8-inch hex socket head cap screws, shown in Figure 8.65, toassemble the cross member lever.

To maintain compatibility with the program which moves the robot, therobot legs have to be mechanically aligned. In order to do this, move theservo to its center of rotation. While the servo is centered, install the servoleg lever on to the servo horn as shown in Figure 8.66.

This step requires the indicated holes to be drilled with a 1/16-inch drillbit. Use two #2x1/4-inch Phillips head tapping screws and two washers. Usethe servo horn holes as illustrated in Figure 8.67. Make sure that the bottomedge of the lever and the bottom edge of the main panel are parallel.

While the servo is centered, install the lower leg onto the servo horn, asshown in Figure 8.68.

Installing the lower leg onto the servo horn requires the indicated holes tobe drilled with a 1/16-inch drill bit. Use two #2x1/4 Phillips head tappingscrews and two washers. Make sure that the lower leg is perpendicular to theleg lever.

This completes the construction of the Hexapod III legs, shown in Figure8.69.

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Connection of front panel. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)


4-40x3/8 M/F hex spacer and 4-40x1.5 F/F hex spacer. (Copyright 2006 byLynxmotion Inc.)


Assembly of the leg cross member using 3/8-inch M/F hex spacer and 11/2-inch F/F hex spacer. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)

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Hexapod Robot 331


4-40x1/4 and 4-40x3/8 hex socket head cap screws. (Copyright 2006 byLynxmotion Inc.)


Assembly of the leg cross member using 1 7/8-inch F/F aluminum spacer.(Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)


4-40x3/8 hex socket head cap screw and 4-40x1 7/8 F/F hex spacer.(Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)

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332 Practical and Experimental Robotics


Servo leg lever attached to servo horn. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)


Phillips head tapping screw, external tooth lock washer, and servo horn.(Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)


Lower leg attached to servo horn. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)

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Hexapod Robot 333


Completed leg. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)


3/8-inch M/F hex spacers and 1 1/2 F/F hex spacers. (Copyright 2006 byLynxmotion Inc.)

Out of the remaining five legs, two have to be constructed in the same waywhile the remaining three should be mirror images of the leg described in theprocedure above. Body Construction

The kit is available with either 3/8-inch M/F hex spacers and 1 1/2-inch F/Fhex spacers, or the longer 1 7/8-inch F/F aluminum spacers, shown in Figure8.70.

Use the 4-40x3/8 hex socket screws (shown in Figure 8.71) to attach thespacers to the bottom of the robot’s top, as shown in Figure 8.72.

Use four 3/8-inch nylon hex spacers and four 1/4-inch hex screws, shownin Figure 8.73, to attach the microcontroller (Bot Board or OOPic-R).

The screws should go through the Lexan from bottom to top. Four addi-tional 1/4-inch hex screws are provided for attaching the board to the spacers,as shown in Figure 8.74.

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4-40x3/8 hex socket head cap screw. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)


Spacers attached to the inner side of the top of the robot. (Copyright 2006by Lynxmotion Inc.)


4-40x1/4 hex socket head cap screw and 4-40x3/8 F/F hex spacer.(Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)

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Mounts prepared for attaching the microcontroller board. (Copyright 2006by Lynxmotion Inc.)

An optional IRPD can be connected at the front of the robot. For thispurpose, make the mounts using two 3/8-inch spacers and two 1/4-inch hexscrews (shown in Figure 8.73). Two additional 1/4-inch hex screws are pro-vided for attaching IRPD to the spacers as shown in Figure 8.75.

Slide the end panels in as shown in Figure 8.76. Mount the panel with theservo hole in the front and the panel with the switch holes in the back.

If the kit has 3/8-inch M/F hex spacers and 1 1/2-inch F/F hex spacers,shown in Figure 8.77, mount the bottom of the robot using twelve 1/4-inchhex screws, as shown in Figure 8.78.

Note: The bottom panel is symmetrical, meaning there is no front or back.The kit has the longer 1 7/8-inch F/F aluminum spacer, shown in Figure

8.79. Mount the bottom of the robot using 12 3/8-inch hex screws and thesespacers, as shown in Figure 8.80.

Note: The bottom panel is symmetrical, meaning there is no front or back.To maintain compatibility with the program which moves the robot, the

robot legs have to be mechanically aligned. In order to do this, move theservo to its center of rotation using the Bot Board, SSC, or any other servocontroller or microcontroller. Centering a servo simply requires generating a1.5 millisecond positive-going pulse that repeats every 20 milliseconds.

While the servo is centered, install the leg onto the robot base. This steprequires the indicated holes to be drilled using a 1/16-inch drill bit. Use two#2x1/4 Phillips head tapping screws with external tooth lock washers. Usethe servo horn holes as illustrated in Figure 8.81. See the installed leg inFigure 8.82.

Make sure that the leg lines up with the body, as shown in Figure 8.83.This will help the robot walk in a straight line.

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Mounts prepared for attaching IRPD. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)


Side panels attached to robot frame. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)


4-40x1/4 hex socket head cap screw. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)

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Bottom panel attached to robot frame. (Copyright 2006 by LynxmotionInc.)


4-40x3/8 hex socket head cap screw.


Bottom panel attached to robot frame. (Copyright 2006 by LynxmotionInc.)

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Phillips head tapping screw, external tooth lock washer, and servo horn.(Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)


Leg attached to robot body. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)


Robot leg lined up correctly with body. (Copyright 2006 by LynxmotionInc.)

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Completed Hexapod III. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)

All the legs are installed in the same way, making sure that they all line up.This completes the mechanical assembly of the robot. Figure 8.84 illustratesthe completed Hexapod III. Addendum

In newer kits, four black plastic pieces are included, and the body panels haveeight extra holes. These pieces are side panels, and the holes are used tomount them. In order to attach these side panels, align the bottom of theplastic pieces with the holes. Make sure that the servo leg wires are directedthrough the hole in the panel. Then press the top of the panel into place. Inorder to remove the side panels, press outward at the top of the panels andthey will pop out. See the attached side panels in Figure 8.85.

8.2 Electrical Control

This section explains how Hexapod robots can be controlled and moved. Wewill present a controller with the robot and provide walking schemes in addi-tion to necessary programs to move the robot.

8.2.1 Lynxmotion 12-Servo Hexapod with BS2e

The 12-servo hexapod, shown in Figure 8.86, has two degrees of freedom ineach leg. Forward, backward, right turn, and left turn can be accomplished

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Side panel attached to hexapod. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)

with variable speed. Gradual turns can even be accomplished by the Hexapod.There are two servomotors per leg-one to control striding and the other tocontrol climbing. The hexapod has a three-way switch for Servo On, Off, andDownload. Next Step Carrier Board

The Next Step Carrier board, shown in Figure 8.87, is a Basic Stamp 2 -based carrier board that has been specifically designed for robot control. Byprogramming the controller on the Next Step Carrier board, you can programthe robot for forward, backward, left turn, right turn, and gradual turn moves.

The list of necessary Next Step features for the robot builders:

• A 5V 500mA regulator is available for the peripherals.

• Up to four hobby servos can be plugged right into the first four I/Opositions.

• Provisions for up to four bumper switches are available.

• An external reset switch is included.

• Powering options allow the Basic Stamp to share the servo power supplyor be powered separately.

• Two on-board push buttons and LEDs can be used for debugging, as asimple user interface, or to allow certain parameters to be altered whilethe program is running.

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Lynxmotion 12-servo hexapod interfaced with Next Step carrier Board (forBS2e), SSC-12 servo controller, and serial LCD display


Next Step Carrier board v2.0 for BS2e-IC. (Copyright 2006 by LynxmotionInc.)

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SSC-12 servo controller. (Copyright 2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)

To program the Next Step, plug the cable from the PC’s serial port into themicro. Run the Windows editor and type in, or load an example Basic pro-gram. Click Run. The program is downloaded to the micro and automaticallybegins running. The programmable cable can be disconnected for wire-freeoperation. The code is stored in an EEPROM, and therefore protected frompower loss. If the program needs to be changed, new code can be downloadedat any time. The micro will stop, accept the new code, and then immediatelybegin running the new code. SSC-12 Servo Controller

The servos are controlled by an SSC-12 servo controller, shown in Figure 8.88.

When a program is downloaded into the BS2e, it sends out serial data tothe serial servo controller. This servo controller then sends out pulse signals tocontrol the corresponding servos. You do not need the SSC-12 servo controllerto control the servos; they can be directly controlled by the BS2e microcon-troller. However, as the number of servos increases, the microcontroller canbecome bogged down with servo controls, leaving no time for monitoring thesensors. The advantage of the SSC-12 is that it takes care of the timing forthe servos and leaves the microcontroller open to handle other issues. Thepositioning data sent to the servo controller consists of 3 bytes:

• Byte1: Sync data (i.e., the number 255)

• Byte2: Servo number (i.e., any number between 0 and 11) + (speed)

• Byte3: Position number (i.e., any number between 0 and 254)

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For example, if the position information sent to the servo controller is 255,3, 180, it will cause servo number 3 to move to position number 180. Byte 2is actually 3 + 0. Here, 0 is the servo speed value. A speed value of 0 willcause the servo to move to a particular position very fast. Now suppose it isnecessary to move servo number 8 to position number 90 very slowly. Byte 1is 255, Byte 2 is 8 + 16, and Byte 3 is 90. So the position information sent tothe servo controller will be 255, 24, 90. Sending a new destination while theservo is in motion will result in the servo immediately responding to the newcommand.

Here are servo speed values listed in increasing order:

• 16 = 0.5 unit/frame (this means 10.16 seconds are required to move afull 180 degrees)

• 32 = 1.0 unit/frame (this means 5.08 seconds are required to move afull 180 degrees)

• 48 = 1.5 unit/frame (this means 3.39 seconds are required to move afull 180 degrees)

• 64 = 2.0 unit/frame (this means 2.55 seconds are required to move afull 180 degrees)

• 80 = 2.5 unit/frame (this means 2.03 seconds are required to move afull 180 degrees)

• 96 = 3.0 unit/frame (this means 1.69 seconds are required to move afull 180 degrees)

• 112 = 3.5 unit/frame (this means 1.45 seconds are required to move afull 180 degrees)

• 128 = 4.0 unit/frame (this means 1.27 seconds are required to move afull 180 degrees)

• 144 = 4.5 unit/frame (this means 1.13 seconds are required to move afull 180 degrees)

• 160 = 5.0 unit/frame (this means 1.02 seconds are required to move afull 180 degrees)

• 176 = 5.5 unit/frame (this means 0.92 seconds are required to move afull 180 degrees)

• 192 = 6.0 unit/frame (this means 0.85 seconds are required to move afull 180 degrees)

• 208 = 6.5 unit/frame (this means 0.78 seconds are required to move afull 180 degrees)

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Pulse width modulated input signal

• 224 = 7.0 unit/frame (this means 0.73 seconds are required to move afull 180 degrees)

• 240 = 7.5 unit/frame (this means 0.68 seconds are required to move afull 180 degrees)

• 0 = as fast as possible (depends on servo) Basic Introduction to Servo Operation

A servo is a motor in which the shaft does not continuously rotate. Theoutput of a servo is the movement of its shaft. The shaft assumes a positionbased upon a pulse width modulated (PWM) input, shown in Figure 8.89.

The PWM input is a positive-going pulse that has a width between 1 mil-lisecond and 2 milliseconds. The rate at which the pulses are sent is calledthe refresh rate. When the pulse width is 1 millisecond, the servo shaft isat 0 degrees. With a pulse width of 2 milliseconds, the servo moves to 180degrees. As the pulse width varies between 1 millisecond and 2 milliseconds,the servo’s shaft will move between the 0 and 180 degree positions. The servoused with the hexapod is the HS-422 from Hitec, shown in Figure 8.90.

The 180-degree rotation span of the servo is divided into 255 divisions. Thedistance a servo should move is not specified by the number of degrees, but bythe position number (any number between 0 and 254). Hence, if it is requiredto move the servo to 90 degrees, it has to be moved to position number 63. Connecting the BS2e to the Hexapod

The BS2e controller is plugged into a Next Step v2.0 carrier board (behindthe serial port), shown in Figure 8.91.

The SSC-12 servo controller is interfaced with the carrier board by connect-ing the S/in pin of the SSC-12 to the I/O pin 8 of the carrier board. Each ofthe 12 servos of the hexapod has an I/O line made up of three wires of threedifferent colors. The red wire is the connection to power, the black wire isthe connection to ground, and the yellow wire is the PWM signal. These I/O

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Commercially available Hitec H-422 servo. (Copyright 2006 by LynxmotionInc.)


Zoomed in view of Next Step carrier board connected to SSC-12

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lines of the servos are connected to I/O pins 0 through 11 of the SSC-12 servocontroller.

An LCD display is interfaced with the carrier board by connecting it toI/O pin 13 of the Next Step carrier board. The +9V and the Servo Powerconnection on the carrier board are connected to the + connection on theSSC-12 servo controller, and this connection is given to the positive of a 7.2VNiMH battery. The two GND connections (in between the +9V and the ServoPower connection) on the carrier board are connected to the - sign connection(next to +) on the SSC-12, and this connection is given to the negative of thebattery.

8.2.2 Programming the Hexapod

The Windows version of the Basic compiler software is used here to programthe hexapod. The source code is written in the Windows text editor. TheBS2e on board the hexapod is interfaced with the PC through a DB-9 cableas explained earlier. Set the three-way switch to Download. After enteringthe code into the editor, check the syntax by pressing Ctrl+T (or selectingthe Check Syntax option in the Run menu). If the program is free of syn-tactical errors and all the connections to the BS2e are proper, a tab at thebottom right of the editor goes green and displays the message “Tokenize suc-cessful.” Download the code into the BS2e by pressing Ctrl+ R (or selectingthe Run option in the Run menu). Disconnect the DB-9 cable for wire-free(untethered) operation. Then with the three-way switch set to Servo On, thehexapod executes the downloaded code. Walking Scheme for the Hexapod

Figure 8.92 shows the configuration of the robot at home position with theservo numbers and legs matched. Home position is when all the limbs of therobot are straight and touching the ground. S stands for stride, and L standsfor lift. Notice that the S and L on leg six are different than what you wouldassume. Since servos are numbered starting from 0, the 11th and 12th servosare numbered as 10 and 11. During programming extra caution should begiven to this numbering scheme.

Table 8.1 and 8.2 show two walking schemes with the initial position of thehexapod as shown in Figure 8.92. Sample Code to Execute Walking Scheme 1

To create the walking program for the robot, certain features of the robotservos must be known. To make the right side of the robot stride forward/lift(legs 1, 2, and 3), a distance must be added to the current position. To makethe left side of the robot stride forward/lift (legs 4, 5, and 6), a distance mustbe subtracted from the current position. The following code shows how toexecute walking scheme 1.

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Configuration of robot at home position


Hexapod walking scheme 1

Step ActionStep 1 Lift legs 1, 3, and 5.Step 2 Move legs 1, 3, and 5 forward by distance x, and at the

same time move legs 2, 4, and 6 backward by the samedistance x as shown in Figure 8.93.

Step 3 Put legs 1, 3, and 5 down.Step 4 Lift legs 2, 4, and 6.Step 5 Move legs 2, 4, and 6 forward by a distance of 2x, and at

the same time move legs 1, 3, and 5 backward by the samedistance 2x as shown in Figure 8.94.

Step 6 Put legs 2, 4, and 6 down.Step 7 Lift legs 1, 3, and 5.Step 8 Move forward legs 1, 3, and 5 by 2x and at the same time

move legs 2, 4, and 6 backward by the same distance 2x.Step 9 Put legs 1, 3, and 5 down.Step 10 Repeat from step 4 onward.

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First move of scheme 1


Second move of scheme 1

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Hexapod walking scheme 2

Step ActionStep 1 Lift legs 1, 3, and 5.Step 2 Move forward legs 1, 3, and 5 by some distance x as shown

in Figure 8.95.Step 3 Put legs 1, 3, and 5 down, and at the same time move legs

2, 4, and 6 backward by the same distance x as shown inFigure 8.93.

Step 4 Lift legs 2, 4, and 6.Step 5 Move forward legs 2, 4, and 6 by a distance of 2x as shown

in Figure 8.96.Step 6 Put legs 2, 4, and 6 down, and at the same time move

backward legs 1, 3, and 5 by a distance of 2x as shown inFigure 8.94.

Step 7 Lift legs 1, 3, and 5.Step 8 Move forward legs 1, 3, and 5 by 2x.Step 9 Put legs 1, 3, and 5 down, and at the same time move

backward legs 2, 4, and 6 by 2x.Step 10 Repeat from step 4 onward.


First move of scheme 2

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Second move of scheme 2


’Jan 02, 2005

serpos VAR Byte(12)

x VAR Byte

lift VAR Byte

stride VAR Byte

y VAR Byte

i VAR Byte

lift = 120

y = 30

PAUSE 1000

SEROUT 13,$418C,["Lynxmotion Inc. H2 Setup Program"]

GOSUB homepos

stride = y

GOSUB limbup_1

GOSUB limbforward_1

GOSUB limbdown_1

GOSUB limbup_2

stride = 2*y

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Hexapod Robot 351

FOR i=1 TO 4

GOSUB limbforward_2

GOSUB limbdown_2

GOSUB limbup_1

GOSUB limbforward_1

GOSUB limbdown_1

GOSUB limbup_2



GOSUB homepos



serpos(0) = 107 ’127 right front H (+ forward)

serpos(1) = 55 ’55 right front V (+ lift)

serpos(2) = 122 ’127 right middle H (+ forward)

serpos(3) = 55 ’55 right middle V (+ lift)

serpos(4) = 132 ’127 right rear H (+ forward)

serpos(5) = 200 ’200 right rear V (+ lift)

serpos(6) = 137 ’127 left front H (- forward)

serpos(7) = 200 ’200 left front V (- lift)

serpos(8) = 117 ’127 left middle H (- forward)

serpos(9) = 200 ’200 left middle V (- lift)

serpos(10) = 117 ’127 left rear H (- forward)

serpos(11) = 55 ’55 left rear V (- lift)

GOSUB sout



FOR x = 0 TO 11

SEROUT 8,$4054,[255,x+32,serpos(x)]





serpos(1) = serpos(1) + lift

serpos(5) = serpos(5) - lift

serpos(9) = serpos(9) - lift

GOSUB sout

PAUSE 1000



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serpos(1) = serpos(1) - lift

serpos(5) = serpos(5) + lift

serpos(9) = serpos(9) + lift

GOSUB sout

PAUSE 1000



serpos(3) = serpos(3) + lift

serpos(7) = serpos(7) - lift

serpos(11) = serpos(11) + lift

GOSUB sout

PAUSE 1000



serpos(3) = serpos(3) - lift

serpos(7) = serpos(7) + lift

serpos(11) = serpos(11) - lift

GOSUB sout

PAUSE 1000



serpos(0) = serpos(0) + stride

serpos(2) = serpos(2) - stride

serpos(4) = serpos(4) + stride

serpos(6) = serpos(6) + stride

serpos(8) = serpos(8) - stride

serpos(10) = serpos(10) + stride

GOSUB sout

PAUSE 1000



serpos(0) = serpos(0) - stride

serpos(2) = serpos(2) + stride

serpos(4) = serpos(4) - stride

serpos(6) = serpos(6) - stride

serpos(8) = serpos(8) + stride

serpos(10) = serpos(10) - stride

GOSUB sout

PAUSE 1000


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Analysis: In the above code, first the variables are declared. Serpos isan array of 12 bytes and others are byte variables. The first SEROUT instruc-tion, i.e., SEROUT 13,\$418C,["Lynxmotion Inc. H2 Setup Program"], in-dicates that an LCD display has been connected to I/O pin 13 of the NextStep carrier board. The output argument list causes “Lynxmotion Inc. H2Setup Program” to be displayed on the LCD. Then the command GOSUB callsthe homepos subroutine which causes the hexapod to go to home position.

The GOSUB sout instruction after the homepos subroutine sens serial data tothe SSC-12 servocontroller. The SEROUT 8,\$4054,[255,x+32,serpos(x)]

instruction indicates that the SSC-12 is connected to I/O pin 8 of the NextStep carrier board. $4054 specifies the Baudmode. Since x is the indexvariable of the array serpos, [255,x+32,serpos(x)] indicates the 3 bytesof information (to the SSC-12) sent to control each of the 12 servos one at atime (x goes from 0 to 11). 32 is the chosen servo speed value.

The homepos subroutine instructs each of the servos to go to a particularposition (as specified by the position number). However, this informationis actually sent to the servos by means of the SSC-12 servo controller byexecuting the sout subroutine. For each servo, 3 bytes of information isrequired in order to send it to a particular servo to a particular position. Thesout subroutine sends these 3 serial bytes to the SSC-12 by means of theSEROUT instruction. Depending on the servo number specified in the 3 bytes,the SSC-12 causes movement of that particular servo. For example, considerthe first line of the homepos subroutine: serpos(0) = 107. This informationis sent to the SSC-12 as SEROUT 8,$4054,[255,0+32,serpos(0)] (here indexx = 0). By setting servo(0) to 107 (serpos(0) = 107), you move the 0thservo to position number 107 which corresponds to a specific angle. Othersubroutines, such as sout, limbup_1, limbforward_1, and so on, work prettymuch the same way and are used to make the hexapod make a stride or lift aleg.

8.2.3 Adjusting Servomotors to Mid Position

In this section we will study how to adjust HS-422 to its mid position by MiniSSC II, SSC-12, Basic Atom, Basic Atom Pro, and Basic Stamp 2 (BS2e) [25][26]. Mini SSC II Servomotor Driver

A 9-volt (DC) battery is connected to the SSC power input. In addition, a4.8 to 7.2 volt (DC) battery is connected to the SVO power input. When theboard is powered correctly, the green LED should illuminate. The SSC boardgenerates the pulses automatically. HS-422 servomotors should be connectedto any port, with the black wire closest to the outside of the board, as shownin Figure 8.97.

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Adjusting a servomotor to mid position with the Mini SSC II. (Copyright2006 by Lynxmotion Inc.)

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Adjusting the servomotor to mid position with the SSC-12. (Copyright 2006by Lynxmotion Inc.) SSC-12 Servomotor Driver

In the SSC-12, the whole board is powered by a 6 to 7.2 volt (DC) battery. Ithas a green LED that will light if the power is connected correctly, as shownin Figure 8.98. The servomotor can be plugged into any of the ports, sincethe board generates the pulses automatically. Basic Atom Microcontroller

The Basic Atom board is powered by a 6 to 7.2 volt (DC) battery through theVS connector. VS jumpers for the first four I/O pins should be installed asshown in Figure 8.99. The servomotor is connected to port 0 with the blackwire closest to the edge of the board.

The program for generating the positioning pulse (1.5 millisecond positivepulse with 20 millisecond period) on I/O pin 0 is shown in the code below.

low p0


pulsout p0,1500

pause 20 Basic Atom Pro Microcontroller

The power, the VS jumpers for the first four ports, and the servomotor con-nections are connected the same way as the Basic Atom, shown in Figure8.100.

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Basic Atom connections for adjusting a servomotor. (Copyright 2006 byLynxmotion Inc.)

FIGURE 8.100

Basic Atom Pro connections for adjusting a servomotor. (Copyright 2006 byLynxmotion Inc.)

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FIGURE 8.101

Basic Stamp 2 connections for adjusting a servomotor. (Copyright 2006 byLynxmotion Inc.)

The program for generating the position-adjusting pulse is given in the codebelow.

enablehservo %0000000000000001,1000,2000,20


hservo [0/128/255]

end Basic Stamp 2/BS2e Microcontroller

For the Basic Stamp 2, the same wiring scheme as in the Basic Atom Pro isfollowed as shown in Figure 8.101. The only difference is the microcontrollerchip used on the board.

The program for generating position-adjusting pulses for Basic Stamp isgiven below.


pulsout 0,750

pause 20

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Biped Robots

In this chapter we will study biped (two-legged walking) robots: their con-struction and control.

9.1 Bigfoot: The Walker

The picture of the assembled Bigfoot robot is shown in Figure 9.1. Thisrobotics kit belongs to Milford Instruments Limited, England.

The Bigfoot robot is a two-legged walking robot, which uses two servomo-tors to accomplish its walking motion. It uses a static gait as compared toa dynamic gait. In a static gait, robots keep their center of gravity on thebase of the robot so that the robot does not fall if kept in that position. Thedynamic gait is a walking or a running pattern where the stability of the robotis accomplished by the momentum of the robot. For example, we can designsingle-legged hopping robots that would fall if stopped but do not fall becauseof their motion [12].

Bigfoot uses the Basic Stamp microcontroller. The Bigfoot uses one servo-motor to transfer the center of gravity to the standing foot so that the otherfoot can be moved by the other servomotor. It uses toe switches so that itcan know when it has hit something and it can then back up.

9.1.1 Construction

The construction steps for various parts of the robot are presented here. Servomotor Mounting

The two servomotors are glued to a board during construction. This is shownin Figure 9.2. Ankle Construction

In ankle construction, you need to take 1 mm diameter brass wire and bendit into the shape shown in Figure 9.3.

The brass wire needs to be glued to the ankle piece as shown in Figure 9.4.


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Bigfoot robot (Copyright Milford Instruments Ltd)


Servomotors on the board (Copyright Milford Instruments Ltd)

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Biped Robots 361


Brass wire bending (Copyright Milford Instruments Ltd)


Brass wire glued to the ankle piece (Copyright Milford Instruments Ltd)

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Foot construction (Copyright Milford Instruments Ltd) Foot Construction

The foot construction is shown in Figure 9.5. Leg Construction

The leg construction is shown in Figure 9.6. Body Board

The servomotor board is glued to the top board as shown in Figure 9.7. Theservomotor block should be perpendicular to the board. Leg-Body Connections

The legs are secured to the robot body using wires that are constructed bybending wire as shown in Figure 9.8. Leg-Tendons

The legs are connected to the roll servomotor (the servomotor that lifts thelegs up before the pitch servomotor moves the other leg forward to moveforward) using piano wires that are constructed by bending wire as shown inFigure 9.9. Toe Switches

The toe switches are constructed out of piano wire and are attached to thefeet as shown in Figure 9.10.

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Leg construction (Copyright Milford Instruments Ltd)


Body board (Copyright Milford Instruments Ltd)

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Wire pieces for leg connections (Copyright Milford Instruments Ltd)


Leg tendons (Copyright Milford Instruments Ltd)


Toe switch (Copyright Milford Instruments Ltd)

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Biped Robots 365


PCB mounting (Copyright Milford Instruments Ltd) PCB Mounting

The PCB board that has the BASIC Stamp microcontroller is glued to themain board and the wires from the battery, servomotors, and the toe switchesare connected to the board as shown in Figure 9.11.

9.1.2 Programming

The robot is controlled by the Basic Stamp microcontroller from Parallax Inc.A close up of the control board is shown in Figure 9.12.

The program that comes with the robot can be modified to make the robotperform different actions from the pre-programmed actions. The listing of thesymbol definitions for the Bigfoot is given in section Symbol Definitions Listing


’Original programme and model by D Buckley

’This version rev1.0 by Milford Instruments- 16-4-99

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Control board (Copyright Milford Instruments Ltd)

’Define the constants and pin allocations

SYMBOL servoroll =6 ’Roll servomotor connected to pin 6

SYMBOL servopace =7 ’Pace servomotor connected to pin 7

SYMBOL lefteye =1 ’Left LED eye

SYMBOL righteye =0 ’Righ LED eye

SYMBOL righttoe =pin5 ’Right Toe switch to pin 5

SYMBOL lefttoe =pin4 ’Left Toe switch to pin 4

SYMBOL atroll =b1

SYMBOL roll =b2

SYMBOL atpace =b3

SYMBOL pace =b4

SYMBOL atX =b5

SYMBOL toX =b6

SYMBOL servoX =b7

SYMBOL m =b9 ’current move

SYMBOL i =b9 ’loop counter in init



SYMBOL r_left =125 ’roll_left hand side

SYMBOL r_stand =160 ’upright

SYMBOL r_right =195 ’roll to right hand side

SYMBOL p_left_fd =120 ’left foot forwards

SYMBOL p_right_bk =p_left_fd

SYMBOL p_stand =140 ’feet together

SYMBOL p_right_fd =160 ’right foot forwards

SYMBOL p_left_bk =p_right_fd

SYMBOL speed =1 ’servomotor increment =1,2(make

’ to’even),3+(beware)

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Roll and yaw movements (Copyright Milford Instruments Ltd)

SYMBOL tweenpulse =10 ’delay to ensure correct pulse

’ stream to servomotors


SYMBOL touch_flag =bit0 ’toe switches touched? Software Control

We can control various aspects of the walk of Bigfoot by changing certainparameters of the program the robot comes with. The different controls arediscussed here.

Upright Control We can make sure that when the robot is standing up-right, it is in a good straight position. To control that, we can fine-tune thetwo parameters: r stand and p stand.

Roll Control The roll and yaw movements of the servomotors (and con-sequently the robot) are shown in Figure 9.13.

The amount of roll for right is controlled by [r right− r stand] and for theleft by [r stand− r left].

Pace Control We can control the length of the pace by using the param-eters: [prightfd− pstand] and by [pstand− prightfd].

Turn Control The robot turns by shuffling movements. These can becontrolled by changing the number 5 in the Listing in section

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368 Practical and Experimental Robotics Code for Shuffling Movements of the Bigfoot

MRT: ’Shuffle to the Right




roll =r_stand+5


’ Adjust the "5" figure to change the turning force


MLT: ’Shuffle to the Left




roll =r_stand-5


’ adjust the "5" figure to vary the turning force

’======================================================= The Walking Gait

The Bigfoot robot can be made to move forward in a straight line by followingthe sequence below. We assume here that the robot is facing straight initially.

1. Signal the roll servomotor to lift right leg, so that the center of gravityof the robot falls on the left foot.

2. While the right leg is still up, signal the pitch servomotor to move theright leg forward.

3. Signal the roll servomotor to put the right leg back on ground, so thatthe center of gravity of the robot falls in the middle of the two feet.

4. Signal the roll servomotor to lift left leg, so that the center of gravity ofthe robot falls on the right foot.

5. While the left leg is still up, signal the pitch servomotor to move theleft leg forward.

6. Signal the roll servomotor to put the left leg back on ground, so thatthe center of gravity of the robot falls in the middle of the two feet.

7. Go to Step 1.

We can make the robot move faster or slower by controlling the time be-tween commands. We can also make the robot walk backwards by makingthe servomotor move the legs backwards instead of forward. We can make therobot make a right or left turn by making the right step bigger than left stepfor left turn and making the right step smaller than left step for right turn.

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Robot kinematic relationships (Copyright Milford Instruments Ltd)

9.1.3 Robot Kinematics

Once we can control the robot’s straight and turning movements, we canmake it follow any path we want. Now, we can integrate this robot with acamera that can watch the robot from top and know its coordinates in (x, y)directions. We can use the same camera to track a soccer ball, and thengive commands to move the robot based on its location and the location ofthe soccer ball obtained from the camera. The location of the robot and thesoccer ball will be in the (x, y) coordinates and therefore we should know therelationship between the robot’s linear and angular velocities (controlled byits walking gait) and the (x, y) coordinates of its position. Consider the Figure9.14 to understand these relationships.

In Figure 9.14, we show the linear speed of the robot as vR and its angularspeed as:

ωRobot =θ


Now, it is possible that we are given a path that the robot should follow.However, the path might be given in terms of the x and y coordinates andthe yaw angle θ of the robot, rather than the desired wheel speeds (or robotlinear and angular speed), then we will need a relationship between the worldcoordinates x, y, and θ, and the control variables of the robot (the linear andangular speeds, which we can control by the robot gait). This relationshipcan be derived as:

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dt= vRobot cos θ (9.2)


dt= vRobot sin θ (9.3)

dt= ωRobot (9.4)

We can make the robot follow trajectories that are given in world coor-dinates by designing controllers that take use of equations 9.2, 9.3, and 9.4.The trajectories can come from using a camera on top from where the robotmotions can be observed and the camera can be used by a controller to decidewhere we want our robot to go. Instead of using the linear and angular speedsas inputs, we can also use the servomotor angle movement rates as inputs.We can come up with the relationship between the angles each servomotormoves and how it relates to forward and angular motion. Then, using thetime during that movement, we can come up with the desired relationships.The advanced topics that can be studied using this robot include trajectoryplanning and control, among others.

9.2 The Lynxmotion Biped

The Lynxmotion Inc. robots [25] are very modular and can be built usingtheir brackets attached to servomotors. The biped robot from Lynxmotionis shown in Figure 9.15. The robot can be built by constructing legs, arms,and torso, then attaching them together. The general technique involvescreating the assembly with brackets first and then populating the assemblywith servomotors.

9.2.1 Leg Assembly

The assembled leg is shown in Figure 9.16. This leg is a 5 degrees of freedom(DOF) leg, and uses five servomotors to produce the five independent rotations(one of the five servomotors is in the torso assembly for each leg). Figure 9.16shows the five axes of rotation: foot, ankle, knee, hip pitch and hip roll.

The leg is built out of two types of brackets and a foot panel that Lynxmo-tion provides. The two brackets are C-bracket and multi-purpose servomotorbracket. A C-bracket can be connected to a servomotor through the rotationaxis of the servomotor. To attach a servomotor to a C-bracket in other way (aswhen attaching the hip pitch servomotor to the topmost C-bracket in Figure9.16), we need to attach a multi-purpose bracket to the C-bracket, and then

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Lynxmotion Biped (Copyright Lynxmotion Inc.)


5 DOF assembled leg (Copyright Lynxmotion Inc.)

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Some bracket assemblies in the leg (Copyright Lynxmotion Inc.)

the assembly is attached to the servomotor. Some of these bracket assembliesare shown in Figure 9.17.

How the entire leg is connected to the torso assembly is shown in Figure9.18.

9.2.2 Arm Assembly

The assembled arm is shown in Figure 9.19. This arm is a 4 DOF linkage.However, one of the servomotors is in the torso assembly for each arm. Hencethe arm outside the torso has only three servomotors.

The arm is assembled by creating the bracket assembly and then populatingthe assembly with servomotors. The stepwise process is shown in the sequenceof pictures in Figure 9.20.

9.2.3 Torso Assembly

The assembled torso is shown in Figure 9.21.

The torso has five servomotors: two for legs, two for arms, and one for thehead. It is assembled by creating the bracket assembly and populating theassembly with servomotors. The stepwise process is shown in the sequence ofpictures in Figure 9.22.

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Leg attachment to torso (Copyright Lynxmotion Inc.)


The arm assembly (Copyright Lynxmotion Inc.)

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The arm assembly sequence (Copyright Lynxmotion Inc.)


The torso assembly (Copyright Lynxmotion Inc.)

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The torso assembly sequence (Copyright Lynxmotion Inc.)

9.2.4 Hand Assembly

The assembled hand is shown in Figure 9.23.

The hand assembly uses two servomotors. The stepwise process is shownin Figure 9.24.

9.2.5 Controller

The Lynxmotion biped uses four servomotors per leg, three servomotors perarm, five servomotors for the torso, and if hands are needed two more ser-vomotors per hand. This means that we have twenty-three servomotors tocontrol. Lynxmotion has a servomotor controller SSC-32 that can control 32servomotors. The servomotor-controller is shown in Figure 9.25.

The controller has a serial connector for communication with a PC and wecan connect 32 servomotors to it. The servomotor controller is based on usinga microcontroller with four 8-bit serial-in-parallel-out shift register. Therefore,we can use four output pins, each one connected to a serial-to-parallel shiftregister. A general circuit (not the same as SSC-32) using a PIC16F84Amicrocontroller is shown in Figure 9.26 as an example.

In Figure 9.26 we see the output pin RB0 of PIC16F84 connected to theserial input of 74LS595 which is an 8-bit serial-in-parallel-out shift register.

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The hand assembly (Copyright Lynxmotion Inc.)


The hand assembly sequence (Copyright Lynxmotion Inc.)

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SSC-32 Lynxmotion servocontroller (Copyright Lynxmotion Inc.)


Servocontroller cicruit

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Similarly, we can connect RB1, RB2, and RB3 to three more 74LS595 chips.All four of these 74LS595 chips have two clock inputs. These clock inputsare positive edge triggered. The serial clock SRCK is used to shift serial datain to the shift registers. When eight bits of data are in, then we can usethe positive edge of the storage register clock RCK to send the signal outof the 74LS595 output pins. This way, we can control up to 32 servomotorsusing four 74LS595 chips. We can write a serial communication program ona PC that communicates with the PIC processor to let it know the desiredmotion of each servomotor, and then the PIC processor code should convertthat into the actual signals to be sent to the serial-in-parallel-out chips. Theinternal functional representation of 74LS595 from Texas Instruments is shownin Figure 9.27.

To control each servomotor we need to use a PWM (Pulse Width Modu-lated) signal. The time period of the signal should be about 20 ms. The widthof the on-time of the signal should be about 1ms to get the left most rotation,about 1.5 ms for center position, and about 2.0 ms for the right most rotation.Each servomotor should be tested to get its actual range and response. Theseservomotor commands are shown in Figure 9.28.

9.3 The Robosapien Biped

The Robosapien robot is a humanoid robot designed by Mark Tilden andcommercialized by Wow Wee. Here we describe its basic functionality andhow it can be sued for robotic experiments. Figure 9.29 shows the Robosapienbiped.

The Robosapien has the infrared receiver on the head. It also has touchsensors on the fingers and toes, so that it knows when its hands or feet hitsomething. It has a sound sensor near the middle of its lower chest. It has apower switch at its back. It has the following 67 command functions.

1) Right Arm Up

2) Right Arm Down

3) Right Arm In

4) Right Arm Out

5) Tilt Body Right

6) Left Arm Up

7) Left Arm Down

8) Left Arm In

9) Left Arm Out

10) Tilt Body Right

11) Turn Right

12) Walk Forward

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74LS595 functional diagram (Courtesy of Texas Instruments)


Servomotor commands

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Robosapien (Copyright WowWee Ltd)

13) STOP Button

14) Turn Left

15) Walk Backward

16) (R>) Right Sensor Program

17) (S>) Sonic Program

18) (L>) Left Sensor Program

19) (R>) Right Sensor Program

20) (P) Master Command Program

21) (SELECT) Advance to GREEN Keys

22) Right Hand Thump

23) Left Hand Pickup

24) Lean Backward

25) Right Hand Throw

26) Sleep

27) Left Hand Thump

28) Left Hand Pickup

29) Lean Forward

30) Left Hand Throw

31) Listen

32) Forward Step

33) Right Turn Step

34) Backward Step

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35) Right Sensor Program Execute

36) Master Command Program Execute

37) Wake Up

38) Reset

39) Left Turn Step

40) (SELECT) Advance to ORANGE Keys

41) Left Sensor Program Execute

42) Sonic Sensor Program Execute

43) Right Hand Sweep

44) High 5

45) Right Hand Strike 1

46) Burp

47) Right Hand Strike 2

48) Left Hand Sweep

49) Talk Back

50) Left Hand Strike 1

51) Whistle

52) Left Hand Strike 2

53) Bulldozer

54) Right Hand Strike 3

55) Oops!

56) Demo1

57) All Demo

58) Power Off

59) Roar

60) Left Hand Strike 3

61) (Select) Return to RED Command Functions

62) Demo2

63) Dance Demo

64) <, < Combination "Right Walk Turn"

65) >, > Combination "Left Walk Turn"

66) Forward, Forward Combination "Slow Walk Forward"

67) Backward, Backward Combination "Slow Walk Backward"

There are also four programming modes. Three are sensor programs and oneis a master program. We can program some sequence of actions in each mode.The sensor programming mode starts executing if that sensor is tripped. Themaster programming mode starts executing when the corresponding buttonis pressed. The handheld remote controller is used to control the differentfunctions of the robot. The remote controller communicates with the robotby sending IR codes. The remote controller is shown in Figure 9.30.

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Robosapien remote control (Copyright WowWee Ltd)

9.3.1 Robosapien Motors

The Robosapien has seven motors. Two motors for controlling the two legs,four for controlling the two arms, and one for controlling the torso. Each legmotor controls two joints, one in the hip and one in the knee. The torso motorcan move the robot laterally. The shoulder motor can raise the arm up anddown, while the elbow motor can twist the forearm, while opening or closingthe hand grippers. These motors are shown in Figure 9.31.

9.3.2 Walking

Robosapien walking is accomplished by using the torso motor for shifting thebody center of gravity (C.G.) and the two leg motors for moving forward orbackward. The torso motor tilts the body laterally so that the body C.G.falls on the static foot, and then the other leg is moved by that leg’s motor.Then the torso motor tilts the body to the other leg, so that the other leg canbe moved. This sequence is shown in Figure 9.32.

9.3.3 PC Control

We can have PC control of the robot instead of using the hand remote con-troller. We can also add a camera that interfaces with a PC and also controlsthe Robosapien. One example of this would be to have the CMU cameraidentifying where the robot is and where a ball is with respect to the robot.Then, we can give commands from a PC that uses IR transmitter to make

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Motors (with permission from Dr. Sven Behnke [4])


Robosapien walking gait (with permission from Dr. Sven Behnke [4])

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USB-UIRT (Copyright Jon Rhees -

the robot move to the ball and kick it. One PC based IR transmitter we canuse is the USB-UIRT. Figure 9.33 shows the USB-UIRT.

The scenario of using the camera for sensing where the robot and anotherobject is, USB-UIRT for sending commands to the Robosapien to walk to theobject and pick it up, and a computer for interfacing, is shown in Figure 9.34.

One can obtain the software development kit for the USB-UIRT so thatprograms can be written to interface with it. More information on USB-UIRT can be obtained from USB-UIRT web site [34]. One alternative tousing USB-UIRT is to building your own. A circuit that could be used toaccomplish that is given in Figure 9.35.

The IR communication and programming details for the Robosapien canbe obtained from Aibo Hack web site [35].

9.3.4 Autonomous Robosapien

Another way to interface the Robosapien is to mount the camera on its head,interface the camera with a processor and do the IR communication withthe robot right there instead of using a separate PC. A similar concept isused where a pocketPC is used as a processor on the robot NimbRo RS fromthe University of Frieburg, Germany. The Robosapien-API is available forembedded Visual C++ for programming from Dr. Sven Behnke’s NimbRoproject web site [36]. This robot is shown in Figure 9.36. The NimbRorobot uses the Toshiba E755 PocketPC as the controller. Multiple modifiedRobosapiens playing soccer are shown in Figure 9.37.

The camera the robot uses is either Pretec CompactCam or Lifeview Fly-cam. Lifeview Flycam camera is shown in Figure 9.38.

The programming details of the Robosapien-API can be obtained from Dr.Sven Behnke’s NimbRo project web site [36].

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Robosapien with PC control (Copyrights WowWee Ltd, Acroname Inc, andJon Rhees)

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PC controlled IR transmitter (Copyright Pololu Inc)

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NimbRo RS (with permission from Dr. Sven Behnke [4])


NimbRo RS playing soccer (with permission from Dr. Sven Behnke [4])

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NimbRo RS camera by Flycam (Copyright 2006 Lifeview AnimationTechnologies Inc.)

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Propeller Based Robots

In this chapter we will study robots that we have not studied till now. Theseare: flying robotic plane, robotic helicopters, robotic boats, and submarines.The technique followed will be essentially taking remote controlled systems(such as RC planes and RC helicopters) and using a microcontroller to controlthe actuators of the robots instead of the RC receivers doing the control.

10.1 Wings

To understand how the air flowing around a wing section produces lift, let usstudy Figure 10.1.

Figure 10.1 shows air flowing around a wing section. The streamline (a linewhose tangent shows the direction of flow at every point) on the left that endswith an arrow on the wing surface is the one that reaches the stagnation pointon the wing. This means that above that the fluid flows on top of the wingand below that point the fluid flows under the wing. The figure shows thatthe air from top and the bottom will have the same magnitude and directionat the trailing edge. This is a condition (Kutta condition) that creates liftfrom air flowing around a wing at some angle of attack. If we place a wingin an airflow, we would expect the streamlines to be as shown in Figure 10.2.This airflow, however, has no circulation. Without air circulation, there canbe no lift. In fact the lift on a wing is proportional to the air-circulation about


Airflow around a wing section (Kutta condition)


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Non-circulatory airflow around a wing section


Total airflow around a wing section

the wing (Kutta-Joukowski theorem, [1] and [3]).According to the Kutta-Joukowski theorem, the lift per unit length of a

wing is given by:

Lift = airspeed× aircirculation× airdensity (10.1)

The airflow that follows the Kutta condition (the trailing edge boundarycondition) can be obtained by superimposing a circulatory airflow on the non-circulatory air-flow. This is shown in Figure 10.3.

There is another theorem (Kelvin’s Circulation Theorem, [3]) says that therate of change of circulation around a closed curve that consists of the samefluid material is zero. When an airplane starts accelerating it does not followthe Kutta condition, and consequently, it does not have circulation. After thespeed increases further, the Kutta condition is satisfied (creating circulationaround the wings), and to make the total circulation zero, another circulatingair is created behind the wing (called the wake). This is shown in Figure 10.4.

Due to the addition of clockwise circulation that is flowing in the directionof the regular airflow, the speed on top of the wing is higher than the airspeedbelow the wing. Bernoulli’s theorem shows that where the airspeed is high,there the pressure is low, and where the airspeed is low, there the air pressureis high [9]. Since the air pressure is higher at the bottom of the wing thanthe pressure on the top, there is an upward force (lift) produced on the wing.This is shown in Figure 10.5.

Now when we look at a wing with a finite span, because of low pressure ontop of the wing, the air from the bottom starts circulating to the top, and the

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Total air cicrulation around a wing section


Lift due to pressure difference produced on a wing section

whole circulation travels behind the plane. This is shown in Figure 10.6.

The lift force that is generated by the wings is related to the angle of attack(i.e., the angle that the air velocity at a distance in front of the wing makeswith the wing chord line). When the angle of attack is at zero degrees, thereis no lift produced. As the angle of attack is increased the lift producedincreases, up to some angle of attack, after which further increase in the angledecreases the lift. This is shown in Figure 10.7.

10.2 Propellers

Propellers are extremely important for robotic planes, helicopters, boats, andsubmarines. They provide the thrust for forward motion as well as for lift(as in helicopters). Figure 10.8 shows a three blade propeller. Propellerscan come in many blade configurations such as two-blade, three-blade, andfour-blade.

Propellers produce forward thrust by accelerating air/fluid back. The amountof fluid forced back depends on the speed of rotation of the propeller as wellas at its pitch angle. With a small pitch angle, the amount of air pushed back

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Vortex in flight


Angle of attack and lift

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is small and, therefore, less forward thrust is produced. However, in that casethe propeller can rotate faster. With a high pitch angle, the blades rotateslower but produce more thrust by pushing more fluid back. Propellers canbe designed to have fixed pitch, or can be made such that the pitch of thepropeller can be changed in real-time (by an actuator). The concept of vari-able pitch can be compared to having gears in a motor. The pitch could becontrolled automatically (using some electronics) to produce a constant speedof rotation.

To obtain quantitative measure of the thrust produced by propellers, we canuse Newton’s second law to relate force to change in momentum of the fluidthat the propeller pushes through. Another way to get a good estimate ofthe propeller thrust, we can apply the theory of wing section to the propellerblade to figure out the lift force that is generated on the blade as the fluidflows across it. The airspeed that any part of the propeller blade is subjectedto depends on the distance of that part from the center of rotation. Therefore,the propeller blades are twisted since at different radii, the relative speeds aredifferent, and that makes the angle of attack different, if the blade is notdesigned to be twisted.

Let us look at the parts of a propeller in more details as shown in Figure10.9.

The leading edge of the propeller is where the fluid first cuts through theblade. The trailing edge is where the fluid exits the propeller surface. Theblade face is the side of the blade that pushes the fluid away creating a positivepressure on the surface. The blade back is the back side of the blade whichgets a negative pressure as the fluid is moved away from that region by the

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Propeller parts

rotating blade.

As the propeller rotates, the blade face pushes the fluid back and the backside starts pulling the fluid in (push-pull mechanism), similar to a fan, andthis creates a forward thrust from the propeller (see Figure 10.10).

As the propeller makes one revolution, the geometric pitch is the distancethe propeller “screw” would have moved through a soft material like soft woodif it were a screw. The effective pitch (smaller than the geometric pitch) isthe actual distance the plane or a boat (or any other robot) moves. Thisdifference is due to the propeller slippage through the fluid (see Figure 10.11).

10.3 Robotic Planes

Planes have essentially four actuators that can be used to control their motion.These four actuators are: propeller, aileron, elevator, and rudder. These areshown in Figure 10.12.

The forward speed of the plane is controlled by the propeller, the roll move-ment by the ailerons, the pitch movement by the elevators, and the yawmovement by the rudder. These controls and movements are shown in Figure10.13.

10.3.1 RC Planes

RC planes can be used for conversion into robotic planes. These can be eithergas powered or electric powered. The servos are powered by a battery, and

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FIGURE 10.10

Propeller thrust

FIGURE 10.11

Propeller pitch

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FIGURE 10.12

Robotic plane actuators

FIGURE 10.13

Robotic plane control

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FIGURE 10.14

DC motor powered propeller for SuperstarEP plane with ailerons (CopyrightHobbico Inc. Reproduced with permission)

the propeller can be gas or electric powered. Electric Powered RC Plane

The propeller of the plane can be powered by a DC motor, or by an engine.An example of a DC motor driving a propeller of an RC plane (SuperstarEPwith Ailerons by Hobbico Inc.) is shown in Figure 10.14. Gas Powered RC Plane

Figure 10.15 shows an example of a gas powered RC plane. We will be usingoff-the-shelf controllers and sensors and because of the sizes of those will optfor bigger RC planes.

This model is NexSTAR RTF Nitro .46 radio-controlled model airplane byHobbico Inc. This has a 68.5” span. It comes with:

• O.S. .46 FXi Engine

• Futaba 4YBF 4 Channel Radio system

• Real Flight R/C Simulator NexSTAR Edition Windows CD-ROM

Let us start with understanding the engine. The engine is shown in Figure10.16.

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FIGURE 10.15

NexSTAR Select gas powered RC plane (Copyright Hobbico Inc.Reproduced with permission)

FIGURE 10.16

RC plane engine (Copyright Hobbico Inc. Reproduced with permission)

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FIGURE 10.17

Parts of a two-stroke engine Two Stroke Engine The two stroke engine that is used isbuilt on the following specifications.

• Displacement: 0.455 cu in (7.5 cc)

• Bore: 0.866 in (22.0 mm)

• Stroke: 0.772 in (19.6 mm)

• Output: 1.65 hp @ 16,000 rpm

• RPM Range: 2,000-17,000

• Weight w/muffler: 17.2 oz (489 g)

Parts of an engine are shown in Figure 10.17.Now, let us study how a 2-stroke engine uses fuel to convert the power

into rotating the propeller. The engine operation is divided into the followingparts.

Compression and Intake: This stage is shown in Figure 10.18. Here, thepiston is moving up compressing the air-fuel mixture. At the same time, theintake valve opens as it gets pulled out by the expanding air.

Power : This stage is shown in Figure 10.19. Here, the piston has reachedthe Top Dead Center (TDC) point on the cylinder. The air-fuel mixture is

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FIGURE 10.18

Compression and intake

the most compressed. At this time, the fuel mixture gets ignited by the glowplug. The explosion starts pushing the piston down, compressing the air-fuelmixture below, which in turn pushes the valve shut.

Exhaust : This stage is shown in Figure 10.20. Here, the piston has reachedthe Bottom Dead Center (BDC) point on the cylinder. The valve is still shut,and the air fuel mixture is going to the top chamber. At the same time, theexhaust gases are escaping through the exhaust manifold. Right after thisstage the compression and intake stage will start again.

Notice that the crankshaft keeps rotating throughout all the stages, andsince the crankshaft is connected to the propeller, it causes its rotation. Servo Control

An airplane can be controlled by controlling the speed of the propeller, andby controlling the elevator, rudder, and the aileron. For the propeller in a gasengine based plane, we can use the throttle to control it using a servo motor.The throttle controls the amount of air-fuel mixture that goes in the intakemanifold for combustion, and therefore controls the speed of the propeller.For a DC motor based plane, we can use a speed controller. Servo motors areused to control the elevator, rudder, and the aileron. The servos for throttle,elevator, and rudder are shown in Figure 10.21, and the servo for aileron isshown in Figure 10.22.

Figure 10.23 shows how the pushrods connected to servos control the rudderand elevator.

Figure 10.24 shows how the aileron are controlled in the opposite directionby the aileron servo to provide roll control.

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FIGURE 10.19


FIGURE 10.20


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FIGURE 10.21

Servos for throttle, elevator, and rudder (Copyright Hobbico Inc.Reproduced with permission)

FIGURE 10.22

Servos for aileron (Copyright Hobbico Inc. Reproduced with permission)

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FIGURE 10.23

Pushrods from servos connected to the rudder and elevator (CopyrightHobbico Inc. Reproduced with permission)

FIGURE 10.24

Aileron servo control (Copyright Hobbico Inc. Reproduced with permission)

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FIGURE 10.25

Manual control (Copyright Hobbico Inc. Reproduced with permission)

10.3.2 Manual Control for RC Planes

Manual control of RC planes is accomplished by using a hand held controller,where different levers provide control over the various servo movements. Themanual handheld controller (transmitter) for the NexSTAR RTF Nitro planeis shown in Figure 10.25.

10.3.3 Automatic Controllers for RC Planes

There are some off the shelf controllers available for RC planes that can beintegrated with sensors to make the planes perform different tasks. For ex-ample, the planes can be programmed to go to certain points, or follow sometrajectory etc. using the controllers. One such controller is the MP2028 byMicroPilot Inc., and another one is AP50 Autopilot made by UAV FlightSystems, Inc. MP2028 Controller for RC Planes

MicroPilot is the world leading manufacturer of miniature autopilots for un-manned aerial vehicles (UAV) and micro aerial vehicles (MAV). Weighing 28grams, the MP2028g is the world’s smallest full functional autopilot. Ca-pabilities include airspeed hold, altitude hold, turn coordination, GPS nav-igation, plus autonomous operation from launch to recovery. Included withthe MP2028g autopilot is the HORIZONmp ground control software that of-fers a user friendly point and click interface for mission planning, parameteradjustment, flight monitoring, and mission simulation.

For versatility, MicroPilot has developed a full complement of autopilot ac-

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cessories including a Compass Module, Analog to Digital Converter Module,Ultrasonic Altitude Sensor, Configuration Wizard, and XTENDERmp Soft-ware Developers Kit. For example, XTENDERmp gives the systems integra-tor the ability to fully customize the MP2028g autopilot and the HORIZONmpground control software to match their end user’s requirements. Using theXTENDERmp it is possible to implement alternate control laws, collect anddisplay data from custom sensors, and cameras.

For dependability, MicroPilot offers a comprehensive selection of training,integration, flight testing, along with custom software and hardware devel-opment services. As an added convenience, clients can choose to have a Mi-croPilot expert come to their site or they can send a person or team to theMicroPilot UAV Facility. Situated on 40 acres of flat prairie, the MicroPilotUAV Facility includes head office, production, R&D, and flight testing all atone site.

The MP2028g features the following:

• 1,000 programmable waypoints or commands

• Powerful command set allowing flexibility when describing your mission

• Sensors required for complete airframe stabilization fully integrated intoa single circuit board

• Controls up to 24 servos or relays

• Complete autonomous operation from launch to recovery

• Autonomous launch methods including runway takeoff, hand launch,bungee launch, and catapult launch

• Autonomous recovery methods including runway landing, parachute re-covery, and deep stall landing

• Supports manually directed and autonomous flight modes, as well as anintegrated RC override

• Supports flaps, flaperons, split rudders, split ailerons, flap/aileron mix-ing, elevons, v-tail, and x-tail

• Extensive user programmable feedback gains and flight parameters al-lowing tailoring of the MP2028g to your airframe and requirements

• Extensive data log capability simplifying post flight diagnostics andanalysis

• Integrated POST ensures reliability and repeatability

• Low battery warnings, both on the ground and in flight

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• User-programmable error handlers for loss of GPS signal, loss of RCsignal, engine failure, loss of data link, and low battery voltage

• Extremely low 28 g weight suitable for micro UAVs

• Includes HORIZONmp ground control software

• Feedback loop gains adjustable while in flight

• Easy to use setup wizard to simplify system integration

Block diagram of MP Micro Pilot is shown in Figure 10.26. MP 2028 in-terfaces with RC receiver, RF modem, ultrasonic altimeter, servomotor mul-tiplexers, and on-board GPS unit. On MP 2028, there are sensors to detectpressure, pitch rate, roll rate, yaw rate, and airspeed. Through RC receiver,the MP 2028 can control an aircraft using RC joystick. This makes the systemsuitable for manual landing and takeoff. MP 2028 can also be programmedto control the aircraft without any user interaction through its programminginterface.

Some sensors on the board are shown in Figure 10.27. AP50 Controller for RC Planes

The UAV Flight Systems website, [39], provides the detailed information onthe AP50 controller. The AP50 has two main functions: navigation andflight stability control. Mission-related tasks such as controlling three missionservos, three TTL-level digital outputs, engine shutdown, and data logging arehandled by the navigation function. The stability control is managed by a 6-state user-defined control law table for each flight control. This control law isbased on a modified proportional integral derivative (PID) control algorithm.

The block diagram of the AP50 controller is shown in Figure 10.28, andpicture in Figure 10.29.

10.3.4 Kinematics

In order to design algorithms for automatic control for robotic plane flights,we need to come up with the mathematical model of the planes. We canuse models that utilize the mass, moment of inertia, forces etc. in the model.These models are based on the dynamics of the system. However, they tend tobe more complex to deal with for control law design. We can use kinematics∗

based models for trajectory control if we can provide good speed control of theplanes. This section presents the kinematics model of the plane. It assumesthat we can control the linear speed (using the propeller), and the three angu-lar rotations of the plane using servos (aileron, elevator, and rudder). Using

∗The “kinematics” section should be omitted by readers who have not studied advancedrobotics or mathematics courses

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FIGURE 10.26

Block diagram of MP2028 (Copyright 2006 MicroPilot Inc.)

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FIGURE 10.27

Board sensors (Copyright 2006 MicroPilot Inc.)

FIGURE 10.28

AP50 block diagram (Copyright 2006 UAV Flight Systems, Incorporated)

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FIGURE 10.29

AP50 board (Copyright 2006 UAV Flight Systems, Incorporated)

these four controls, we need to control the path of the robotic plane. Thissection developed the kinematics model that shows how the global positionand orientation of the plane change with the four controls. This section doesnot develop the control laws. However, the kinematics based control laws canbe designed by using the control laws developed in [18].

Consider Figure 10.30 for developing the kinematics equations.

Global coordinates: The global or the inertial frame coordinates are denotedby (P,X, Y, Z). The frame remains fixed at the ocean surface with origin P .The unit vector in the Z direction points down into the water while the unitvectors along X and Y direction complete the right handed system.

Local coordinates: The local or the body frame coordinates are denoted by(p, x, y, z). The frame remains fixed on the vehicle with origin surface withorigin p.

The kinematics of the vehicle is described by six state variables and fourinput variables. The kinematics relationships describing the transformationsbetween the two coordinate systems can have a number of parameterizations.The one used here is the Euler angle parameterization. In the Euler anglerepresentation the orientation between the inertial and the local coordinateframe is expressed in terms of a sequence of three rotations: roll(φ), pitch(θ),and yaw(ψ) about the axes x, y, and z respectively.

Let q be the vector of six generalized coordinates required to specify thekinematics of the vehicle. The six coordinates are the Cartesian coordinatevector p = [x, y, z]

Tof the vehicle in the local frame and the orientation

coordinate vector η = [φ, θ, ψ]T. The orientation vector is the vector of Euler

angles which give the orientation of the body frame with respect to the inertialframe. The transformation from the local coordinate frame to the global

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FIGURE 10.30

Global and local frames

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coordinate frame is given by means of a transformation matrix called Rotationmatrix R ∈ S(O3). R satisfies the relation RTR = I, i.e., RT = R−1 or R isan orthogonal matrix and det(R) = 1. The matrix R is given below as

R =

r11 r12 r13r21 r22 r23r31 r32 r33





r11 = cos θ cosψ

r12 = sin θ sinφ cosψ − cosφ sinψ

r21 = cos θ sinψ

r22 = sin θ sinφ sinψ + cosφ cosψ

r23 = sin θ cosφ sinψ − sinφ cosψ

r31 = − sin θ

r32 = cos θ sinφ

r32 = cos θ cosφ

Let v = [vx, 0, 0]T

be the linear velocity of the vehicle, i.e., the vehicle has

linear velocity along the x-axis only and ω = [ωx, ωy, ωz]T

be the angularvelocity components along x, y, and z directions respectively in the bodyframe. The velocity vector along three coordinate axes and the time derivativeof the Euler angles are obtained from the following relations:

p = Rv =


v (10.3)

R = RS(ω) (10.4)

where S(ω) is the skew-symmetric matrix given as:

S(ω) =

0 −ωz ωy

ωz 0 −ωx

−ωy ωx 0


The above equations give the following equations on solving:

p = J1(η)vη = J2(η)ω (10.6)


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J1(η) =[

cos θ cosψ cos θ sinψ − sin θ]T

J2(η) =

1 sinφ tan θ cosφ tan θ0 cosφ − sinφ0 sinφ sec θ − cosφ sec θ

The above set of equations can be written as the following equations.

x = r11v = cosφ cos θv (10.7)

y = r21v = sinφ cos θv (10.8)

z = r31v = − sin θv (10.9)

φ = ωx + sinφ tan θωy + cosφ tan θωz (10.10)

θ = cosφωy − sinφωz (10.11)

ψ = sinφ sec θωy + cosφ sec θωz (10.12)

This can be written in the matrix form as:






cos θ cosψ 0 0 0cos θ sinψ 0 0 0− sin θ 0 0 0

0 1 sinφ tan θ cosφ tan θ0 0 cosφ − sinφ0 0 sinφ sec θ cosφ sec θ





The equations can be written in the generalized vector form as






cos θ cosψcos θ sinψ− sin θ


v +


ωx +


sinφ tanφcosφ

sinφ sec θ

ωy +


cosφ tanφ− sinφ

cosφ sec θ


(10.14)The system here is subject to two nonholonomic constraints. The con-

straints are on the linear velocities along y and z directions. The velocitiesalong these directions are zero. The two constraints are

sT p = 0 (10.15)

aT p = 0 (10.16)

These can also be written as:

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r12x+ r22y + r32z = 0 (10.17)

r13x+ r23y + r33z = 0 (10.18)

or as:

(cosψ sin θ sinφ− sinψ cosφ)x+

(sin θ sinφ sinψ + cosφ cosψ)y + (cos θ sinφ)z = 0 (10.19)

(sinψ sin θ cosφ− sinψ sinφ)x+

(sin θ sinφ cosψ − cosφ cosψ)y + (cos θ cosφ)z = 0 (10.20)

The above equations are of the form:

A(q)q = 0 (10.21)


A(q) =


r12 r22 r32 0 0 0r13 r23 r33 0 0 0



Expressing the feasible velocities as the linear combination of vector fieldsg1(q), g2(q), g3(q), and g4(q) spanning the null space of matrix A(q) we havethe following kinematic model

q = g1(q)v1 + g2(q)v2 + g3(q)v3 + g4(q)v4 (10.23)

which in the matrix notation is:

q =[

g1(q) g2(q) g3(q) g4(q)]




g1(q) =

cos θ cosψcos θ sinψ− sin θ



g2(q) =



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g3(q) =


sinφ tan θcosφ

sinφ sec θ


g4(q) =


cosφ tan θ− sinφ

cosφ sec θ


and v1 = v = vx; v2 = ωx; v3 = ωy; and v4 = ωz. More generally, we canwrite

q = G(q)v (10.29)

The above equations are the kinematics model of the system. The systemis nonlinear and under actuated, which means that the number of inputs tothe system is less than its states. The generalized velocity vector q cannotassume any independent value unless it satisfies the nonholonomic constraints.The constraints are the examples of the Pfaffian Constraints which are linearin velocities. The admissible generalized velocities are contained in the nullspace of the constraint matrix A(a).†

10.3.5 Robotic Experiments

Some experiments that can be performed using the robotic planes can includemany of the following:

1. Add a wireless camera to the plane for surveillance.

2. Follow a target on the ground or another flying target (another plane).

3. Carry some load (we can design a servo based gripper for that) and dropit at some known location.

4. Perform a formation flight of multiple planes.

†Nonholonomic constraints are those constraints on velocity that do not end up constrainingthe places the robot can go to. For example, the robotic plane can move only forward (and ofcourse can have three rotations). It can not move sideways. However, it can make maneuversto reach a point that is adjacent to it by making flying acrobatic loops. The flying robothas no constraints on where it can fly to although it has constraints on its velocities. Thismeans the constraints on the velocities can not be integrated to get constraints on positions(since it has no position constraints). In other words, the robotic plane is “controllable.”

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FIGURE 10.31

Helicopter parts

10.4 Robotic Helicopter

Helicopters are more versatile than planes because they can do maneuversthat planes cannot do, such as hovering at a place, fly backwards, rotate at aplace, and move sideways. These are accomplished by some added complexityin the design. The main parts of a helicopter are shown in Figure 10.31: mainrotor, tail rotor, landing skids, and the tail boom. The main rotor systemand the tail rotor system provide the mechanisms for all movements of thehelicopter.

10.4.1 Controlling Movements

There are many movements that can be accomplished by a helicopter. Let usunderstand them one by one. To get an idea of overall movements, refer toFigure 10.32. Yaw Control

When the main rotor rotates, it creates a torque on the entire helicopter. Toprevent the helicopter from spinning due to that torque, the tail rotor is usedthat provides a counter torque to balance the rotating torque. If we need tocreate a yaw motion of the helicopter, we can change the thrust from the tailrotor. This is shown in Figure 10.33 below. A gyroscope is used to sense therotation, so that it can be balanced by counter-torque. Without a gyro, theRC helicopter might spin out of control.

The helicopter tail rotor can get its power from the main rotor power (gasengine or a DC motor), or can have its own power (usually a DC motor). Ifthe power is obtained from the main rotor, then the change in the rotor thrustis accomplished by rotating the rotor blades so that the angle of attack onthe tail rotor blades is changed. The change in the blade angles is shown inFigure 10.34. The servo that accomplishes this is called rudder servo.

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FIGURE 10.32

Helicopter movements

FIGURE 10.33

Yaw control

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FIGURE 10.34

Rotor blade angle of attack change

An example of a rudder servo changing the angle of attack for rotor bladesis shown in the Hummingbird Elite RC helicopter in Figure 10.35.

An example of a DC motor based independent tail rotor is a Helimax RotoflySubmicro Helicopter. The rotor motor can be seen in Figure 10.36. The figureshows the internal and external view of the helicopter [28].

The components of this helicopter are:

• FLYBAR - Adds stability to the rotor head to increase steadiness inflight.


FIGURE 10.35

Rudder servo for rotor blades in Hummingbird Elite RC helicopter(Copyright 2006 Century Helicopter Products)

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FIGURE 10.36

Helimax Rotofly Submicro helicopter (Copyright 2006 Hobbico Inc.Reproduced with permission)


• TAIL ROTOR MOTOR - An N20 motor powers the tail rotor blades.

• TAIL ROTOR - With skid to protect tail rotor blades.

• ESC/GYRO MIXER BOARD - Space and weight saving one-piece unit.

• MAIN ROTOR MOTOR - A 180-size motor powers the main rotorblades Swash Plate (Pitch and Roll) Swash plate is a mechanismthat allows using the rotor blades in such a way that we can get differentrotations. We will present a very simple swash plate here that can providethe pitch and roll rotations using two servos (one for each rotation). Theswash plate used in the Hummingbird V3 [29] is shown in Figure 10.37.

The swash plate has two plates. The one at the bottom is the static one,and one on the top is the one that rotates with the main rotor. The bottomone has two protruding balls at two tips (as shown in the figure). This is wheretwo servo push rods are connected so that the two points can be independentlymoved up and down. The top plate has four such balls. These are where oneend of rods is connected that connects these points to the four blades (twoof the main rotor and two for the flybar). The up or down movement ofthe bottom plate makes the upper rod move also when it reaches that fixedpart of the plate, and that changes the angle of attack for the blade. Thatchanges the upward thrust of the main rotor on one side of rotation. This

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FIGURE 10.37

Swash plate used in Hummingbird V3 (Copyright 2006 Century HelicopterProducts)

FIGURE 10.38

Swash plate details for Hummingbird V3 (Copyright 2006 CenturyHelicopter Products)

allows for the helicopter to pitch or roll. More details of the swash plate andits connections to servo pushrods and the main rotor blades and flybar areshown in Figure 10.38.

An alternative scheme uses three servos instead of two for swash plate con-trol. That allows for roll, pitch, and collective control. Collective controlmeans that we can change the angle of attack for all blades on the main rotortogether, instead of changing only when the blade gets close to where thepushrod has pushed that part of the plate. This scheme is used in Humming-bird 3D Pro [29]. Figure 10.39 shows clearly how the push rod changes theblade angle, when the rod is moved.

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FIGURE 10.39

Swash plate details for Hummingbird 3D Pro (Copyright 2006 CenturyHelicopter Products) Pitch Control

The elevator servo changes the angle of attack of the main rotor so that thehelicopter achieves a pitch rotation. The pitch control is achieved by theelevator as shown in Figure 10.40. Roll Control

The aileron servo changes the angle of attack of the main rotor so that thehelicopter achieves a roll rotation. The roll control is achieved by the aileronas shown in Figure 10.41. Up-down Control

The throttle servo in a gas engine based RC helicopter controls the air-fuelmixture that powers the main rotor. By increasing the throttle, the rotorgets more power and moves the helicopter vertically upwards. Decreasing thethrottle makes the helicopter move vertically down. The same can be achievedby an electric RC helicopter by controlling the speed of the DC motor. Thevertical movement control by the throttle or DC motor is shown in Figure10.42.

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FIGURE 10.40

Elevator pitch control

FIGURE 10.41

Aileron roll control

FIGURE 10.42

Throttle/DC motor vertical control

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FIGURE 10.43

Forward/Backward movement

FIGURE 10.44

Sideways movement Forward-Backward Movement Control

Forward movement of the helicopter is accomplished by first tilting the heli-copter forward and then using enough thrust on the main rotor so that the ver-tical component of the thrust cancels the helicopter weight, and the horizontalcomponent moves it forward (as shown in Figure 10.43). Backward movementof the helicopter is accomplished by first tilting the helicopter backward andthen using enough thrust on the main rotor so that the vertical component ofthe thrust cancels the helicopter weight, and the horizontal component movesit backward (as shown in Figure 10.43). Sideways Movement Control

Sideways movement of the helicopter is accomplished by first tilting the he-licopter sideways and then using enough thrust on the main rotor so thatthe vertical component of the thrust cancels the helicopter weight, and thehorizontal component moves it sideways (as shown in Figure 10.44).

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FIGURE 10.45

The UAV helicopter controller by Rotomotion LLC (Copyright 2003, 2004by Rotomotion, LLC.)

10.4.2 Automatic Controllers for RC Helicopters

In this section we explore a automatic controller for RC helicopters for au-tonomous flight. Rotomotion LLC has a product called UAV Helicopter Con-troller. This UAV system is an integrated package design to control and guidean RC helicopter. The box is shown in Figure 10.45, to be mounted to thehelicopter.

With this system, the user has to take-off and land the helicopter manu-ally. Once the helicopter is successfully taken-off and in the hovering state,the helicopter can go into autonomous mode by flipping a switch on the trans-mitter. The autonomous flight control system has an advanced stable-hovercontrol system with multiple modes of operation. The system has four modesof operation: velocity command mode (VC-Mode), position command mode(PC=Mode), waypoint route mode (WAY-Mode), and fast forward flightmode (FFF-Mode).

In the VC-Mode, the helicopter position is controlled by the transmitterusing proportional velocity commands. In the PC-Mode, the helicopter posi-tion is changed by the transmitter proportional to the stick command. Thehelicopter flies a preprogrammed series of waypoints in the WAY-Mode. Fi-nally, the helicopter can move fast forward similar to fixed wing aircraft inthe FFF-Mode and orbit an area in this mode.

10.5 Robotic Boats

It is very easy to convert an RC boat into a robotic boat. Boats usually haveonly two actuators: throttle (or electric motor) and steering (servo). Thesecan be easily controlled using a microprocessor, and we can interface sensors to

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FIGURE 10.46

Outboard propulsion

the microprocessor. We can interface sensors, such as a GPS sensor, cameras,and ultrasonic sensors.

Boats are of two types depending on what their bottom looks like: displace-ment hulls (designed for stable slow motion) and planing hulls (designed tomove fast above water). The planing hull can be a monohull (flat bottom,deep V, or a shallow V), or a multi-hull, or a hydroplaning hull.

10.5.1 Propulsion

The propulsion system can be outboard, inboard, or outboard/inboard. Theoutboard propulsion system has everything outside the boat: the power gen-eration (gas or electric), the propeller, and the steering system. Figure 10.46shows an outboard propulsion system. Another way to control the boat is tohave two motors, so that by controlling the direction of each, we can haveforward/reverse motion, and steering (right or left).

Most electric RC boats have one DC motor for the propeller and a servofor the rudder. As an example of this consider the Tower Turbo Vee II fromTower Hobbies [30] as shown in Figure 10.47.

There is a direct drive system from the DC motor to the propeller, and arudder for steering controlled by a servo. These are shown in Figure 10.48.

Most recent electric boats have multiple DC motors for the propeller and aseparate servo motor for steering. A boat with such a design (Villain EX byTraxxas Corporation) is shown in Figure 10.49.

The anatomy of the Villain EX twin motor electric boat is shown in Figure10.50. Wiring diagram of the boat is given in Figure 10.51.

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FIGURE 10.47

Tower Turbo Vee II (Copyright Hobbico Inc. Reproduced with permission)

FIGURE 10.48

Rudder and propeller based boat (Copyright Hobbico Inc. Reproduced withpermission)

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FIGURE 10.49

Twin motor propulsion (Copyright 2003 Traxxas Corporation)

FIGURE 10.50

Anatomy of Villain EX (Copyright 2003 Traxxas Corporation)

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FIGURE 10.51

Wiring diagram of Villain EX (Copyright 2003 Traxxas Corporation)

Another propulsion system uses a propeller like an airplane (completely outof the water). The steering is done using a rudder (by a servo), and speedis controlled via a throttle servo. This system is used by an aquacraft fromTower Hobbies [30] and Hobbico Inc. [31] as shown in Figure 10.52.

10.6 Robotic Submarines

Submarines can be dynamic or static. Dynamic submarines usually will floaton water and are actively pushed down by propellers to keep them underwater.Static submarines on the other hand add water into a submarine chamber(called ballast tank) to add weight to it, so the submarine can get heavier.On the other hand when it wants to come up, it uses compressed gas to pushthe water out, so that the submarine becomes light again.

RC submarines have a motor that drives a propeller at the back that pushesthe vehicle forward, and it has rudder and stern (and sail) planes to enable itto produce yaw motion and pitch motion. Rudders enable the yaw motion bytheir rotation, and stern planes produce the pitch motion just like elevatorsdo in RC planes. These actuators are shown in Figure 10.53.

A more detailed view of rudder and stern are shown in Figure 10.54.

The weight distribution keeps the submarine facing the right side up bykeeping heavier weight at the bottom compared to the top. The sail plane

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FIGURE 10.52

Aquacraft by AirForce (Copyright Hobbico Inc. Reproduced withpermission)

FIGURE 10.53

Submarine actuators

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FIGURE 10.54

Submarine rudder and stern

FIGURE 10.55

WTC location and weight Distribution

with the stern plane keeps the submarine balanced. The electronics is keptinside the WTC (water tight containers) and contains two servos and a DCmotor. One servo controls the rudder angle, the other controls the stern. Thelocation of the WTC and the weight distribution is shown in Figure 10.55.

The WTC has generally three compartments. The first compartment willhave battery and speed controller, the second one will have a ballast system,and the third one the servos. Typically, the ballast system will have a tankwith pressurized air and valves. The valves are used to allow water to floodin to increase the weight of the submarine to enable it to go down, or to letwater come out when the pressurized air is let into the chamber, so that theweight of the submarine is reduced to enable it to rise. The other electroniccomponents that are usually present are speed controller connected to theradio signal receiver (which receives the signal from the remote control tocontrol the motor and servos), pitch control (using an accelerometer to controlthe pitch angle), and a microsafe (a device which turns the ballast system offif the radio signal is lost for some time, so that the submarine will float ontop in case of lost radio signal).

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FIGURE 10.56

Twin propeller based dynamic RC submarine

FIGURE 10.57

Sea Scout twin propeller RC submarine (Copyright Hobbico Inc.Reproduced with permission)

Submarines communicate under water using sonar signals using audio fre-quencies. Submarines also use GPS for navigation (however that signal is lostunderwater), and therefore underwater INS (Inertial Navigation System) isused that is composed of accelerometers and gyroscopes to measure how thesubmarine is moving so that it can keep track of its position and orientation.

Dynamic submarines do not have the ballast system and therefore they haveto be actively forced down in the water, otherwise they float up on the surface.Many inexpensive dynamic RC submarines are built using twin motors thatare used to dive, surface, turn etc. The angle of the propellers can be changedbefore putting the submarine into water to get different movements. One suchsubmarine is illustrated in Figure 10.56. Figure 10.57 presents an example ofa twin propeller submarine, Sea Scout by Hobbico Inc. [31].

The kinematics of a submarine can be derived using a similar mathematicaltechnique that was used for deriving the kinematics for the airplane. Manyexperiments can be designed for robotic submarines for performing underwa-ter surveillance (using wireless cameras in WTC (Water Tight Containers)),using various other sensors, performing formation “flight”, etc.

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[5] Brown Henry T. 507 Mechanical Movements: Mechanisms and Devices.Dover Publications (August 15, 2005).

[6] Craig John J. Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control . Pren-tice Hall; Third edition (October 12, 2003).

[7] Kachroo Pushkin and Mellodge Patricia Mobile Robotic Car Design.McGraw-Hill/TAB Electronics; First edition (August 12, 2004).

[8] Lynxmotion ssc-32v2.pdf, SSC-32 User’s Manual Version 2. (2005).

[9] Munson Bruce R., Young Donald F. , and Okiishi Theodore H. Funda-mentals of Fluid Mechanics. John Wiley & Sons; 5 edition (March 11,2005).

[10] Nilsson James W. and Riedel Susan. Electric Circuits. Prentice Hall;Seventh edition (May 20, 2004).

[11] Ulaby Fawwaz T. Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics. PrenticeHall; Media edition (2004).

[12] Raibert Marc H. Legged Robots That Balance. MIT Press; Reprintedition (April 2000).

[13] Nise Norman S. Control Systems Engineering. Wiley; Fourth edition(2004).

[14] Iovine J. PIC Microcontroller Project Book : For PIC Basic and PICBasic Pro Compliers. McGraw-Hill/TAB Electronics; Second edition(2004).


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[15] Sclater Neil and Chironis Nicholas. Mechanisms and Mechanical DevicesSourcebook. McGraw-Hill Professional; Third edition (June 13, 2001).

[16] Spong Mark W., Hutchinson Seth, and Vidyasagar M. Robot Modelingand Control. Wiley; (2006).

[17] Texas Instruments sn54ls595.pdf, 74LS595 Datasheet. (1988).

[18] Wadoo Sabiha Feedback Control and Nonlinear Controllability ofNonholonomic Systems. M.S. Thesis, Bradley Dept. of Electrical and Com-puter Engineering, Virginia Tech, (2003).

[19] Norton Robert L. Machine Design: An Integrated Approach, 2/E. Pren-tice Hall; (2000).

[20] Auslander David M. and Kempf Carl J. Mechatronics: MechanicalSystem Interfacing. Prentice Hall; (1996).

[21] Histand Michael B. and Alciatore David G. Introduction to Mechatron-ics and Measurement Systems. McGraw-Hill (1999).

[22] Gajski Daniel D. Principles of Digital Design. Prentice Hall (January1997).

[23] Bolton W. Mechatronics: Electronic Control Systems in Mechanicaland Electrical Engineering. Longman, Second edition (1999).

[24] The Oject Oriented PIC Web Site.

[25] The Lynxmotion Inc. Web Site.

[26] Parallax Inc. Web Site.

[27] Chaney Electronics Web Site.

[28] Heli-Max Website.

[29] Century Helicopter Products Web Site.

[30] Tower Hobbies Web Site.

[31] Hobbico Inc. Web Site.

[32] Fairchild Semiconductor Web Site.

[33] National Semiconductor Web Site.

[34] USB-UIRT Web Site.

[35] Aibo Hack Web Site. codes.htm.

[36] Dr. Sven Behnke’s Nimbro Project Web Site.

[37] Internals Web Site.

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References 433

[38] Texas Instruments Web Site.

[39] UAV Flight Systems, Inc. Web Site.

[40] Geek Hideout Web Site.

[41] Programmers Heaven Web Site.

[42] Logix4u Web Site.

[43] Borland Compiler Web Site. cbuilder.html.

[44] MCII Corporation Web Site.

[45] Pololu Inc. Web Site.

[46] The Code Project Web Site.

[47] National Semiconductor LM555.pdf, LM555 Datasheet. (February2000).

[48] National Semiconductor LM386.pdf, LM386 Datasheet. (August 2000).

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12-servo hexapod, 3393-state buffer, 1683-to-8 decoder, 1664WD, 269555 Timer, 236555 Timer as a One-Shot, 25374LS, 3274LS126, 16874LS244, 115, 1237805 Regulator, 16478xx, 35, 369-pin serial cable, 76

7404, 110

AC, 32AC adapter, 125Address for LPT, 105Adjusting Servomotors, 353aileron, 420aluminum risers, 273aluminum spacer, 318angle gussets, 269angular speed, 223angular speeds, 268anode, 8applied torque, 226Arithmetic Operations, 88ASCII, 92, 136ATAN, 206audio amplifier, 252audio IC, 253automatic control, 173

back emf, 224back emf constant, 224Backward Motion, 231Backward Right Turn, 232

Backward Timed Motion, 242ball links and nuts, 309ball socket assembly, 311Bar Coil, 5Basic Atom, 355Basic Atom Pro, 301, 355Basic Robot Movements, 235BASIC Stamp, 67, 269BASIC Stamp 1, 67BASIC Stamp 2, 67Basic Stamp 2, 301, 357BASIC Stamp 2 Carrier Board, 74BASIC Stamp 2e, 71BASIC Stamp 2p, 69BASIC Stamp 2sx, 69BASIC Stamp Activity Board, 75BASIC Stamp Editor, 76BASIC Stamp editor, 87BASIC Stamp math, 88BASIC Stamp Super Carrier board,

75Belt System, 222binary logic, 25BIOS, 103Board of Education, 75Body Construction, 315, 333Boolean, 26breadboard, 221breakdown voltage, 8, 10BS2-IC, 67, 74BS2e, 339BS2e-IC, 74BS2e-IC pins, 71BS2p24-IC, 69, 75BS2p40-IC, 69BS2sx-IC, 69, 74buffers, 115


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Index 435

cameraCMUcam2+, 183

capacitor, 5electrolytic and nonelectrolytic,

6cathode, 8CD4013BC, 258Centering a servomotor, 306circulation, 389clutch, 147CMOS, 19, 31coding

binary, 179Gray, 179

CON, 87Connecting the BS2e, 344connection scheme, 234constant, 87constraints

nonholonomic, 412Construction and Mechanics, 221control panel, 140coordinate

Cartesian, 409orientation, 409

coordinatesjoint, 192world, 192

current limiting resistor, 136

D Flip-Flop, 258Dancer Robot, 260Day-Runner Robot, 249DB-25, 71DB-9, 71DB-9 connector, 76DB25, 103, 125DB25 connector, 166DB25F, 125DB9, 130DC, 32DC Motor Dynamics, 224DC motors, 222DC signal, 260DEBUG, 92

DEC, 98DEC4, 99decimal system, 105Denavit-Hartenberg, 188Depletion Zone, 17desired torque, 226desired wheel speeds, 268DH table, 194dielectric, 17differential drive robot, 219Differentiator, 21diode, 8

laser, 8LED, 11light-emitting, 8photo, 8zener, 8, 9, 35

DIP, 67DOF, 301dog bone, 311Double Timer Circuit, 245Download, 346DPDT, 229driver

ULN2803, 158dynamic equations, 225

EEPROM, 81electret microphone, 252Electrical Control, 339Emotional Robot, 252encoder

absolute, 174incremental, 174

encoders, 174END, 94experiments, 219Extreme Hexapod, 301

Feedback Control, 266flight control, 423flip-flop, 27

clocked, 28D, 28JK, 28

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436 Practical and Experimental Robotics

SR, 28flybar, 418FOR...NEXT, 93force, 223formatters, 99forward kinematics, 158Forward Motion, 231Forward Right Turn, 232four-link mechanism, 147four-wheeled robot, 269FSM, 27

gaitdynamic, 359static, 359

Gate potential, 17gear ratio, 145gear train, 145gearbox, 139GOSUB, 94gripper, 147GWS S03N servo, 269

H-bridge, 262handshaking, 130HCT, 32HEDS, 177helicopter, 417hex nuts, 272hexadecimal system, 105Hi-Z, 171high impedance, 171hinge, 303Hitec HS-422, 301, 303hull

displacement, 424planing, 424

ideal pulley system, 224image processing, 156index marker, 177inductance, 5infrared, 14inpout.dll, 128inpout32.dll, 125

Input-Output Interfacing, 123INS, 430Instrumentation Amplifier, 23INT, 97Integrator, 21internal coil, 224internal resistance, 224inverse kinematics, 158inverted TTL, 136inverter, 19IO.dll, 123IOLineP, 293IR LED, 249IR light, 252IR receiver, 250IR system, 250IR-transmitter, 251IRPD, 293, 315, 335

JM-SSC16, 198Joint

Base, 139Elbow, 139Shoulder, 139Wrist, 139

joint angles, 158

Karnaugh maps, 26kinematics

forward, 192, 201inverse, 192, 205

Kirchhoff’s voltage law, 224Kirchoff’s laws, 14Kutta condition, 389

L brackets, 303Lagrangian, 193LCD display, 346LED, 175linear speed, 223LM386, 253load torque, 226logic gates, 26LPT, 103LPT ports, 105

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Index 437

matrixrotation, 411skew-symmetric, 411

MAX232, 186mediation gear, 149Mini SSC II, 301, 353minimization, 27minimum torque, 226motor shaft, 222

Newton’s law, 225Next Step Carrier Board, 340Night-Runner Robot, 245NiMh battery, 278NPN transistor, 112, 229null modem, 130numbering systems, 88nylon rivet fasteners, 303nylon spacer bars, 306

Obstacle Avoidance, 252oButton, 285OEMBS2e, 71OEMBS2sx, 69Ohm’s law, 23Ohms, 1oIRPD1, 293OOP, 282OOPic, 301OOPic-R, 269, 315operational amplifiers, 20optical switch, 174oscillators, 20oServo, 286oSonarPL, 291OWI-007, 156

p-n junction, 11Parallax Board of Education, 269parallel port, 103, 171PAUSE, 94PBASIC programming fundamentals,

84PC Control, 265PC to PC serial communication, 130

peak detectors, 20permittivity, 20photodiode, 14phototransistor, 18, 175photovoltaic effect, 14PIC Basic, 265PIC controller, 265PIC16F84, 164PICBasic, 133PICmicro MCU, 136pinchoff, 18pitch, 394plate

swash, 418Plexiglas, 221PNP transistor, 112Polaroid sonar, 291Port Access Library, 106potentiometer, 182, 253potentiometers, 1Power System, 227Programming the Hexapod, 346propeller, 391pulse width modulated, 344push-button switch, 227PVC, 269PWM, 165, 166, 265, 286, 344

quadrature, 175

R-S Flip-Flop, 236rack and pinion, 147radius ratio, 223RC, 20RC servo, 286register, 28, 31registers, 103Relay Board, 229Relay Interface, 124relays, 158remote controls, 249resistors, 1RETURN, 94Rev. A, 74Rev. B, 74

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438 Practical and Experimental Robotics

Rev. C, 74reverse biased, 14Robot Base, 221Robot Eyes, 249Robot Kinematics, 266Robot Speed Control, 262robotic arm, 139rotation span, 344rotational velocity, 224rotor, 417RS-232, 135RS-232 connector, 266RS-232 wireless modem, 266RS232 interface, 138Rubber belts, 222

Sample Code, 346screw, 394sequential circuits, 27Serial port, 130serial port class, 131SEROUT, 96servo, 394servo brackets, 269servo horn, 273, 329Servo Operation, 344servo speed values, 343servomotor driver, 301servomotors, 194, 269, 301Sharp Right Turn, 234short-tolerant, 136Signed modifiers, 99SIL package, 5SIP, 67six-legged robot, 301slippage, 394socket head cap screws, 306solderless breadboard, 221Sound-Activated Robot, 260spacer bar, 306SPDT, 229speed, 222SSC-12, 301, 355SSC-12 Servo Controller, 342STAMP memory map, 79

static friction coefficient, 225Steady State Analysis, 225streamline, 389submarine, 430summing amplifier, 24surveillance, 430

teach pendant, 156theorem

Bernoulli, 390Kelvin’s Circulation, 390Kutta-Joukowski, 390

Time-Controlled Sharp Left Turn, 243Time-Controlled Sharp Right Turn,

242Timed Movements, 234, 239top deck, 273torque, 141, 222, 223, 225torque constant, 225torque limiting, 149traction force, 226traction system, 221, 222trajectory, 193trajectory planning, 156transformations

hom*ogeneous, 204transformer, 32transistor, 14

BJT, 14FET, 14MOSFET, 14NPN, 15photo, 28PNP, 15

transmitter circuit, 250transmitter-receiver, 175TTL, 186TTL Current, 111TTL Interfacing, 112TTL inverter, 110TTL logic, 109TTL signals, 109TTL Voltage, 110

ULN2803, 121

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Index 439

unity gain, 23USB interfacing, 137USB ports, 137USB to serial converter, 137

viscous friction coefficient, 225Visual Basic Form, 130voltage comparators, 20voltage regulator, 10

WAIT, 101wake, 390Walking Scheme, 346wheeled robots, 219wheels, 269wing section, 389WinIo, 106world coordinates, 268WTC, 430

zener diode, 120

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